• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,147 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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I Don't Want Your Remedy

A/N: Special thanks to D48, Evowizard25, Drgnwolf, Cadmium, Ketvirtas and Farista Sairuv for your more in-depth comments last chapter, but thank you to everyone who let me know what you thought and everyone who has favorited and liked this story!

I hope you enjoy and that I can hear from you after about what you think! Think of it as a holiday gift to me!

Onboard the plane that had brought her to Loki’s location, Luna sat with a scowl beside said mischief maker. He was innocently sitting there, not saying a word, but that was not what was bothering her.

The man in a full suit of red and gold armor was the issue. He had pulled his faceplate up and Luna could see his tanned face, as well as the eyes that looked first at her, then to Loki, and then back to her.

Apparently his parents had not taught him that staring was rude.

After minutes of this back and forth Stark threw his hands up in the air, “For the life of me I cannot see it.”

Both Luna and Loki rose a brow, prompting him to explain. Luna considered moving the scepter she held from pointing at Loki to pointing at Stark, but let him speak.

Stark looked at Luna while pointing at Loki, “Is he good in bed? Because the last time I checked killing innocent people isn’t hot,” that gave him a thought, his eyes looking away before looking back to Luna suspiciously, “Well, so long as you’re not a psychopath. Tell me, what was the goal in hitting me again?”

“Are your feelings hurt that a girl beat you?” Captain America joked from the other side of the flying machine’s bay.

Stark pointed a finger at the soldier, “Hey, she caught me off guard, Capsicle. At least I wasn’t on ice for a century,” he turned his attention back to Luna, “I’d like to see you try that again when I’m looking.”

The transformed Alicorn rolled her eyes at the mortal, “Like you caught Loki off guard?”

The red and gold armor lifted one hand up and pointed it at Luna, the same hand that had knocked Loki off his feet. In return, Luna finally pointed the Scepter she stole from Loki at Stark and gave him a glare that threatened him to make a move.

Captain America stood up and moved in-between the two, “Don’t. You’ll break the ship.”

Luna lowered her staff and Stark followed suit with his hand, both still glaring at eachother and neither noticing the giant grin on Loki’s face.

The mischief maker smiled at Stark, “I think it’s my personality, for the record,” Stark snorted and Loki turned to the woman beside him, “Luna, mind hitting him for me again when we get off?”

“I’m tempted,” Luna whispered in an aggravated voice.

Using the advanced systems of his armor Stark heard her clear as day, “Hey, same team remember?”

Luna pointed her staff at Stark again, “No, your team wants Loki to get the Tesseract back. My team wants Loki back in one piece. Not the same, although similar.”

Loki nodded to Luna, “I like her team better.”

The staff swiveled back to face Loki, who scowled as it scratched his face, “What did I say about talking until you call off this madness?”

This all made Stark snicker from across the plane, “Okay, from the way it looks I am going to assume that she’s the dominant one.”

“Knock it off Stark,” Captain America warned, having just been about to sit down again.

Stark turned his attention to the soldier, “Why should I, old man? She’s the one who is dating the guy we were brought in to catch. She’s not even a part of Nick Fury’s little team.”

Luna smirked smugly at Stark, “Director Fury personally brought me aboard after I helped him.”

Stark rolled his eyes, “How nice that must have been. ‘Sorry my boyfriend just murdered your agents, let me try to stop him.’ Why are you even here? We obviously have this all under control.”

“Captain, would it be permissible for Mr. Stark to have an accident on the way?” Luna asked, finding herself fed up with the shorter man.

“I am sensing a hostile work environment. Are you sensing a hostile work environment, Cap?” Stark sarcastically complained.

A loud rumble outside the plane caught the attention of all, silencing their conversation. Another rumble followed by the crash of thunder made Loki’s eyes widen, his gaze falling to the window of the ship.

Captain America chided the Asgardian, “What’s the matter? Scared of a little lightning?”

Loki looked around nervously, “I’m not overly fond of what follows.”

He could not move in time to dodge the punch to his face by Luna, whose favorite element of nature to manipulate was lightning. It could harm and scare both, particularly useful tools for her duty of protecting Equestria.

