• Published 11th Jun 2013
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We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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I Can't Survive Alone

A/N: Special thanks to Mutie Genic, ZeroInfinity, New Spark, HaoKyruss, ArcaneVisions, Killabyte, King Sombrony, ABitterPill, Obsidian Raindrop, Drgnwolf, MoonSparkle The Vampony, Cadmium, PhantomPhoenix, and gakuseiakira for your comments last chapter! It is great comments like those that keep me writing at such a fast pace! Thank you, and I hope to continue hearing from you all!

Chapter title now brought to you by Stephanie's "Friends"

A big shout out to RainbowBob, who featured this story the other day in their journal! Thank you for your support!

So, I hope you all enjoy this chapter even if it is a bit intense again! I'd love to hear what you have to think afterwards in the comments, and remember, comments are :heart:

“How is she?”

Luna was staving off collapsing from her own wounds as she slowly rekindled her magic, having regained it and exhausted it all with little time spent in-between. After waiting for the doctor’s to finish surgery on Trixie, Luna had approached her now resting apprentice to see just how she fared.

Little of Trixie’s body was visible underneath the various bandages and medical instruments holding her together, the sight of which caused Luna to cringe.

The doctor she had addressed when entering the room, specifically set aside for Trixie, responded with a heavy voice, “Comatose, but stable. Some of her wounds were infected and we are treating them the best we can.”

Luna nodded while reaching into her partially replenished magic pool. Now it was her turn to help Trixie and repay the loyalty she had given.

“Now that I am rested I can lend what little power I have…”

The healing magic Luna had was for physical wounds and trauma, and as such Trixie’s condition improved drastically as the magic washed over her body. Despite this improvement, she did not stir in the slightest even as the medical readings improved of the machines Luna had little knowledge of.

Luna looked down to Trixie guiltily as she approached her bedside. All of this because of a bad bag toss…

“There…I cannot make her wake with just healing magic, but she should be better off now.”

Before she even realized it Luna was reaching a hoof out to touch Trixie as her apprentice rested, but she stopped herself before her hoof managed to reach the bandaged mare.

Bag toss…

There was something she had to do. Luna would worry about her own wounds later especially since they were not something beyond the capabilities of her healing.

“Where are you going?” the doctor called to Luna as she proceeded to turn around and head for the door at a brisk pace.

“I have something I must take care of. I will return later.”

Searching through the Canterlot records about families did not take long for Luna to do at all. Her sudden arrival and wounded appearance caused many ponies to gasp in shock before scampering off to go tell someone about what they had seen.

Luna was done before anypony could confront her about what happened to her, and she wanted it that way. She had no time to waste with the imbeciles of Canterlot, at least not the ones she was researching.

While rummaging through the records, Luna came across something she was tempted to peer into. She had only taken a cursory glance at Trixie’s official records when she took her in, but in light of recent events she was tempted to look more into them.

Nopony had taken Trixie in and supported her when she was down on her luck for so long. Did she even have any family alive to support her? If not, that would help explain the way she had been so taken by her teacher.

In the end Luna decided against doing it, seeing it as an invasion of privacy of somepony she cared for. For the same reason she did not often bother Loki’s dreams, she would hold off on peering into what Trixie had never brought up. Trixie could tell her if she ever felt ready or felt it was necessary.

The other files granted the information Luna needed though, and after taking what she needed she went outside the castle to where she had left two very large piles of flesh and fur.

Now she only needed to track down the ponies she was so interested in.

Being a princess had its advantages obviously, and among them was easily tracking down a trio of ponies who were lounging in one of their private estates in Canterlot.

The three judges of the Canterlot magic team stopped their lounging around their outside pool when their Princess of the Night landed her flight right in front of them. Two yelped while another dropped the drink they were holding, the glass crashing on the well maintained grass.

By the time any of them could find their voices Luna had already beat them to the punch. Her horn had been glowing when she landed, but the glow disappeared as two large objects dropped from the sky and crashed into the pool behind Luna.

“She did it. By herself my student slew both an Ursa Major and an Ursa Minor,” Luna threw her head back to the giant bear paws she had just dropped in the pool, “At the same time. Happy now?”

The first of the Canterlot elite to recover from the surprise did so with a scoff, “Oh come now, you cannot expect us to believe such a fraud did something so impossible. Why, who is to say you did not slay it yourself?”

Luna had kept her own wounds not inflicted by the Ursa visible this long just to show off at this particular moment. She turned her side to the judges where the collapsing parts of the cave slammed into her and scraped off fur.

