• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Time: Do Not Mess With Agent Clank

Clank awoke in darkness. At first, he was a bit disoriented, but his proximity sensors told him that Dr. Nefarious and Lawrence were nearby. His auditory sensors had not yet reactivated, but his motor functions had. Deciding not to waste time, he immediately raced for a nearby door.

His auditory sensors reactivated just in time to hear a robotic voice proclaim, "Backup generator activated." The room filled with light, and Clank paused by the door as he adjusted from dark vision.

Nefarious turned towards where Clank had been, only to see nothing. "What the?" Spinning, he saw Clank. "He's awake!" he proclaimed. "Stop him!"

Clank's memory files were still suffering from damage of some sort, but an old file kicked in, giving him a way to handle himself. Turning, he raced off, slipping partially into the persona of 'Secret Agent Clank'. They'd actually made a film where 'Agent Clank' awoke in an unknown facility somewhere with partial memory file corruption, so he would just make use of that here.

Following the path, he spotted several creatures his databanks registered as 'Zoni' being harassed by some sort of sonic weapon creation. However, he had no data available defining the Zoni as friend or foe, so he continued on, ignoring their plight for the moment. However, their image did call up other data files, and he realized there was something important missing...something that filled him with anger as he raced onward through the beautiful halls and mechanisms of...wherever he was.

He knew he'd never been here before - wherever here was - but it was still somehow familiar. He found himself...oddly saddened at the destruction the sonic weapon was causing, but he pushed it aside as he raced onward across glass floors partially damaged by the thing's rampage.

A hologram of a strange robot that resembled a cross between a gumball machine and a popcorn maker with manipulator arms appeared next to a walkway just as it collapsed. "Sire!" it called out. "Listen to me! I'm your only hope for escaping Dr. Nefarious! Get into the air ducts and keep moving!"

Having nothing more likely planned, Clank followed the advice, racing through the open air duct. Finding himself in a large room somewhat shielded from the noise of elsewhere, Clank saw the hologram appear again. "Good," the hologram said in relief. "You're safe now."

"Where am I?" Clank demanded firmly. "And what is Dr. Nefarious doing here?"

"I'll explain everything as soon as you're safe, sir," the hologram promised. "But right now, your systems calibrations are out of whack. Let's just give you a quick check up, shall we?"

After recalibrating his ocular functions, Clank continued onward. However, he was getting miffed at being led around by the nose. Finding himself in a huge chamber, he continued on along the collapsing paths as a computerized voice spoke about time anomalies on various worlds. Lawrence could also be heard on the screen talking about how rapidly the number of Zoni in the facility were dwindling, from over a hundred thousand to less than three hundred. For some reason, Clank found that detail both worrisome and upsetting.

One particular thing Nefarious called out to the Zoni, however, stuck with Clank. "Remember when I told you where your new Master was and you kidnapped him right in front of his easily traumatized daughter? Priceless!"

The world around Clank went red, and he wasn't even aware of blasting the announcement screen to bits. He continued onward along the path. A large portion of it exploded, then froze in mid explosion. Clank ignored the holographic guide as he appeared, charging along the path. Whenever he spotted one of Nefarious' devices, he blasted it to bits without hesitation...along with any other obstacles that got in his way.

"Orvus never mentioned you had an arm cannon," the hologram murmured at one point as Clank raced past it, continuing to shoot at anything in his way.

The damage to the mechanisms of the location seemed to upset the hologram as well, but Clank ignored it for the moment. He also shot any screen he spotted that Nefarious was being broadcast from.

Eventually, Clank spotted the real robot behind the hologram, just before it was sealed inside a room. "Sir!" the robot called out. "They've locked me-WAAAGH!"

The scream was because Clank had switched from arm cannon to arm blade, and the energy blade had slashed through the door with ease. Clank had them kicked the door in before pinning the robot to the wall, the blade at his neck. "I have four questions for you," Clank growled out. "Answer them honestly and quickly, and you remain in one piece. Otherwise, I show you why you do not mess with Agent Clank. Where am I, how did I get here, who are you, and most importantly..."

Clank slammed his clenched fist into the wall. "Where is my daughter?" he growled out angrily.

Several nuts and bolts dropped out the bottom of the robot he had pinned. "You're in the Great Clock, built by your father Orvus!" he began, speaking so fast that Clank had to listen in slow motion. "The Zoni brought you here on Dr. Nefarious instruction after your father vanished! I'm Sigmund, your Father's assistant and caretaker in his absence! I work for you! Twilight's still with Ratchet!"

Clank pulled his blade back. "...I see," he murmured. While he wouldn't normally believe him right off the bat, he recognized absolute terror when he saw it...and it all rang true. "Sorry about the rough treatment-"

"So...awesome!" Sigmund gasped out. "It was just like being in one of your holo-films! Where'd you get the blaster and energy sword?"

"Gifts from Twilight," Clank explained. "Now, what is the Great Clock?" Seeing Sigmund flinch visibly at another explosion, he held up his hand to forestall a complicated explanation. "Something that could spell great evil if destroyed or misused?"

"That could destroy the universe!" Sigmund gasped out.

"All I need to know," Clank replied, turning and bringing his energy cannon out again. "Follow me." He raced forward along the only available path.

Sigmund squealed audibly. "So...awesome!" He immediately raced after Clank, grabbing a discarded pipe in one of his manipulators on impulse.

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