• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,845 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Working Under Strain

The door leading into the main lounge slid open, the constant rambling of Pinkie Pie could finally be heard as Twilight and the girls trotted into the room. Pinkie however bounced in as usual, her mane bouncing up and down as she finished up her story while the girls simply ignored her ramblings.

"...And I was like, OATMEAL, ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Pinkie started to laugh, but stopped suddenly as she and the girls caught sight of the malignant A.I. standing next to Tony Stark with his arms crossed over his chest. Ultron turned his head slowly towards Twilight and the other Equestrians, causing the mares to shiver involuntarily.

While the girls stared at the villain with wide eyes, Ultron simply scoffed as he turned to Tony and Reed Richards. The other heroes in the tower were less than happy with Tony and Banner for bringing this monster back, but after some reassurances from Dr. Strange, they decided to let it go.

"I just need access to S.H.I.E.L.D's satellites so I can amplify their range of detection. Once I'm in, I shall be able to see the Titan's whereabouts." Ultron's eyes flashed on and off a few times before turning back to their evil glow, "Done." Ultron opened his hand and projected a hologram that showed the ship of S.W.O.R.D. It was blown to smithereens as The Sanctuary II flew right past it, heading towards Earth.

Everyone stared in shock before Ultron closed his hand, disabling the hologram.

Reed folded his arms and pondered to himself, this was not good. The situation was even more dire than originally anticipated. Reed felt a small sense of dread crawl down his spine, Thanos was getting closer and they were running out of time.

Ultron then broke the scientist's train of thought, "By my estimate, you meatbags have exactly one day until the Titan arrives."

Tony stroked his beard in thought, "That doesn't give us a lot of time to prepare." Tony then caught the sight of Twilight Sparkle and the other Equestrians standing in the doorway, "Twi, how'd it go?"

Twilight shook her head to regather her thoughts and replied, "It went well, we have their support." She then frowned at the billionaire, "And when did THIS," She pointed an accusing hoof at Ultron, "become a thing? Why is he here?"

"Like it or not--"

"I don't." Twilight cut him off.

Tony sighed before continuing, "LIKE IT OR NOT, we needed his help. Now he's going to fight alongside us, he has no choice after all."

"You've made sure of that, Stark." Ultron said venomously.

Tony ignored the robot and continued speaking to Twilight, "Sonic and Spidey came back a few minutes before you with company. S.H.I.E.L.D also decided to make a trip to the Triskelion's holding cells and gave us some... Help, if you could call it that."

"The good kind of help?" Pinkie asked as she raised her hoof into the air.

"The bad kind."

"I cannot believe that I have to work with the likes of YOU once more!!!" Otto Octavius was currently having a heated argument with Dr. Ivo Robotnik. As it turns out, most of the villains inside the training room all hated each other.

The likes of Magneto, The Brotherhood of Mutants, Abomination, Taskmaster, The Legion of Doom, The Sinister Six, M.O.D.O.K and A.I.M, Loki, Metal Sonic, and more were currently arguing with one another.

Eggman got right into Otto's face, "Get out of my face, Octavius! If it wasn't for YOU and that moron, Sombra, the ENTIRE multiverse would be under MY control!"

Otto snarled at the egg shaped man, "Because of ME?! You must be incredibly stupid if you believe that! If you weren't so idiotic victory could've been ours!!!"

M.O.D.O.K then decided to pop in as he floated over to the two geniuses, "I find it funny that you failed, Octavius. It seems Robotnik has a knack for betraying his allies."

Eggman turned to M.O.D.O.K and scoffed, "Oh please, we only failed because YOU got ahead of yourself! Our army wasn't even ready yet, and you decided to take the rodent and his allies head on!!!" Eggman then took notice of The Legion of Doom and rolled his eyes, "Oh great, you three are here two! You were all useless when I gave you upgrades, what use are you all gonna be when the time comes?!"

Chrysalis snarled as she stomped her hoof in anger, "You trapped us and turned us into your personal slaves!"

"Technically, I didn't Roboticize the Pegasus, she was willing to help me. And even then, you all still failed... MISERABLY!!!"

