• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,153 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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My Head Is Spinning

A/N: Special thanks to Evilhumour, New Spark, Psycho Kid, hs0003, Schroedingers_Katze, SilentMech, Scarheart, Ketvirtas, Killabyte, Drgnwolf, and Magestikus for your comments last chapter. Hearing from you all really means a lot to me and I hope to continue to hear from you all!

Title is from the song "Break" from Three Days Grace.

Your thoughts mean everything to me and I would love to hear from you in the comments below! Comments are :heart: after all, and I could not get by without them from you all!

When Trixie arrived at the medical facility she nearly ran over one of the doctors, having run in at full gallop in her Unicorn form. The screaming from Kael’Thas had stopped on the way, but that worried her even more during her approach.

Her fears were however relieved quickly after apologizing to the poor woman she had almost trampled: he was sleeping soundly, and he appeared perfectly fine. The Elf’s face was almost serene as he appeared to be resting after the operation Trixie could see evidence of in the room.

On a table was a sickly, blood covered crystal the pony could recognize as the one that had been embedded in his abdomen previously. His screams of pain likely had been from its removal, though the healing magic of those present seemed to have undone whatever damage it had been filling in.

Trixie remembered the medical staff of Asgard’s castle saying that it was keeping him alive before, though something must have changed to make them able to remove it. Perhaps, Trixie considered, it was the future son of Luna who was responsible for them being able to remove the disturbed and giant crystal from his chest cavity. Sleep Near had, after all, revived other beings who had been in the same area as Kael’Thas, and the crystal may have prevented a full recovery despite being the Elf’s life support.

Trixie was not going to say she understood the healing capabilities of a time traveling hybrid, but she was happy to see that her Elf was fine for the time being.

The fear was rekindled when, in his sleep, Kael began to scream and yell. Nothing his doctors tried to do seemed to calm him, though it did not take long for him to segue into a state of sobbing and grief.

Watching the transition from intense pain to sadness gave Trixie pause. Was this the way in which her teacher learned to have sympathy for and care for Loki? Trixie sat tall at the side of the table he rested atop, her face wincing with every mumbled sob and teardrop.

When this stopped at the beginning of the evening, Trixie found herself roused from her near-unconsciousness. The lack of noise was what did it, since the painful dreams of the Elf were the ambient noise of the room and the change was off-putting.

Trixie looked across the table she had rested her head on to see that Kael was slowly rising up to a sitting position, his movements weak as he struggled to rise. His bare chest revealed no sign of the giant hole that previously existed in it, but his body showed signs of weakness still.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Trixie noted through a yawn, her mental faculties rebooting and setting themselves straight.

Also seeming to be acclimating to the situation was Kael, whose eyes flickered weakly as he brought a hand to his palpitating chest and feebly used his other hand to prop his body up. A small look to either side made concern rise on his face, the Elf cringing as he gasped, “W-w-where am I?”

His question shocked Trixie, jolting her to being completely aware and awake. He was unsure about his location, which made her fear that whatever the removal of the crystal did may have also effected him in other ways.

“You…you don’t remember?” Trixie probed gently from beside him, not quite sure she wanted an answer.

Her voice caught his attention, and the prince turned to face Trixie with a complete look of bewilderment, “What trickery is this? A talking horse? That is certainly not normal.”

Trixie first deflated at his apparent amnesia and then felt some unfamiliar anger rise up in her, “Hey, watch what you call abnormal. I may be a cut above the rest of my race, but we are all of the same cloth.”

“I…” the Elven prince began, only for his glowing green eyes to widen and lose their constant state of wincing. This caused Trixie some concern, thinking him about to suffer from a heart attack or some other ailment with how his face changed so suddenly and his breath stopped.

Kael’Thas went from not moving at all to trying to get up further, his face displaying complete and utter fear as something in his mind clicked. Knowing him to still be recovering, Trixie forced him down with her magic. He continued to struggle and fight despite his weakness, but the young equine’s magic was too much for him to get past.

The weak prince began to grow irritated as he was forced to remain in his sitting position, “Lord Garithos is going to execute my people! I must return to them at once! Let me go!”

Was that what he was crying about in his sleep? Trixie was uncertain, but she could do basic math. He was in Hela’s domain before she was and likely had been for much longer. Even if the time in there was variable, it was likely that whatever random event he was now remembering was long since past.

