• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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The Brotherhood (Part 3)

"THERE AIN'T NOTHIN' THAT CAN STOP ME!!! RARGH!!!" Juggernaut declared before he charged forward at impossible speeds and slammed Wolverine right through the wall behind him.

Beast turned to his fellow allies and shouted, "We must make haste! We cannot stop Juggernaut like this!"

"We have to get out of the mansion!" Charles added in a tone that practically told them that they needed to get moving.

Cap took the lead and motioned the others to follow him with his hand, "Let's move out, people! GO, GO, GO!!!"

"Really wish we had a Hulk right now!" Clint shouted as he and the others followed Cap through the hole in the wall, regrouping with Logan.

Juggernaut turned to Mystique, who gave him a sly smirk, "Go have your fun, big guy."

Juggernaut grinned eagerly before turning around and charging after the group of heroes.

As the group of heroes rushed through the many hallways of the mansion, attempting to outrun Juggernaut, Cyclops, who was pushing Xavier's chair, shot an Ocular Blast from his eyes to destroy a collapsed column in their path. As they continued to move, the ground beneath them shook slightly, sending chills down everyone's spines.

They all turned around to see Juggernaut crash through a wall on the other side of the room, not showing any signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Pinkie turned her body to face the unstoppable Mutant, "I don't think you were invited to this party, mister."

She was then pulled away suddenly by Knuckles as everyone else started running away, "NOW'S NOT THE TIME FOR THAT PINKIE!!! NOW'S THE TIME FOR RUNNING AWAY!!!"

Juggernaut laughed in amusement. They actually thought that they could outrun him! That was hilarious to him. As the group of heroes approached the end of the hallway, Cap quickly took a sharp left turn, continuing down the new hallway with the other heroes following close behind.

Juggernaut was going too fast and couldn't stop himself in time. So he just barged through the wall ahead of him and navigated his way through the mansion in hopes of catching up.

As Cap and the other heroes barged through the doors leading into the cafeteria, Juggernaut tore through the sidewall of the cafeteria. Before anyone could react, Juggernaut leapt into the air and slammed his fist down onto the ground. The resulting shockwave separated the group of aligned heroes out in multiple directions.

As Cap picked up his shield and Logan snapped his jaw back into place, Juggernaut walked over towards them, slowly and menacingly. As he walked over, Juggernaut backhanded any tables or chairs in his way. One of those tables just happened to have a stack of Chimichangas set on top of it.

Once Juggernaut backhanded the table full of the delectable treats away, Deadpool quickly shot up onto his feet and wailed.


Wade then took out his swords and dashed over towards Juggernaut.


But before Wade could get the jump on him, Juggernaut turned his body around and grabbed Wade by the neck. Juggernaut then raised the Merc with a Mouth into the air, applying pressure to his windpipe.

"O....Okay.....maybe I.....didn't......plan this out." Wade stuttered out as Juggernaut placed his other hand on Wade's pelvis, "Oooh, take me to dinner first, Juggy."

Juggernaut was not amused, "I'm gonna rip you in half now."

Wade wasn't threatened, in fact, he laughed right in Juggernaut's face, "That is such a Juggernaut thing to sa--"

Before Deadpool could finish what he was about to say, Juggernaut tore his torso off of his legs, spraying blood and gore all over the floor. As Wade's inner organs splattered on the floor, Pinkie, AJ, and Knuckles screamed out in horror.

But their scream was cut short as Wade groaned in annoyance, "Ugh, this is gonna be such a BITCH to regenerate."

(Maybe if you actually thought of a plan this wouldn't have happened)

"Did I ask for your input? I think not."

Juggernaut then tossed both halves of Deadpool behind him as he continued walking over towards both Logan and Captain America. As he continued to walk closer to the two heroes, Charles Xavier, now rendered immobile due to being paralyzed, formulated a plan.

"Friends! We must remove that helmet from Juggernaut's head! He will be vulnerable to telepathic attacks!"

