• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Clank: Kerwan 1

The more automated landing system of their new ship made landing on Kerwan much smoother than it had been on Planet Novalis. Once they were safely settled, Ratchet and Twilight hopped out of the cockpit, Clank following to settle on Ratchet's back. Twilight suppressed a giggle at seeing them already working so smoothly together. Walking down the path, they came to a fork. "So which way?" Twilight asked.

Ratchet glanced at his map from the Gadgetron uplink. "Well, we need to find Big Al's shop so we can ask about Captain Qwark..."

Looking around, Twilight gasped. "No we don't!" she shouted, pointing. "There's Captain Qwark over there!" She took off towards the distant figure.

"Twilight, wait!" Ratchet called, running after her. When he caught up, he panted, "Don't run off like that, Twilight. Especially not to talk to a stranger, even a famous one."

"It's not Qwark," Twilight pouted. "It's just an automaton."

"Welcome to the Captain Qwark Fitness Course!" the green clad mechanoid proclaimed, waving its arms as it bobbled back and forth on its spring. "If you're strong enough, fast enough, and clever enough to beat my fitness course, you will receive a reward from my head trainer. Simply make your way to the third island to complete the course. Good luck!" It's voice quieted as it then spoke much faster. "Qwark Enterprises is not responsible for sprains, broken bones, snapped tendons, bruised egos or accidental death incurred while taking the challenge."

Twilight looked over to the island in question. "How are we supposed to get over there?" she asked.

"I believe we need to ascend to the top of the tower on each island in order to access the zip line to the next one," Clank proposed, pointing out the zipline.

"But...but I can't ride down a zip line!" Twilight complained.

"You can hold onto Clank while I slide down it," Ratchet offered.

Twilight nodded. "Alright."

As they climbed the first tower, they encountered several obstacles that tested their physical abilities. Long jumps over gaps between platforms were nothing to worry about, but Ratchet paused in concern at the first segment he would have to triangle jump upward. Twilight's body wasn't built for such a maneuver, after all.

Twilight, however, found no problem with this. Standing up on her hind legs, she pressed her forelegs against the wall, then lifted her hind legs to stand fully on the wall, her horn glowing as she utilized a gravity spell she had read about to realign her personal gravitational field to a 90 degree rotation. She let Ratchet triangle jump up the passage ahead of her so that he could pull her up to level at the top, as the absence of a curve at the top made that difficult for her.

Their original plan for the zip line immediately following didn't work as well as they'd hoped, as Twilight was unable to hold onto Clank, nor could Clank grip her without disengaging from his place on Ratchet's back. However, a rather risky idea of Twilight's proved workable. With a boost from Ratchet, she balanced her Omniwrench on top of the zip line and stood balanced on it to ride down the top of the line, while Ratchet gripped it from below to maintain that balance.

The tower on the next island proved even less of a challenge, as the only addition was platforms that moved in and out of the tower in predictable patterns. The slightly longer jumps proved foal's play for Twilight, as she could easily glide past the retracting platforms all the way to the other side, especially if Ratchet threw her across. The retracting jump slot - as the Gadgetron uplink informed them they were called, proved a bit more difficult for Twilight, as she was unable to get a stable gravity spell applied to a moving surface. However, Clank came up with a different solution that worked flawlessly: by bracing Twilight's forehooves against Ratchet's hands, the two of them could walk up the jump slot with ease, and a slight application of Twilight's telekinesis allowed them to crest the top to stable ground.

"Twilight, if your telekinesis is so advanced and powerful, why not simply levitate yourself up the jump slots?" Clank asked curiously.

Twilight shook her head. "While I have a lot of power, it takes a lot of concentration to work levitation like that. Being braced on a solid surface means I don't have to brace myself with my magic as well. Trying to levitate myself would be much harder, not to mention very disorienting."

Clank nodded understanding. "I see. ...have you considered perhaps the creation of steps made of focused telekinetic energy?"

"Like a magic staircase?" Twilight asked.

"Something like that."

Twilight rubbed her chin with a hoof. "I had considered it...but to build an entire staircase that way would require so much magic..."

"Do the individual steps need to be braced against each other, or solid surfaces?" Clank inquired.

