• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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4-gotten: Truth

The four carefully made their way through the mechanical tunnels they found themselves in, carefully evading the ion turret defensive grids that blocked the path initially. There did not appear to be any actual hostile robots guarding the paths at first. However, as they moved, another message from Croid played on a screen. "Our planet's entire history is a fraud! You're part of it! How could you, Nevo?"

Twilight hesitated as she thought about the words. "...I'm beginning to think claiming I'm a highly evolved Creature would be a bad idea," she murmured softly.

"In that case, just identify yourself," Alister suggested. "From what we've looked up, some of his inventions have been patented, so he must have heard of you at some point. Everyone in the scientific community has."

"I like that plan much better," Nefarious agreed. "If only because it isn't Qwark's."

"Hey!" Qwark complained, making Twilight giggle.

A few more complicated laser deflection puzzles cleared the path further in for the group as they bantered, struggling to keep their spirits up as they became more and more uncertain of what was really going on. It was beginning to sound as though there was something more than what they'd thought so far was going on.

After the last sequence of laser puzzles, the group found yet another secret lab, which they eagerly warped into since they'd collected enough Creatures. "After all," Twilight pointed out, "what better way to prove to Croid we're on his side than to have his secret 'Last Resort' weapon unlocked?"

As they completed the trial within the secret lab, however, they found that they'd only unlocked one leg, leaving one leg left to unlock to acquire the RYNO weapon. This left Twilight more than a little frustrated, but she managed to calm down after a time. "So close..." she grumbled under her breath as the group left the secret lab, to go back to the other secret lab that they presumed Croid was in somewhere.

Taking the other remaining path, the group stepped onto a platform, riding it into the depths of the facility...before tipping on its side and attempting to dump them into a pit of acid, forcing the group to activate their jetpacks to fly upward. "He really likes those trick platforms," Nefarious murmured thoughtfully. "I'll have to keep that in mind, and not just for this mission."

Even as they made their way up the tunnels, things continued to fall towards them, forcing them to evade around broken terrain and the standard spinning blades and flame throwers, both above and below. After a great deal of time and nervous flight, a platform closed under them, leaving swingshot targets to launch them higher.

"I hope we're close," Alister murmured, rubbing a bit of soot from the tip of his tail. "We're getting a few too many close calls."

"Well, this Launch Target will fling us...to another Launch Target," Nefarious pointed out as he scanned upward. "And from there to a Spin Target, before bouncing us to a Versa-Crank elevator. So...maybe?"

"Only one way to find out!" Qwark proclaimed as he lifted his Swingshot.

After passing those obstacles, the elevator took them to a calm area that left them unmolested, with a single door leading out. After snatching up a few Creatures, the group made their way to the door, and made their way through along a narrow dirt path. This led them across another metal path, leading to a wide open area where a large lab could be spotted in the distance.

Nefarious frowned as he stared at that. "We'd best be careful," he murmured softly. "After everything we've been through, there's no telling what could be waiting for us. We need a careful plan of attack-"

"CAPTAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIN QWARRRRRRRK!" Qwark shouted out, charging along the path and punching the enemy robots off the bridge and into the pit.

Nefarious narrowed his eyes angrily as Alister and Twilight shared a laugh. "He did that just to piss me off, didn't he?" he demanded as they followed.

Much to Nefarious' frustration, Qwark's heedless charge actually proved to be effective, smashing his way through the last few defenses and clearing the path for the others. With that done, he waited for the others to catch up, so they could actually tell him what all the information on the computer screens meant.

Alister rubbed his chin as he read some of the information. "Planet...Toranux?" he asked curiously, examining the screen.

Twilight's ears perked up as she heard someone mumbling in the distance. "Tricilloscope shows an increase in thermal-kinetic output around the anterior cingulate cortex..." As she raced towards the voice, the others followed. "...confirming my hypothesis that the answer is in the rocks! They can't survive outside, so they need vessels!" Dr. Croid seemed to be studying a creature...while wearing a tinfoil hat.

Twilight and Alister backed away from him slowly. "I'm not saying he's insane..." Alister murmured softly. "He might well be onto something with what he's talking about, given our theories about dealing with some sort of energy-based entities...but he's plainly insane. I don't think introducing you is a good idea."

"Probably," Twilight nodded in agreement. "If I'm not mistaken, it looks like contact with the Creatures helps expand neural capability...and prolonged separation results in partial neural collapse, as the artificial boost vanishes."

Qwark shivered. "Yeah...not a pleasant notion."

"If you three are done!" Nefarious snapped from a nearby console, drawing attention. "I have something. Ephemeris uses a versatron energy dock to recharge its power cells. It emits a high frequency sonar ping to prevent ships from flying into it."

"Then we can use that to triangulate the location of the charging dock!" Twilight called out, racing to his side.

"Already done!" Nefarious crowed. "It's on the Vilerog Plateau!"

"Nicely done, Doctor!" Twilight praised, bumping her hoof against his clenched knuckles. She spent time typing away. "And it looks like there's another rocket here we can use to get straight there! It's even already got the destination programmed in!"

"Then what are we waiting for?" Qwark cried out. "Let's go!"

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