Which, to Trixie’s discomfort, meant that either they had been executed already or more hopefully had been freed somehow. Trixie hoped it was the latter, but had no way of confirming it in either case. She could only try and comfort him for the time being, but that started with making sure he didn’t hurt himself in his weakened state.

“Sorry, you are not going anywhere, mister. You need to recover.”

Trixie could swear she could notice tears forming in front of his glowing eyes as Kael continued to protest, “But my people are in imminent danger, they—”

He could get no further before Trixie cut him off in a saddened voice of her own, the princess of sorts sad that she had possibly lost her friend to his own memory combined with the sight of him reliving painful memories, “Kael, you have been…” she struggled to find the words to discuss his ailment before settling on the most direct path, “Out of it for awhile. I…I am sure your people are fine.”

Trixie’s words did not carry much confidence, but it was enough to bring him to a pause. While seemingly amnesiac, Kael was no less intelligent than he had been back before his madness. He could piece some things together by her words and the way she spoke, “You know me…”

She nodded wistfully, trying not to look him in the eyes. She worried now that she had given him false hope. Had something happened to his kind that drove him to be in the same place that other tortured souls went? Trixie now worried that he may be the last relic of an extinct race.

Kael gave her a pained, small bow from the top of the table, his face losing some of its worry. He had concluded that he must be in some unknown place, but if the beings here knew who he was he ought to be fine. Her words seemed to imply that they were not connected with his kind, but that they were likely just fine without him. This in turn meant that he could recover from whatever it was that was afflicting him, for his entire body was ravaged by pain, though the most was centered in his chest.

“I apologize if I have lapsed into some kind of amnesia. My mind is…fuzzy,” he smiled at the last word, though Trixie did not catch its meaning.

Trixie continued to avert her gaze from him while sitting beside and above the table, “It is okay, I suppose. Your mind has been quite addled—” she cut herself off when the touch of soft skin ran over her right ear. Trixie felt a tingling feeling throughout her body before Kael’s other hand moved to scratch her other ear, “W-what do you think you are doing?”

The mare felt her willpower begin to sap as her head sank down to rest on the table, her face melting under the nice feeling of someone stroking her sensitive ears. The tingling sensation made her uncomfortable, however, as she had never had someone touch her like that before. It felt both ticklish and sensual, and as much as Trixie wanted to fight it she could only manage to do so verbally.

“S-s-stop it…please…”

Kael laughed as Trixie, despite her protest, continued to lean her head in towards him. She was definitely enjoying the petting she was receiving, and he had no idea how else to show his gratitude to a sentient being from a race he only considered to be animals until now, “I am only trying to repay the kindness you must have been paying me that I cannot remember. I never have met a horse that talks before, at least in my current state of mind,” he looked over the blue colored mare with her silvery mane and purple dress and found himself amused, “Especially not a horse of such an interesting color, size, or dress.”

“No moooooooore!” Trixie yelped as Kael moved a hand down to pet her forehead and run across her hair, though she again did little to protest. It felt too nice to shy away from, even if it was making her embarrassed.

A throat clearing at the edge of the otherwise empty room caught both the inhabitants off guard, with Trixie sheepishly leaping away from Kael’s hand and the Elf prince to look up with an expression that someone caught in the act of something embarrassing would.

The new entrant, Princess Luna, chuckled as she thought about what she had just been watching briefly, “Am I interrupting?”

Trixie refrained from responding, but Kael did in his own way: with a confused look and tilted head.

“Do many of the inhabitants here have fur, because I am beginning to feel like an outsider?”

He had not known whether to expect all of the beings here to be talking horses or not, having considered the thought that this one was an anomaly.

Luna smiled at his joking question, but instead responded to what else she expected was on his mind given that he appeared to be suffering from amnesia if that question was any indication, “You are not in your own realm, but you are in safe hands,” Luna looked down to her still sheepish student and daughter before looking up to the prince, “Or hooves, as the case may be. I am Luna, Queen of Asgard and Princess of Equestria and Jotunheim. This is my daughter, Trixie. You two were briefly acquainted before you suffered what I assume is this second bout of amnesia.”

Kael looked in-between Trixie and Luna before coming to the conclusion that the humanoid with blue hair covering her body and the equine had very little in common, “I don’t see the resemblance outside of the fur,” the other part of her statement caught his attention next, “And second?”

