• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,147 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Welcome to the Show

A/N: Special thanks to those who commented last time around, Evilhumour, ChaoticLightning, Silentmech, Ketvirtas, hs0003, Amethyst Blade, Magestikus, Ozymandias42, New Spark, The Last Cold Fang, and Drgnwolf. I hope to hear from you all again, especially since we only have 11 more chapters after this one! Sure, we'll have some epilogue ones in addition to that, but it would be great to hear from you all the way to the end!

Chapter title from Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks, and actually features in the chapter itself :rainbowlaugh: "Welcome to the Show" and all.

Hope you enjoy, and please let me know what you think in the comments below!

While Luna was pleased to be a mother to her new daughter and son, she had grown increasingly weary over the first few weeks and rapidly paranoid about their future. Would they be ostracized for their mixed race? Would their physical abnormalities cause them to be even more shunned than either Luna or Loki had been in their own lives?

Furthermore, would such discrimination put them down a path to villainy and madness like both Loki and Luna had pursued? The thought of seeing a child become what she had once been made Luna regret not the children, but the world they were to live in with all of its faults and all of the wrongs it could do to them.

With Trixie looking after the twins, Luna had let herself wander the hallways and courtyards of Canterlot. It was nice to be able to walk unencumbered, though Luna was regretting all of the extra weight she had put on. Feeling above her natural size did not at all feel good, though she considered it a small trade off for the joy of having two children who were so cute…even if they had a tendency to keep her up at all hours and would likely one day be a pair of rebellious teenagers.

The sight of orange in the hallway to the nursery Celestia had set up for her own daughter gave Luna some pause, if only because of the vibrant color being a stark contrast to the other colors around the castle.

Luna smiled as she recognized the source of the orange, with the orange coat belonging to a filly she had not seen in quite some time.

“Scootaloo,” Luna greeted as she approached the filly, who had not seemed to hear the Alicorn who was coming her way.

Scootaloo turned around with a big smile plastered on her face, her eyes big and bright at the sight of the elder mare, “Princess Luna!”

Seeing Scootaloo gave Luna an idea. The twins really wouldn’t be able to handle a loud and rowdy crowd just yet, even from a VIP booth. On the other hand she did not just want to leave them behind with the incompetent staff Celestia had hired and refused to fire in the castle.

Luna had originally planned on begrudgingly leaving the Twins with the incompetent morons, checking in on the babies whenever she had a free moment in the games via teleportation, but Scootaloo was trustworthy.

Luna wanted to sigh at the fact that this filly, who was quite the troublemaker she heard, was more trustworthy than the Canterlot staff. It likely had to do with the inbreeding and nepotism displayed by the Canterlot crowd in general that such a thing could be possible.

With a look at the filly, Luna realized that she was much larger than the last time she saw her. In a few years she would be the same size as her mother, Luna reckoned, “You are growing up quickly,” Scootaloo blushed at the compliment of sorts while Luna continued to what was actually on her mind, “Would you mind doing me a large favor?”

“A favor? For a princess?” Scootaloo gawked at the idea of doing something for a princess…only to then remember a moment later that she was there as a favor to the other main princess.

Luna nodded, not realizing that her favor was going to be so easy to ask of the filly, “My son and daughter will be cranky if I bring them to a loud coliseum. I need someone to look after them while I attend the event today, and it would be nice to have someone I know and can trust take care of them.”

“Of course!” Scootaloo laughed nervously as she pointed towards the nursery, “I was already going to be babysitting today, so I can definitely look after them for you.”

That helped explain to Luna why this filly was in their castle, since she would normally have little to no reason for even being in Canterlot at all, not to mention the castle, “Thank you. How are your parents and friends?”

Scootaloo shrugged, seeming to not really feel comfortable with the question, “My parents are busy being all mushy and stuff, so I like getting out of the house. At least I have a sister now, even though I was hoping for a little brother. I’m looking after her today too, so the more the merrier,” her face fell as she thought about what she was originally planning on doing that day, “And my friends were going to go to the competition together, but they got grounded by AJ and Rarity.”

“Whatever for?” Luna questioned, now curious about the matter because of her own status as a mother to two growing children as compared to an adoptive mother to a full grown one.

“I dunno. Apple Bloom yelled at AJ for being bossy, saying she’s not her mom or something like that, and Sweetie Belle is clumsy and breaks everything, so probably something like that.”