Loki chuckled humorously at the argument, "Mortals and their petty squabbles."

Electro heard the God and lit up his hands, "You wanna say that again, Shakespeare?!"

Loki turned to the villain and rolled his eyes, "You truly believe you can threaten me?"

Magneto folded his arms in annoyance, "You Humans are a complete and utter joke! As are these... Creatures." He remarked, gesturing to The Legion.

Tirek frowned as he barred his teeth, "You wish to say something, Mutant? Go ahead, this creature could destroy you without even trying."

Eggman overheard this and smirked, "Not without magic you can't."

Tirek's head snapped towards Robotnik, "I don't need magic to end you, doctor! Magic just shows the entire world who the strongest really is."

Abomination heard this and growled. He stomped over to the Centaur and loomed over him, "You think you're stronger than me?"

Tirek smirked, "I don't think I am. I KNOW I am!"

While this was going on, Sabretooth grinned madly at Rhino, "Let's go a few rounds. I wanna see which animal is stronger."

As the two villains stared each other down, Cozy flew up to Eggman's face, "You actually believe you're a better villain than US?! That's funny, unlike you, we don't need robots to do our dirty work!" She mocked as she bumped Metal's head with one of her wing. Metal Sonic responded by gripping Cozy's wing in a deadly grip and tossing her into a wall on the other side of the room.

Chrysalis lit up her horn as Doc Ock readied his arms.

Tirek and Abomination were about to go at it while Rhino and Sabretooth drew closer to one another. A massive fight between all of the villains was about to break loose, and that wasn't good for anyone.

"SILENCE!!!" A sudden shout caused everyone to stop and turn to the entrance. For those who knew he was, their eyes shot wide open as Dr. Doom entered the training room. The other villains though, only looked at him in confusion, wondering who this man was.

Chrysalis, not liking being told what to do, flew up right to his face.

"You poor fool." All the villains who knew Doom thought to themselves as Chrysalis sealed her fate.

"Who do you think YOU are to give demands to me?!"

She was then blasted across the room.

As the Changeling fell to the floor, Doom walked over and loomed over her singeing form. She looked up to the villain with fear in her eyes. For the first time in her life, Chrysalis felt pure, unadulterated fear.

Doom glared down at her shaking form, "None question Doom." He leaned downward and got in her face, "Am I clear?" He asked in a hushed, gravely tone.

Chrysalis nodded her head frantically before Doom stood up straight.

Doom then gazed around the room, eyeing the various villains before him, "I see before me children and freaks! Throwing temper tantrums when things do not go their way. It truly is a pathetic and embarrassing display."

Eggman was about to give Doom a piece of his mind, but was stopped by one of Otto's arms. Robotnik turned to the scientist, to which Otto simply shook his head so he wouldn't get himself killed.

M.O.D.O.K slowly hovered over to the villain, "Doctor Victor Von Doom, this is unexpected. I would think that you wouldn't bother getting involved in this."

The Latverian dictator crossed his arms, "Doom has his reasons, and they are mine alone to know."

"What is it you want?" Magneto asked.

"Stark and his idiotic team wish to stop the Titan from collecting the Stones. Doom presented a solution to this crisis, and yet, they refuse to act on it."

"Because they want to undo my work!" Eggman exclaimed loudly while M.O.D.O.K simply gave the mad doctor a questioning look.

Doom nodded and continued, "They are too weak to do what is necessary. They lack the drive to truly save the world, while Doom on the other hand has none of those limitations." Doom then gestured to everyone in the room with his hands, "In fact, everyone in this room lacks those limitations."

Loki was starting to grow impatient, "Get to the point!" Before Loki knew it, a green blast phased right through him, thanks to his magic, he was unharmed.

Doom glared at the Trickster God, "Do not. Interrupt me."

Loki snarled at the villain, "YOU DARE--"

"Enough, Loki," Magneto said, cutting him off, "I wish to see where this is going."

Doom then continued, "The only way to preserve our world, to ensure that it falls under one singular rule, is to destroy the Infinity Stones."

