• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Into The Dark Dimension (Part 1)

A few hours before Starlight Glimmer's death

A few minutes had passed since Sonic, Spider-Man, and Twilight Sparkle had left the tower to go to The Raft to stop the prison break. Dr. Stephen Strange was currently opening a portal back to the Sanctum Sanctorum to try and not only find more Multiversal Trespassers, but also try and find any more Infinity Stones.

He was close to opening the portal, but he was suddenly interrupted by a sudden voice.

"Dr. Strange!"

The sorcerer turned around to see both Celestia and Luna making their way towards him.

"Celestia, Luna," he greeted as he nodded to the two of them, "What can I do for you?"

Celestia and Luna looked to one another before turning back to Strange, "We figured that you could use some help in locating the Infinity Stones." Celestia informed the sorcerer, "With our magical abilities combined, we could cover more ground."

Strange folded his arms, "Well, the help would certainly be appreciated. But aren't you two needed here?"

Luna shook her head, "The others are already formulating a plan to find the Stones. To be honest, we feel a little useless, so we thought that we could come with you and help out however we can."

"Very well, but be warned, the Mystic Arts are not for the faint of heart. Are you two sure that you can handle this?" Strange asked the two Alicorns, wanting to be sure that they were ready for this.

Celestia took a step forward towards the wizard, "We are."

Strange nodded to the two of them, "Alright then. Let's proceed."

"Those two aren't going alone."

The three magic users turned to the doorway and saw Shadow the Hedgehog leaning against said doorway with Rarity standing in front of him.

Luna looked at Rarity, "Rarity," she then turned to Shadow, "Sir Shadow."

Celestia arched an eyebrow in confusion, "Wait, you two will be joining us?"

Shadow stopped leaning against the doorway and folded his arms, "I was originally sent to the festival as a representative of G.U.N. If I were to let the two of you, who used to be royalty, travel to unknown territory alone, then that wouldn't look good on G.U.N or me for that matter."

"I must admit, I feel like I haven't been as helpful as I should. I'm the bearer of the Element of Generosity, one of Equestria's defenders, and I've never felt so useless. So, I want to do my part and help out in whatever way I can. I may not be the best at magic, but that won't stop me from doing what's right. So, if I may, may I join you?" Rarity asked.

Shadow rolled his eyes, "She's asking. I'm not."

The two Alicorns smiled at one another before nodding to their two friends, "Of course you can join us." Celestia answered.

Shadow and Rarity then walked over as Strange opened a portal to the Sanctum Sanctorum.

"Come, my friends. We have much to do." Dr. Strange said to the group as he stood to the side to allow the group to enter the portal.

Celestia led the group into the portal with a look of anticipation on her face. Shadow was the last to enter the portal before Strange himself walked into the portal and closed it.

Death's Sanctuary, a lookout located in the nothingness that is the Desolate Realm. No signs of life whatsoever. All that exist within the Desolate Realm and neither alive nor dead. It is here where Mistress Death resides, watching over all of the souls that enter her realm.

She rose from her throne of skulls and walked down the stone steps towards her whirlpool, where she could see every living being in every single one of the Nine Realms. As she gazed into the whirlpool, she felt the presence of another, which was strange since no one ever entered the Desolate Realm without her knowledge.

What confused her even more was the fact that she didn't know who this strange presence was, which was impossible since she knows the names of every soul that has ever lived.

"I know the name of every soul that has ever lived, died, or ever will...." she turned around to face the otherworldly presence, "Yet, I do not know yours, creature. Explain."

It was then that a pair of glowing green eyes lit up in the shadows, which was soon followed by a figure that stepped out of the shadows, smiling a sick grin that just shouted Bad News. Death took notice of the figure, what caught her eye was the fact that this creature wasn't a bipedal.

He was a Unicorn.

King Sombra bowed politely as he addressed Death, "Mistress Death. I am King Sombra, and I am not of this realm." Sombra stood upright before slowly approaching Death, the Grim Reaper eyeing the Unicorn as he approached her, "My universe was once beyond your reach, but no longer due to a recent Convergence of three universes. Souls that were originally impossible to obtain, now are within your reach."

Sombra placed a hoof onto his chest.

"And I can give them to you."

Death arched an eyebrow, "And what is it you seek in return?"