Luna giggled a little to herself at the report, finding that the tomboy filly was reminding her a little of herself when she was that age, “Well, I know you are a good filly, so take good care of Hela and Sleep Near, okay?”

“You got it Princess Luna!” Scootaloo saluted the princess, who began to turn and leave during the salute.

“I should get ready to go. If you need anything, just let one of the aids know.”

Elsewhere in Canterlot, a more nefarious conversation was going down. Inside the manor of the wealthy Canterlot noble who had been rallying anti-princess support earlier, the Sirens were waiting and listening as a crowd of disgruntled noblemen and noblewomen argued amongst one another.

Adagio smiled to her cohorts, sans Trixie, as she brought a hand to her necklace. They had been waiting and slowly gaining power over a year for this, and it was finally time.

“This is it, girls. The moment we've been waiting for.”

Sonata laughed as she brought a hand to her stomach, “Lunch?!”

Adagio had never wished to kill their low brained and insane ally as much as she had in that moment.

“The chance to put into motion our plan, you dolt.”

Sonata laughed heartily as she realized her mistake, while Aria growled beside her menacingly.

“Oh. Right. Oopsie!”

Wanting to get her own word in, Aria pushed Sonata back and out of the way before grunting, “So we're just gonna do what we always do? Stir up some trouble and then feed off the negative energy?” she rolled her eyes sarcastically, “Some plan, Adagio. We’ve been doing that for a thousand years.”

The insubordination caused the previously positively anxious Adagio to want to also throttle Aria, “It won't be the same as the times before! We have our powers back, and now we’re about to tip the dominoes that will make us the most powerful beings in all existence. Their negative energy will give way to the events that will grant us the power we need to get this entire world to do our bidding.”

Sonata pushed past Aria to smile brightly at their leader, “But we can get lunch after though, right? It's Taco Tuesday!”

Aria grabbed their blue ditz by the back of the hair and dragged her back while growling, “It’s not Tuesday.”

“Oh, riiiiiiight. It’s boy date day, and tomorrow is Aria day! I can’t wait to let him hear me sing in front of a big crowd!”

While Aria facepalmed, Adagio felt her mind breaking at the stupidity displayed, “Don’t tell me you invited that…man to the games?”

Sonata tilted her head, genuinely confused due to her lack of intelligence, “Why? Should I have not?”

Aria punched a wall and screamed at the idiocy, while Adagio decided to just let it be.

“Your loss. Now, just follow my lead, and remember to save the good stuff for later.”

Aria pointed a thumb at herself while leaning towards Adagio, “Or my lead.”

Adagio shoved Aria into the nearby wall by checking her with her hips, “My lead!”

With Aria put in her place, Adagio confidently stepped forward as she opened the door completely. It was time to do something that worked every time. She did not even have to try anymore, especially with how powerful they had become.

As they all entered Aria and Sonata quit their banter and replaced it with their non lyrical singing. This instantly drew the attention of all present, drawing their gazes and focus to the three women instead of their previous bickering about how to pay back Luna and Trixie for all the “injustices” paid to the nobles “without reason”.

As her partners continued to sing Adagio addressed the many nobles gathered in the largest room of the manor, “Hello my little underlings. I hope you have been doing well.”

The leader of the crowd balked at the question, “How can we be well when the royalty is affording us so little respect?”

Another noble, this one a mare standing across the room from the stallion, took his lead and balked as well, “Not only has Princess Luna been discourteous towards us for the entirety of her resumed reign, but now her student is actively working to take our titles, lands, and positions from us!”

Adagio approached the mare and brought a hand across their face, stroking them once like a pet, “Oh you poor woman,” she then turned to the others while smiling devilishly. She had been gaining the trust and affection of these plebeians for quite some time, “And what has Celestia been doing throughout this? Twilight? Or what even about that other one, Cadance?”

Of course Adagio already knew the answer to this question, but she was leading them on. She found it more enjoyable to get others to do as she pleased without her powers, since that just made it too easy, and with a one thousand year win streak making things too easy made them just boring.

Celestia was under their power, Luna was not but could easily be swayed with a song when the time called for it, Twilight was even easier prey, and Cadance had been acting irregularly, but due to her distant location in the Crystal Empire and the word that she had become pregnant there was little reason to worry about her.

In response to the question another mare piped up, “Celestia has been allowing her sister to just do as she pleases. Why, my nephew was stripped of his position in the royal guard and replaced with some commoner. What right does someone of such low birth have to take his place?”