"So....we just gotta take off that helmet on his head?" Applejack asked for clarification as she got back on her hooves.

Natasha, already on her feet, cracked her neck by tilting it from side to side, "Oh, this is gonna be fun." She said sarcastically.

As all the heroes stood their ground, Deadpool simply waved his arm through the air, "Yeah, you guys got this! I'll just be....lying here....slowly regenerating."

As the heroes, sans Charles and Deadpool, surrounded the unstoppable Juggernaut, the massive Mutant simply grinned as he cracked his knuckles.

Logan gave Juggernaut an evil grin as his claws sprung out of his hands, "That helmet ain't gonna protect ye, bub."

"Heh. I'm gonna enjoy breaking every bone in your body." Juggernaut replied.


Logan roared as he and the other heroes charged towards Juggernaut. The unstoppable man stamped his foot on the ground, which created a tremor that was meant to throw the heroes off balance. But Wolverine, Beast, and Captain America all jumped in the air to avoid the tremor.

They soared across the air towards Juggernaut, hoping to get a clear shot at his helmet. While both Beast and Cap were swatted away by Juggernaut's massive backhand, Logan on the other hand, got close enough and slashed away at his helmet, but no damage was done to the protective helm.

As Logan flipped over Juggernaut's head, Knuckles got back onto his feet and charged forward to try and land a hit on Juggernaut. But the attempt was in vain as Juggernaut caught Knuckles' fist with his hand. Knuckles looked upward to see Juggernaut giving him a sick grin.

The Mutant then began to squeeze the Echidna's hand, causing the Emerald Guardian to cry out in pain.

"HANG ON, KNUX!" A southern accented voice shouted out to the Echidna warrior.

Juggernaut raised his head slightly and saw Pinkie loading something into her Party Cannon. Before Juggernaut could question it, Pinkie fired her cannon. Applejack shot out of the cannon like a bullet and slammed herself right in Juggernaut's chest.

Juggernaut staggered back as he released his grip on Knuckles.

Applejack landed on the ground in a less than gracious manner, her head thumping like crazy. She shook her head before she looked up to see Knuckles lending her a helping hand. As the Echidna helped the Pony up onto her hooves, Juggernaut growled in anger as he prepared to charge at the pair.

He would've charges right at them had it not been for Cyclops, who fired an Ocular Blast directly into Juggernaut's back. Juggernaut fell to one knee as Pinkie hurled a cupcake directly into Juggernaut's face, annoying him even further.

"Now I'm pissed!!!" Juggernaut seethed through his gritted teeth.

(End song)

As Juggernaut slammed his fist into the ground, Hawkeye finally recovered from being knocked around and got to his feet. But he then found himself back on the ground due to being kicked in the chest by....

"NATASHA?!" Clint shouted in shock.

'Natasha' smirked down at Hawkeye before aiming an Uzi directly at his head. But before she could get the shot, she was hit with a flying, double drop kick by the real Black Widow. As the imposter fell to the ground, Natasha gave Clint a sly smirk.

"Aw, you falling for me, Barton?"

Clint shook his head as he got back to his feet, "Shut up."

The two agents stood side by side as the imposter got back onto her feet. The imposter then suddenly morphed into Mystique.

As Natasha took out her Pistols and Clint readied his bow and arrow, the blue Mutant shrugged before pulling out her two Uzis, "Why should Juggy have all the fun?"

"MOVE!!!" Nat ordered before Mystique let the bullets fly.

Nat rolled to her right while Clint slid to the left as Mystique fired her guns. As Hawkeye slid across the wooden floor, he fired an arrow from his bow. Mystique ceased firing and flipped over the arrow. Once she landed, Mystique quickly moved her head to the left to avoid getting hit by Natasha's fist.

The Mutant quickly did a one eighty degree turn and blocked a kick with her forearm. Natasha, much to Mystique's confusion, smirked before spinning her body around and kicked Mystique in the face, causing the Mutant to stumble back a bit.

