• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,153 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Now If I Am To Survive

A/N: Special thanks to Arad, LordSiravant, gakuseiakira, XaldinLance, ArcaneVisions, New Spark, Fear the Dark, Drgnwolf, Ally of the Daleks, JBGrim, MoonSparkle The Vampony, Ketvirtas and White Dragon

for your comments last chapter! It is great comments like those that keep me writing despite! Thank you, and I hope to continue hearing from you all!

Super special thanks to Ketvirtas, who drew fan art for the last chapter where Loki is picking up Trixie seen here and for their artwork of when Trixie fell asleep in Loki's bed seen here! I am so very thankful, and appreciate all fan art immensely! All of my :heart: for you, Ketvirtas.

Chapter title now brought to you by Disturbed's "The Infection"

I'd love to hear what you have to think afterwards in the comments, and remember, comments are :heart:!

Too furious to maintain her Asgardian form, Luna had done quite the number on a nearby wall with her hooves. Chunks of stone had been cracked and sent flying, in the end doing no more than appeasing her temper ever so slightly.

For every chunk Luna destroyed, Discord wordlessly snapped it back into place and condition. The sight of various broken bodies and near death beings had actually snapped him out of his playful demeanor. While a fan of chaos, he was no fan of meaningless death and conflict. After all, few things killed the mood more than everyone else dying.

As this scene played out before Frigga, the queen kept her calm and continued to tend to the various wounded soldiers nearby. She had just finished explaining the situation to Luna, and knew that she could not stop the mare from breaking down the entire castle if she so chose to. Given the lack of permanency to Luna’s actions given her companion, Frigga thought it best to let her blow off the mound of steam that she quite obviously had gained.

After entire minutes of beating the wall, Luna slowed down with a heavy breath. Her one sided fight had drained her, though the anger she felt had allowed her to continue striking it beyond the point of physical pain.

Finished, for the time being that was, Luna took in a deep breath and turned to Lady Frigga. There was one detail Frigga had left out: the identity of the perpetrator.

“Who did this and who do I have to kill to find them?”

Frigga brought an arm out to touch Luna’s shoulder in an attempt to soothe the mare who was teeming with anger.

“Dear, this is not the time to go on a rampage. We must first tend to things here and gather what resources we have to try and find my son and your apprentice.”

Luna ignored the gesture, instead craning her long neck up to appear even taller and more threatening, “I despise repeating myself unnecessarily. Who. Did. This?”

Realizing that this was the same being who threatened the king of Asgard when Loki was in danger, Frigga took a step back. While they may have a positive relationship compared to Luna’s former disdain of Odin, Frigga had no doubt that standing in her way would not be conducive to everyone’s health.

Frigga sighed and looked to the floor as she thought best about how to word things. Preferably in a way that would steer Luna from destroying the nine realms in a love induced rampage, “The man who sought to lay waste to Midgard. He is known as Thanos. A being so powerful that he defeated not only Loki, but my husband and our entire defense force single handedly. That much power ought not to be in one being, yet now he has obtained powerful artifacts from our very vaults to make him an even greater threat.”

Luna snorted, both from anger and in order to cool down, “I will kill him, but first I must find what he has done with Loki and Trixie. If he has brought them to any harm…”

Frigga continued her efforts to steer Luna away from getting herself killed, now moving forward to bring both arms around the equine’s neck, “Calm yourself. I would not go seeing you bring yourself to any harm, and Heimdall has already reported that he lost track of where Thanos has gone. They could be anywhere, and we do not have a single clue as to what he wants to do with them.”

The physical touch brought Luna pause, her temper waning as the loss she suffered began to creep up on her, “I…”

The queen brought a hand down Luna’s lower neck and back, those being the only places she could stroke and console her would-be daughter in-law, “We will be okay. You know just as I do that either of us would do anything for our loved ones, but recklessly running off will do them no good. Once we have tended to the wounded and gathered our best minds, we can see about devising a strategy to retrieve them.”

Luna’s shoulders sank and her neck slumped so that it was now leaning on and over Frigga’s shoulder.

Loki was gone. Trixie was gone. And she hadn’t been there for them.

In his his personal hell, Loki took a step back as the newcomer emerged from the mists before him. The Asgardian prince could feel unease creep up his spine as he observed the chimera who stood before him.

Their overall shape was no different from an Asgardian’s, with a head, body, two arms and two legs gracing their form. The giant wings that sprouted from their back was the largest divergence from Asgardian structure. The long, thick, and curled horns sprouting from their head was another, seeming as if they belonged atop a goat’s head or Loki’s very own helmet. Behind the horns were two long ears that made the newcomer appear as if he was an elf like the one who keeled over minutes ago, though his purple skin visible on their bare upper body made him quite different from the sickly pale elf.