The princess’s eyes narrowed at the unicorn who dared question her, “I was unable to use my magic at the time, foal. I almost died just by watching because of how the cave collapsed as collateral damage.”

One of the others sat up in their lawn chair, ignoring the expensive glass they had broken, “And where is your student now, the supposed winner of this fake fight?”

Luna had to restrain herself from blowing away a second monster that day with her magic. Her impulse control might not have been what it once was, but it was just enough to spare the lives of these three.

For now.

“She is comatose and undergoing medical treatment. One might even say because of you three,” Luna snarled, taking a threatening step towards them.

“Wh—what do you want from us?” the last of the three choked out, scared by the way Luna advanced towards them.

Luna continued approaching towards the three until she was face to face with the closest one, glaring directly into their eyes with as much vitriol as she could muster, “You will instate her on this team of yours. You will give her the highest available position on the team for when she wakes. Not doing so will result in the termination of your position and revoking of your citizenship to this nation.”

“Celestia would never allow such—”

With her magic Luna lifted the terrible excuse for a pony up into the air by their neck, using her magic to constrict the judge’s throat to the point where breathing would be difficult, not to even mention talking.

The other two gasped while Luna growled, “Because of your repugnant behavior my student almost lost her life. And believe me, if for some reason she never wakes I will inflict upon you three the same fate Celestia be damned.”

As suddenly as she had grabbed the competition judge, Luna let them go. The Unicorn dropped to the ground with a gasp, drawing in as much air as they could to counter the suffocation they had been subjected to.

Knowing that she had their full attention and fear now, Luna continued, “For now though, I have the full support of my sister to discipline you all to the full extent of my power as Princess, should you not repent and do everything in your power to set right what you have caused.”

The three seemed indignant and scared both as they looked at Luna, none of them saying a word. Seeing that she might have to play her trump card of coercion, Luna sighed and shook her head. She had no love for nepotism when it was not also a case of merit.

“If you do not think Trixie worthy now, then let’s see how your nieces and nephews fare against an Ursa. I would not mind making a second trip, and I know where their other caves are.”

Their eyes all went wide at that, or rather wider given their previous state of fear. Luna could tell she had struck a nerve.

“You would not dare,” one of the judges growled back at Luna, something in her causing a backbone to arise.

Luna rolled her eyes and smiled at the sudden change, “Oh, I’m sorry. It was your child, not nephew, that tied with Trixie. Funny how in a competition of precise, accurate measurement that a tie could happen. An almost impossible feat, like a single Unicorn defeating two Ursas.”

The Unicorn who still had a voice to speak with jabbed a hoof angrily in Luna’s direction, the allegations Luna was raising making them even more uncomfortable than before, “I will not let you say these slanderous about me and my son—”

She stopped her threat when everything around the four gathered ponies grew to be pitch black. A complete void of detail surrounded them as darkness enshrouded everything within their sight.

They were in Luna’s domain now, who had disappeared into the dark only to reappear in front of the Unicorn who had been speaking. A dark tendril extended from the void to wrap firstly around the Unicorn’s throat and then mouth, silencing them completely while the other two shrieked in horror.

Ignoring the other two, Luna focused her fury on this one. However, her fury was bridled, and instead of shouting Luna was only seething.

“As you protect your family, I will protect mine. And that begins with preventing arrogant foals such as you three from driving her to do something as suicidal as this. Trixie never did anything to you, yet you and the others of this city treated her with such disdain that she nearly died.”

“You—you weren’t the kindest to her that day either,” choked out the one who was prone on the ground where Luna dropped them.

Their rebuttal was not as wounding to Luna as they likely intended, for it was already an open wound. Luna knew she was yet another reason for Trixie doing what she did, and being told that did nothing to change how she already felt.

“And who are you to judge?” Luna snapped, “Are you there when I bring her the dinner she forgets to eat because she is working so hard to impress me? Or when I bring her to bed after an exhausting day of work?”

Luna shut her eyes as she thought about how close Trixie had come to dying, “I made a mistake the other day, one I will never forgive myself for or forget, but I know and accept my blame.”

With a bright flash the pool, grass and other parts of the surrounding area returned to view with the darkness Luna had summoned disappearing. The Unicorn choked by the dark tendril gasped as they managed to get more than a sliver of air down their throat, while the other two looked around in a panic.

While the three readjusted themselves to the real world once again, Luna narrowed her eyes at them all and continued her previous threat, “I once was not above murdering my own sister. I’ve gotten better from then, but keep that in mind as you reconsider things. This is your second chance. Be fair, be kind, and maybe I will forgive you. I have had enough with the toxic culture in this city and this is where I draw the line.”