Adagio, as much as she wanted to, didn’t point out how that nephew most likely got his position due to nepotism. Pointed out the hypocrisy of this crowd would do her little good after all.

Instead, she continued to play with them as her companions lured the crowd in with their voices. They were only using a tinge of their power. A warm up for the real show later.

“Are you just going to let them take your livelihoods from you?” Adagio questioned with some mock indignation.

The crowd yelled out in anger as their negative emotions began to bubble up, having listened to enough of the Sirens’ song to start losing their base emotional control.

Adagio stepped out into the middle of the room and shook her head, her smile growing larger and larger by the moment, “No, that won’t do at all, and we’re here to help…”

With a cough to clear her throat, Adagio began to sing softly to the gathered ponies as they fell under their spell, “We heard you want to get together.”

Adagio began to walk past the others in the room, running her hand across the face of each pony she passed with a sick grin on her face, “We heard you want to defame those fools.”

She paused when she reached one end, only to snap her fingers and have the crowd near her lift her up onto a table, “We thought of something that is better,” once secure atop the table, Adagio began to sing louder to the room, “Something that changes all the rules…”

She lowered herself down to touch the cheek of one noblewoman, giving a friendly but fake look to her as the noble mindlessly let herself become putty in the Siren’s hand, “After all, why pretend we’re all the same, when some of us so obviously shine brighter?”

She stood back up and gestured all around her, while Aria and Sonata joined her up on the table to stand above the others, “You’re all the best, and they should know it.”

Clenching her fist, Adagio pretended to crush something in it, “It doesn’t matter who you hurt,” she quickly checked Sonata off the table, with the blue girl only giggling briefly before continuing to use her voice to slowly enslave the others present, “If you’re just proving you’re the best.”

With that Adagio let their singing pause so that the crowd well up its own anger and distaste. Green smoke had already begun to pour from the hypocrites who populated the room, all of it flowing to the three Sirens while the nobles remained none the wiser to the phenomena.

One noble stomped a hoof as their mindless rage set in, “Of course it doesn’t! We are the nobles of Canterlot! We will take what is rightfully ours!”

“Canterlot’s the best of all Equestria, so by default that makes us the very best in the land! Those other ponies are worthless, and only deserve to be our serfs!” another cried out.

Adagio placed her hands on her hips as she confidently watched the room descend into a series of yelling and ranting. Sonata pulled herself back up and kissed Adagio on the cheek, only for Adagio to push her behind her to get a better view of the growing chaos. Sonata frowned as she felt rejected, realizing for the first time that perhaps Adagio didn’t actually care about her anymore.

“How dare those Princesses act as if this is some tyranny, not the noble oligarchy it has been for generations! They think that having magical power makes them gods, when in fact they are no more than grown children!”

“We should be in charge, not them!”

“Let’s take their kingdom from them while they are away! Let us show them who really knows how to rule!”

Having heard enough to tell that things were going as planned, Adagio spoke up again, “We will keep them occupied at the games…” her evil grin returned as she gestured to the door, “For now though, why don’t you voice your complaints at Canterlot Castle? I will bet that a few of the guards will be sympathetic to your cause.”

It did not take any more of a suggestion for the group to rush outside in a mad frenzy, leaving the three sirens behind to revel in their plan’s first step being complete.

Adagio turned around to face the other two, not caring that Aria had her arms crossed and Sonata diverting her gaze, “Hypocritical, spoiled fools. I only hope that they get killed before we have to do the job ourselves.”

Aria opened her mouth to complain about something, but instead another voice spoke up from across the room.

“You just sicked them on my family!

Adagio turned back to see that Trixie was standing in the room’s center all of a sudden. How long had she been around? Adagio found herself not really caring, since she was twice as powerful as an Alicorn at the moment due to her slow feeding off crowds for a year, while Sonata was about one and a half Alicorns and Aria about one point four in terms of magical strength. If Trixie, a single Alicorn, really had an objection, she did not have a chance against all three of them.

Still, losing an ally could prove costly, so Adagio decided to partially lie about her intentions, “Oh please, do you think I actually expect those fools to accomplish anything?”

Trixie narrowed her eyes, causing Adagio to start explaining more thoroughly what this whole charade was about, “They are simply a diversion and the seeds of out greater goal. Their hatred can feed us initially, as well as provide us with far greater chaos and the emotion that arises from that. Class warfare will quickly spread along with their anger and dissent, with Princess against Noble and Noble against Princess and commoner.”

