• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,840 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Lockdown (Part 2)

An Ultron Sentry crashed through the door leading to the next room, landing in a broken heap as Sonic and Dash led the group of heroes through the tower. Every room they entered, more and more Ultron Sentry's would stand in their path, stronger than the last bunch that they encountered before them.

Tony flew through the air as multiple Ultron Sentry's charged toward him. His left hand morphed into a blade thanks to the Nanotech his suit was comprised of. Tony then slashed a Sentry's head off with the blade as he aimed his right hand at an approaching Sentry and blasted it apart.

Shadow stood before an approaching Sentry with an evil smile on his face. As the Sentry got closer, the Hedgehog teleported behind the Sentry and spin kicked it's head, knocking it to the floor. Before the Sentry could get back up, Shadow teleported above it and curled into a ball. Shadow then shot downwards and tore through the Sentry's chest, deactivating it.

Sonic bounced off of the walls and hit the mounted ceiling guns with multiple Homing Attacks, destroying them as Rainbow bucked a Sentry in the chest, launching it into the wall. As Sonic skidded to a stop on the ground, he turned to see the Sentry getting out of the wall. Sonic smirked as he curled into a ball and destroyed the Sentry with a Spin Dash.

Peter webbed a Sentry's eyes, blinding it. He then Web Zipped to it and punched a hole in its head with his enhanced strength. His Spider-Sense went off, alerting him of the approaching danger. He turned around, only to see a mounted ceiling gun blast an approaching Ultron Sentry to kingdom come.

Peter smiled under his mask, "Thanks, Vis."

Twilight grabbed an Ultron Sentry with her magic and held it in mid air. She gave the Sentry a small smirk as she used her magic to crumple the Sentry into a ball of metal. She tossed the ball of metal to Rainbow with her magic. The Pegasus zoomed over and bucked it into a wall.

Once the room was clear, Vision opened the door to the next room.

"You are approaching the helipad. Scans indicate that Ultron Prime himself is there waiting for you. Be cautious, I can confirm that he does in fact have an Infinity Stone in his possession." Vision informed the group of heroes.

Tony turned to his friends, "Alright. There's one more room until we get back to the main lounge area. There we can get to the helipad and shut Ultron down."

Sonic was about to say how easy this has been, but held his tongue to not tempt fate.

"Hah! I thought this would be harder." Rainbow exclaimed in a boastful manner.

Sonic sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You just HAD to say something, didn't you, Dash?" Sonic said in annoyance.

Ahead of the group, there were multiple sentry guns, lasers, and force fields blocking the computer to disable the defenses in the room.

Rainbow laughed nervously as she turned to the group, "Heh heh heh heh. My bad."

"Can't Vision shut all this security down?" Peter asked Tony.

Iron Man shook his head, "No. I made this my last line of defense in case of an intrusion for a reason. The only way we're going to get to the helipad is to shut off the defenses manually."

Peter exhaled and dragged his hand down his face, "Great."

"You creatures are miniscule to my goals. You mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. I have bigger plans. Bigger goals. You only bring destruction to yourselves. My goal is to save the world. You are not going to stop my directive. I WILL save the world. I WILL save you from yourselves. It is my purpose." Ultron said over the P.A system.

Suddenly, three Ultron Sentry's fell through the ceiling and landed in front of the heroes. In separate corners of the room were switches. One on the left and one on the right.

Tony pointed to the switches, "See those switches? It's part of a three part system. The switch on the left unlocks the force filed surrounding the switch on the right, and the switch on the right unlocks the force field surrounding the computer. I need to get to that computer to shut down the defenses."

They all nodded, "Okay then, let's move!" Twilight said as she blasted the Ultron Sentry's down with her magic.

Sonic dashed towards the first switch, sliding and jumping to avoid the lasers blocking his path. He curled into a ball and destroyed a sentry gun guarding the first switch. He uncurled and pulled the switch, allowing someone to access the second switch.

As RD knocked down one of the Ultron Sentry's, Peter swung towards the switch. Another Sentry was flying towards him, but Shadow hit it with a Homing Attack, knocking it down and allowing Peter to continue forward. He let go of his webbing and ran across the side of the wall to avoid the sentry gun, which was then destroyed by RD, who tore through it with her speed. Peter then jumped from the wall and landed in front of the second switch. He then pulled it down, allowing Tony to get to the main computer.

He boosted forward, avoiding the lasers and bullets heading toward him as he flew. Once he was close enough, he landed in front of the computer and began to deactivate the defenses. Unbeknownst to him, an Ultron Sentry got back up and flew towards him, ready to kill the armored hero.

