• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Deadlocked: Avenged

The next trial Twilight and her team faced was the Avenger Tournament, a sequence of battles and challenges that she had to face one after another without breaks to achieve the rank of Avenger, which would allow her to take on more challenges. While at first the depression of 'no escape' started to kick in again, Twilight was able to hold it at bay by convincing herself it was no different than when she had been clearing all the challenges at Annihilation Nation. She was just buying time until a solution presented itself.

The first challenge of the Avenger Tournament was a series of timed battles against waves of robotic and biological enemies. Even with her unable to use her telekinetic abilities directly against her opponents due to concern of triggering the collar, it still went quite rapidly and easily. Rather than take out the small enemies the dropships brought in, she focused on obliterating the dropships as they came in. Since she'd taken the time to tweak her weapons as well as those of Owloiscius and Barb, the firepower she brought to bear was quite heavy.

After that was a sequence of obstacle courses lined with enemies that leapt out to attack them. This proved relatively easy for Twilight, especially since Barb and Owloiscius would warp to her if she got too far ahead, and she was a very small, fast target. In this course, she also discovered that having her battle bots be specialized made for a rather large advantage, as long as they functioned well. Since each bot was given different ability sets, rather than each having all the same, they each had different sets of commands. As such, she'd dispensed with issuing commands entirely - save when she had to send a self repair signal, which was infrequent, or a recall signal to have them back her up - and let them decide their own battle strategy completely.

She had given Barb the bolt crank interface. While she turned a bolt crank with one arm, she kept the other flamethrower going to her outside. This made it so she couldn't be attacked while she was doing so. Owloiscius got the EMP launcher, which he was able to launch at a much greater range than normal bots by loading the ammo into his sniper rifle.

Climbing the Tower section also proved easy for Twilight. Even though she wasn't allowed to straight up fly, the heat from the disintegration fields that covered much of the lower levels was more than enough to create thermals that turned her extra flap of her wings into a huge boost in altitude. Reaching the top of the Tower, the group obliterated the enemies atop, clearing the challenge.

Twilight glanced at the new green tint to her armor. "I'm...not so sure green's my color," she commented dryly. "Well, I guess I'll just have to get used to it...or clear the next Tournament challenge to get the next armor color."

"Now that's the right way to look at it," Ace Hardlight said from the doorway, a covered dish in his hands.

"Ace!" she called happily, turning to him. "I didn't think I'd warrant this much of the champ's attention."

He shrugged his shoulders. "What can I say? Hanging with you makes me feel good about myself."

Twilight chuckled as he came in. "Now you're sounding like Captain Qwark," she joked.

"Oh please don't compare me to that moron!" Ace groaned as he took a seat.

"He's not that bad anymore!" Twilight pointed out.

"And you probably had a lot to do with that, am I right?" When she didn't respond, Ace set the covered dish down in front of her. "Decided to bring you something to celebrate your victory in the Avenger Tournament. Few competitors have ever managed that, so you deserve a special treat." With a grin, he lifted the cover of the dish.

Twilight gasped. "Is that...shrimp scampi?"

Ace chuckled. "Served over angel hair pasta with broccolini, asparagus, roasted red and yellow pepper strips, and a Caesar salad on the side. I looked up your bio, and knew it was your favorites. Told the chefs to make it for me - the champ gets hand prepared food of the best stuff - and snuck it over here for you."

Twilight smiled, tearing up a little. "Thank you," she whispered, hugging Ace around the leg before diving in.

Ace chuckled, watching her getting sauce all over her face. "Why don't we see what's on TV that's not Dreadzone, huh?" he offered, turning on the screen.

The camera zoomed in on a ground bound fortress made of stone, on what looked like a desert planet, or at least a continent. Vox's voice spoke up. "We here at Vox Network know how much our viewers love guns, violence, explosions and bloodshed. But we also know you have a softer side, and every so often, you want a story of the bond between parent and child. ...so we've found a way to put them together!"

The entire fortress erupted in explosions and gunfire.

"See the struggle for survival of hardened warriors who have known nothing but killing for their entire lives!"

Groups in red and blue - who beyond colors, seemed indistinguishable from each other - clashed in war.

"See the tiny infant that warms their hardened hearts!"

"Wuvoo, Dada!" a tiny yellow pegasus said to the camera.

"See her kick ass!"

The same pony could be seen slaughtering several enemies. "Nobody - and I mean nobody - Hurts! My! FAMILY! ...you got that?"

"While still staying just as cute and adorable!" Vox continued.

The camera showed the filly - now older - saluting. "Reporting for duty, General Daddy Sir!"

"And just for fun, some gender confusion drama, because who doesn't like awkward comedy!"

"He Mama!" the filly - now much younger again - said as she pointed to a red wearing, masked warrior wearing an apron.

"Don't miss a minute of this action packed adorableness in...Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers!" The logo for the show appeared. "Only...on Vox Network!"

Ace stared at the screen. "Did...did they just rip you off?" He glanced towards the horned, winged filly beside him, expecting her to be angry.

Instead, he found her staring at the screen in confusion. "That filly...she seemed...familiar..."

"She was CGI," Ace pointed out. "They don't actually have a Pegasus filly to film."

"Oh..." Twilight was silent for a time. "...still might watch it."

Author's Note:

You can thank A Spy on observation for that commercial, thanks to this comment.

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