With a loud moan Adagio pulled the last of the green mists into her own being, the feeling of being empowered always feeling like nothing else she had ever felt, “Soon enough fighting will sweep across Equestria as needlessly angry ponies turn against their own kind, all while we feed off the energy at the stadium. We’ll be quite well fed after today.”

Trixie narrowed her eyes at the three, not trusting them in the slightest even if they were ostensibly allies, “If my family comes to any harm…”

“You do realize that they, like everyone else, will just be our pawns soon enough?”

It was Trixie’s turn to give a half-lie, “I am fine with that. So long as they are alive.”

Trixie was playing everyone like a pawn, and she intended to keep it that way. She just did not want her family being the pawns of anyone else.

The stadium build was a larger replica of the one used in the Crystal Empire for the Equestria Games, though it had modifications made to it to accommodate the larger crowds. With nearly all of Asgard’s small population and a great deal of Jotunheim’s small population in attendance, the stadium was made to accommodate tens of thousands. In the stands were small magical devices of Trixie’s creation to display the events on the field in close up, running off power that came from a device underground Trixie had imparted some of her magic in. In addition, the stadium was split into three main sections to accommodate the different races without forcing them to intermingle. Each also had a built in magical shield that would pop up and lock down the section in the event of an emergency such as a riot, sealing off any possible trouble makers from the other species.

Looking out at the field and the slowly filling stands from the empty VIP section, Trixie found herself content at the sight of it all. It had taken a lot of effort, but she had managed to transport all of the Jotuns and Asgardians to the game without incident, and now it just was a matter of starting the endgame of her plan.

“Are you ready?”

Trixie looked back to Kael, who was dressed in his full robe and who had his sword at his hip, hidden under his overflowing cloak. Above him floated a single green orb, the sight of which made Trixie actually want to thank Hela for once.

As ready as I will be. Did you let the information out?

He will be here shortly.

Excellent. I managed to convince mother to let me use her scepter in case a riot breaks out…

If we survive the first plan, are we going to enact the second?

I…I don’t know…

The thought of that subject made Trixie’s heart fall. Would things have to go there? Did she want them to? She had the ambition, but she did not know if she had the heart.

I mean, it will be easy, and it will be better than…

You do know the risks though.


Of course I do…now be quiet. I do not need to argue with myself right now of all times, so no doubting!

With that, Trixie waved him away and made Kael take his seat on the far right of the VIP section. She would be sitting to his left, with Luna next to her, Loki to Luna’s left, and the late Thor to his left along with his human companion. There apparently was some crisis or another on Earth that Thor had to avert, but he promised to come by as soon as he could and had promised it was nothing that he could not handle alone…with his human allies, at least.

Despite this, Loki had sent Sif and Hogun to assist their friend, with the order to return to Asgard afterward to act as guards should anything happen during the absence of most of their race.

To sit behind Luna and Trixie was Celestia and Twilight, the latter of which arrived just as Trixie took her own seat. Twilight smiled at her fellow princess, moving to take her own comfortable seat as she let out a sigh of relief. She had been working for days to make sure the logistics of the event all worked out, and she was happy to finally be free of that burden and able to just enjoy the event she helped organize.

Trixie had been growing used to being around the purple mare. Twilight was smart, unlike so many other ponies, and Trixie found herself actually pleased to keep her company over the past year. If Twilight did not normally live in Ponyville Trixie might have even considered hanging out with her enough to call her a friend.

“Twilight, it is good to see you. I assume everything is in order?”

Twilight nodded, a small yawn escaping her lips just then, “Exactly as you planned it. There were a couple of fist fights between the Jotuns and Asgardians, but we managed to calm it down by bringing Loki over to them. Some ponies also tried taunting some Asgardians, but we separated them and ejected those at fault.”

That all sounded about right. While a petty person might criticize Twilight for allowing such things to happen under her watch, Trixie was instead pleased that the unstoppable problems were handled and out of the way just as everything was getting started.

“You are quite the organizer. You’ll be a good leader one day, Twilight.”

The compliment made Twilight realize how much her former rival had changed since they first met. What once was a self-absorbed mare whose only goal was to validate her own ego now was humbled.

“Thank you Trixie. You’re doing well yourself. After all, you put all of this together!”

Trixie glanced over to the silent Kael and then back at Twilight, “I had help. Thank you though. For all you’ve done.”

“You’re welcome. I’m actually looking forward to seeing how this plays out. Promise not to electrocute me this time?”

