• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Arsenal: Phoenix Flight

Upon their return to the Phoenix, the Q Force reassembled on the bridge for Qwark's debriefing. "Well team," he proclaimed, "I believe some congratulations are in order."

Ratchet rolled his eyes, fully expecting Qwark to try and take all the credit.

"I believe the MVP of this mission was definitely Twilight," Qwark continued, "as she was able to acquire the entirety of Nefarious' stored data, which Al is currently decrypting, without leaving a trace of our presence! Let's give her a big hand, everyone!" At that, he began to applaud.

Twilight blushed as the whole team began to applaud. Ratchet raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Ratchet, Clank, your teamwork at penetrating the base's defenses was superb as you went through the interior corridors, clearing paths for each other as you went," Qwark continued. "And Skidd, you showed courage above and beyond the call, proving your value to the team." More applause greeted. "According to Al, we should have a report on where the Tyhrranoids are coming from within the hour. We will have a plan of assault by then." He raised a hand. "One thing I feel I must point out here. As said before, Nefarious has a personal grudge against me. Now, I know I can't best him alone this time around, since he'll be gunning for me specifically. So, as soon as I make a public appearance fighting him, I will be claiming all credit for our accomplishments specifically to ensure all his attention is focused on me, leaving the rest of you to sneak around behind him and give his backside the Boot of Justice!"

Twilight blinked. "Did...did Qwark just justify being an unbearable show boat in public?" she asked.

"You are not the only one shocked," Clank agreed.

"The plan for the assault on the Tyhrranoids should be ready in 75 minutes," Qwark finished. "Until then, dismissed!"


As Ratchet, Clank, and Twilight made their way back to their quarters to rest and rejuvenate, Sasha caught up to them. "I was wondering if I could ask you something regarding your report on the Aquatos excursion."

"Sure, Sasha," Ratchet replied eagerly. "What's up?"

"May I ask why you took that side trip in the sewers?" she asked. "None of you are exactly hurting for money, and I don't see what other purpose you could have in fetching those sewer crystals for...The Plumber?"

"Our actions there were actually two fold," Twilight explained. "First, we've encountered him several times before in our adventures, both here in Solana and in Bogon, and he always seemed to be a little more aware of events than he should be, and seemed to possess abilities not exactly defined by standard physics."

"Like your own abilities, you mean?" Sasha asked.

"Not exactly," Twilight replied. "But we all feel its best to complete whatever side trips he presents. It may prove helpful in the long run, whether it seems to or not."

"Alright, I can accept that," Sasha replied. "I've encountered my own share of 'more than they seem' characters. But why take his money when you don't need it?"

"Fundraising for our friends and allies here on the Phoenix!" Twilight chirped happily, bouncing the bag of bolts as she turned towards the shop terminals.

"Indeed," Clank agreed. "I went through the mission accounts and discovered that the bulk of our official funding went to the Phoenix itself."

"And until the ship is completed, stocked, and staffed, the three of us are the only ones with decent equipment, mostly what we brought with us," Ratchet added disapprovingly. "Even the Rangers assigned to us have only stock gear and training, and probably would have gotten wasted in previous missions if Twilight hadn't lent them some of her weaponry. So we decided to help them out a bit, you know?"

Sasha's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed as she thought through the arguments. "So...any future side missions not directly related to thwarting Dr. Nefarious are essentially going to be resource acquisition runs to support Q-Force?"

"Indubitably!" Clank agreed.

"I'm even going to donate any of my winnings from Annihilation Nation!" Twilight squealed happily.

"Well, that and maybe getting some 'on location footage' for Derek Tovid," Ratchet pointed out as the rest of the team passed by towards their own quarters. "It might be better if Nefarious assumed Clank and his assistants were here as part of his acting career."

"Ooh!" Clank piped up. "I hadn't thought of that!"

Twilight gasped happily. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun! I can whip up a copy of my costume prosthesis rather easily, and Al can help me make it so it stays on and actually functions like a cybernetic enhancement to the naked eye instead of just on camera! Oh, and once Qwark goes public, we can send some of his footage too for his heroic comeback!"

Qwark's eyes widened in surprise. "You...you'd really want me to be a part of your movie career?" he asked, shocked. "Do...do you think your agent will take me on as a client when the time comes? Mine kinda dumped me after the whole Drek contract fiasco."

Ratchet smiled easily. "I'm sure we can work something out. Anyone else want in?"

"You know it, dude!" Skidd proclaimed eagerly. "Don't even need a new agent, though that guy still owes me an apology. 'Celebratory fireworks' my ass..."

"Um...maybe, I guess?" Al offered as he looked up from his decryption work. "I don't know if I'm cut out for film..."

"You'll do fine!" Twilight assured him. "Clank needs a Q type character."

"But I don't have reality warping powers," Al pointed out. "Though those might be cool..."

"It's a spy drama," Twilight pointed out.

"Oh, that Q," Al replied, somewhat disappointed. "Yeah, I can do that."

Helga sighed in exasperation. "Bah! Holovids and glory hounding are vat nearly ruined Keptain Qvark! Still, you three doing okay with films. If the Keptain is in, then so am I...if only to make sure he stays in shape and on track!"

"What about you, Miss Phyronix?" Clank asked. "Do you want to be part of this?"

Sasha looked away, rather flustered. "I don't know...pretty sure I'm not cut out for film...and it wouldn't really be appropriate..."

"Are you kidding?" Twilight demanded. "It'd be great! Not only would it add that touch of realism to the film, it would seem like the entire project is making a holo-vid rather than fighting Nefarious. Since he's such a huge fan, he might even stop fighting so he can go over the script and participate!" She smirked. "Besides, 'out of my league' romance sub-plots are really big right now, and you can't get much more than that than the butler and the starship captain."

"Twilight!" Ratchet complained as Sasha turned away, hiding a blush.

"I'm talking the movie, Daddy!" Twilight pointed out, smiling to herself as she saw the blush. Walking over to the terminals, she chuckled. "You only play a butler, after all."

After an hour spent acquiring new equipment for the Galactic Rangers under their command - including new weapons, better quality armor, and an hours worth of training in a crash course of 'how not to die a screaming coward' - the Q Force gathered on the bridge for the new mission briefing.

"Now that we know where the Tyhrranoids come from," Qwark began, "I have devised a brilliant plan to put a stop to this alien menace once and for all!" He brought out the crayon drawings for the powerpoint presentation. "As the smallest targets with planetary assault experience, Ratchet, Clank, and Twilight will go in first, backed by their new crack unit of Galactic Rangers, code named the Sparkle Squad!"

Twilight groaned and face-hoofed. "Are they really called that?"

"They've even painted their armor lavender with a star insignia," Qwark pointed out, causing Twilight to groan even further. "To avoid damage to the ships, you will all have to free fall down to take out the mortar launchers. Once the path is clear, the rest of us will come in on the dropship. Next, Ratchet, Twilight, Skid and Clank will each take a specially designed assault vehicle to take out the four plasma cannon turrets. Once the turrets have been knocked out, they will join together to spearhead the assault on the Tyhrranoid main base while the Rangers keep the main force distracted outside. That will be when I join in, to annihilate the Tyhrranoid control points, ending the threat once and for all!"

Ratchet smiled. "This is going to be fun."

(1) The majority of this scene (through to the next page break) crafted by - and used with permission from - Tangent, who presented it in a comment as an Alt-script, which I felt had to be canon.
The comment can be found here.

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