• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Nexus: Haunted

Twilight felt herself floating, felt her armor activating the environmental protections for space. She quickly realized she'd been blasted out of the ship, probably out the front windshield. She felt no motion, but as she opened her eyes, she saw she was actually moving away from the wreckage of the ship at a rapid rate. Looking around, she caught sight of a magnetized surface and was able to pull herself to it.

As she reached it, her communicator sprang to life. "Twilight! Cronk! Zephyr! Anyone, please answer me!"

"Daddy?" Twilight called out worriedly.

"Oh thank god!" Ratchet gasped out in relief. "Twilight, are you alright?"

"I...I think so..." Her HUD came up, giving her a readout. "N-no injuries, and nanotech levels at 95%. Armor integrity holding. Looks like that blast didn't do as much damage to me as it should-"

In her minds eye, the shape of the shadows that had been between her and the explosion became clear. Two old warbots, loyal to the last.

"C...Cronk and Zephyr..." Twilight whimpered. "They...they shielded me..."

"Twilight, we can grieve later," Clank's voice cut through her thoughts. "Right now, Thugs-4-Less are still hunting us down as part of their 'clean sweep' protocols to avoid being tracked. Now that we're aware that we're all alive, we need to make our way to one of their ships in comm silence, hiding our signals so we can catch a lift to wherever they are going next. Once we're safely aboard a planet and can call Aphelion, then we can grieve."

"R-right," Twilight agreed, getting control of herself. "I...I'm shutting off communications."

Closing the link, Twilight did her best to focus. Already, she could feel the usual terror that had hit her when she was alone ever since her time on Yeedil, fear that had been compounded in the Dreadzone and by the Technomites. But she refused to let it consume her. She'd be able to meet up with Ratchet and Clank before long, and then she wouldn't be alone. For now, she needed to be in control of herself.

As Twilight moved, she managed to pick up the Thugs-4-Less communication signals and listen in.

"Looks like we missed a few!" one of the Thugs was saying. "Well, time to clean up-"

"Just disable their communications and maneuvering jets if you come across them," Vendra's order interrupted. "Assistance for them is likely already underway, and will be here soon. Waste no time, and cloak your engine signatures. Don't leave anyone anyway to track us."

"But...they can't track us if they're dead-"

"Who's paying your paychecks?" Vendra interrupted angrily.


"And my brother obeys me, which means you take orders from me! So unless you want to be left behind for their backup to blame for what just happened, you do what I say and no killing!"

"Y-yes ma'am!"

That's...interesting, Twilight mused silently as she made her way from magnetized wreckage to magnetized wreckage, using as little magic as possible. While Vendra's never killed anyone - or caused any deaths - it was always because it was more efficient not to. No one - not even Mervin - doubted she would if necessary. What's changed? Twilight's eyes suddenly widened as she remembered her conversation she had with Vendra on the bridge, and how much time Ratchet had spent in the cryo-brig during the six month journey. Hoo boy...I thought I was done with that checklist. Wonder if I can still find it...

Before long, Twilight was able to latch onto one of the Thugs-4-Less ships, and quickly activated her armor's cloaking field, standing perfectly still to avoid detection. To her pleasant surprise, she saw Ratchet and Clank latch onto the same ship not far away from her before activating their own cloaks.

The Thugs-4-Less communication line opened again. "No sign of those three. Guess we lost 'em...or that backup got 'em when we weren't looking."

Hearing that, Twilight began carefully making her way to a nearby airlock, Ratchet and Clank quickly following as they caught sight of her.

"Very well," Neftin responded. "I'm sending coordinates to planet Yerek. We have work to do."

The trio silently hid inside a crate in the ship's cargo hold, clinging to each other. Twilight did her best to hold back her tears.

As they arrived on planet Yerek, the crates were deposited some distance from where Vendra was guiding the Thugs. Once their crate was safely deposited, the trio tumbled out sorrowfully, scattering a few machine parts that had been packed in there with them.

"It's...it's my fault..." Twilight whimpered softly. "If...if I'd only reacted quicker, I...I could have saved them. Or if I'd waited to fight until you two got there..." She sniffled and let out a distressed whinny.

Carefully, Ratchet scooped Twilight into a comforting embrace. "Twilight...can I tell you something I've learned from you?"

"From...from me?" Twilight asked surprised.

"When something bad happens, there are three ways to handle it," Ratchet explained. "You can let it crush you with despair and self blame. You can let rage drive you to take vengeance. Or...you can admit to the mistakes made, learn from them, and get better." He smiled down at Twilight. "Which do you think is the best tribute to those two old warbots?"

Twilight sniffled. "I...I guess you're right. But...how did I teach you that?"

Ratchet grinned, gently bopping the underside of her chin. "Which do you think was the way I raised you?"

"Aw, that's so sweet!" a familiar voice spoke up from a suddenly shaking crate.

"Shut up, Cronk!" another familiar voice replied. "You're interrupting!"

Twilight's eyes widened in shock, and her magic tore the box open.

Cronk and Zephyr tumbled out, but they didn't look quite right. First of all, all the parts they were constructed of looked brand new, and not entirely connected to each other. Second, they were both coated in an odd green glow. Third, they were both wearing pirate hats.

"Wha...how?" Ratchet asked, confused.

"The pirate curse," Clank gasped in shock. "Because Twilight is Captain of Darkwater's crew, any robot loyal to her - who sees her as their Captain - is also under the influence of Darkwater's curse, meaning that if they die they will resurrect...as zombie robot pirate ghosts."

"So, does that mean I should be going 'Ooo-OOO-oo-oo-ooo' or 'Ceee-Peee-Youus'?" Cronk asked curiously.

Zephyr promptly elbowed Cronk. "It means we hug our Captain before she bursts into tears, idjit!"

Twilight immediately rushed forward, embracing the pair.

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