Trixie laughed at the reference to their last stint at a coliseum, “Of course. Since our rivalry and grudge is over with, I would enjoy being your friend, if you will forgive my past actions.”

“I would enjoy that too. I think us getting along will make Celestia and Luna happy.”

That earned a nod from Trixie, who smiled bitter-sweetly. They were the next generation, and this was the beginning of their rule, of them taking the torch and leading instead of serving.

“It will.”

It was then that the others began to enter the room and take their own seats, signaling to each of the mares that it was time to cut out the chit-chat. Twilight nodded to Trixie, who ought to go out on the field where a stage had been set up for the opening ceremony, “It seems like it is time. You had best get to your place now.”

Trixie smiled to her as she rose, gave quick hellos to the others, and then began to leave with Kael and Loki.

“Good luck, and see you later!” Twilight cheered.

Trixie couldn’t bring herself to thank her well wishes not from pride, but from grief.

As the one with the most authority at the event, Loki gave the opening speech welcoming everyone and explaining the basics. Trixie tuned him out though, having heard it all before given her role as creator of all this, and only began to listen again when she heard a name she was attached to be brought up.

“Today also stands as the day Asgard gains its new power source the Sunwell, granted by our foreign visitor Kael’Thas Sunstrider and his expert arcane knowledge. When it is completed later today it will serve as a valuable tool in protecting the Nine Realms.”

The cheers from the Asgardian crowd showed a definitive support for the structure, something that had required months of Loki campaigning with them about how it could help them and protect them from future invasions. The Asgardians were sore about how they had not been strong enough to fight off the Dark Elves without outside aid, as well as how they fell to a civil war caused by Lorelei, and so that was what truly earned their approval. They did not wish to become a laughingstock, and their warrior pride would rather use magic than fall to an outside force.

Loki laughed as he thought about an unfortunate schedule slip that had occurred recently, “I had intended to unveil its power before the proceedings, but some engineering difficulties arose from how our builders have never built such a thing before,” he shrugged to the amusement of the thousands gathered from Asgard, the other two races more quiet due to their own opinions of him, “Besides, it would have granted the Asgardians an advantage that would have proven unfair.”

With his explanation of everything done, he took a step back on the stage and gestured to Trixie, who was standing in a newly crafted purple robe that she Rarity make for this occasion. She had chosen to be in her Elven form as it was the most neutral of the forms she could chose, not favoring one of the three races in the stands over any other.

“Now, I believe I should let my daughter speak, as it was her initiative to put this all together.”

Trixie stepped forward and took a breath in. This was it. Everything she had worked for…the culmination of her whole life.

Now it was time for the biggest, and possibly last, show of her life.

“Thank you all for making it here today. I hope that today all three of our species can come together and find a common link that bonds us. We may be from different worlds, but we are now all brought together by the blood of our royal families. In the past there have been differences, discrimination, war, and other such undesirable things on our worlds and between some of us.”

Trixie could say more, but she had said enough. This was all a pretense for what was to come next, so she cared not about properly addressing the games and what would happen. She had waited so long that any more anticipation would drive her over the edge.

“Now, without further delay, I would like to present the entertainers who have become popular in both Equestria and in Asgard. May I present, the Dazzlings!”

Loki had left for the VIP booth, but Trixie and Kael lingered at the edge of the stage as a hole opened in the middle of the platform. From this circular hole a platform began to rise, on which the three Sirens stood in a thick fog.

Once the platform was above the normal stage, the vocals from Aria and Sonata began. From the crowd came a large round of applause and cheering from the fans the three had managed to accrue over time, and with this support Adagio began.

Her hips began to sway along with the others as she sang:

“Blindsided by the beat
Clapping your hands, stomping your feet
You didn't know that you fell…”

“Oh-whoa-oh-oh-oh,” came her backup singers, each of them mimicking the movements of their leader.

Adagio gestured to the crowd before her, “Now you've fallen under our spell.”


The green mist from before appeared once again, though it was slight and almost unnoticeable as it poured forth from the crowd. The only place it was not coming from was the VIP section, which Trixie had specifically designed to block the transfer of magic by using ancient Asgardian spells from their castle’s library. She had prepared for this.

The crowd, however, was beginning to move to the sway of the singers, who continued in their softly seductive voices all together.

“We've got the music, makes you move it
Got the song that makes you lose it
We say "jump", you say "how high?"
Put your hands up to the sky
We've got the music, makes you move it
Got the song that makes you lose it
We say "jump", you say "how high?"
Put your hands up to the sky
Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
You didn't know that you fell
Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Now that you're under our spell..."

