• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Arsenal: Phoenix

As their space fighter flew in to dock with the Phoenix, Ratchet whistled in appreciation. "This ship is amazing," he marveled as they came in for landing in the docking bay at the rear.

As Twilight guided Qwark easily out of the fighter, Sasha greeted them all from a communications screen. "Welcome aboard the Phoenix, fillies and gentlemen," she greeted warmly.

"Whoa," Ratchet marveled as he took it all in.

"Impressive," Twilight commented as she started making notes on her holo-comp.

"Isn't she?" Sasha added proudly. "The Phoenix is the pride of the Galactic Fleet. She's equipped with the latest technology. Holodeck training suite, auto vendors for armor and weapons, virtual firing range, starfighter upgrade system...even a Gadgetron VG9000 game system!"

"A VG900?" Ratchet whispered, sounding on the verge of religious exultation.

"Of course," Sasha said easily, her smile soft but - to Twilight's eyes - showing a gamer's pride. Apparently, Sasha liked to game to unwind. Useful to know. Her next words confirmed that assessment. "With a Mavex Fireball Pro controller, VR headset, and a zero g dance pad attachment." The emphasis Sasha placed on the last made it plain what her preferred game type was.

"Will you marry me?" Ratchet blurted out, before face palming at how ludicrous it made him sound.

Sasha laughed it off. "You've obviously had an exhausting trip," she offered in a conciliatory manner. "Why don't you stop by your quarters? We've prepared a custom living area for Qwark, so he won't get in your way. Come meet me on the bridge when you're ready."

While Ratchet tried to hide his embarrassment, Twilight called up a different file on her holo-comp. It read Daddy's Harem/Mommy Candidates. Only Angela Cross was written down at the moment, but Twilight added, 'Sasha Phyronix' underneath.

Twilight guided Qwark into the monkey enclosure that had been prepared for him, giving him the order to enter. Once inside, the bars were closed, and she ordered him to relax. Once that was done, she set the mask aside. "I hope we find a way to turn him back to normal soon," she gasped out. "If nothing else, he smelled better before. Before we do anything else, I need a bath!"

"Me too," Ratchet admitted. "Or at least a shower."

Clank nodded. "After Florana, I believe we could all use a good thorough cleaning. I believe there is a chamber off our quarters where I can get an oil bath." With that, he sought out said chamber.

The quarters actually included separate bathing facilities for each of them, although Twilight's was still being customized so the 'bio-waste disposal facilities' could accommodate her equine physiology. The bathing area, however, was already resized to her smaller frame, so she hopped right in.

As she cleaned herself off with half her mind, she called up the Daddy's Harem/Mommy Candidates file and began compiling statistics.

Angela Cross
Harem Pros:
Is a Lombax
Already has a fondness for Daddy
Is highly flexible, if clumsy
Has already promised to be a harem member, conditionally
Harem Cons:
Much older than Daddy
More educated than Daddy
A bit overdramatic
Well established in Bogon
Mommy Pros:
Can talk with her about science without either of us dumbing down
Can invent together
Mommy Cons:
Is awkward with kids
Bio specialist
Career oriented

Sasha Phyronix
Harem Pros:
Tough girl
Understanding of awkwardness
Number 3 'Hottest Bachelorette in Solana' according to a recent survey
Harem Cons:
Older than Daddy (?)

She paused as she got to there. While she didn't know much else yet about Sasha, it was hard to believe that of all she'd seen, that was the only con she could think of as far as Sasha and Ratchet dating. That was a pretty good sign, as far as she was concerned. She then returned to her data points.