With that, Luna spread her wings to prepare for flight. She had gotten her point across, and the day was beginning to segue from afternoon to night. Luna had a very important night ahead of her, and she had no more time to waste here.

“Good night, citizens. I hope you can sleep well with the nightmares sure to plague you until your conscience is cleared.”

No two regular dreams were alike for any one pony, and the variation grew even more between different ponies. Still, there was a common theme to most ponies given their personalities and mindsets.

Luna generally only tended to those who were suffering in their dreams in some way, as they were the ones in need of help and guidance. Still, the number of those who suffered in their dreams was quite grand and Luna could not tend to them all. She was lucky to get to a few dozen a night, as some required more time than others.

Fillies were simpler to handle than full grown adults after all, and Luna preferred tending to them anyways. Because of this dilemma though, Luna had not visited Trixie’s dreams prior to taking her on as an apprentice. After taking her in, Luna had mostly let Trixie be. Her apprentice was active during the same time as her anyways, so it would be difficult to tend to her sleep irregularities as other ponies.

So, when stepping into Trixie’s dream, Luna found herself both surprised and not.

The setting was a stage, like one might find at an opera hall or theater, only instead of singers and actors there was a single pony center stage. Looking weak and alone, a blue mare in torn purple garments sat in front of pony silhouettes.

The idea that Trixie was still envisioning herself in front of a crowd was what surprised Luna. What, sadly, did not surprise the princess was that some of the crowd was laughing uproariously at the mare on stage. Others were yelling at her and throwing things at the magician.

None of them seemed to notice or care that she was crying there, looking completely alone and miserable.

Not able to stomach this uproar and humiliation for longer than the second it took to observe it, Luna dispelled it and silenced the dream. Similar to what happened earlier with the three judges, darkness replaced everything in the dream leaving only Trixie and her teacher.

Instead of fear though, this darkness was there to act as a sanctuary for Trixie. Taking away what was disturbing her rather than removing what makes one comfortable.

The silence did not stop Trixie from crying, and since the young mare’s eyes were shut to hide her from the horror that was her sleep Trixie could not see that they had left. Luna felt her heart pang at the quiet, sobbing mess that was her apprentice. The pony who looked up to her like a mother and needed her.

Despite everything Luna had tried to do for her, Trixie still had no sense of self worth. Luna had hoped that defeating the Ursa’s would help to cure that, but it seemed that her recent feat had not conquered her personal feelings of inadequacy.

Luna took no time to rush over to Trixie’s side, not burdened in the dream world by the exhaustion and pain that had resulted from their recent cave dwelling.

When Luna reached her student she quickly brought a hoof to her face, wiping away the imaginary tears dripping down her face, “Trixie?”

Shocked out of her reverie by the physical touch within the dream, Trixie blinked rapidly while looking around before realizing that Luna was in front of her.


Like many other ponies, Trixie was slow to the uptake with realizing just that she was in a dream. The complete void around her did not worry her, but it did raise her suspicions.

“What happened?” she questioned, still taking in the situation while wiping away her own tears now. Even in the dream world she did not want to look weak in front of her teacher.

Luna brought Trixie into her chest with a tight hug, preventing her surrogate child from wiping any more of her own tears away. Luna did it to show Trixie that she cared, while Trixie did it to exhibit strength she did not have. Luna did not like weakness, but she could accept it in those she loved.

She brought a hoof up and down Trixie’s back, stroking her softly to console her, “You are asleep in the real world. I have entered your dream to check up on you.”

Trixie appreciated the comfort, though the revelation that she was sleeping rested worryingly upon her. Luna had only said she was sleeping, but Trixie had the feeling that given their shared damage that it might not be the whole truth.

She brought her hooves around Luna to return the embrace, feeling warm even if it was only a dream, “Oh, I see. That would explain the never ending laughter…”

Luna nuzzled her own forehead with Trixie’s, taking care to avoid her horn despite how it wouldn’t hurt. Luna felt kind of silly, having not done something like this with anyone who was not Celestia, their mother, or Loki, but that was not enough to give her pause. After all, what was a little affection going to hurt?

After a moment of this not public display of affection, Luna pulled back. With a hoof she rose Trixie’s head up so that they could meet their eyes. Luna wanted Trixie to be able to see the pride in her teacher’s eye, “No one will be laughing at you soon enough. You’re the best Unicorn there is.”