Adagio broke out from the other two as they fell silent just long enough to let her sing, “Listen to the sound of my voice…”

“Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh…”

The green mist began to grow in thickness, but the mesmerized thousands were unable to pick up on it. Less blind to the magic flowing forth from the crowd in droves was Loki, who was beginning to eye it with suspicion. He had no idea that the mist was actually magic, but he was not quite trusting of it. He had not heard of any usage of fog machines or the like, but he was willing to see where this was going. The others in the VIP booth were either too ignorant or tired to really notice or care about it, leaving him the only one aware of it throughout the stadium who was not in on the plot.

“Soon you'll find you don't have a choice,” Adagio proudly sang, her eyes and face beginning to show her casual smug expression.

“Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh…”

“Captured in the web of my song…”

“Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh…”

Adagio gestured to all of those who stood before her, her back to the VIP booth, “Soon you'll all be singing along.”

“Oh, whoa, oh…”

Loki studied the crowd intently as the three women sang. Even the Jotuns, who had no previous experience with the Dazzlings, were seemingly falling for their song…

Loki regretted that Laufey had not been located at the time of the transportation of the Jotuns, for he would like to ask him about the matter. Were they secretly fans of women singing, or was this something supernatural? He had a growing feeling it was the latter…

In fact, even he was beginning to like it, and he had not expected that. He didn’t want to like it. While Trixie had managed to drain-proof the VIP section, the only way she could keep the Sirens from controlling others was to soundproof something, and to soundproof the VIP box would be too obvious and reveal her knowledge of everything.

After finishing the song’s refrain again, the song ended and gave way to Adagio letting out a bout of maniacal laughter. She could feel power flowing through all three of them, and they were just beginning to receive the very beginning of it all from the crowd.

Projecting her voice, she addressed the crowd with a grandiose voice, “Thank you all for coming today! I assure all of you, this will be the time of your lives. Now, for our final performance…”

All three Sirens began to sing again, though none of them spoke a lyrics as they reset their place on stage.

“Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah…”

Loki looked down at Trixie and her companion, who were not seeming to go along with the song like the others. However, Trixie was using her magic to play a summoned set of instruments without even looking at them, her gaze directed straight at the singers.

The three began to sway around, their bodies moving from side to side as they let their arms freely sway with the rest of them, “…ah-ah-ah-ah, ah…”

After the singers had warmed their voices up enough, Adagio began to demonstrate her alluring voice again.

“Welcome to the show…” she trailed off as she gestured with both hands to the crowd, her face fully displaying her evil smirk as she felt the power continue to flow into her.

“…ah-ah-ah-ah, ah…” came the soft backups of Aria and Sonata, which partially surprised Loki as he thought more about it. Aria’s voice was rough, so to hear her singing voice so melodic made him uneasy.

“We're here to let you know…”


Sonata and Aria each gestured to Adagio, who in turn pointed to herself as she sang, “Our time is now…”

The three each rose an arm out to point at one section of the crowd as they sang in unison, “Your time is running out…”

Given that Sonata and Aria had to turn to point at the crowds on the side, they gave Loki a glimpse at the front of them…where their necklaces were glowing a bright, menacing red. This sight, compounded by the lyrics of their songs, gave Loki the strength to snap himself out of the reverie he had begun to fall into.

He turned to the others in the room and found himself disturbed to see that Luna was innocently humming the songs, with Twilight and Celestia each looking at the singers dreamily.

The singers were enchanting everyone. What they intended to do, Loki did not know, but he did not trust that it was simply to force everyone to enjoy the show. Still, he wanted to see more before he drew any conclusions.

That did not mean he could not try and snap his wife out of this though.

Loki grabbed Luna by the shoulder and shook her, briefly bringing her out of her little zone, “Cover your ears.”

Luna looked at him with a dazed expression, as if she did not understand at all what was going on at the moment, “Why?”

Loki covered one of them for her, with Luna weakly covering her other as she slowly came back to full consciousness, “Do it. Their influence on me is likely slighter because of how I am not fully alive, but their voices are seemingly capable of manipulating others.”

“You mean that…”

Luna gasped as she looked down and saw that Trixie was standing a few feet from them. Were they controlling Trixie too?

As if to remove any ambiguity of their intent, the three Sirens rose their hands up towards the sky, at which point a blood red crescent formed in an arc above them. This crescent blasted up into the sky and expanded exponentially as it went higher, with similar crescents forming and following it as they sang.

