• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Equestria Interlude: Twilight Teaching

Twilight blinked as she opened the door to find the Cutie Mark Crusaders staring up at her hopefully. "Umm...can I help you three?" she asked curiously.

"Ya said you'd take some time ta tutor us, remember?" Apple Bloom pointed out. "We're here fer that!"

"Oh, I remember," Twilight confirmed. "I just didn't expect you all back...so quickly. I mean, I only gave you those forms yesterday-"

All three fillies immediately pulled out signed waivers. "Here you go!" Sweetie proclaimed eagerly, desperately struggling to levitate the piece of paper over to Twilight as the others handed them over.

Twilight frowned down at the signed sheets. "And...you're sure an adult family member signed off on this with full understanding of what it meant, as well as talking it out with you?"

"Applejack signed mine!" Apple Bloom proclaimed happily. "She said it meant she was saying it was okay for ya to patch me up if I got hurt."

"Rarity signed mine!" Sweetie Belle added. "Mom and Dad are out of town - again - and she said lessons would mean we could spend more time together once I'm more useful."

Twilight winced slightly at just how enthusiastic Sweetie Belle was about being 'useful' to Rarity. Then again, career focus did sweep everything else up in it. She turned to the last filly. "And you, Scootaloo?"

"Uh huh, yeah, signature, danger, got it!" Scootaloo stated quickly. "Let's go already!"

Twilight was internally torn between pleasure at Scootaloo's eagerness to learn and a growing certainty she should check the signature on her form for forgery. Eventually, she decided to go with the former, since she wasn't entirely certain the forms constituted legal consent in the first place and were meant as a deterrent from following this path...for the fillies' families, if not for the fillies themselves. "Well, come on in then. You might as well see how I've fixed this place up." She nudged the door open and led them inside.

Inwardly, she chuckled as she watched their awe as they stared around. The overall 'inside a tree' aesthetic remained the same, but the amount of space now contained rivaled Canterlot...the city, not just the castle. Shelves upon shelves of books, scrolls, holo-books, data cubes, readers, and display cases stretched out into the distance beyond clear vision, and the roof soared high above, vaulted with intertwined branches and leaves that allowed the sun to play gently across the floor and shelves, giving a natural feel and the exact amount of light needed to read comfortably by. In the distance, Spike could be seen flying a jetpack around as he reshelved books with robo-arms, a half dozen at a time. Several robots that glowed green and looked only half there were at work assisting Spike, running here and there with stacks of books in their arms and laser cutlasses strapped to their backs (Twilight had recruited some of her 'crew' to help run the expanded library, as she'd transferred everything that was intact from the 'Hall of Knowledge' here for review, and everything that wasn't intact for restoration).

Twilight waited for the fillies to be completely gobsmacked by what they were seeing, then cleared her throat to get their attention. "So...what was it specifically you three wanted me to instruct you in?"

"I was hoping to learn ta make potions that could help plants grow, among other things," Apple Bloom spoke up. "But Applejack says I'm not allowed to go into Everfree alone even ta see Zecora. Not after the Heart's Desire incident..."

"I want to learn to take things apart and put them back together!" Scootaloo proclaimed eagerly. "That way I can fix up my scooter and the wagon when they break!"

"And I'm hoping you can teach me to draw out more of my telekinesis!" Sweetie Belle squeaked hopefully.

Twilight nodded as she took all that in. "I see...but do you really want to be so limited in what you're studying? If this is working towards Cutie Marks...what if you three were the first fillies to get Cutie Marks in something from off world?"

All three fillies gasped in shock at the very idea. They glanced at each other, then leapt into the air. "Cutie Mark Crusaders Space Studies, Yay!" they proclaimed together.

Twilight chuckled softly. "In that case, follow me downstairs." Turning, she led the trio down a short flight of stairs into a massive basement laboratory. Much like above, shelves stretched into the distance, though covered in various components and vials rather than books or scrolls. However, as she expected, the fillies' attention was locked on the snarling creatures inside the cage beside the stairs.

"Princess Twilight-" Apple Bloom began.

"Just Twilight," Twilight interrupted. "I'm a teacher here, not a Princess."

"What is that?" Sweetie Belle shrieked as she pointed.

Inside the cage was a group of creatures resembling Timberwolves, though they seemed to be made of metal and circuits rather than wood and leaves. The same eldritch glow filled their eyes, though. "Oh, that's the results of my attempts to reverse engineer the 'zombie robot pirate ghost' curse using Timberwolves as test subjects. I thought I'd have to recreate the curse to give to Zecora before sending her back in time so she could give it to Blackwater." She smiled ruefully. "Turns out she already had that particular curse in her library...but these cyberwolves are still useful in their own way."

"H-how so?" Scootaloo asked nervously.

"Well, for this lesson for one thing," Twilight explained. She handed Scootaloo a blueprint. "This has all the parts you'll need to put together a weapon to repel them." She handed Apple Bloom a small flower in a pot and a scroll. "This has a formula that will let this plant grow gigantic and become sapient. Brew it right, it will protect you. Brew it wrong, and it will likely turn on you." She then turned to Sweetie Belle. "Parts and chemicals will be out of reach for all of you without telekinesis." Turning, she locked the door out of the lab and flew up to the top of the cyberwolf cage. "I'll open the cage in five minutes. That's how long you have to prepare. I believe the best learning is discovered on the battlefield, in a life or death struggle. Good luck." She flipped over a five-minute hourglass.

As the sand started to fall, the fillies stared in disbelief...then shrieked in terror before racing off into the lab. Twilight chuckled to herself. The cyberwolves were actually part of the 'zombie robot pirate ghost' crew now, and thus wouldn't actually hurt the fillies. Still, she knew what adrenaline could do to the creative mind...and that's one thing that trio definitely was.

After a time, she released the cyberwolves to hunt down the trio. They'd either have their defenses prepared and drive the wolves back, or they'd get a bit of a fright before the wolves dragged them back. Either way-

There should not have been a massive explosion followed by a hurled shelf and the yelps and whines of the cyberwolves.

Looking up, Twilight's eyes shrank to pinpricks as she stared at the massive plant/metal monstrosity that the CMC were riding atop to smash the cyberwolves to bits. She realized one thing she'd forgotten about the CMC...what they got up to tended to get away from them.

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