Loki looked over to her, now having a bruised cheek in addition to the already bruised part of it, “I didn’t mean you-”

His clarification was cut off by the one whom he had feared, a tall figure with silver armor, a red cape and blonde hair opened up the hatch in the back of the slow moving plane. Before anyone could even stand up the tall figure grabbed Loki by the throat and pulled him out of the plane, not saying as much as a word.

Stark put his faceplate back on, dumbstruck by what just happened, “Now there's that guy.”

“Thor,” Luna gasped, realizing who it must have been. Thor, god of thunder. The armor and cape matched what Loki had shown her through apparitions and description.

And he had taken Loki. Luna was hesitant about confronting him, knowing that if Thor took him to their home he could possibly end this matter, but also worried about how Loki’s barbaric culture would handle things.

“Is he a friendly?” Captain America asked, also unsure how to proceed.

Stark walked over to the exit Thor had opened, “Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost.”

Captain America reached a hand out to his ally, not wanting to rush into anything, “Stark, we need a plan of attack!”

Stark looked back to Captain America, “I have a plan. Attack.”

This said, he jumped out of the hoverjet and raced after Thor and leaving his allies behind.

His brashness made up Luna’s mind as well. Using her magic, Luna took her natural form and spread her wings in the suddenly small aircraft. Looking back to the stunned Captain America, Luna spoke to him.

“Loki’s brother or not, I had best make sure Loki does not escape in this coming battle. I will return with them.”

The soldier nodded to the talking horse as they leapt off the plane and gave chase to the other two, wings flapping as Luna desperately tried to catch up.

From the cockpit of the jet came the voice of Agent Romanoff, who had been observing the situation over the camera.

“I'd sit this one out, Cap.”

Captain America took a parachute from the plane’s wall and approached the edge, “I don't see how I can,” pulling the parachute on, he prepared himself to leap, “I think that old saying about pigs flying should be changed to horses now.”

Maybe Luna had not been bluffing about her abilities.

Somewhere out in the European mountains of Earth, Thor throws Loki into the side of a nearly flat mountain top and lands beside him. He raises the mighty hammer, Mjolnir, and he looks down at his brother angrily.

He had thought Loki to be dead, but to learn that he survived and was doing terrible deeds was almost worse.

“Where is the Tesseract?” Thor barked loudly at Loki, who laughed at his sibling in return.

“I missed you too,” Loki chokes out despite the pain he felt from his impact, coughing from his pain.

Thor looked at Loki menacingly, threatening him with his hammer, “Do I look to be in a gaming mood?”

Loki took it all in stride and jovially responded as he stood up, “Oh, you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here? Your precious Earth.”

Thor dropped his hammer, causing the mountain to quake. With his hands free he grabs Loki forcefully, his dear younger brother, and while extremely furious for what Loki has done Thor cannot help but care for his sibling.

Even to beings as powerful as them, family meant everything.

Thor’s voice quieted and his face softened, “I thought you dead.”

Loki’s snarkiness left him as he thought to the events surrounding his fall. He never had learned how things had been after his defeat, “Did you mourn?”

“We all did. Our father-”

Loki holds his index finger out to point at Thor’s face, “Your father,” Loki placed emphasis on the first word, his words as cold as his world of origin. Loki knocked Thor’s hands off of him and slipped by his brother, “He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?”

Having spoken to his father about why Loki tried destroying all of Jotunheim, Thor did know of Loki’s true parentage. He knew Loki was not like him, but rather the son of the late king of Jotunheim Laufey.

None of that mattered to Thor however.

As Loki continued to walk away from him Thor pleaded with Loki, chasing after him, “We were raised together, we played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?”

Loki turned to face Thor, voice betraying the mixed emotions he felt. The resentment, anger and sadness, “I remember a shadow. Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I was and should be king!”

Thor’s quick temper rose as he responded, the entirety of his willpower keeping him from throttling Loki, “So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights. No, the Earth is under my protection, Loki.”

His brother’s sentiment only amused Loki, who found himself laughing, “And you're doing a marvelous job with that. The humans slaughter each other in droves, while you ideally threat. I mean to rule them. And why should I not?”

Now Thor was the one amused, “You think yourself above them.”

Not understanding the question, given that he was in every way superior to them, Loki responded bluntly, “Well, yes.”

