• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,840 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Calamity (Part 2)

Hulk ripped a Badnik in half and tossed the two halves at two approaching A.I.M Agents, knocking them down. Hulk roared as he leapt into the air and tore apart the mounted sentry guns on the ceiling as Twilight and Tony flew through the air, firing blast after blast, knocking A.I.M Agents down and blowing up Badniks

Hawkeye shot an arrow and pierced a Badnik in the head, blowing it up as Shadow skated through the flames, throwing Chaos Spears at the approaching enemies. He then jumped into the air and curled into a ball, revving until he hit multiple Agents in the chest, knocking them down.

Rarity and Amy were working well together. Amy sent a Badnik into the air with her Piko Piko Hammer, allowing Rarity to blow it apart with a magic blast from her horn. The two girls smiled at one another as Knuckles and Applejack charged through a horde of Badniks and A.I.M Agents. Applejack stopped and turned around, bucking an Agent right into Cap's shield, knocking him out.

Widow roundhouse kicked an Agent in the face, all the while ducking under a punch thrown by an Agent behind her. She quickly turned around and punched the Agent square in the face. She smirked and turned around to see Fluttershy giving an Agent The Stare. As the Agent cowered in fear, Spidey took this chance to swing down and Swing Kick the Agent into a wall, knocking him out.

Sonic and Rainbow sped through the hordes of Badniks, tearing through them and blowing them apart with their sheer speed. Sonic jumped into the air and curled up as Rainbow flew up behind him and kicked him into a group of Badniks that were approaching them. Sonic rolled through the flames and untucked, skidding to a stop as Pinkie hit an Agent in the chest with her Party Cannon. Sonic gave the Party Pony a thumbs up as they smiled at one another.

Hulk tore open the door leading into the next room of the base, allowing everyone else to follow the green behemoth through the base, taking down anyone that stood in their way.

"THEY'RE TEARING THEIR WAY THROUGH THE BASE!!! HOW IS IT THAT THEY ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO INTERFERE WITH MY PLANS?!!" Eggman shouted in anger as they watched the battle through the cameras of the base.

M.O.D.O.K waved his hand dismissively, "Worry not, Doctor. They won't make it far. I'll see to it myself. You just focus on using the Reality Stone to build up our forces."

M.O.D.O.K then hovered out of the room, leaving Eggman and his two lackey bots alone in the Command Room.

Eggman snarled as he glared at the azure Hedgehog on screen, "Him. It's always HIM! ALWAYS THERE! ALWAYS IN. MY. WAY!!!" He slammed his fists on the table in a fit of rage. He sneered as he saw Twilight Sparkle fly by on the monitor, "And those Ponies. They've been a thorn in my side ever since my first venture to Equis!" He turned to Orbot and Cubot, "I will NOT allow my plans to fail again! This is where it ends! You two, come with me! We're going to do things my way." He turned his attention to the Reality Stone, "And this Stone will be the key to everything."

Hulk leapt through the doors leading into the room, tearing them apart as he landed. He roared as Cap and the others ran in behind him. Once they all entered the room, all of their eyes widened at what they saw.

Thousands upon thousands of Warships.

One of these ships would be enough to take down a small country, but thousands of these ships were enough for an entire global invasion.

"Oh. My. Faust." Twilight muttered in shock.

"Look at how many there are." Amy added.

Peter was speechless, if you can believe it, "They're not just going to take over America, they're planning a global takeover."

"And with these ships, Eggman will wipe out any resistance with ease." Knuckles said grimly.

"W-We gotta do something!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Cap looked to the Pegasus, "We will."

"Whatcha thinkin', Cap?" Tony asked.

"We make sure that NONE of these ships ever get into the air." Cap replied.


Everyone looked up and saw M.O.D.O.K descend down from above them. The Mobians and the Mane 6 looked disgusted and confused at the sight of the A.I.M leader.

"What in tarnation is that?!" Applejack asked.

"Well, AJ. That's a.......Uh, a......Hmm.....That is a very large head." Sonic replied.

As M.O.D.O.K hovered in front of the group of heroes, the gem in his forehead started to glow, "You can slow me down. But I have enough ships to BLANKET the world!"

It was then that the two mechanical arms and missile launchers extended from his chair. The claws at the end of the mechanical arms rotated as they opened and snapped shut.

Cap turned his head to his team, "Avengers! No Warships make it out of this base!"

Hulk grunted and leapt onto one of the ships and started tearing it apart as it began to take off. The other heroes took the hint and bolted to the Warships and started taking them out of commission.

Cap turned to Tony, "Tony, take out those thrusters."

"Thought you'd never ask." Replied the genius as he stepped forward.

Tony then took to the air as a shield appeared around M.O.D.O.K.

"Come on, Tarleton! Think about what you're doing here! Millions of lives will be lost if you go through with this!"

M.O.D.O.K smirked, "No quips, Stark? That's unlike you."