Luna nodded to him while bringing a finger to tap her head, “Yes, second. I can see about finding a way of restoring your memories if you so please.”

That offer instantly earned the gratitude of the prince, who gave as close to a bow as he could manage while sitting up, “That would be most welcome, your highness.”

Trixie wandered back towards where Kael sat, only to find herself being picked up and her front half being lifted in the air by the prince. This left her standing on her back legs with her front two bent over his arms.

“So, because this is your daughter, I suppose I am not allowed to keep it?” Kael joked to Luna while laughing, Trixie being too surprised to voice a complaint just yet.

When Luna began to laugh too, Trixie found her voice and whined, “What do you mean keep me? You’re mine, if anything. You pledged your loyalty to me just the other day.”

Kael did not release her, the act of holding her seeming not to be all that exerting despite Trixie’s size, and rose a blonde eyebrow, “I did?” he shrugged, not seeming to care about the specifics of his life right now since so many things were confusing to him, “I must have been quite out of it, but I am a man of my word. What will you have me call you, mistress?”

Luna snorted as Trixie remained in his arms, not fighting his hold even if it was only a joke. The only thing the apprentice did in protest was cross her front hooves, and even then it did little to save her dignity, “My preferred title is The Great and Powerful Trixie, but you may call me mistress for short.”

“As you wish, mistress,” Kael said in a mixture of amusement and facetiousness.

As much as she tried, Luna could not help but be amused and happy at how the two were interacting. Even amnesiac, Kael was still acting the part of friend that Trixie so needed. As such, Luna considered herself an unnecessary third wheel. She had only come to check on her apprentice, who had not returned to their training, “You two seem to be doing fine. I will leave you be.”

As she turned to leave, Luna found herself surprised to hear Trixie call after her, given the younger mare’s position.

“Mother, when is the wedding?”

Luna, fighting back the desire to ask the question right back at her daughter, glanced back to Trixie with a smile, “It will be a quiet, private affair in a few days. Do not worry though, you may attend of course.”

“Are you to be wed?” Kael’Thas questioned the furred Asgardian, curiosity arising in the Elf who was quite curious as to what was going on around him.

Luna felt some abject pleasure simply at the fact that she could claim what she was about to, “My king and I have assumed our duties only but recently, and this ceremony is to just make our bond completely official. Extenuating circumstances have long prolonged this.”

“Well, I congratulate you, your highness, as well as thank you all for taking care of me in my seemingly ill state.”

His politeness brought a smile to Luna’s face, the Queen and princess both pleased that someone appreciated them for something for once, in contrast to say the inhabitants of Canterlot, “You are welcome to join us at the ceremony. I have a feeling you may not be able to return to your world in the near future, so it may do some good to introduce you to others here.”

“You again have my thanks,” Kael said through another half-bow, though he took some time to rise back up. His face fell into a solemn state, only regaining some of its composure when a furry hoof rubbed against his hand, “I do desire to see my people again, but it does not sound as if that will be possible or at least easy.”

Luna returned the half-bow, part of her wishing that the prince of her own nation could be so courteous, “You are welcome. Rest well, for I think my apprentice intends to learn from you, given your foreign magic. She is quite interested with it, it seems.”

With that, Asgard’s queen in everything but name left. A moment of silence hung in the air during which Trixie twisted her body around so the front half was sitting on the top of the table and was next to him.

The prince had been quite accustomed to magic in his former life. In fact, his people all thrived on it, and he had been wondering what felt so off about his body since he awoke. The answer lay before him now with the mention of that one word: he could not feel even a fraction of the power he felt he should have.

“Magic…” Kael let go of Trixie to look over his hands, “I feel weak. Extremely so. Where has my magic power gone?”

Trixie didn’t want to tell him that the dark magic he had been possessed by had ravaged his being to the point where little of his original magic remained. That was kind of a mood killer, so she decided to be vague about it while not exactly lying, “You lost it after we found you.”

“How did you find me?” Kael asked as Trixie presented the top of her head to him to be pet. The feeling may be completely alien, but she desired to experience it again.

