• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Nexus: Broken

Just as Ratchet finished his check on things in the brig, the entire ship shook. "That's a rocket impact!" he gasped out.

Vendra chuckled softly as the image started to fade. "Looks like the plan worked," she offered smugly. "You walked right into my brother's trap, and now he's here to bust me out. ...it's almost a pity. I was just beginning to enjoy our talks..."

Ratchet said nothing as he raced towards the bridge to help Twilight, Cronk, and Zephyr. Unfortunately, this left the brig completely undefended as the actual rescue squad of Thugs-4-Less troops came in through the back of the ship and freed Vendra. "Take me to my brother," she ordered them as she spread the small, violet energy wings on her back, stretching to get the kinks of cryo-lock out of her system. "And make sure we aren't followed."

Twilight flinched as the rocket impact to the ship caused her to lose her holo-call signal. "What's happening?" she shouted out worriedly.

"We're under attack!" Zephyr shouted out worriedly, grabbing his sidearm and preparing for battle.

"Mom, get to Dad!" Twilight barked out quickly. "You two work best together."

"Understood," Clank confirmed as he immediately leapt into a ventilation shaft, racing through the narrow path to get to Ratchet's side to assist him.

"Cronk, Zephyr, we stand our ground here on the bridge!" Twilight continued. "With Daddy in the brig guarding Vendra, we should be safe once he's got Mommy's backup."

"Unless of course Ratchet's rushing up here to back you up," Cronk suggested. "I mean, he would put your safety over keeping the prisoner secure."

Twilight frowned as she got into a defensive stance. "Yeah, he would..." she grumbled under her breath. Not that she could really blame him. Ratchet wasn't the only one Nefarious had provided that bio information for, and Twilight's main problem with taking this mission - the one she wouldn't actually speak about aloud - is because she knew how close she came to turning out like Vendra or worse. After all, if Ratchet had decided to hand her over to scientists rather than raising her himself...at least Vendra had her brother...

As that thought crossed Twilight's mind, the door to the bridge burst open, and Vendra floated in at the side of her brother, Neftin Prog. While they shared similar coloration, otherwise they couldn't be more different. Where Vendra was small and petite - about the size of Ratchet for that matter, which was somewhat on the small size for sophonts- Neftin was massive, easily as large as Qwark if not bigger. Where Vendra was wispy and carried an ethereal aura, Neftin's bulk had been augmented with cybernetic enhancements, covering him in yellow and black armor.

Twilight and the old warbots ducked for cover, watching to see what would happen with the pair. Vendra seemed upset with Neftin. "Six months!" she snapped out angrily. "I was stuck in cryo-lock for six months! What took you so long?"

"Planning a prison break isn't easy!" Neftin grumbled. "Not only did I have to bribe government officials to get the route, that was only the official route, since I was told the crew had leeway to make alterations mid-flight as long as they got there on time. Then there was coordinating a galaxy wide crime wave to ensure that only the minimum security was available here, and hiring the extra muscle-"

"You are the muscle!" Vendra shouted out angrily.

"And I don't do you any good if I take a RYNO barrage to the face!" Neftin countered, making Vendra pull back. "You do remember who's on this ship as security other than Ratchet, don't you? His little girl, the one who builds weapons of galactic level destruction for a hobby between helping run the galaxy and dating the most infamous supervillain in the known universe?"

Vendra frowned irritably, but sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I guess it would be stupid going up against her without meat shields lined up."

"Need more than that," Twilight stated firmly, stepping out from behind her cover. "And it'd probably help to actually have them with you."

Vendra smirked as she turned to face Twilight. "Your reputation precedes you, Miss Sparkle," she mused, floating between Twilight and Neftin. "I know quite a bit about you."

"And I know a great deal about you," Twilight responded. "I have very good sources."

"I'm certain you do," Vendra agreed. "But what I know about you tells me you're going to stand down."

"You mean the Pyrociter mines that are Thugs-4-Less standard procedure to prevent anyone from following them after a raid?" Twilight inquired carefully. "The ones lining the entire ship, that Neftin's holding the detonator for?"

"That's right," Vendra confirmed as the pair continued to circle each other. "I must say, I'm impressed. You think like a criminal."

"I had several very good teachers," Twilight replied readily. "You think you can make me stand down by threatening to set off the charges, because you can teleport yourself and Neftin to safety, while I'm not in range to protect Dad and Mom."

"And this is where you surprise me," Vendra mused. "Either you're going to tell me Ratchet and Clank are armored against such mines, have already disabled them, or you've got some sort of signal jammer on your person to prevent the remote detonation."

"Built into the walls of the bridge chamber, actually," Twilight confirmed. "I'm impressed. You think like a hero."

"I had plenty of material to study," Vendra offered playfully. "You know, you and I...we aren't so different. I think we could have been very good friends, if things had been different."

"It's a pity you both didn't wind up on Veldin, instead of Meero," Twilight agreed. "It would have been nice having you both as part of the family."

"Unfortunately, we can't just go back in time and fix things just because we don't like how they turned out," Vendra offered, her voice cast in a tragically regretful tone as she started to gather her nether energy.

"Yeah, Grandpa Orvus gets upset when I try things like that," Twilight mused playfully, her own magic gathering in her horn. "And a change this big? Oh, the ripples..."

Vendra smiled softly. "Ratchet made you a promise. I'd rather you both live long enough for him to keep it. So you should back down."

Twilight returned the smile. "We made our commitments," she responded as they once more came to a halt, their circling having put them back in the exact same positions they started in. "You're going to stay right here."

The pair stared each other down for a time, and then unleashed their energies. Twilight's magic impacted Vendra's nether energy...and it formed a coruscating violet sphere at the point of impact, spinning and letting off a high pitched whine.

"...that's new," Vendra mused curiously, floating backwards.

Twilight backed up slowly. "T-that's not good..." she mumbled as she scanned the energy sphere...only to gasp. "Our abilities...they function on the same wavelengths and rules...but the energy sources we tap are antithetical to each other! It's a magic/anti-magic reaction!"

"It's cascading!" Neftin shouted as he grabbed hold of Vendra, turning and charging for the wall before leaping bodily through it, smashing his way into space as Vendra managed to warp them to safety.

Twilight stared, unable to move. She was too close to the reaction. If she tried to teleport away or shield herself, it would just add to the cascade, making it that much more destructive. But if she didn't escape, the blast would rip her apart.

As everything went white, shadows covered her, and she found herself blasted back through the cockpit and into space.

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