Tony sighed, "You try to be reasonable..... WATCH OUT FOR A GIANT FALLING HEAD!!! I'M GONNA TAKE OUT THOSE THRUSTERS!!!"

Tony boosted forward towards M.O.D.O.K, who pressed a button on the arm of his chair and fired four missiles from his left missile launcher. Tony stopped dead in his tracks and dove under the missiles. M.O.D.O.K scoffed and leaned forward as his chair flew to the other side of the room.

Tony turned around and fired a Repulsor Blast from his palm, but it did not damage whatsoever as M.O.D.O.K's shield protected him from the attack. M.O.D.O.K fired a purple beam from the gem in his forehead with an intent to hit Stark. But Tony responded with a Unibeam from his Arc Reactor.

The two beams met one another, causing an explosion of light to blind the two. Tony recovered before M.O.D.O.K and boosted towards the leader of A.I.M. Iron Man flew over M.O.D.O.K's head and shot Repulsor Blasts at the thrusters beneath his chair.

Two of the thrusters were down, but M.O.D.O.K wasn't going down easily as he grabbed Tony with one of his mechanical arms and slammed him to the ground. M.O.D.O.K fired eight missiles from his missile launchers, causing Tony to think quickly and boost into the sky to avoid the projectiles.

M.O.D.O.K growled in anger as he fired another beam from his forehead. Tony boosted forward and swayed to the left to avoid the laser. As he got closer to M.O.D.O.K, Tony nose dived underneath the giant head and fired a Unibeam at the two final thrusters, destroying them.

M.O.D.O.K growled as his chair descended to the floor. He would've crashed had it not been for his two mechanical arms, which pressed themselves onto the ground to prevent any further damage to M.O.D.O.K's chair.

M.O.D.O.K glared at Stark, "All this wasted effort! It will do no good! Superhumans are a blight on this earth!"

He then fired a laser from his forehead, which hit Tony in the chest and sent him crashing into a wall.

"Ow.....That hurt a little."

As the main thruster beneath M.O.D.O.K's chair lifted him into the air again, Cap pressed on his earpiece.

"I'll keep him busy! Everybody fan out and buy me some time!"

M.O.D.O.K hovered in front of Steve and glared at the Captain with a sick grin on his face, "It is already too late, Captain! With the Reality Stone in my possession my army shall never end! Under A.I.M's control, the world won't need freaks like you anymore!"

"It's not about need. It's about doing what's right!" Cap replied.

"Then I shall get rid of you the right way!"

M.O.D.O.K sent one of his mechanical arms forward in an attempt to grab Cap, but Steve rolled under the arm and threw his shield at the main thruster, doing some damage.

"Cap! It looks like most of the power on his chair is coming from the Power Cell on his back!" Tony informed his friend as he flew by with Twilight and Rainbow.

"Got it!" Steve replied.

M.O.D.O.K turned his chair slightly as one of his mechanical arms extended forward. The claw on the arm began to rotate at high speeds, becoming a spinning saw as M.O.D.O.K rotated his chair around. Cap tried to outrun the spinning blade but found that it was too fast to outrun.

Cap, quickly thinking on his feet, jumped out of the direction of the saw as it passed by. Cap took this chance to throw his shield at the main thruster again, causing M.O.D.O.K's chair to crash to the ground.

"Grr! NO!" M.O.D.O.K exclaimed.

Cap quickly ran around M.O.D.O.K as he tried to get his chair back online. He eventually made it behind the chair and threw his shield at the Power Cell, managing to do some damage. But it wasn't enough as M.O.D.O.K got his chair back online as hovered into the air.

He turned around to face Captain America.



M.O.D.O.K fired a beam from his forehead, but Cap blocked it with his mighty shield. The sheer power of the beam was making Cap slide back as he continued to block the laser. From a distance, Hawkeye saw this and aimed his bow and arrow at the thruster.

He shot the arrow and it managed to hit the thruster beneath M.O.D.O.K's chair.

M.O.D.O.K then crashed to the ground again and slammed his fists on the arms of his chair. Cap looked over to Clint and smirked at him before sprinting around to the Power Cell and smashing it apart with his shield.

"He's down! Assemble on me!" Cap said to his allies.

M.O.D.O.K sneered at the Captain, "NOT. QUITE. YET!"

His thruster came back online as he hovered into the air. Before Cap could react, M.O.D.O.K fired a laser from the gem in his forehead, causing Cap to be sent flying through the air and landing on his back.

Cap groaned as he got back up, "Damnit! Options, people!"

Twilight saw that Cap needed help and flew over to him, "I'm on my way!"

Before M.O.D.O.K could attack again, Twilight fired a magic blast from her horn. Before it could hit however, M.O.D.O.K raised his shield again. Twilight landed in front of Cap, her horn lighting up.

"Twilight, once you have enough magic built up, blast him!" Cap ordered.

"And his shield will fall! Got it!" Twi replied as she took to the air.

