• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,139 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Arsenal: Tyhrranosis

The trio flew in onboard their ship into the atmosphere of Tyhrranosis, maintaining a high altitude to stay out of range of the ground based defenses. "Is everyone ready?" Ratchet asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Clank replied nervously.

"Let's do this!" Twilight agreed happily. The four members of the Sparkle Squad sounded off in response.

"Let's waste these 'Noids!" Ironhead proclaimed, smashing his fist into his palm, energizing his shields. He was the team's defensive specialist now, utilizing a Tesla Barrier, a supercharger, and Gadgetron's new holo shield generators to create safe defensive points for the team. He was also the slowest member when not on a vehicle, as he was the most heavily armored, being not unlike a tank. He also carried the medi-units to keep the team up and running, though as a result he carried no weapons beyond his own fists...which were pretty intimidating on their own, considering his servos had been upgraded by Twilight to the point he could pulp steel in his grip.

"I've got them in my sights," Eagle whispered sibilantly, tweaking his gear. Being the long range specialist now, he was very lightly armored and only carried only a pair of N90 Hurricanes and a Splitter Rifle, along with a great deal of backup ammunition. He also had the clearest thought process of the unit, and would be the team spotter when they worked alone.

"Squishy 'Noids go boom-boom!" Boom Boom proclaimed. He was the team's demolitions expert, armed with a Decimator, a Heavy Bouncer, and a Nitro Eruptor. His was evenly balanced between the heavy armor of Ironhead and the light armor of Eagle, but most of his weapons were medium range and could cause a lot of damage. His transmission ended with a mad laugh.

"We're all gonna die...in glory!" Madd proclaimed, first cowardly than crazed. While he'd been the most dedicated to the training, he hadn't been able to overcome his inherent cowardice in a battle situation. Twilight had sympathized with him, and suggested he try pretending to be someone else during combat. Madd had taken it a step further, and downloaded a Klingon personality simulation crafted from Old Earth science fiction. As a result, he now randomly switched between being cowardly and being blood thirsty, though only ever against approved targets. His equipment included a Quantum Whip, an Infecto-Bomb gun, the Tempest, and the Agents of Dread. He tended to charge in screaming war cries as he doled out massive damage before the foe could react, then run screaming as the enemy started to counterattack, leading them straight into where the rest of the team had set up an ambush. He also used an experimental regenerating nanotech armor suit.

Ratchet grinned widely. "Let's go!" he shouted, popping the canopy and triggering the ejection seats. He strapped Clank to his back as the group made their way down in a dive.

The four lavender garbed Rangers leapt out of their dropship to join the dive shortly after, with Twilight swooping to the front of the formation to guide them. Following her movements, all four Rangers evaded the missiles being fired at them from below.

Once they landed, they engaged in combat against unarmored Tyhrranoids, taking them out quickly. Laser wielding mechs came next, but Twilight had equipped all of her unit with the same refractor field upgrade that she and Ratchet were equipped with, so the lasers were more dangerous to the mechs and their allies than to the Rangers.

Larger Tyhrranoids and saucers fell just as easily to the now well trained squad. As they continued to carve their way through, Ratchet turned to Twilight. "Just what sort of training sims did you put these guys through?"

Twilight giggled nervously. "I found this one old game in an ancient game library. I hooked it up to run as a simulation in their positronic brains, matching them to characters from the game that fit their personality...or a blend of characters, as the cases went."

"I'd say it was most effective," Clank commented dryly. "Do we even need to still be here?"

Eventually, they reached the first energy barrier generator. Locking on with the Heavy Bouncer, Boom Boom obliterated the generator with his first shot, as the mini-bouncers released from the first explosion focused on the generator. A second shot took out the power generator for the mortars, leaving the dropship free to come in to drop off the vehicles.

"Nice work, everyone," Sasha stated from the communicators. "I'm coming in on the dropship now."

"And this footage is amazing, people!" Derek proclaimed via remote link. "Thanks so much for bringing me in on this. Secret Agent Clank: Perils of War is going to be a huge hit when we add in the dialogue!"