Twilight thought for a bit as they approached the last zip line. "No, I don't think so. I mean, I can create a thin platform to stand on in midair." She generated a magenta square made of solid light with her magic, wide enough for all three of them to stand on. "But I don't see-"

"What if you only maintained three steps at a time?" Clank suggested. "The one you are currently standing on, the one you just stepped off of, and the next one up?"

Twilight frowned. "But that would..." Her voice trailed off. "That's...that would conserve my thaumic quotient so I didn't expend my entire magical energy maintaining the entire stairway, and it would have more stability than trying to levitate myself, as each step would be a fixed point to work from. It'll take some time to figure out the exact formulae..."

"If you explain the mathematics and science behind your abilities to me," Clank offered, "I could assist with the computations."

"That'd be great!" Twilight squealed happily, clapping her hooves.

Ratchet shook his head. "This is all way beyond me," he admitted. "I can build something based on the science I know...but I can't make heads or tails of your magic, Twi."

Twilight patted his shin with a hoof. "It's okay, Daddy," she said as she climbed up to stand on his Omniwrench before they slid down the zip line. "I'll explain it to you when this adventure's over."

At the end of the zip line, they encountered a rather hefty fembot in workout clothes, her 'hair' in pigtails. She was doing jumping jacks until they arrived. "Listen up you lard balls!" she proclaimed in a heavy German accent. "That was the most pathetic display I have ever seen on that obstacle course."

"Whaddaya mean?" Ratchet demanded.

"We finished the course," Clank pointed out reasonably.

"And I doubt you've seen many six year olds run it," Twilight grumbled, glancing nervously at her belly. "Daddy, do I really look like a 'lard ball'? I didn't think I was fat..."

"Oh yah!" the fembot proclaimed. "But it was we-" She cut herself off. "Did you say you were six?" she asked, leaning over Twilight, shocked.

Twilight nodded. "Uh huh." She looked up, sad. "Am I really...a lard ball?"

The fembot scooped her up into a hug. "Oh I'm so sorry, kleine," she whispered hurriedly. "I was expecting grown ups running this course, not children. For one as young as you, that was an excellent time! And you are not fat at all, little one. That is just Helga's way of encouraging lazy bums like the cat boy over there who disgrace her obstacle course. Don't be sad, ja?"

"Hey..." Ratchet complained. "I'm not fat, either..."

"Then where were those cat-like moves I was expecting on the course, eh?" Helga proclaimed. "Your performance was pathetic!" She then turned back to Twilight. "But you weren't, little one. Captain Qwark was very impressed by you, I'm sure. He wants you to have a Swingshot." She gave the gadget in question to Twilight.

Twilight grinned widely. "A gift from Captain Qwark?" she gasped happily.

"Ja!" Helga confirmed. "With it, you can sway to and fro from those targets up there, and any like them. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Twilight nodded eagerly. "It really does!"

Helga set Twilight down with a smile, then turned to Ratchet with a scowl. "Dat idiot Captain also wants me to give you one, but you disgraced my course today! If you want it, then I will make you pay!"

"But..." Twilight whimpered. "But I need Daddy to show me how to use this." She looked up at Helga, her eyes wide as she whimpered. "Please let my Daddy have his, too, so we can swing together?" Her lip quivered as she begged.

Helga caved. "Oh, alright. I guess it isn't such a disgrace if he was working so hard to help you cross." She tossed a swingshot over to Ratchet.

"This thing is sweet!" Ratchet said, looking it over. "I bet Captain Qwark uses stuff like this all the time."

"Ha!" Helga proclaimed. "Real men can swing without silly toys like that!"

Seeing Ratchet with his swingshot, Twilight grinned. "Works every time," she mumbled under her breath.

Helga's hearing, however, was apparently more acute than Twilight had expected. She let out a gasp. "Why you little lausbub!" she proclaimed loudly, bending over to tickle Twilight mercilessly as the filly laughed as she rolled onto her back from the assault. "You are a tricky one, aren't you? I hope I see you again, if not your lazy Papa!" With that, Helga hopped into a nearby air taxi and sped off.

Smiling and still giggling, Twilight turned. "Well, I guess it's time to look for Big Al's, after we test these out." Lifting her Swingshot - mounted on her hoof - she aimed at the nearest target. "Whoa!" she shouted, as the hook launched out, caught on the target, and dragged her through the air.

Chuckling, Ratchet followed her, determined to keep up.

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