M.O.D.O.K smirked, "An Alicorn. I've been looking forward to this meeting. I cannot wait to dissect you."

"You're not going to get the chance!"

M.O.D.O.K fired eight missiles from his missile launchers.

Twilight, thinking quickly, flew around the A.I.M leader, avoiding the missiles intended for hitting her. As M.O.D.O.K continued to fire, Twilight was slowly building up magic to fire at that shield.

"Hold still and die!"

Twilight boosted forward as M.O.D.O.K extended on of his mechanical arms to grab the Alicorn. Twilight avoided the arm and continued to build up magic. M.O.D.O.K roared angrily and fired a laser from his forehead. Twilight flew ahead of the beam as it trailed behind her, hitting the walls beside the Alicorn.

The beam ceased as Twilight turned to M.O.D.O.K and fired a massive beam of magic.

The beam hit the shield. Proving to be too much for it, the shield disappeared as M.O.D.O.K landed on the ground again. Twilight landed next to Cap, who was walking towards the villain.


But then all of a sudden, everything was silent.

Curious, M.O.D.O.K turned around, only to gasp as every single on of his Warships started fading away out of existence. The heroes were left confused, but M.O.D.O.K snarled.

"Robotnik. I'll have your head for this."

He roared in anger as he turned to Cap and Twilight, who were ready to continue.

M.O.D.O.K scoffed, "So much for making you see reason! If you wish to stand with your Captain, YOU CAN DIE TOGETHER!!!"

He then took off at high speeds out the door that led into the room.

Sonic saw this and frowned, "Oh no, you don't!"

Sonic then sped after the leader of A.I.M as they navigated through the hallways of the facility.

M.O.D.O.K frowned, "You are becoming a pest, Hedgehog!"

He fired three missiles from each launcher down the hallway in an attempt to hit Sonic. The Hedgehog smirked and jumped over the missiles and boosted forward towards M.O.D.O.K. The A.I.M leader tried to grab the Hedgehog with one of his mechanical arms, but Sonic slid under the arms as they extended passed him and jumped into the air.

M.O.D.O.K was done playing around and prepared a laser from the gem in his forehead.

"Bingo." Sonic thought to himself as he curled into a ball.

Just as M.O.D.O.K was about to fire, Sonic zoomed forward and hit M.O.D.O.K's gem with a Homing Attack. As Sonic landed on the floor in a superhero landing pose, M.O.D.O.K screamed in absolute agony as he gripped his giant head with his hands.

M.O.D.O.K then crashed to the floor, ending this battle.

(End song)

As the villain tried to get back up, he eventually slumped in his chair, unconscious.

"Nighty night, Modork!" Sonic quipped.

He turned around to see Twilight flying right towards him. She then tackled him in a bone crushing hug as the others joined up with them.

"I'm so glad that you're safe!" Twilight said as she let go.

Sonic chuckled, "You DO know who I am, right?"

Twilight smacked him on the back of the head with her wing, "Shut up."

Rainbow then looked confused, "Anypony wanna explain what just happened?"

"It seems that the doctor had no more use for M.O.D.O.K and took the Stone for himself." Shadow guessed.

Sonic rolled his eyes, "Of course he did."

"Well of course I did! After all, this is between you and me, Hedgehog!" Eggman suddenly shouted over the P.A system.

Sonic tightened his fists, "Hey, Egghead. Been awhile, should've guessed that The Raft wouldn't hold you for long!"

"FEH! As if that prison could hold a genius like me for long! You were foolish to think that I'd be gone for long, Sonic! After all, this doesn't end with you on top! It ends with me sitting atop my mechanical throne!"

"When will it all be enough, Robotnik?!" Twilight shouted.

"Oh, don't think that I've forgotten about you, Twilight! You've become a thorn in my side that can be no longer ignored! I've grown tired of this constant game between us, Sonic! It's time for this to end! One last bout, just you, those Ponies, and me!"

"You know what, Eggman? You're right. I am so sick of you thinking that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want! This ends tonight, all of it!" Sonic growled.

"Then come and get me, Hedgehog! The landing strip! I'll be waiting!"

(End song)

The P.A. system turned off.

Sonic turned to Twilight and her friends, "You girls ready to end this?"

"You know it!" Rainbow said enthusiastically.

Twilight looked determined, "This has to end. Tonight."

Sonic nodded and turned to the others, "The rest of you finish up in here."

"Won't you need help?" Spider-Man asked.

Sonic shook his head, "This is our fight. We'll stop Eggman, for good. Just make sure there aren't anymore Warships."

Sonic then turned but Shadow stopped him, "Hedgehog!"

Sonic looked confused until Shadow spoke, "End this."

"Smash his teeth in!" Knuckles said as he slammed his fists together.

"We believe in you!" Amy added.

"Kick his ass." Tony finished.

Sonic gave them all a thumbs up and turned to the Mane 6, "All right, girls. Let's finish this!"

Author's Note:

The final battle between Sonic and Dr. Eggman is approaching

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