“Do not be afraid. I am no enemy,” the odd being claimed as it continued to approach Loki. He stopped by the time it passed the still elf, pausing himself before looking back at the insane being wistfully.

Even though the newcomer’s eyes were covered by a cloth, the green glow where the eyes belonged gave the prince the feeling that there was some familiarity between them.

“A friend of yours?” Loki hesitantly questioned, not trusting this elf-being’s words. The closer they drew, the more Loki could see just how tall they were. The chimera had the back legs of a horse rather than any two regular ones, though they had the general size and shape of what one might otherwise expect to carry the whole body.

With a sigh, the chimera continued forward until it reached Loki and Trixie, “Once. It feels like a lifetime ago. But now is not the time to reminisce,” with a glance down, the being noticed the blue horse by his feet, “There are some beings more acclimated to this kind of place, hunters and trackers you may say, and they will be here soon.”

Noticing that this satyr of sorts had noticed the still comatose Trixie, Loki rushed over to put himself in the way. He had no reason to trust them, and so far he had met no-one he would consider trustworthy in his stay.

With a light brush of the hand, the satyr pushed Loki aside and knelt down to the ground, “I will not harm your horse.”

Loki stumbled and took a moment to regain his footing, surprised at the massive strength of this being. He could only watch as they carefully brought Trixie up and onto one of their shoulders, the small horse completely dwarfed by their massive size.

The seemingly blindfolded man stood back up with a smirk, his raspy voice coming out as a half-amused and half-distraught manner, “It is interesting that you came with a companion. I suppose I have some of my own roaming here, minds long since withered away as they are forced to relive their entire lives’ torments.”

Not wasting any more time, the newcomer started walking back towards where he came. He beckoned Loki with a hand as he carelessly passed by the other supposed elf, “Come. We are not safe here.”

With Trixie taken by this unknown man, and there being no outstanding reason to stay where he was, Loki quietly took to following after him. The bird atop his shoulder squawked, and Loki snarled at it. Ikol could speak if he so wished, even if he was forced into a body with access to almost none of his usual magic, so the mute bird act was grating on Loki in light of the similarly mute being he just met. He would discipline Ikol later when the opportunity arose, but Loki first had to see what this new being had in store for them all.

While trekking back through the mist and endless, cold, and damp swamps, Loki took note of the various voices lingering around. The mists continued to shroud their precise origins, but hearing the disembodied voices of these beings did naught to endear the location to Loki.

“Victory is mine—” one yells triumphantly before being cut off in a yell of pain, no doubt the moment their life ended.

A similar, but more regretful voice takes its place from elsewhere, “—forgot to fight.”

“You’re...a terrible liar—” a dying voice chokes out.

As Loki and his newest companion continued through the fog, Loki fighting to keep up with the giant’s steps, the more voices join as the others fade, “—they’re just people doing what they think is right, that’s all. I know it’s hard—”

“At last I enter a fight for which I don't know the outcome—”

On the way to their unspoken destination, the sight of three giant titans like the weaponized armor known as the Destroyer in Asgard crosses their path, with one tackling one and catching the blade of another.

The sight bemuses the satyr, “Such senseless displays of heroism. Never knowing whether they succeeded or failed, only leaving one world to endlessly suffer in this next.”

“—I know you meant it when you said that we’re not expendable. I know that—”

A quiet, resigned voice adds in an ironically fitting piece from their own end, “—it’s sad, isn’t it?”

Countless whispers, shouts, and cries pass by the two as the move along. Loki next was stirred at the sight of a man just in sight perpetually falling as he chokes weakly, “Are you people satisfied with the way—”

A sudden bang and explosion draws Loki’s attention away from the man, this time being the dying whispers of a woman, “—change the world, okay?”

Like this, the other inhabitants submitted to their various personal torments. Whatever they had done in life had earned them their place here, whether it be good or bad.

After what felt like hours of walking to the increasingly tired Loki, found himself bumping into the back of the giant satyr who had led him across the land without further incident. The demonic elf turned back to Loki with a smirk before reaching a hand out to the place before him. There lay a small, hollow hill that had within it a campfire that burned with a green flame.

Loki entered the cavern graciously, the seemingly benign being who found him following in behind him. The small cave had enough room to fit the satyr at almost full height, but depthwise it was just enough to house four or five people.

Trixie was placed down on top of what appeared to be a torn blanket, likely the closest thing to luxury in these lands Loki surmised, and the satyr took his place by the green fire. Loki too sat down by it, unsure of what to say or do. The fact that this powerful being was seemingly familiar with the land, intimately so, made Loki’s own delusions of escaping wane. After all, if escape were something attainable they surely would have by now, right?

Still unsure, Loki decided to end the silence with a question, “If I may ask, what is your story? What has brought you to this place? Where do you fit in amongst these lost souls?”