Mommy Pros:
Starship Captain (is used to responsibility)
Knows how to have fun
Well prepared for unexpected situations
Knows how to enjoy herself
Good sparring partner
Mommy Cons:
Career oriented
More combat than technical focused, according to official bio

Twilight smiled as she finished compiling all this information. Admittedly, the major detail for any of this - Ratchet's actual taste in females - was beyond her knowledge, but she wouldn't be trying to play matchmaker if Ratchet could take care of his own love life. So far, while Angela was a heavy competitor statistically primarily due to being the only female Lombax Ratchet was likely to ever meet - a heavy psychological qualifier - on a purely emotional and practical level, Sasha already had a huge lead, both as a girlfriend for Ratchet and as a Mommy for Twilight herself. However, she knew it would take a great deal more observation and collection of data before she could make any conclusive results.

However, a bit of cultural research did allow her to add one extra detail that added more weight for Sasha.

Harem Pros:
Before they reached space age technology, Cazar civilization followed a pride hierarchy, with one male servicing several females in a group relationship. While the custom has fallen out of practice as Cazar's find mates amongst other species in the galaxy, it is still culturally respected as part of their history, and respected in modern times, especially when the male is of exceptional qualifications.
Translation: Sasha is culturally conditioned to not have objections to the idea of a harem, or being a part of one.

Twilight grinned as she added that detail. One girl Ratchet liked who had already agreed to be part of the harem, and another he liked who was unlikely to object to him having one, or being part of it if he managed to impress her.

...she was going to have lots of Mommies!

As the trio - now clean, refreshed, and ready to save the galaxy - entered the bridge, they saw Sasha attempting to communicate with someone. "We're losing the signal!" she barked out. "Try boosting the power!"

As one of the Rangers hastened to obey the directive, Ratchet, Clank, and Twilight approached, looking at the screen. "Isn't that the President?" he asked, looking at the main screen.

"They came out of nowhere-" the President was saying, though the signal kept cutting off. "Tyrrhanoid invasion force...Presidential compound has been breached...cannot hold out much longer here-" The signal ceased to be legible.

Sasha had plainly grown more and more concerned as the transmission went on. "Mr. President!" she called out worriedly. "Dad! Are you there?"

"Dad?" Ratchet asked, just before another signal overtook the communications.

(0:22 to 1:10)

The robot in the center of the screen spoke, while the one in the lower corner was apparently translating his speech into some sort of robotic sign language.

"Robotic citizens of the Solana Galaxy!" the blue robot began. "The hour of your liberation is at hand! Too long have we robots suffered under the bigotry, the stupidity, the squishiness and foul stench of organic life forms! Soon all robots will bask in the liberty and equality of my benevolent, iron-fisted rule! And, as for you filthy organic life forms...you can look forward to being disintegrated!" The camera recording the broadcast crashed to the floor as the speaker laughed maniacally. "That's all for now."

"Plot a course for Marcadia!" Sasha ordered as soon as the transmission ended. "Maximum speed. Prepare the dropship for planetary assault!" She turned to Ratchet and the others. "We're going in."

"We'll see you on Marcadia," Ratchet agreed.

"Our ship's engine's faster than what the Phoenix has," Twilight confirmed. "It's an experimental design Daddy just created. We'll be there in minutes! Don't worry!"

As they rushed to their ship, a few other thoughts crossed Twilight's mind. She hadn't realized until that moment that the shared last name between Sasha and the President was more than coincidence. Considering that no one on ship even blinked at her orders, she'd obviously worked hard to establish herself as more than "the President's Daughter". Not only that, seeing her side by side with Ratchet, it was plain that the age difference between them wasn't nearly as large as Twilight had initially concluded. Not only that, how emotional Sasha had gotten out when she'd called out to her father indicated she was a Daddy's Little Girl to a certain extent, much like Twilight herself. And also much like Twilight herself, used to taking care of a single father who was somewhat eccentric and of questionable social competency.

Sorry, Angela, Twilight thought to herself. If Sasha likes Daddy at all, then you've been replaced as primary love interest/Mommy candidate.

Author's Note:

Despite my best efforts, I can't seem to keep the video of Nefarious' broadcast here without the link breaking. So I'll just have to post the entire cutscene with time directions...much as I hate that.

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