Having finished approaching Loki, Thor spoke to him like a teacher, “Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother. A throne would suit you ill.”

Angrily, Loki shoved his brother to the side and walked past him. Thinking to everything he had experienced not during his time in Equestria, but rather his time away from it, Loki felt indignant at how he was being scolded like a child by his ignorant brother, “I've seen worlds you've never known about!”

He walked back up to where Thor had first slammed him before turning around, “I have grown, Odinson, in my exile!” he seethed at Thor’s surname, “I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it-”

Thor cut him off and approached Loki, “Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be-king?”

Loki was at the end of his patience for his older brother and lost all control in his voice as he yelled, “I am a king!”

Similarly Thor lost his own patience and shoved Loki before grabbing him once again, “Not here! You give up the Tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream!”

His voice and face softened again as his thoughts went to their family, who Loki now claimed to not be a part of, “You come home.”

Loki took a moment to compose himself and place another smirk on his face.

“I don't have it.”

Thor’s response was to summon his hammer, which flew to the Asgardian’s hand.

Loki could tell that he was getting under Thor’s skin, so he did what any rightful younger sibling would do and continued.

“You need the cube to bring me home, but I've sent it off I know not where.”

Thor pointed the hammer at Loki threateningly, “You listen well, brother. I-”

He did not finish, for a red blur smashed into him and knocked him off the cliff. This left Loki alone to watch them both tumble down from the top of the mountain to the forest below.

Quite amused by this, Loki continued the conversation as if Thor was still there, “I'm listening.”

Loki looked down from the cliff to the woods below where a fight broke out between his two enemies, smugly grinning as they knocked each other back and forth.

Luna landing beside him in her equine form did not surprise him, nor did her transforming back into her Asgardian form. She silently watched with him, even finding herself smirking at the brilliance of the situation. This would be the perfect opportunity for Loki to pull something, if she were not to be there.

Luna actually found herself giggling, “Just let them kill one another. A pretty good plan I must say.”

Loki looked at her indigo robe out of the corner of his eye, “And here I was thinking you to be some saint who would oppose me until her dying breath.”

Her shoulders shrugged as she gave Loki a worried glance, “You forget that I have been where you are before.”

Thor’s hammer slamming down on the shield of the newly arrived Captain America sent out a shockwave across the forest, leveling a good portion of it in the nearby area.

Loki gave an impressed whistle, “A nice hit. You have made some grand friends I must say.”

Luna watched Thor get up from the shockwave and then turned to Loki with a smirk he might be proud of due to its smugness, “I look forward to speaking with your brother. Seems quite cheerful.”

“He is not my brother,” Loki responded icily.

A punch to his shoulder caught him off guard. Luna lowered her fist and rolled her eyes at him, “Oh drop it. Did you not spend the entirety of your life as if he was your true kin?” Loki kept quiet, not having a response for her, “Then what does your blood have anything to do with it?”

He narrowed his eyes as he watched the group assembled to catch him make their way up the mountain, “I do not need to hear this a second time.”

Luna took a handful of his garb and shook him lightly, “And what of your mother? Would you forsake her over blood?”

Loki caught Luna’s chiding look, “I despise your ability to read me.”

She returned his sentiment with a stuck out tongue and a laugh, “I love you too dear.”

He shook his head and looked back to the approaching group of men, “You know, if you were not here it would be quite easy to slip away. Too much effort I reckon to do it now.”

“Precisely. No matter who would have won the skirmish down there, I would be here to take you home. I didn’t care who wins between them so long as they assist me in ending your schemes.”

“You really do not know what you are getting into,” Loki muttered, not explaining what he meant by that.

Luna pulled Loki so that he was face to face with her, looking right into his blue eyes while narrowing her own set, “Well then let me. Loki, I don’t know what to make of you. One moment you are killing innocents and another you are like the man I fell for.”

Loki diverted his gaze momentarily before looking back into hers, “Luna, you may either join me or forget me. I do not care to fight you now that there is no need for it.”

Luna opened her mouth to respond when another voice chimed in, belonging to her absolute favorite individual there that she wanted to put through a wall.

“You lovebirds ready?” Stark complained, having finished the scenic route up the mountain that Captain America had suggested, the three all having been winded after the fight and none of them having been in any rush.