That brought a smile to the blindfolded man’s face, who seemingly was able to see with his glowing eyes despite the cloth over them, “If one desires information from a stranger, it is usually courteous to offer some of their own first.”

Loki put his back to the cave, leaning his bare body against the cold and damp rock, “Fine.”

It took less than ten minutes for Loki to tell the tale of his family, that he was a foreign prince who fell from grace and who had in the end been locked away for crimes he himself had been coerced into as well as those he did for his very nation. He dropped many of the details, deftly leaving out those that painted him in a poor light as well as those pertaining to Luna’s kind so as to keep them safe should this all blow up in his face.

Loki told his tale casually, nonchalantly even because he wanted to get whatever information he could from this satyr.


“Perhaps for the time being,” the satyr smirked again at Loki, apparently amused by his tales concerning his woes, “Now, I believe you asked why I was brought me to this place? What is my story?”

The satyr brought a hand forward with its palm facing down over the fire. With a lift of the hand the fire grew in height, and similarly with a clenched fist the fire snuffed out, leaving the save in darkness. Then, with a snap of the fingers, the fire reappeared and green flame spurted where none had been.

His trivial magic trick over, the satyr spoke up, “Like some others here, I contain a dark power in me,” his previously amused and smug voice lowered to sadness, “My land was threatened by an army of demons who sought to lay waste to our world. To combat them I tapped upon their own power, but out of fear my people then imprisoned me. Under my brother’s own orders, nonetheless, and yet I am the one now known as ‘the Betrayer’.”

Loki suddenly felt a great deal of appreciation for Thor where he previously had none. Even after Loki’s crimes Thor had been nothing but supportive. Perhaps, Loki wondered to himself, some repayment was due to Thor for all of his genuine support.

With no interruption stopping him, ‘the Betrayer’ continued his own tale that Loki hoped would tie into why he was in this dreadful place, “Ten thousand years I was imprisoned in the dark, until they had need of me once more. The threat had returned, and they needed me in order to once again face it.”

Ten thousand years? Loki had nearly gone mad from boredom with less than a single year of imprisonment, and that was with visits from Luna, his mother, and Thor.

The satyr looked down to his hand, which he softly curled into a fist as he continued to speak, “To stop the destruction of our home, I once again drew upon the power of demons so I may slay those who threatened us. I succeeded, but at the cost of my form. My demonic visage had me be banished blindly by my own brother.”

Loki’s appreciation of Thor was greatly rising with what he was hearing. This own being had done no worse than him, supposedly, and was punished even more severely than he had been.

With a deep breath, the satyr leaned back and tilted his head against the wall opposite of Loki, “That is but the beginning of my tale. The road since has only continued the cycle my life has been placed under. Somewhere down the road I lost what good I had initially set out with,” he ran a purple hand over his own bare chest, “Somewhere, I died, both figuratively and physically.”

The mention of death, yet being alive, brought Loki back to his fight with Laufey. What was this place that such things could happen?

“You were slain? Then how is it that you draw breathe?”

That earned a laugh from the otherwise somber satyr, “This is the playground of Lady Death. She has a fascination with those like us, although that interest does not always tend to be positive. I would be careful.”

Loki rubbed his head as he tried to think back and remember what was said to him upon arriving, “Then what purpose would Thanos have in bringing me here? I cannot recall what he said as he was leaving...”

“From my own observations in my long time here, he has a vested interest in those that Death favors, and strives to work with those she is interested in rather than outright slay them in his infinite bloodlust,” Loki’s host resumed the smirk he had on earlier, “That does not mean he is above leaving them with her to wither and die under her care.”

Loki nodded to him, “You appear…knowledgeable of Thanos. Tell me, what do you know of him?”

The topic of Thanos caused the Betrayer to snarl, both of his fists curling up in anger, “After I arrived here, he sought to use my power and knowledge to conquer my world. I told him about the many who had tried in its history to do just that, as well as their failures, but he would have none of it. I would not submit to him, nor would I accept his false promises of power and glory. He seeks Death and nothing else, and I will not be a part of that.”

Calming down partially, Loki’s host looked down at the crackling fire before them, “Whatever power Thanos does have, I have seen worse. They tried to torture me, bend me to their will, but what can he and his agents do to possibly threaten me? Physical pain is temporary. Mental trauma can be fought against.”

His defiance perturbed Loki, who had similarly wanted no part in Thanos’s plans. At first.

“They can threaten those you love,” Loki commented, not going any farther lest he bring back the memories and images of his torture.

A regretful frown grew on the Betrayer’s face, “I sense that was the case with you. Who did they hold against you?”

Loki lowered his head to his hands, his mind contemplating whether or not he should divulge such information. He had been given no reason to distrust this being, but he still felt uneasy revealing something so close to the heart.