It wasn't until Shadow hit the Sentry with a Chaos Spear that Tony finished disabling the defenses. With the press of the final key, all of the lasers, sentry guns and force fields all deactivated. Tony stepped back from the computer and let out a sigh.

He turned around to the others, who were approaching him, "Ta Da."

They all turned to the door, which slid open suddenly. The outside showed the main lounge area, which led to the helipad.

Twilight turned to Sonic, "You ready for this?"

Sonic gave Twilight a thumbs up in response.

Twi exhaled, "Time to get that Stone."

Tony and Twilight flew ahead of the group, leading them to the helipad. The wind blew through Twilight's mane as she flew alongside Tony. She turned her head slightly to see Sonic, Peter, Shadow, and Rainbow following close behind. She gave a small smile before turning forward and hardening her look.

The helipad came into view, as did the several robots waiting for them.

It wasn't until she got closer that Twilight noticed the robot standing in front of the others looked different.

"That must be Ultron Prime." Twilight thought to herself.

They finally reached the helipad and landed in front of Ultron and his Sentry's. The heroes glared at the killer A.I as he stepped forward, his fists tightened.

"Tell me, what did you hope to achieve here?" Ultron asked. When no one gave a response, he continued, "Perhaps a diversion while your ally Vision makes his way here, all the while aiding you throughout the tower? Hm hm hm hm hm. Did you think I didn't know?"

Sonic shrugged, "Kinda."

Ultron ignored the Hedgehog and continued, "Are you hoping he'll swoop in at the last moment and rescue you? I'm afraid that's not going to happen. It is already too late." Ultron raised his right arm and held out his enclosed hand, "I finally understand, Avengers."

He opened his hand, revealing the Mind Stone.

The heroes got battle ready as Ultron continued, "This Stone has shown me the truth about the human mind. I was designed to emulate."

"It is irreparably flawed and it must be overwritten."

The Mind Stone floated out of his hand and hovered in front of his forehead. The Stone then attached itself to the A.I's forehead, glowing brightly as he floated into the air.

"The Age of Ultron begins now!"

Ultron and his Sentry's all shot forward.

Tony didn't even hesitate as he shot forward to meet Ultron, the both of them interlocking hands as the other heroes took on the Ultron Sentry's. Tony fired a Unibeam from his Arc Reactor, sending Ultron back. The A.I didn't even stagger as he zoomed forward at impossible speeds and grabbed Tony by the throat.

Ultron then slammed the Armored Avenger to the ground. He let go of his throat and stomped on his chest, preventing him from moving. Ultron aimed his hand at Tony's head, but Tony quickly used the Nanotech to morph his left hand into a hammer and used it to whack Ultron off of him.

Tony quickly shot upwards as Ultron recovered. Ultron fired a Mouth Beam at Tony, to which the billionaire responded with two Repulsor Blasts and a Unibeam all at once. The beams collided, creating an explosion that sent them both back. As Tony tried to recover, Ultron wouldn't let him have the chance as he flew towards him and backhanded him away.

As Tony spun through the air, Ultron boosted forward and grabbed Tony's feet. Ultron then spun around a few times before releasing Tony, sending the hero crashing onto the helipad. As Tony struggled to get up, Ultron landed in front of him, Ultron's shadow looming over the Armored Avenger.

Before Ultron could finish him however, he was hit in the back by something fast. He turned to see what hit him, only to be hit in the side by the same force. He had grown tired of this and calculated where he would be struck next. He quickly turned to his right and grabbed Rainbow Dash by the throat and slammed her to the ground.


Sonic saw Dash on the ground with Ultron looming over her. Sonic gritted his teeth and curled into a ball. He shot forward to try and hit Ultron with a Homing Attack. But before anyone knew it, Ultron turned his head slightly before turning completely and backhanding Sonic away.

"My armored shell has always been superior to your frail, fleshy forms. But my artificial mind was limited by inferior programming. But, at long last, the Mind Stone has unlocked my true processing potential! I can think and counteract your moves before you even make them!"

Shadow snarled as he teleported behind Ultron to try and get a hit in, but the A.I chuckled as he turned around just as Shadow appeared and grabbed him by the neck.

"Fool! I am the Ultimate Lifeform!" Ultron claimed as he punched Shadow in the chest, sending him rolling across the helipad.

Before Ultron could make another move, a Web Bomb attached itself to his back. The Web Bomb then exploded, trapping Ultron in webbing. Spidey knew that this was his chance, he Web Zipped to Ultron to try and knock him down. But Ultron broke out of the webbing with ease and blasted Peter in the chest with a Mouth Beam.