“I rather not talk about it. You were pretty…” Trixie’s voice trailed off as she tried to think of the right word. Her pause brought a smirk to the Elf’s lips though, since it sounded like she was complimenting him. This in turn exasperated her, and Trixie quickly attempted to amend her statement, “Out of it! Pretty out of it!”

“Oh. I see. And here I thought I was being complimented,” Kael laughed as Trixie flushed red. After he calmed down for a moment he moved to pet her again, the Elf enjoying the silky hair that rested atop her head, “I do not think I ever expected to pledge loyalty to something I should be letting my daughter ride. What is next for me? A hideous demon to balance things out?”

“You have a d-daughter?” Trixie stammered nervously. Whatever was making her nervous was unknown to Kael’Thas, who tried to explain the matter.

“No, no, I meant it hypothetically,” a brief pause was followed by him contemplating that he couldn’t actually be sure given his mental state, “Actually, I don’t know. I don’t remember having a daughter, but I do not remember much if I am to be perfectly honest.”

“Can we talk about something else?”

“Sure,” Kael gave a wicked smile before bringing a hand underneath Trixie’s muzzle to pet her there too, “How about this: Why are you so fuzzy, my friend?”


Elsewhere in Asgard’s castle, a feast of sorts was being held to celebrate the final defeat of the Dark Elves. Loki had thrown it together in an attempt to raise public opinion of himself after it appeared that he was no longer required to help train Trixie. Just about all of Asgard was invited, and it was overtaking the majority of the castle at this point. The feasting hall was where the celebration was mainly taking place, but the impromptu event spilled further out to include the hallways, courtyards, and other places that made up the castle.

In attendance of course were the heroes who helped save the day, minus Luna, Trixie, Kael, and Discord, the last of whom had been called back to Celestia’s side earlier. The so called Avengers were all there after having spent some brief time back on Earth, none of those who had come resisting the call back. Luna was resting and resisting the allure of alcohol given her pregnancy, while Trixie and Kael were the only two still residing in the medical ward.

Of those who returned, Stark appeared to be having the best time as he bounced about in the room in a state of intense intoxication. Loki watched with some amusement and some exasperation as Stark managed to stumble about and hit on every woman and chair in the room, though whether it was physically bumping into them or sloppily complimenting them depended on the moment.

“How much has he had?” Loki asked the man standing beside him at the corner of the room. While partying was something Stark was accustomed to, for some being the center of attention and making a fool of themself was not second nature.

Steve Rogers, Captain America as the Midgardians would call him, snorted as he too watched his friend and ally make an ass of himself, “Two mugs, I think. It appears that the ale here is too much for his foreign stomach, and that’s taking into account that he is an alcoholic.”

Loki sighed as he watched Stark have an enthralling conversation with an empty barstool where a man had recently fallen off and passed out after consuming too much alcohol himself, “If you would not mind me asking, please keep him from ingesting too much more. I would hate to have him continue to be loose while his thoughts are even less gathered.”

Rogers nodded while letting out a small laugh, his face letting up from its normal stoic appearance. After a moment of seeing his friend make a fool of himself, he turned back to face Loki with a less amused look, “So, I understand you are to become king now.”

“That would be the case. Do you have an objection?” Loki asked with a polite, but implying, voice.

The super powered human took a moment to think before shaking his head, “If you were as controlled as the others have been saying you were during your time on Earth, no. I cannot fault others for what they have been forced to do.”

Having the approval of the Midgardians meant little to Loki, but he did feel more comfortable if they were not going to be suspicious of him. It would help to not be the first suspect of anything bad happening from here on out.

Rogers continued with a smile, “Your brother may protect Earth now, but we’ll be here to protect Asgard just as readily should it face any further threats,” the smile thinned, “Internal or otherwise.”

Loki rolled his eyes, seeing that perhaps he was not as off the hook for past misdeeds as he would have hoped to be, “You have little to fear from me. I have had a great deal of time to reflect on matters and no longer thirst for revenge. I will do my duty here and protect Asgard in my father’s name.”

“I am glad to hear that,” Rogers patted Loki on the shoulder while preparing to go steer Stark away from the wall he was now conversing with, “Now, if you excuse me, I think I am going to enjoy the feast you have so graciously granted us.”

Now left alone, Loki scanned the room to find out if there was anyone else he could actually talk to without A) making an ass of himself and lowering his now important public image or B) not want to kill himself over talking to.