Mystique rubbed her jaw with her hand before ducking down to avoid a strike from Hawkeye. Mystique straightened herself as the two agents walked around her like a predator circling its prey.

Mystique smirked as the two heroes shot forward.

Hawkeye tried raising his bow into the air so he could strike Mystique with it, but the Mutant quickly raised her leg and pinned it to the ground while blocking a punch from Black Widow. Mystique then proceeded to kick Widow in the gut with her other leg as she punched Clint in the nose with her other hand.

As the two heroes stumbled back, Mystique smirked evilly at the pair while aiming her Uzis, "Not as challenging as I thought you would be."

It was Mystique's turn to be confused as the two heroes smirked at her.

"Who said we were challenging you?" Natasha replied coolly.

All of a sudden, Pinkie planted herself on Mystique's shoulders and got in her face.


She then slammed a pie into the Mutant's face and zoomed away.....somehow.

Natasha then fired her Widow's Bite while Clint shot an electric arrow. The two projectiles hit Mystique's chest, electrocuting her. Her body looked as if she were having a seizure. Her entire body shook from the electricity before she fell to the ground.

Hawkeye and Black Widow both shared a fist bump, they earned it.

"GET. OFF. ME!!!" A sudden roar of anger caught their attention.

They both turned around to see Knuckles on top of Juggernaut's shoulders, trying to pry the helmet off of the Mutant's head. It was then that Logan leapt through the air and dug his claws underneath the small gap at the base of the helmet and tried to help Knuckles in getting it off.

"PISS. OFF!!!" Juggernaut shouted once again.

The helmet was beginning to loosen. They were going to get it off. But as close as they were, it just wouldn't budge.

"GRR, COME ON YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Logan roared in anger.

"Wolverine! Knuckles! Hold it for a little longer!" Cyclops shouted as he pressed two of his fingers to the side of his visor.

Cyclops then fired an Ocular Blast directly at the helmet, launching it right off of Juggernaut's head.

Scott turned to the Professor, "NOW, PROFESSOR!!!"

Charles nodded before he placed two of his fingers to the side of his head. Juggernaut then screamed in pain and placed his hands on his head as Knuckles and Wolverine jumped off of the big lug. Juggernaut continued to scream as he fell to his knees, holding his head in pain.

His screaming stopped as he fell to the ground in an unconscious heap.

(End song)

Charles let out a sigh of relief as Beast rushed over and helped him into his chair.

"That was stupendous, Professor!" Beast complimented.

"It wasn't only me, Hank. Our working together helped us achieve this victory." Charles replied.

"But the fight isn't over yet." Cap informed the two as he walked over to them.

Charles nodded in agreement, "He's right. We must retrieve the Power Stone from Erik's possession."

"Sorry, but where are the other X-Men?" Hawkeye asked the old man. "We could really use the backup."

"This was not the only location the Sentinels were dispatched to. For now, it is just us." Charles informed the group.

Applejack bowed her Stenson with her hoof, "Well shucks, that's all we'll need."

But it was then that a scent caught Logan's attention. He sniffed the air with his nose before turning to the door that led to backyard of the mansion.

Beast placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "Logan?"

"Grr, that scent." He sniffed again before he growled in absolute hate and fury, "Victor."

Wade, who was almost done regenerating, rolled his eyes, "Oh great. You're using something that comes from that continuity?"

(To be fair it does raise the stakes for the next chapter)

(Which means more blood and gore!!! MORE VIOLENCE!!!)

Deadpool shrugged his shoulders as he got back onto his newly regenerated legs, "That actually makes sense."

Logan then rushed out of the building and slammed through the doors leading to the backyard. Once the others caught up to him, they saw two figures standing in the now fiery backyard.

Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike.

Victor smiled while Logan snarled.

"Hey, Jimmy. Been a while."

Author's Note:

A good ole family reunion

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