"What are suggesting exactly?" Eggman asked.

Doom turned to the egg shaped man, "Doom suggests nothing. Only together can we take the Stones and do what must be done. The Titan shall stray away from our planet, and the world shall be vulnerable for conquest."

Tirek quirked an eyebrow, "And you think that YOU should be the one to lead us?" Doom turned to the Centaur, allowing him to spew whatever nonsense he wanted, just so he could make a fool of him later, "Why should we listen to you? I believe we would prosper if we followed MY lead."

"You believe that you could do better?" Tirek simply smirked in response. Big mistake on his part. Doom turned to face the Centaur completely, "Try me." Tirek was surprised, sure he wasn't at full strength but he was still strong enough to tear this Human apart.

Tirek shrugged and charged directly at Doom, hoping to send him flying across the room. But as soon as he was close enough, Doom quickly punched Tirek in the throat. Tirek hacked up blood as Doom grabbed his shoulders and then proceeded to kick one of Tirek's knees.

Tirek roared in pain before Doom lifted him into the air, over his head, and slammed him to the ground. As Tirek groaned in pain, Doom stomped his boot onto the Centaur's chest, preventing him from moving.

Doom made his point very clear.

"Anyone else?" Doom asked, welcoming anyone to challenge him. No one responded, they all knew not to mess with him. "Good, now it is time to take what is ours. And it all starts with doing what these so called heroes cannot." Doom smiled underneath his mask as he removed his boot off of Tirek, "Save the world."

Nick Fury entered the main lounge where all of the heroes were waiting, along with Ultron, who simply stood in the corner clearly not wanting to be there.

"Just got word from Wakanda. T'Challa should be here in a few hours, Danvers and Nova are on their way back from a mission involving the Skrulls, they should be here in that same amount of time."

Shadow nodded, "Good, we need all the help we can get. G.U.N is amassing any forces they have to aid us in battle."

"Once Rocket makes some adjustments to The Benatar, then we should be good to go." Star Lord informed the group.

Captain America turned to Reed Richards, "Where are we with finding another way to neutralize the Stones?"

Mr. Fantastic shook his head, "We have made no progress thus far."

"Should we consider the idea of destroying the Stones?" Luna asked with a worried look on her face.

Ghost Rider shook his head, "That is our last resort."

"Yeah, but surely there's another way to make those Stones as useless as books." Rainbow didn't know it, but Twilight was glaring daggers right at her.

Sonic placed his hands on his hips, "What about the Chaos Emeralds?"

Tails shook his head, "The Emeralds are powerful, but not THAT powerful."

"The Master Emerald?" Deadpool suggested, surprisingly adding a good idea to the conversation.

Knuckles shook his head, "Nope, not strong enough. Besides, we may end blowing everything to hell if we use up THAT much of its power."

Wade then walked over to a wall and slammed his head against it, "Well then we're fucked!"

Storm had a concerning look on her face, things were not looking bright, "Is there truly no way to neutralize the Infinity Stones?"

"There is a way." A familiar voice butted in, causing everyone to turn to the door way. Doom was standing right there with his arms folded, "But you are all too weak to act on it. So, Doom shall do what you cannot." The walls next to him suddenly exploded, startling everyone in the room.

Twilight coughed as the dust entered her lungs, waving away the dust with one of her wings. Once the dust cleared, she and everyone else saw the army of villains standing there with smiles on their faces. Eggman and Tirek stood right beside Doom, glaring at the heroes.

Doom then conjured up some magic in his hand and gave it to Tirek, which he then absorbed and gained more power. Tirek laughed as his body grew into his second form.

Sonic snarled at his arch nemesis, who simply smirked back, "Sorry, Hedgehog, you HAD to have seen this coming."

Reed took a step forward towards Doom, "What are you doing, Victor?"

"What needs to be done, Richards. Since none of you have the stomach to do so, I shall be taking those Stones and neutralizing them... Permanently." He ignored Pinkie's dramatic gasp and pointed his hand at the heroes, ready to give the order, "Bring me those Stones."

Author's Note:

The battle before the coming conflict has begun

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