• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,140 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Tools: Recovery

When Twilight came to, she found herself somewhere in the dark, rocky, slime river filled landscape of Reepor. "Ugh...what happened?" she asked as she rubbed the back of her head. "...Mom? Dad? Is Qwark okay?" she called out, shaking her head. When she got no response, she looked around quickly. "Mom? Dad? BBBFF?" she called out worriedly. She found no sight of her family. "A...Anybody?" she called, panic slowly creeping into her voice.

She huddled in on herself as a terrifying realization sank in on her mind. She was alone. She was all alone on a strange, desolate world where everything was probably going to be trying to kill her, if not worse. She tried to shy away from the 'worse' part, but her own experience had given her too many ideas of what could be worse than death, and her imagination had always been too fertile for her own good.

As she shook, her whimpers and moans slowly changed. All of a sudden, her mane sprang up crazily, and a mad grin crossed her face. She began to giggle crazily, her pupils narrowing to pinpricks, her irises not much larger, and her eyes began to twitch. "Gotta find 'em, Twilight!" she cackled. "Gotta find 'em before they're gone forever! Clock is ticking, Twilight. Clock. Is. Ticking!"

Two of the larger Cragmites - looking like a somewhat successful crossbreed of a gorilla, a raptor, and an angler fish based on the shape of the jaw - were on a rampage as they readjusted to their old world, their pale spotted skin looking unhealthy against the dark coloration of the world, but was actually healthy as far as they were concerned. Having just escaped where they'd been banished to thanks to Tachyon, they were limbering up for a real war.


At the sound of that voice, both Cragmites turned, coming face to face with a crazed looking winged purple pony. "It's Craggy the friendly Cragmite!" she called out giddily, giggling like a loon. "You're gonna help me find my family, right?" She flew right up in the face of the first Cragmite as she called this out.

Snarling angrily, the large Cragmite took a swipe at her.

She floated back out of the way. "Oh...you aren't Craggy at all! My bad!" With a mad giggle, she launched a blast from her horn into the Cragmite. It screamed in unbearable agony as he was slowly torn apart at the subatomic level.

The other Cragmite stared in horror as the fate of his companion slowly played out. At the end of it, the pony was in his face. "Are you Craggy?" she asked wickedly.

Terrified out of his wits, the Cragmite nodded vigorously.

Laughing, the pony cast out energy bonds that wrapped around the Cragmite as she sat on its back. "Good Craggy!" she praised, grinning madly. "Now...if it isn't a Lombax, a Markazian, a robot, or Captain Qwark...kill anything that gets in our way. Now mush!" Conjuring an energy whip, the pony cracked it over the Cragmite's withers.

Bellowing in terror, he mushed.

Twilight continued to cackle madly, her perception twisted as she hid from loneliness in madness. She laughed as she saw the Cragmites fall to one of their own, adding to their terror and fear by blasting them on occasion, whether with magic or mundane weaponry. Her laughter obviously terrified her mount, and she reveled in that. At one point, she levitated up one of the smallest Cragmites. "Good Craggy!" she praised, then hurled the Cragmite into the acidic lakes below. "Fetch!" Her amusement tripled when 'Craggy' nearly lunged into the pools after the doomed Cragmite.

Before too long, 'Craggy' was in sight of Aphelion...and Twilight caught sight of her family.

Ratchet was startled, to say the least as a large Cragmite leapt down from the cliffs, practically landing on Qwark, who was being treated for his injuries by Talwyn. He was even more startled when Twilight leapt off the Cragmite's back and into his arms. "Daddy!"

"Twilight!" Ratchet called back, pulling her into a tight hug. He barely noticed the Cragmite racing off, howling in terror. "You're alright!"

"I am now..." Twilight whimpered, snuggling into him as her mane returned to normal. She buried her face in his chest as she cried in relief.

Clank stepped up to hug her as well, and Qwark - despite Talwyn's scolds - reached his unbroken arm over to pet her head. Talwyn managed a smile. "Good to see the brains of this outfit is in one piece."

"Hey!" Ratchet and Clank both snapped defensively, causing everyone else to giggle.

"While I am as glad as everyone else that the family is whole again," Aphelion piped up, "I'm afraid I must interrupt. My sensors are detecting a massive Cragmite Armada rapidly approaching Meridian City."

"That's the capitol!" Talwyn shouted out. "Ratchet, you and yours need to head there immediately to help suppress the invasion! We'll catch up as soon as we repair Cronk."

It was at this point that Twilight noticed the old warbot staggering around headless, only to collapse to the ground. "But...but what about Qwark?" she asked, looking towards her BBBFF.

"My inertial dampeners are not up to properly shielding a broken arm," Aphelion indicated. "Even one already in a cast."

"We'll bring him with us," Talwyn promised. "I have a med-table in my ship, where we can strap him in."

"No need for that!" Qwark proclaimed. "Twilight needs her whole family with her now. If a broken arm keeps me from joining her, then I simply won't have a broken arm!"

"Hide all the blades!" Zephyr called out worriedly.

Qwark laughed. "Oh, silly bot, I would not mar myself. I have something much more elemental in mind!" Turning his head towards the immobilization cast on his broken arm, his face scrunched in an effort of concentration.

As everyone watched in amazement, the cast burst off his arm from the sheer force of his flexing muscles. He then moved his arm back and forth, no sign of a break visible.

"H...how?" Talwyn gasped, stunned.

"Behold! The flexing of my muscles and sinews are too powerful for mere bone!" Qwark struck a pose. "I have flexed my broken bones mended!"

Talwyn glanced from Qwark to the others, completely stupefied.

"It's Captain Qwark," Ratchet offered helplessly.

"Safer not to question it," Clank added.

"Less headaches that way," Twilight agreed.

"Setting course for Meridian City," Aphelion piped up.

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