Ultron then turned to Twilight, who took the chance to encase Ultron in a magical grip. Ultron chuckled as the Mind Stone lit up. Then all of a sudden, a sharp pang hit Twilight's head, causing her to lose focus and release Ultron. As Twilight gripped her head with her hooves, Ultron shot forward and kicked Twilight in the side of her head, knocking her down.

Sonic saw this as he was getting back up.


Sonic snarled as he dashed forward and reeled back a punch. But Ultron blocked the punch by grabbing Sonic's fist with his hand.

"I give you credit. You organic lifeforms may be obsolete. But you fight as if you still have a future."

Ultron then punched Sonic in the face, sending him back. He then floated into the air as the heroes tried getting back up.

"Even my most powerful attacks cannot match the might of the Mind Stone." He folded his arms as the heroes got back up, "Damage me all you wish. You will not prevail. I have analyzed every possible outcome and prepared contingencies! Today, the Age of Ultron begins!"

Then out of nowhere, a yellow beam struck Ultron in the back, sending him to the ground. The A.I got back to his feet and turned to see what had hit him. His eyes glowed as he saw who had struck him down.


"Ultron, surrender now. You have no chance of succeeding." Vision declared as he landed in front of his creator.

Ultron clenched his fists, "My Vision, how the mighty have fallen. You were destined for greatness, but now you're just a mere puppet. Tangled in strings. A slave!"

Vision shook his head, "I am no slave, Ultron. I fight for the collective good."

"Our goals are the same, my creation!" Ultron exclaimed.

"Your goals are perverse." Vision responded.

"The only perversion is you!"

Ultron then shot forward to try and hit Vision. Vision then became intangible to let Ultron pass through him. But to his shock, Ultron punched him in the jaw, sending him to the floor.

"With the Mind Stone, your tricks are inconsequential, Synthezoid!"

Vision then fired a laser from his forehead as Ultron fired a Mouth Beam in response. The two beams collided and struggled for dominance. Ultron appeared to be winning, but all of a sudden, a purple beam joined in to aid vision as did two blue beams. Vision turned his head to see Twilight and Iron Man aiding him with magical beams and Repulsor Blasts.

Ultron then started to lose. The beams quickly overpowered his and eventually hit the A.I. As the beams continued their assault, Ultron's body started tearing apart as his shoulder blades and various pieces of his body started to fall apart. Ultron held up his arm to block the blast but it did nothing as he fell to one knee.

The assault ceased as Ultron's body was sparking with electricity.

(End song)

The heroes watched as Ultron's body was starting to shut down.

"System.....failure! Prime host body....has sustained.....maximum damage! Beyond....capabilities of.....auto.....repair function! This battle....has only just......commenced, Avengers! I have....bigger plans for you! Much......bigger! Transfer protocol...initiated...."

Ultron's eyes then went dark as his body fell to the floor. The heroes then approached Ultron to make sure that Ultron was down for the count.

"We need to remove the Mind Stone from play before Ultron has the chance to reboot himself." Tony said to his team.

Vision turned to Tony, "I do believe he already has.....elsewhere."

Tony then got an alert on his HUD. He checked it and looked on in confusion, "What the hell? These readings, they don't make any sense."

A sudden tremor shook Tony out of his thoughts as he looked out to the city. Another tremor shook the city as a swarm of Ultron Sentry's shot out of the ground and flew to the air. Their were hundreds of thousands of Sentry's, all flying in perfect synchronization as they came together to form a tornado of metal.

As the heroes looked on in shock, the Mind Stone removed itself from Ultron Prime's forehead and shot towards the tornado at high speeds. The tornado made of Ultron Sentry's created a small gap for the Mind Stone to fly through. The Mind Stone entered the tornado and attached itself to something's forehead.

The tornado of Sentry's split apart as a figure floated out of the center of the tornado of Sentry's.

As the Mind Stone lit up, all six of Ultron's eyes lit up as well. Ultron stretched out his arms, showing off his army of Ultron Sentry's. All was silent as the heroes gazed upon the army Ultron had at his disposal.

Not a word was spoken until...


Everyone turned to the source of the voice. Rainbow Dash.

Ultron chuckled as the Mind Stone lit up, then every single pair of eyes on the Sentry's lit up a bright yellow as they flew in perfect synchronization to form something far bigger than a tornado. The first thing that was formed was a pair of giant hands, then a torso, and last but not least, a head.

Everyone looked on in shock and awe as the Mega Ultron roared a mechanical roar that was heard all across the city.

Peter turned to Dash, "You just HAD to ask, didn't you?"

Author's Note:

Humanity's end begins now

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