Loki found his ticket when a lonely looking Fandral waved away the company of some female “friends” of his, the kind he would normally spend much of an evening charming and drinking with. Fandral was instead wasting away by himself, not even drinking as he sat in the least crowded part of the room with his eyes focused on the drink he had yet to touch.

Knowing precisely the reason for the warrior’s depressed state, Loki approached him and took a seat beside the gloomy man.


The warrior only grunted in response, his normal charming personality completely absent, as was his usual drinking partner and companion Volstagg.

Despite Fandral’s seeming shutdown of emotions, Loki still felt that he was obligated to apologize to the man. After all, Volstagg had been left behind while on a mission to save him.

“I know you and I were never the best of friends, but I would like to extend my apologies for what happened with Thanos.”

That caused Fandral to close his eyes in pain and finally take a drink, the sober man not having alcohol in his system to fight off the pain just yet.

Seeing that he was not going to get far with this, at least not yet, Loki still decided to display his empathy for the hurting man. He knew what it was like to lose someone at the moment, “He may yet live on in that realm, as dangerous as it is. Do not give up hope.”

With that Loki stood and began to turn towards the rest of the party, though he did not get far before he found himself face to face with a very drunk Stark and three unknown women trailing behind him. Each of them appeared humanoid, but their skin tones were odd colors with one being a light orange-ish color, one being lilac purple, and the last being a light aqua. Their hair colors were simply darker shades of their skin color, and this gave Loki the suspicion that they may have something to do with his wife’s realm.

Stark gestured to the women behind him clumsily before using the orange and lilac ones to keep himself propped up, “Low-key, let me intrudush you to my giid frensh—”

Loki could swear he had learned at some point that Stark had begun to go steady with a woman on Earth. Was he so drunk he could forget that? Wasn’t Rogers supposed to be making sure Stark wasn’t making a fool of himself?

A glance around the room revealed that Rogers had been either roped into an arm wrestling competition with Hogun, or had been the one to instigate it. Loki rolled his eyes, glad that the human was enjoying himself but also annoyed he now had to handle this.

“Do you not have your own lover back on Midgard?”

Stark shrugged before nearly falling over forward, “Pepper dedn’t want ta come, and theshe girlsa said they were from Equinas.”

“Equestria,” the orange one politely corrected, a smile then growing on her face as she looked at Loki. Something about it put Loki off, but he could not tell if it was something about her or if it was just his own surprise at someone knowing of his wife’s realm and reportedly being from it.

Stark turned to her and snapped his fingers, “Yeah, that. Horsie place.”

Stepping out of Stark’s drunken embrace, the orange one stepped towards Loki and extended a hand to shake, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Loki. We have heard so much about you.”

Loki nodded slowly, still unsure about how to react to this odd crew. He extended his hand just in time for the blue one to move forward as well and crowd his personal space.

“Yeah! We totally would have lost hope of getting back home if you didn’t make a scene!”

Her voice reminded Loki much of the annoying Pinkie Pie, though he regretted he could not cause this one physical pain to offset her grating voice unlike Pinkie. One of the only things he did not regret doing while under Thanos’s thrall.

The orange one cleared her throat and pushed the blue one back, “Please excuse my companion,” she reached her hand out while using the other to point to the blue one and then the purple one, “My name is Adagio. My companions, Sonata and Aria, and I are wayward souls from Equestria who have been trapped on Earth for quite some time. When we heard whispers about magic on Earth, we followed it to here.”

She tried to next gesture towards Stark, only to realize that Aria had stopped holding up his weight after Adagio let go, and the man had since collapsed on the ground.

Noticing the drunken man’s position, Adagio nervously laughed, “Tony here was nice enough to grant us passage. I hope you do not mind.”

Loki nodded while looking down disapprovingly at the drunkard at his feet, “If you intend to return to Equestria, I welcome you back as I am sure Princess Luna will.”

“Wow, it’s been ages since we saw her!” Sonata, the bubbly blue one, piped up. Aria slammed a hand against her forehead while Adagio rolled her eyes at her companion.

“Heard about her, you mean, idiot,” Aria corrected Sonata. Loki was getting the feeling that these two had a hatred of all things stupid and excessively happy just as he did, making him instantly sympathize with and like them.