Instead of a verbal response, Trixie dug her face back into Luna’s chest and wrapped her front legs around her tightly. While she had been dying earlier Trixie had been worried Luna would rebuff her, but having Luna return the love she felt made Trixie feel secure for the first time in years.

Luna could sense Trixie’s mood beginning to shift for the better, so she thought about how she might be able to continue that trend. Given their setting, a perfect idea came up to the dreamshaper, “Tell me, what would you like to be dreaming of?”

Trixie’s face flushed as she thought of how her dreams used to be like as compared to how they were then, “Promise you won’t laugh?”

The embarrassment Trixie was feeling gave Luna some…ideas about what her apprentice might like, “Why, do you have particularly embarrassing preferences?”

“No, of course not!” Trixie pouted as she shook her head exaggeratedly from side to side.

She looked down to the void below her with her blush remaining beneath her blue fur, completely embarrassed as she thought about how to phrase it.

“I just…my good dreams are about being with somepony who appreciates me.”

Luna rose a brow as she tried to interpret Trixie’s meaning.

“A lover?”

That made Trixie turn red like a tomato, knowing instantly that she had misspoke.

Her head shook again as she tried to dissuade her teacher’s interpretation, who was now laughing, “No…I’ve never really been that interested in that kind of thing. Just somepony who is there for me and understands me…”

Luna pulled Trixie back into a tight hug, whispering into the young mare’s ear.

“Then do I need to change anything?”

Trixie’s ears drooped down as she thought of how that reality had slipped right past her. Luna was the kind of support that she always wanted in many ways.

“No, I’m fine.”

Something struck Luna that she had never considered before, something that she actually considered to be quite important. Just as Trixie knew little personally about Luna, Luna similarly had not learned too much about Trixie personally.

“Do you not have friends to support you?”

Trixie’s ears fell even more and Luna could feel that Trixie had shut her eyes against her chest. A nerve had been struck, one that Trixie might have hidden behind with her prideful facade in real life but now was too open to hide her true feelings.

Luna knew the pain of not having anypony to be there for you quite well. Once upon a time not even Celestia was there for her, her sister too arrogant and blind to notice how Luna was suffering underneath her shadow.

Luna returned to stroking Trixie’s back dotingly, “It is okay. External companionship is not necessary for happiness, even if it can help. I know how loneliness and isolation can feel quite well.”

Trixie rubbed her face in Luna’s fur as she quietly asked, “Does having Loki help?”

That made Luna smile. At least Trixie was thinking of her caregiver’s success rather than her failure, displaying a small tinge of optimism in her otherwise downtrodden views, “Yes, to some degree. Another isolated, lonely soul to share my woe with. I prefer the time I spend doing more constructive and fun activities with him.”

Given that they were still in Trixie’s dream and that she could make things happen without Luna’s permission, a sudden flash of Luna and Loki explicitly kissing under covers appeared as a wallpaper to the dream to reflect the sudden imagery that coursed through Trixie’s mind. Luna laughed at the change, while Trixie wanted to shrink away and die as the imagery faded.


As Luna’s abyss returned she laughed at where Trixie’s mind went, “No no, I had that coming. I actually meant, for example, the time I spend learning magic with him. Not that you are wrong. I enjoy that as well.”

The imagery returned again, but this time with a variety between Asgardian Loki, Asgardian Luna, pony Luna, and pony Loki that Trixie had seen in a tabloid. Trixie quickly silenced these thoughts by punching her face with her own hoof, growing more and more embarrassed with every passing moment.

Luna rolled her eyes as she telekinetically stopped Trixie from further striking her own face, “Oh don’t be so flustered. And to answer your question, yes, shapeshifting is useful.”

“I wish I had somepony like that…” Trixie pouted, not at all meaning what her words made things sound like.

This time Luna could not help but roar in laughter, thinking that Trixie had just outed herself as a complete pervert. Trixie realized her mistake almost instantly and hastily went about correcting it, even shoving Luna gently in the chest.

“No, I meant to learn magic with! I already said I’m not looking for that other kind of companionship!” she calmed down with a deep breath while Luna’s laughter did the same, “I have you and Loki to learn magic from, but not with. I can only imagine what the discovery must feel like.”

“If you say so,” Luna snickered, “Though I suppose it’s another thing you have up on Twilight. I hear that the first stallion she began dating in Canterlot turned out to be a jerk. Thankfully she listened when Celestia told her to dump him.”

Glad to move off of her own lack of a love life, Trixie’s ears perked up completely, “Who was it? Blueblood?”

