• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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To Latveria

"What do you think? Is he bullshitting us or what?"

Once Doom had informed them that he had a way to neutralize the Infinity Stones, Tony wasted no time in getting in contact with Reed Richards. Once he explained the situation, Reed and his team had instantly set course for Stark Tower.

At this moment, Doom was surrounded by not only The Avengers and their interdimensional allies, but also the bane of his existence.

The Fantastic 4.

Reed stroked his chin in thought, pondering a response to Tony's question as he gazed at Doom.

"Victor may be a lot of things, but he DOES care for his people in his own twisted way." Reed responded before turning to Tony, "I believe him."

Ben Grimm, aka The Thing, slammed his fists together, "Yeah well, something smells fishy about this, Stretch."

Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch, gave Ben a sly smirk, "You sure it isn't you?"

"Watch it, Matchstick."

Susan Richards, aka The Invisible Woman, massaged her temple in frustration, "Can we focus please?"

Doom folded his arms, "Yes, this is becoming rather tiresome."

Tails gave Doom a sour look as he responded, "No one asked for your input."

Doom gave Tails a look so sinister that the young Fox actually took a step back in fear of what might happen.

"You dare address Doom in such a manner?" Doom said in a deadly whisper.

It was then that Amy engulfed the young Fox in a tight hug, "Try anything and you'll regret it."

Doom scoffed, "Petty threats coming from a petty species."

"AND WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!!!" Amy screamed in reply.

Rainbow saw the situation beginning to escalate and zoomed over to Amy's side to calm her down, "Woah woah woah, calm down Amy. Don't let him get to you, I mean it's not like he knows any of us."

"I know you better than you think, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow's eyes shot open as he spoke her name. She never told him her name, nor did anyone present say her name.

"H-how do you know my name?" Rainbow asked the Latverian Monarch, genuinely worried as to how he knew her name.

Though no one could see it, but Doom had a smug look on his face as he replied, "I know more than you think. I know your friends Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Celestia and Luna."

Spike, not wanting to be choked again, asked in a hushed whisper, "How?"

"Ever since that fool Octavius attacked the city with those other fools, I made it my mission to learn everything I can about your two worlds. Doom has been watching you all for a long time. I know your strengths, weaknesses, how you all think. I am always one step ahead of my foes, you would do well to learn that, animal."

Before Rainbow could tear into Doom, or at least try to, Tony spoke up.

"We're getting off track here. Doom, you said you had a way to neutralize the Infinity Stones. How?"

"Feh, do you take me for a fool, Stark? Why would I relinquish what I know before I got what I wanted? You shall aid Doom in taking back Latveria, otherwise you won't be getting a thing!"

Hulk growled angrily, "I say we smash him until he talks!"

Thing grinned in agreement, "For once we agree, big guy."

But before the two could stomp over to Doom, Reed stretched his arms out to block their path, "No, you will do more harm than good." Reed sighed as he turned to face Doom, "Besides, we're running out of time. Thanos is on his way and we are out of options."

"But how do we know that the villain speaks the truth?" Thor asked the smartest man alive.

Reed exhaled once more, "We don't. But if anyone could have figured out what we could not, it's Doom."

Doom smirked under his mask, "I always knew I was smarter than you, Richards. It's nice to know that you finally acknowledge Doom's superiority."

Ignoring Doom, Tony added, "Reed's right. We're out of options and out of time. Nobody likes this, but if we're going to stop Thanos and save our three worlds, then we need Doom's help. As much as I loathe to admit it."

Reed nodded in agreement before meeting Doom's gaze, "Alright Victor, we'll help you."

Doom nodded before replying, "I knew you would see it my way, Richards. It wasn't a matter of if, only when."

The giant, steel doors opened as the Red Skull, who was being accompanied by four Hydra Guards behind him, entered Doom's Throne Room. As the Skull walked into the throne room, he took notice of Gene Khan, The Mandarin, sitting atop Doom's throne.

"Skull," Mandarin greeted his ally as he approached the throne, "What is the report?"

Red Skull scowled, he hated being treated like a common thug, but he'd have to suck it up for now, "The entirety of Latveria has been seized and is under our control. I have had my soldiers set up air defenses on the city's walls. We have control of the skies."

Mandarin smiled as he leaned forward, lacing his fingers in between one another, "Excellent, put our agents on high alert. Nobody leaves or enters Latveria without my express permission."

Red Skull grit his teeth in anger and responded, "Do not treat me like a common thug, Khan! I am the leader of Hydra, you will give me the respect I deserve! You do not tell me what to do!"

Khan frowned, "You will do as I tell you, Schmidt! Remember who holds the cards." Mandarin responded as he raised his hands, showing off the 10 Makluan Rings.

Skull frowned and then proceeded to stomp out of the throne room with his soldiers marching behind him.

Khan smirked victoriously and leaned back into the throne, "比賽很快就要開始了." Mandarin then readjusted his glasses and grinned, showing off his teeth, "I just need to wait."

"So, what's the plan exactly?" Rainbow Dash asked as they all prepared to embark to Latveria.

Amy, who was leaning against the wall, responded, "We'll split into teams of two. Team one will lead a direct assault on Latveria, drawing its forces towards the commotion while Team two will sneak into Doom's Citadel and take on The Mandarin directly."

Rainbow quirked an eyebrow, "And how do they plan on sneaking in?"

Tony, who now donned his armor, walked over and replied, "Doom's gonna show us a way in."

"You trust him?" Rainbow asked.

Tony shook his head, "Nope. But I'm just gonna have to learn to live with it."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T GO?!" A sudden shout caught everyone's attention.

They all turned to see Spike, flapping his wings in the air, with a sour look on his face.

Thor sighed, "I am sorry, young Spike. But it tis a dangerous journey. You are not ready."

Spike puffed out his chest, "I helped take down Dr. Eggman...TWICE!!!"

Fluttershy placed a hoof on the Dragon's shoulder, "Please, Spike, we know you can hold your own. But...um...we just think that it might be safer if you...stay here."

"But you're going, Fluttershy."

"Well...they may need my help. But I won't be doing any fighting. Please, Spike. Stay."

Spike sighed as he lowered himself to the ground, his head lowered in sadness, "Okay, I'll stay."

Fluttershy smiled, "Thank you."

Once Doom entered the room, the mood shifted into one of hostility.

The monarch folded his arms, "If you are quite done wasting time, we must embark for Latveria."

Reed frowned but approached the villain, "We're ready, Victor."

The Thing then stomped over from the left, his shadow looming over Doom, "But if you try anything, Doom, I'm gonna crush you like a soda can."

Doom didn't even turn his head to acknowledge him, "Hollow threats from a hollow beast."

Ben growled as Doom walked away.

Tony glared at Doom, but didn't say anything. Instead he just asked J.A.R.V.I.S, "Is the Quinjet ready?"

"Yes, sir." The A.I. responded.

Tony nodded before addressing the group, "Alright, Quinjet's ready."

Doom was already leaving the room, "Then come, Doom wishes not to be here any longer than he needs to."

Rainbow grit her teeth as her and the rest of the team left the room.

"I am really starting to hate that guy."

Author's Note:

Some people call me a terrorist, I consider myself a teacher

Translations: "比賽很快就要開始了." (The game is soon to begin)

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