Sombra gave her an evil smile, "Equilibrium." Death motioned for him to continue, "More live now than have ever died, in my universe, as in yours. They covet that which in truth they owe to you in tribute."

Death nodded in understanding, "Their souls. What then do you propose?"

"An exchange. I know you have the Stone of Souls in your possession, you give me the Stone, and I use it to not only fulfill my goals, but I can use it to fulfill your desires. I get the Stone, and you get millions of souls to do with as you wish."

Death hummed as she considered the Dark King's proposal, "There is but one problem with your scheme."


"There is one that desires the Stones, desires me, above all else. He will most definitely put a damper into your plans."

Sombra scoffed as he waved his hoof dismissively, "Worry not about Thanos. Once I have achieved my goal, none shall stand against me."

After a few moments of consideration, Death smirked, "This could be entertaining." She thought to herself as she opened the palm of her hand.

The Soul Stone suddenly appeared in her hand, which made Sombra grin even more. Sombra grabbed the Stone with his magic and placed it in his hoof.

"Remember, I get what was promised to me, and in exchange you get to use the Stone to your hearts content. Do not cross me, mortal, otherwise I shall tear your soul from your body." Death threatened.

Sombra gave her a smile, "You know, I would actually be worried, IF I had a soul."

As Dr. Strange walked up the staircase leading to the upper floors of the Sanctum Sanctorum, Celestia and the others were admiring the various magical artifacts in Strange's collection. Rarity approached an old looking book and eyed it with curiosity.

She then shrieked in fear as an eye opened up on the cover of the book.

Shadow folded his arms as he looked at the Cauldron of the Cosmos with a hint of interest. He then proceeded to follow Stephen up the staircase, growing bored of looking at the various artifacts.

Celestia and Luna trotted past the La Macchina di Kadavus, an ancient relic used to contain spells that have become to powerful to stop. The two Alicorns then walked up the staircase with Rarity following close behind, still eyeing the book that spooked her.

Strange crossed his legs as he began to float into the air, the Book of Cagliostro hovering in front of him. Shadow and the others watched on in curiosity as the book opened up, flipping through various pages until it stopped at the page Strange wanted to use.

"What are you doing exactly?" Shadow asked as he began walking around Strange, continuing to observe the Master of the Mystic Arts.

Strange, who had his eyes closed as he began to focus, replied, "This book holds millions of spells within its pages, I am hoping to find a spell that may be able to help us in locating any Multiversal Trespassers or any of the Infinite Six."

Rarity looked amazed, "Wow, I must say darling, that is quite an idea."

"Do you really think that there is a spell within those pages that could aid us in our mission?" Luna asked as she took a step forward towards Stephen.

Strange opened his left eye and gave Luna a confident smirk, "I highly doubt that there isn't something that could help us."

As Strange closed his eye once again, Rarity couldn't help but critique the sorcerer's outfit, "I must say, darling, but that outfit you are wearing, it has potential. Although the cloak could use some work. Maybe I could add some gemstones to make it stand out more?"

As she slowly approached and attempted to touch the cloak with her hoof, the cloak suddenly slapped her hoof away, startling the Fashionista enough to stumble back in fright and land on her rump as she rubbed her hoof with her other hoof.

Strange turned his head and gave Rarity a sly look, "I think the cloak and I are good, thanks."

Rarity harrumphed and pointed her nose upward, "Well I never."

As Celestia covered her mouth with her hoof to try and suppress a giggle, and failing terribly at that, Shadow sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"Can we all just shut up and let him focus. We're on a mission, not a questionnaire." Shadow said in an irritated tone.

While Luna and Rarity glared daggers at the Hedgehog, Celestia simply rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face at the seriousness of the Hedgehog.

But suddenly, various car alarms sounded off outside the Sanctum Sanctorum, catching the attention of everyone present inside the building. Screams of terror soon followed the car alarms, signifying that something was going on outside, something bad.

Strange uncrossed his legs and stopped hovering in the air. He waved his hand in front of the book, causing the book to vanish into thin air.

"It appears that there is a situation going on outside." Strange said as he addressed his allies.

"What else is new." Luna grumbled under her breath.

Shadow turned around away from everyone and began walking away as he said, "Well, are you all just going to stand there or are you going to do something about it?"