Thor looked to Stark and then to Loki, who had a mysterious blue robed woman grabbing on to him, “Lovebirds?”

Stark laughed at Thor’s expense to the chagrin of all there except him, “Yeah, apparently since the last time you saw your brother he went on Match.com. I didn’t even know they had a function to search for horses, but here we are.”

Thor looked over the woman more closely and found no sign of her being an equine, “I see no horse,” realizing that he was being rude, Thor held a hand out to the stranger, “Who may you be, miss?”

Luna took the hand and released Loki, smiling brightly at Thor, “I am sure we can get introductions in later. Shall we bring back our shared friend and foe?”

Luna found herself back where she was not all too long ago, sitting in the hoverjet beside Loki and across from the others which now included Thor. The trip was relatively silent until Thor gave an unsubtle cough.

“So...you two are courting?”

Luna nodded to him, a sad smile on her face as she thought back to what fun she had with the mischief maker beside her, “Yes. Or at least we were until this debacle.”

The blonde haired man nodded to Luna, looked to Loki who was staring off into space, and then back to Luna, “I am Thor Odinson, but I assume you already know that. Loki is fond of storytelling last I checked.”

That surely brought a smile to Luna’s face without a trace of sadness, “Quite. It’s how we bonded,” “I am Luna.”

“Nothing too slanderous I hope,” Thor commented, knowing Loki’s tendency to say humiliating things about him. Not that they were not true.

Luna laughed as she tugged on her robes, “How was it wearing a wedding dress?”

Thor looked at his brother with a glint in his eye as he relived the memory, “Not as fun as it was beating Loki into the dirt for not just casting an illusion on me like he could have.”

Loki rolled his eyes before staring back at the floor, “It wouldn’t have been as fun.”

Beside Thor the red armored man opened his big mouth again, “So you did wear your mother’s drapes?”

Luna felt that she was missing some context, but decided to go with it anyways.

Luna held a hand out towards the loudmouth and smiled at Thor cheerfully, “This is mister Stark. I dislike him quite much.”

Thor nodded, “I can understand the sentiment.”

Before Stark could comment Captain America pointed a finger at him, warning him about starting another argument. They both began to argue with one another about that very issue as Thor and Loki continued their own conversation.

“So, what realm do you hail from?” Thor questioned the shapeshifting mare, a grin on his face. The idea that Loki had fostered some kind of relationship with this woman made him hopeful for his brother, as he apparently still had the soft spoken and caring Loki within him if he had wooed her.

That, and Thor thought maybe having a lover to keep him in check might be the best thing ever to happen to Asgard.

Luna nudged Loki, “I come from a land named Equestria, where Loki has been staying these past months. I live there with my sister, Celestia, and together we rule over the land.”

Thor was quite impressed by this revelation, nodding his head as he tried to understand the implications of what she said. His face had as large a grin as it could manage when he finally spoke, “So if I were to have nephews and nieces they would be heir to Asgard, Jotunheim and your land,” he chuckled as both Luna and Loki grew flustered, “And I thought I was privileged.”

“Thor?” Loki asked innocently.

“Yes brother?” Thor responded hopefully.

“Shut up.”

Loki’s hushing the topic made Luna suspicious, and she leant over to glare at him closely, “What, do you not want children?”

Loki massaged his head where he was sure a migraine was about to grow, “I do not particularly care to discuss the subject in front of my enemies and my brother, no.”

“You did not answer the question,” Luna chided, finding herself quickly forgetting why they were all on this plane and focused on how she needed to have a certain talk with her lover about their future.

Stark, being himself, decided to butt in, “She’s right you know.”

Luna pointed a finger at him again, “You stay out of this.”

Thor was still smiling like a festival had been thrown in his honor, enjoying what he had learned of his sister-in-law to be,“I cannot wait for mother to hear the news.”

Praying that their trip be short and that he be placed in a solitary cell was Loki, who grumbled, “You all are insufferable.”

Author's Note:

Please join in the holiday spirit and let me know your thoughts in the space below! A holiday present to me of sorts, since I'm updating on Christmas of all days. The more I know about what you guys like and enjoy, the more I can add in regards to it! Thank you for reading, happy holidays, and I do hoped you enjoyed.

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