“Feel the wave of sound…”

They lowered their hands down towards the crowd, and the various vibrant red waves reversed motion and slammed down into the crowd. Upon impact even the less enthused members of the crowd fell completely under the spell the Sirens were bringing forth.

“As it crashes down
You can't turn away
We'll make you wanna stay!”

Loki stood up from his chair in anger at the sight. These women were bringing forth a second case of Lorelei, and he was not going to let them continue!

Before Loki could teleport and attack them with his father’s spear, the powerful Gungnir, Luna grabbed his arm. With the power they were demonstrating, and the sway they had over the crowd, Luna feared what might happen if they actually fought.

As if a current was lifting them up, the three women began to rise into the air. In fact, the magic they were absorbing from the collective thousands around them was forming that seeming current, and they continued to rise as they sang further.

“We will be adored
Tell us that you want us
We won't be ignored
It's time for our reward!”

Loki saw across the stadium a rift appearing, as if someone was opening a portal from somewhere else. He watched in interest as two figures came from it, while Luna watched in fear as the Sirens began to glow with a sickening red power that quickly enveloped them. When it subsided, they were left with ethereal and horrific wings sprouting from their backs, revealing some of their true nature for all to see.

With such power flowing through them, the Sirens prepared to finish their song. The power from the crowd was almost fully extracted, and they only needed to absorb it into their own bodies. With the most confident and smug expressions each could manage, they reached up to the forming cloud of green energy in the air so they could continue taking it for themselves.

“Now you need us
Come and heed us
Nothing can stop us now!”

A husky but loud voice combated their shriller ones, and with some confusion the three looked around for its source.

“I beg to differ.”

While Sonata wasn’t perceptive enough to catch where it was coming from and merely shrugged, Aria gave a disgusted expression as she pointed towards where it came from.

Shrouded in a black cloak, a being with the body of a minotaur stood beside a nervous looking Discord. Trixie laughed at the sight, pleased to find that Discord had done as told and brought Tirek around.

“Who is that?” Sonata whispered to Adagio, worried about someone interrupting them while they weren’t done assimilating the magic in the air.

Having actually paid attention to the reports of Tirek’s escape from Tartarus and the occasional mention of him stealing a pony’s power, Adagio was not quite as caught off guard once she got a look at the heckler.

“Tirek, if my eyes do not deceive me. I read up on him when I heard he can steal magic,” Adagio looked at Discord with her devilish grin, recognizing him as the one who fathered Celestia’s child, “And you brought a friend it seems. Too bad that you’re too late. The magic here belongs to us, not you, old man.”

Tirek smirked as he tossed his cloak aside, revealing a frail looking red minotaur with the lower body of a horse. He had a ring through his nose, and menacing horns coming from his head, and the look on his face made him seem quite confident that he was able to confront the three on stage, “We will see just about that.”

Raising his hands up, Tirek began to absorb the magic in the air at a rapid pace. The Sirens gasped as he managed to absorb it all into his being faster than they could, and they seemed even more surprised at how he began to grow in size as he took in more and more of it.

After only seconds of this, Tirek was taller and larger than Discord, who he quickly grabbed by the throat and began to siphon the power from. Discord did not seem to expect this quick betrayal, and so he was unable to do anything until it was too late. Tirek took all of the power from the chimera in only a second, and he tossed him aside without any regard for the being who had brought him there and helped him evade capture.

While irritated that Tirek had taken some of the power they were going to steal, Adagio laughed at the sight of the betrayal, “Ohhh, stealing power from an ally? You are quite the unscrupulous devil.”

She looked to her cohorts, who both nodded to her, and Adagio laughed at the being before them. After all the power they had just taken along with their previous power, there was no way he could beat even one of them. Adagio gripped the gem on her necklace as she laughed haughtily at his audacity.

“So some upstart wants to pick a fight with us? Then let's battle!”

Each of the three kept their smug expressions as the set back into singing,
“What we have in store
All we want and more…”

Their eyes shone a bright red as each of them adopted a menacing expression.

“We will break on through
Now it's time to finish you!”

After a brief transfer of power from Adagio to her partners, bursting forth from each of the Sirens came the figure of a giant Siren being, that of a mermaid mixed with an equine. These projections of the true forms of each of them, with an orange Siren for Adagio, a lavender one for Aria, and an aqua blue one for Sonata, rushed towards Tirek and moved to assault him with their power.