Luna shrugged, not really caring, “Oh no, some random guard. Flash Simply or something like that. The guard we regularly mess with.”

Trixie’s embarrassment completely left her as thoughts of fun pranks came to mind, as well as the irony of how Twilight would date the stallion they pranked jokingly all the time, “Oh, him! No wonder Twilight likes him. She probably pities the fool. So you’re telling me we were justified in doing that to him?”

Luna nodded back to Trixie, “Yeah. Complete and total arrogant foal. I for one am glad Twilight took Celestia’s advice and ditched him. Probably a cousin of Blueblood come to think of it. Ponies that I am quite sure the world would be better without.”

Trixie’s self-consciousness returned to her with Luna’s words, “We’re not that humble ourselves.”

“I manipulate the forces of nature to my very whim, and you are my aspiring champion. We have our reasons to exude confidence,” Luna smiled down at Trixie brightly, “When he moves a moon, let me know and I’ll give him slack. Or slays two Ursas by himself.”

The highest of Trixie’s self conscious fears came to the forefront of her mind as well, with the Alicorn Amulet that she once used to rule Ponyville glowing as the backdrop to her dream, “Are we evil?”

Luna noted that recovering Trixie’s self worth should be one of their shared major goals in the coming months, although Luna already had a major plan in motion to do just that, “Again with the self doubt. You are not evil, even with your Alicorn Amulet stint. A case could be made for my own morality, but I do care for Equestria and the ponies in it.”

“But you hate them all.”

Luna was the one to shake her head this time, “You misunderstand. I despise Canterlot’s population, as well as the general ignorance Celestia has cultivated across the nation in these many years. I would go so far as to fight my own lover to protect them all though, despite my reservations.”

Luna sighed as she thought back to her conflict with Loki not all too long ago. A conflict she did not wish to ever have to endure again. She dispelled the trance the memory put her under so she could continue with her moral lesson for her pupil.

“Tough love so to speak. I am critical of them all because I care. I know we can do better, yet we do not. Similar to how I love my sister despite her faults.”

Luna separated from Trixie so that she could bring a hoof to her own chest.

“For all it’s worth, this vigilance extends to myself. I once was where you were in self-confidence because I couldn’t get over how inferior I was to Celestia in so many ways. I still am in quite a few.”

Trixie looked down again, thinking firstly of the parallel between her and Twilight. Twilight was known for being good at everything she set her mind to, being far too perfect a pony to be considered fair to everypony left. To have such a mare as a counterpart was enough to fuel one’s envy endlessly.

Still, Luna had heard about Trixie’s “everything you can do, I can do better” attitude. A view Luna herself once held centuries ago, when she still wanted to triumph over Celestia in every way and prove herself the superior sibling. A feeling Loki had felt when he suffered underneath his brother.

Living her own life and observing those of kindred souls, Luna had come to a conclusion. She could excel at what she was good at, but agonizing over what she would never surpass others in was not healthy.

Luna took Trixie’s face with her front hooves to lift the mare’s gaze, “You don’t need to be perfect, or the best at everything or even anything.”


Luna wordlessly took Trixie back into her hooves, not wanting to let her go again.

Trixie had meant every word she said in the cave, and found her feelings of adoration both vindicated and returned. She felt appreciated, just as she desired to beneath her natural haughtiness that she could not bear to bring out in front of her princess whom she owed so much to.

However, Trixie had a feeling that given everything that had happened, this might be the last time they spoke. The way Luna was coddling her mentally meant that she was not able to do so physically…

Trixie could tell she was comatose, and with that knowledge she could not help but fear that she might never awaken. To earn Luna’s motherly love only to not be able to fully experience it saddened Trixie greater than any of the insults that were thrown at her these past years.

Still, she appreciated that she had earned it. Her teacher cared for her in the same way.

Trixie felt herself crying into Luna’s crest. Even if it was only imaginary tears it was her mind, “If I don’t wake up…thank you. Thank you for everything.”

Luna too was crying, a part of her angry and bitter over how her manipulation of dreams did not extend this far. She could not simply wake Trixie up, nor could she heal her enough to rouse her.

“Don’t leave me.”

Luna stayed like that until Trixie’s mind drifted off, not dreaming but still alive. She made sure that she was with her as long as Trixie could think, and would return the next time Trixie’s brain went to dreaming.

She would just have to hope that Trixie would pull herself through this like she had the Ursa encounter. Having grown a place in her heart for Trixie, Luna could not bear to live alone without her.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear what you thought in the comments below! Remember, comments are :heart: and help updates be faster!

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