Sonata slapped her own forehead and laughed, “Whoopsie! Oh yeah, that.”

Her beaming positivity gave Loki an idea. He glanced back over his shoulder before focusing on her with a smile, “You remind me of a pony who I was not quite fond of, but who was well renowned for cheering others up.”

“Thanks?” she responded, not quite sure how to take that backhanded compliment.

Loki looked back to the depressed Fandral, moving a hand to gesture towards the depressed warrior, “I would be grateful if you could go raise his spirits. His best friend has recently disappeared, possibly forever. As a former wandering soul, I think you can sympathize with him.”

“Okey dokey, Loki!” Sonata giggled before leaving the other two and approaching Fandral. With this, Loki smiled to himself about his masterful manipulation: now he did not have to deal with this airhead for quite possibly the entire night, nor did her poor friends who seemed exasperated just by being around her.

Still, Loki, despite being reformed, had to resist attacking Sonata for that phrase. His appreciation of his own talent helped him resist the urge.

After she departed, Loki realized that he should probably handle the now unconscious Stark, “As for you two, I hope you continue to enjoy the feast. Now, if you would excuse me, I am going to assist your patron.”

The women both smiled to him and bid him farewell as he picked Stark up and made his way towards the medical ward.

Elsewhere, in Loki’s own room, Luna was relaxing on her bed and awaiting the moment a tired Loki and slightly intoxicated Loki would stumble in. When instead a knock on the door that sounded most definitely like a hoof met her ears, Luna groaned. It was not that she did not want to deal with Trixie, it was that she needed to change and get up.

“Princess?” Trixie called out nervously, not knowing what the response would be. She had made sure not to teleport straight into the room this time, what with what she went through the last time she did this.

After putting on clothes and getting up, Luna used her telekinesis to open the door and let Trixie in. Trixie hesitated and peeked inside carefully before actually entering. With no whipped cream in sight, she felt comfortable that nothing carnal was going on.

Luna sighed, though it was more of an amused one than usual, “Trixie, there is no need to be so formal.”

“It just feels…” Trixie stopped in her tracks, looked back to the door, and closed it. This done, she looked back to Luna, “I have to discuss something with you.”

The fact that Trixie was being so nervous made Luna actually concerned, and the hybrid woman sat up on her bed fully to show that she was taking this seriously, “What is it, Trixie?”

Trixie approached Luna though she stopped a few feet from her, seeming too nervous to be right next to her for some reason. Luna frowned as she observed how off Trixie was acting. What could be wrong?

After a moment of silence, Trixie choked out, “A…a big part of why I wanted to transform earlier was because I wanted to hide my…actual form.”

“Actual form?” Luna questioned. Had something happened to Trixie that she did not know about? She had not picked up on anything different from her apprentice and adopted daughter.

Trixie brought a hoof to rub the back of her head, “When I woke the morning after the Dark Elf invasion, before you and Loki, I was…” she looked down at her own body before finishing, “Different.”

Using her magic, Trixie removed her concealing purple dress and stretched out. As if she had been under an illusion, suddenly Trixie’s height grew and her figure became far more lanky. Luna gaped as she noticed that instead of just legs being stretched, a blue pair of wings were too. Trixie had become the indigo shade of blue that Luna was normally, and looked like a perfect cross between Luna and Celestia at the moment, with her height being somewhere in-between the two.

Luna still gaping, Trixie averted her gaze while continuing, “I had woke the morning of the invasion with wings, so I wore the dress to hide them since I knew keeping an illusion on at all times would be difficult. I needed to learn transformation so I could do more than just keep hiding my rapid growth with illusions,” she paused to swallow her breath, “I—I think I have been slowly turning into an Alicorn since you gave me your life force.”

Luna stood up to approach the now giant Trixie, Luna’s mouth hanging open in awe, “Oh Trixie…”

Trixie tried smiling down at Luna as the latter began to run a hand over Trixie’s now extremely long neck, “So, do the wings come with the title or does the title come with the wings?”

“I didn’t even increase your power though, just restored your life energies…” Luna explained. After a moment she craned her head up to look at Trixie with a warm smile, “Trixie, do you know what this means?”

“That I am a freak?” Trixie nervously quipped in self-deprecation

“No, not at all!” Luna wrapped her arms around Trixie and embraced her tightly, “Oh Trixie, you ascended on your own! My giving you my life energy must have given you the capability to transcend your Unicorn form, since you then had Alicorn life energy in you, and something in you brought that potential full circle.”