Four vehicles came off the dropship. One for Ratchet was a standard assault vehicle. Skid came off on a gyroscopic assault craft, rolling around in a wheel with the weaponry on either side of the pilot's seat. Clank's vehicle was a hover unit armed with a bomb launcher. Twilight's was an attachment for her hover board to attach a high grade explosive to her turret as she swung around it.

"Sparkle Squad!" Eagle hissed commandingly. "Watch the bomber's backs, and kick these 'Noids back to where they came from!"

"But this is where they came from, sir," Madd pointed out in his coward voice.

"Then we blow it up!" Boom Boom laughed.

"Try to stay in one piece," Ironhead growled. "I'd like a chance to crush some 'Noids, too."

With that, the four mobile fighters scattered while the Rangers drew attention with their charge towards the main base. With the additional information Al had gotten from Nefarious' computer, they each went after one of the turrets that they could take out without leaving their vehicles.

With all four turrets down, nothing was available to prevent Sasha from flying the dropship in and blasting an entrance to the main base. "Time to finish the job!" she proclaimed over the comms. "Get moving!"

Qwark himself hopped out of the dropship as it flew by to assist. "Let's go, team!" he proclaimed, thrusting his fist into the air, clutching his trusty blaster.

As everyone charged in, Twilight walked in slowly. "So this is the part where Qwark hogs all the glory," she said sadly.

"Well, yeah, that's the plan," Ratchet replied. "So Nefarious will focus on him. It's a good plan."

"Yes, it is," Twilight replied. "Good for the team, and good for the galaxy and the mission...but I'm not so sure it's good for Qwark."

Ratchet and Clank both stared at her. "Explain," Clank finally requested.

"Hogging the glory and mugging for press attention...that's what started Qwark's descent into hedonism before heroism," Twilight pointed out. "What...what if he backslides because of this? He's going to be trying to 'play the role'...but he was the role for so long..."

"We won't let him," Ratchet said firmly. "We'll keep his ego in check."

Twilight smiled. "Thanks, Daddy," she said gratefully, nuzzling him.

Entering the control room, the assault group was confronted by the Tyhrranoid Mother.

"Lock and load, people!" Qwark shouted as he opened fire. The Sparkle Squad, Skidd, Ratchet, and Twilight followed suit.

With the sheer amount of firepower being unloaded, the massive beast did not last long. It was only a matter of time, dodging, and carefully placed shields before the monstrosity fell, and Qwark stepped forward as the press came in to crush one of the eyes beneath his heel.

Darla Gratch rushed up to his side with her mic and camera crew. "Captain Qwark," she said eagerly as she began the interview, "in yet another miraculous comeback, you've defeated the Tyhrranoids in a spectacular battle on their own planet! How do you explain your recent success?"

Mugging for the camera, Qwark went through the speech he'd prepared ahead of time. "Courage...compassion...dashing good looks...iron hard abs!" He grunted out the last part of the sentence as he flexed, Darla rolling her eyes. "Seriously though, to be a true hero of heroes, you need more than loads of charisma and a brilliant tactical mind. I couldn't have done it without..." Here he hesitated, his eyes turning to Twilight.

Smiling, Twilight gave him a nod.

Grinning, Qwark finished his prepared speech. "These massive guns!" he proclaimed, flexing his arms and blowing kisses at his clenched fists.

Ratchet led Twilight back to the dropship. "I don't think we need to worry about Qwark just now," he told her softly.

"Or us!" Madd proclaimed happily. "We can handle the clean up here on the surface! You head back up to the ship!"

Twilight smiled. "You seem a lot more confident now, Madd!"

Madd rubeed the back of his head unit. "Compared to the training you put us through, Sarge...the 'Noids just aren't that scary now I've fought 'em. I'm more afraid of disappointing you."

Twilight smiled. "No chance of that," she reassured him.

"Come on, you guys," Sasha said over the comms. "Head back to the Phoenix. You must have quite the story to tell, so why don't you come back and tell it?"

As Ratchet scratched the back of his head nervously, Twilight grinned. It seemed things were going swimmingly with Miss Phyronix and her Daddy after all...

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