Where they collided they caused a huge explosion that could have killed even an Alicorn with its sheer force and power. However, when the dust of the attack settled there was no sign of Tirek at all, leaving the three startled.

Sonata tried finding him, but he was nowhere in sight, “Where’d he go? Did we get him?”

Adagio began to scan the crowds for their foe, who was large enough in size to stand out, but she could not see him anywhere. Their victims were weakly laying in their seats, unable to move because of how much energy had been stolen from them.

“He must have stolen Discord’s ability to teleport…” Adagio shrugged her shoulders dismissively, not really caring about it at all, “It’s no matter. Even if he steals the remaining power of the fans, we have access to the royalty and their power.”

Touching down on the ground, Adagio turned towards the VIP section. It was time to take the last of the magic available before their foe could.

“Sonata, find and handle him. We have more important business to attend to.”

Aria grinned and began to move to the edge of the stage, looking forward to kicking the ass of the uptight royalty while also watching Sonata likely get her ass kicked.

Sonata, on the other hand, rose an objection over this plan because of that same reason. She grabbed Adagio pleadingly by the shoulder, her voice whining, “But he’s like getting really strong! You saw what he did to that freaky looking guy, right?”

Adagio brushed her off and snarled at the other woman, her voice going from smug to threatening, “Then get stronger. You do want to keep your powers, don’t you?”

Sonata yelped and took a step back while Adagio followed behind Aria to go to the VIP section, the blue Siren sobbing quietly as she watched her “friends” leave her behind.

While not happy about it, Sonata began to look around and try to find Tirek. She had to do this if Adagio and Aria were going to care about her…

Still standing nearby, Trixie approached the sole Siren and placed a comforting hand on her. Trixie knew that Sonata was just as evil as the other two, but she was still more innocent and quite dim witted, so Trixie felt sorry for the woman as she tried to hide the dejection she felt from her face. From Sonata’s account of their history, their group formed as a way of protecting her…but now?

Now they left her to possibly die, just to buy time for them to gain their own power.

Even though she planned on pitting these groups against eachother, she would rather not see Sonata killed. Imprisoned for life afterwards, yes, but Trixie had no doubt that someone as ruthless as Tirek seemed to be and was told in ancient texts to be would kill the dumb Siren if he managed to come out on top in their fight.

“You do not have to fight him, you know.”

Mimicking Adagio’s action of brushing her off, Sonata pushed Trixie away while fighting tears in her eyes.

“Pfft, what do you know?!”

Sonata moved away from Trixie to continue looking around, while Trixie grimaced at her.

“I’m warning you.”

Unfortunately, Sonata continued to ignore Trixie and kept looking around. With the woman’s mind made up, Trixie decided to leave her to her fate. She left the stage and headed after Adagio and Aria, who were almost at where Loki and the others were.

The Siren had brought this on herself, and she would pay for it in one way or another.

With Celestia and Twilight each mesmerized by the song, Loki had tried to shake them out of it to no avail. He decided that the best way to do a reset on them would be to knock them out and clear their heads that way. They were just coming to when Loki and Luna noticed that the Sirens had turned their attention on their section of the stadium, causing the husband and wife to shoot each other looks of concern.

“Loki…” Luna whispered, unsure about what to do. She was glad they seemed to ignore Trixie and Kael’Thas, but the sight of so many being drained, controlled, and the idea of being usurped like this was scaring her. She could feel the immense power coming from them, and it genuinely worried her.

Loki, on the other hand, had already begun to piece together some of what was going on behind the scenes and was more calm, “Luna, go back to Canterlot Castle. If these harpies are half as effective as they seem, they will have forces invade the castle, take the children hostage, and use them for whatever nefarious plot they have.”

The idea that she would leave him to fight them alone astonished Luna, “And leave you to fight them all?”

Loki waved her away as he began to study the stadium and its events, “If I am right, your daughter seems to have a plan already in motion. I will follow her lead this time,” he turned back to Luna to give her a serious look, “Now go. I do not trust those pathetic guards of the castle with a single bit, not to mention the lives of our children.”

Understanding what he was saying, Luna nodded. Even if they calmed things at the stadium, it would mean little if they lost Hela and Sleep Near, “Be safe,” Luna glanced down at where Trixie was on the field, “And keep her safe.”

“We will be fine.”

Loki only wished he was sure that he was telling the truth. This was one occasion he did not want to be lying in.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Remember, comments are :heart:!

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