Trixie appeared less enthusiastic than Luna, “I’m worried though. The Aether is gone, mother.”

That brought some concern to Luna, “What do you mean, gone? Was it removed from you?”

Trixie shook her head no, biting her lip as she did so, “No, it’s just…gone. When I woke up I could no longer feel it in me.”

“That is somewhat comforting, as confusing as it is,” Luna noted as she tried thinking of a solution. After a moment a possibility came to mind, her hand running over Trixie’s slightly darker than normal fur, “I think it likely was spent as a catalyst for this greater transformation.”

To this, Trixie gave no response. She remained silent for some time before clearing her throat and raising her eyes to meet Luna’s own, “So…I have a request.”

“Request?” Luna asked. What could Trixie possibly need or want when she should be celebrating this magnificent occasion?

“I desire to learn how to dreamwalk,” came the completely deadpan response.

Seeing as how it seemed to be something Luna could do only because of her natural talents, Luna was obviously confused about Trixie’s request, “Learn how?”

“There has to be a reason why certain individuals can do it. Whatever trait you and your future…daughter possess allows you both to. I have some of your energy in me now, so I think that perhaps with my newfound power I can learn such a useful talent.”

The proposition of Trixie being able to dreamwalk intrigued Luna, so she began to think out loud to explain her thought process, “If you learn it, then I could spend the entirety of my time in Asgard and relinquish my role and duties to you in Equestria,” she looked Trixie in the eye again, “Would you be fine with that?”

“Of course,” Trixie smiled, though Luna could sense that such a thing was not the only reason behind her request.

Luna smiled knowingly at her daughter, “I sense there is another reason.”

Trixie once again cast her gaze aside, “I stayed in the medical center all of today after I left you and Loki. Kael was screaming and crying the entire time, and it was not from physical pain. Something is haunting him, even if he cannot remember it when he is awake.”

Luna opened her mouth to joke about Trixie’s obvious interest in the Elf, but Trixie cut her off before she could utter a word, “Before you say anything, I am concerned. He was extremely powerful in Hela’s world, and I do not want to see him become a crazed zombie once again.”

That made Luna shrug and point to herself, knowing that her following statement could help confirm her student’s true feelings, “I could look into the matter if you desire.”

Trixie gave no response, making it seem to Luna like this was not what the young Alicorn had in mind. As such, Luna spoke again, “But if it means that much to you, I can teach you what I can. Perhaps, if this begins to work, I can grant you sight into his dreams while you are still learning.”

“Thank you,” Trixie said while bringing a hoof around Luna’s back to embrace her.

“So, do you have a crush on him?” Luna said while returning the hug along with a cheeky smile.

“What do you think?”

“That adding Elves to our growing roster of species in this family would be welcome. He seems nice, now that his insanity is gone.”


“That’s not a no.”

“It’s not a yes either.”

“Come on, give me this.”

Trixie threw in the towel finally, rolling her own eyes as she spoke bluntly, “Fine, I’m interested in him since he’s one of the only people who has been nice to me. I don’t need to act around him, and he appreciates me for simply existing. I don’t need to pretend to be the Great and Powerful Trixie except for my own ego, just like when I am around you and your family.”

This said, Trixie turned her head away and gave a small pout, “I really don’t like him that way you think I do. I just don’t know how to be around friends, since I do not really have any nor have I.”

Luna stroked Trixie’s side and smiled up at her, wanting her to not feel uncomfortable, “It’s okay Trixie. I won’t joke about it anymore. It’s just nice seeing you happy around others for once.”

“He did choke me and nearly kill me, you know.”

That only brought about a small shrug from Luna, “And Loki tried taking over Equestria and two other planets, killing a friend of mine on the way. I think I may have passed some of my low standards onto you.”


“Yeah, three. Unless your prince can top that, he’s good enough in my books.”

“Can we go back to studying magic?”

“So you can forcefully invade the dreams of others? Of course. What kind of pony do you take me for?”

Author's Note:

Your thoughts and comments are appreciated and are helpful to me, so please leave your comments below! They really keep me motivated, and without your guys support this all wouldn't be possible! Remember, comments are :heart:

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