Taking the middle ground, Loki revealed nothing too personal, “My mother. My lover.”

Loki’s tone resonated with the other trapped soul, who himself had loved ones, “They believe that my strained relationship with my entire race has cut me off from my feelings for them. It has not. There is a woman back home I would do anything in my power for if she only asked, and I am grateful they appear ignorant of my lingering weakness.”

With a hand touched to his necklace, Loki sighed. He had not tried to use it yet, but he had a feeling that the reason he was not hearing Luna yelling in his mind was the same reason it would work, “Does she know you live?”

“No, she does not. Nor would she likely be glad to hear it, for you see she is my brother’s lover rather than my own.”

That snapped Loki up. The idea of a brother taking the woman one loves...

“You have a strength of will I do not. If my own brother were to even touch Luna inappropriately, he would not draw breath,” Loki only half joked.

The satyr shook his head softly, “As mad as I can be over her choosing him, in the end I want her to be happy. That’s all I have ever wanted for her, even now,” a sad smile grew upon his face, “My home celebrates in my death, and here I am brought to live in servitude to a master I have no care for. I await death, as I have once before.”

The mention of death brought Loki’s mind back to the much spoken of woman who was connected to both this realm and Thanos, “This Lady Death. What do you know of her?”

“Little besides what I have mentioned, although I see that you are curious,” came the bored response. Loki narrowing his eyes, quite unamused by the flippant response, brought the satyr to speak more, “This whole domain is a realm of her creation. A shadowy, horrific place crafted from the mind of the gatekeeper to the afterlife.”

Loki nodded, remembering tales told to him and Thor by their mother of what awaited people in the afterlife. There was the place where heroes would go, Valhalla, and the place others would be left…

“My people have spoken much of a place known as Hel. Given the tales I have heard, I care not to pay it a visit, if I am not already doing so. It is reportedly related to Niflheim, a place of constant fog and where the souls of the sickly gather.”

The Betrayer nodded to Loki while waving a hand, “There are many names for the underworld and many tales of what will be found there. Hell. The Underverse. Vellweb. The list goes on,” he snorted in amusement, “Those of demonic taint from my world spend the time after their death suffering eternally, or so it is said. As terrible as this place may be, I will take my time in leaving it.”

“This constant fog…” Loki snorted as well as he peeked outside the cave at the heavy fog that drifted outside, wondering how it was not traveling into their little shared cave, “It really does remind me of Niflheim. My brave brother only ever dared travel there once before taking our little quests to less dangerous places.”

The seeming knowledge of Loki perked the Betrayer up a bit, “Is there a possibility this is the world you speak of?”

It was Loki’s turn for acting nonchalant, “I know not. There must be thousands of mist filled worlds. I know only that it has a familiar feel to it,” he shrugged as he thought over the matter more, “Besides, I encountered no Lady Death on Niflheim in my previous short stay.”

“She cannot pay a visit to every soul who comes across her realm, although I would reckon she is timeless and omnipresent enough to be multiple places at once. And if she can pay a visit to everyone, she is simply too lazy.”

That rose Loki’s eyebrow, “Timeless you say?”

The Betrayer nodded with a sigh, “Death has always existed and always will. Or so I have hypothesized. She sometimes appears as if she is a child, sometimes at about your height. No continuity to them, the only common thing being that she always stops by.”

“If she is so interested in us, why not stay and watch us like little pets?”
 Loki snarled.

“You ask many questions we cannot know the answer to. For now I would suggest you rest and recover from your wounds while I take watch of the night.”

Loki took the advice of the satyr and joked unwittingly while laying down on the soft ground, “That’s my lover’s duty back home. Princess of the Night, and moon.”

The Betrayer gained an interested expression on his purple face, “We too have a moon goddess, although I would think many races on many worlds do. It is interesting to hear of a physical one though.”

Loki pulled an arm over his eyes, his exhaustion creeping up on him, “How can I trust you to not slay me in my sleep?”

“You can choose not to trust me, but if I was hostile I could have killed you before at any point. Unlike you I do not fear Thanos, for he and I are only on the opposite sides of the same tier of power.”

“If you do kill me, please do make it quick,” Loki quipped before taking a peek at the slowly breathing Trixie. Seeing her alive and okay made him calmer, though something on his mind told him he should probably explain that she was sentient.

The Betrayer cast his own gaze on the mist outside the cavern, “Lady Death is watching over you for reasons I know not. Not only would slaying you be a pointless venture, but it would likely be a most fatal one.”

“Is that so…”

Loki was asleep before he even knew it.

Author's Note:

Again, whoever catches all the references gets a prize, though that's not all I care to hear about!

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below, as they are seriously what helps me write so much! Liking and favoriting the story help too, as does following me. Morale support of the highest fashion! Comments, likes and follows are :heart: after all, so please let me know what you think!

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