• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Veldin: Milestones

Ratchet smiled as he looked up from his mechanics work as Twilight awoke crying. "Well, it looks like my sound-filtering headphones work," he said, turning towards the little filly. "Now it's time to try my other new invention." Walking over, he scooped Twilight up into his arms.

Twilight looked up at him with a frown. Her magic aura seized the headphones off his head and hurled them across the room where they shattered before she started bawling again, gesturing to the soggy diaper hanging from her hindquarters.

Ratchet winced. "Need to work a bit on structural integrity, though," he said, carrying her over to the device he'd been working on. "Time to test this."

Twilight took in the device somewhat nervously. In the center was a large circular brace, surrounded by several folded metal arms with various tools attached to them, a large linen chest, and a waste basket. Twilight obviously did not like the looks of the device.

"And there we go," Ratchet said, setting her in the brace. A padded balloon inside the brace inflated until it held Twilight gently but firmly with her diapered hindquarters underneath the brace. "Comfy?" he asked Twilight.

Twilight wriggled around. The brace actually did hold her quite comfortably, but she plainly didn't like the device.

"Don't worry, Twilight, it'll be over quick," Ratchet reassured her, switching the device on.

The arms began to move, and Twilight froze in fear. The first set of arms used laser cutters to remove her diaper efficiently without touching coat or skin. Another arm caught the soiled diaper as it fell with the waste bin, which released a gout of flame as the diaper was instantly incinerated. Other arms swooped in, gently and carefully wiping up any extra mess before applying baby powder to prevent rash. A last set of arms pulled out the new diaper from the linen chest and wrapped it around her to the mechanically precise comfortable fit. The arms then retracted, and the brace lowered until Twilight's hind hooves touched the floor. The balloon then deflated before the brace lifted up over Twilight, leaving her to brace herself once more on all fours before the machine shut down.

"It works!" Ratchet said happily, pumping his fist into the air. "The Daipertron is a success! Now I can sell the design to Gadgetron, and make enough money to cover quite a few of your expenses, Twilight! Isn't that wonderful?"

Twilight looked up at the machine, then down at her diaper, then up at Ratchet. She made a sad sounding inquiry.

Ratchet kneeled down. "What's wrong, Twilight?" he asked, resting his hand on her shoulder. She shifted her body so his hand was on her diaper. "What, is the machine not a personal enough touch?" Twilight nodded vigorously. Ratchet blinked. "Well, your grasp of language is certainly more advanced than I expected," he commented as he rubbed his chin. Twilight happily pointed to the holo-books. He chuckled. "Well, you are an avid reader."

He sat back, looking at his machine. "Maybe I should add a voice chip to the Diapertron Mark 2, programmed to pick from a selection of soothing statements to say during changing so the it feels more personal to the infant." He started to make a note of that.

Twilight made a sad bleating noise, butting his hand with her head as she put his leg between her and the machine.

Ratchet looked down at this. "Don't like the machine at all, huh?"

Twilight shook her head, nudging Ratchet's hand again.

Ratchet shook his head. "No Twilight. The whole point of this was so that I don't have to change your diaper by hand. More sanitary that way." When Twilight pouted at him, he sighed. "No, Twilight, I'm not budging on this." Her lip began to quiver. "Alright," he caved. "Tell you what: when you can handle your toilet related issues without a diaper, then you don't have to use the Diapertron anymore. How's that sound?"

Twilight's horn promptly glowed, and her diaper shredded itself.

Ratchet blinked. "I'm going to be heading to town to get a few things for you. If you make a mess while I'm gone, I expect you to clean it up."

Twilight squeaked happily as she trotted over to one of the holo-books. Sighing, Ratchet grabbed his bolt card and headed into town.

When Ratchet returned, his arms full of grocery bags, he found Twilight on the front lawn, doing her business in a divot she had dug with her forehooves. "Twilight, that's not what I meant-"

As soon as Twilight finished her business, she wiped herself with a levitated piece of toilet paper and dropped it into the divot, then turned to face it. Her horn glowed, and a bolt of lightning struck from her horn to the divot, incinerating the contents and leaving a sweet-smelling pile of ash behind.

Ratchet stared at what had happened as Twilight headed back into the shed they called home. "Not quite what I meant, but I won't complain about her toilet training herself," he said with a shrug. He then walked in, setting the bags down. "Well, I got some bottles for milk, a masher to turn local vegetables into baby food for you, and a special surprise for you!" He turned around, then frowned. "Hey! That's my wrench!"

Twilight was curled up on the pile of holo-books, hugging Ratchet's Omniwrench to her. At Ratchet's complaint, she turned, holding it closer to her and sucking on one side of the wrench head.

"Hey!" Ratchet complained again. Rushing forward, he grabbed the handle and gave a tug. "Mine!"

"Nyeh!" Twilight complained, clutching the wrench with forehooves and magic.

"Mine!" Ratchet said again, tugging.

"Nyeh!" Twilight mewled, tugging back.





"Get...your...own!" Ratchet growled, tugging harder on the wrench.

Twilight blinked, then made a happy squeal. Her horn flashed brightly.

Ratchet fell back, his Omniwrench clutched in his hands. Twilight tumbled backwards off the pile of holo-books, clutching an identical Omniwrench. "Twilight, you okay?" Ratchet asked in concern, rushing over to her.

She held up the second Omniwrench happily, looking up at him for approval.

Ratchet held his wrench up to the duplicate, comparing it in every detail. Seeing that they were completely identical, he realized they needed some way to tell them apart. As an idea struck him, he held up his. "Mine," he said. Reaching into a drawer, he quickly made a decal in the design of the mark on Twilight's rear, the purple and white star surrounded by five small white stars. He stuck the decal to the head of Twilight's wrench. "Yours," he said firmly.

Twilight squealed happily, hugging him while she gripped the wrench in a purple glow that matched the glow of her horn.

"Huh," Ratchet said as he returned the hug. "Didn't know you could manipulate objects like that without blowing them up." He grinned. "So...want to see your surprise?"

"Yeh!" Twilight squealed happily, bouncing around him in a circle. "Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh!"

Ratchet chuckled, reaching into one of the bags. "Well, you know how you really liked those Captain Quark stories?" Twilight nodded her head vigorously. "Well...ta-dah!" Ratchet pulled an official Captain Quark plushy out of the bag, the perfect size for Twilight to cuddle at night.

Twilight squealed even happier, yanking the plushy to her in more of her purple energy before snuggling it.

"You're welcome," Ratchet chuckled, petting her head.

To his surprise, she released the plushy to leap upward and hug him around his neck. "Takoo, Dada!" she said, nuzzling him.

He couldn't help but smile as he hugged her back. "Happy to do it, Twi," he said. Twilight then hopped down and grabbed a holo-book before beginning to read to Quark in her baby talk. Ratchet smiled rather goofily. "She...she called me Dada..."

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