Shadow then teleported outside the Sanctum Sanctorum, not wasting anymore time. The others took the hint and rushed out of the room, making their way down the staircase and towards the door.

As Strange and the others walked out of the Sanctum, they saw several cars either flipped over or engulfed in flames. There were various cracks in the road and almost all of the streetlights were knocked over. They all turned to their left and saw Shadow directing civilians to safety.

Shadow then saw a woman trip over, giving him cause to rush over and help her up.

"Are you injured?" Shadow asked, the woman shaking her head in response, "Okay, go and get to safety!"

The woman nodded and bolted to her feet, rushing away from the danger as Celestia and the others rushed over to the Hedgehog. A sudden shriek caught the attention of Celestia and Luna. They turned their heads and saw falling pieces of debris from the building behind them were about to crush a family of four.

The two Alicorns quickly lit up their horns, casting a protective barrier over the family, saving them from being crushed. The family quickly took the hint and made their escape.

"THANK YOU!!!" The mother shouted as they ran away.

Celestia and Luna's horns dimmed as the barrier vanished, allowing the debris to hit the ground. They then turned around and made their way towards the intersection, where the other heroes were currently running towards. Once the two Alicorns caught up with their friends, they took in the sight before them.

A portal as black as night was in the middle of the intersection, allowing various stone like beasts to enter their converged world.

Strange frowned upon seeing the stone creatures.

"Mindless Ones." Strange said as the Mindless Ones slowly approached the heroes from the portal.

Rarity turned her head and looked up at the sorcerer, "'Mindless Ones'?" She asked, wanting clarification.

Strange looked down at the Unicorn and explained, "Mindless servants to the Dread Dormammu, ruler of the Dark Dimension. They do his bidding without question. If they are here, then their master has begun his invasion of this dimension."

Luna flared her wings, "That will not be happening!"

Celestia did the same, "I concur, sister! These mindless beasts shall not roam free in this realm!"

Shadow cracked his knuckles as he took a step forward, "I'm going to check and see if these 'Mindless Ones' are really mindless."

Rarity tilted her head in confusion, "How?"

Shadow turned his head back to face the Unicorn, "By cracking their heads open."

Shadow and Luna then shot forward towards the Mindless Ones with the others following close behind.

Shadow skated forward towards a Mindless One, throwing multiple Chaos Spears at the stone beast. But to his surprise, his Chaos Spears only managed to make it stagger slightly. He frowned and boosted forward at a faster speed. He then jumped into the air and hit it's face with a Homing Attack, flipping over it as he uncurled. Once he landed behind the Mindless One, he turned around, expecting it to go down, but to his shock, the Mindless One simply turned around to face the Ultimate Lifeform.

"Oh, son of a--" Shadow muttered before being blasted in the chest by an Ocular Blast.

Rarity fired a blast of magic at the back of a Mindless One, but due to her magic not being as strong as one would think, it barely made the Mindless One stagger. The stone monster turned around and fired an Ocular Blast, causing Rarity to quickly cast a shield spell, but the shield shattered instantly and sent the Unicorn flying back.

Rarity crashed into the side of a burling car before landing on the ground. She shook her head and got back to her hooves, not willing to give up.

Dr. Strange floated above a Mindless One and begun casting a spell, "By the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!" It was then that red bands appeared around the Mindless One and held it in place. He then turned his head slightly and shouted to Celestia and Luna, "NOW!!!"

The two Alicorns then took to the air and fired two beams of magic at the Mindless One. Once the two beams made contact, the Mindless One broke apart into little tiny pieces.

Once Dr. Strange landed on the ground, he turned around to face two Mindless Ones.

As the two stone monsters fired two Ocular Beams, Strange quickly casted a shield spell that blocked the attacks. Once the two Ocular Beams ceased firing, Strange made some motions with his hands, transforming the shield into a buzz saw. He then sent the buzz saw flying right towards the two Mindless Ones.

The magical buzz saw then cut the two Mindless Ones in half.

Shadow was getting angry.

He was currently surrounded by four Mindless Ones, he was cornered on all sides, he had no way out. The Mindless Ones then prepared to fire their Ocular Blasts. But before they could, a piece of rubble struck one of the Mindless Ones in the back.

It turned around to see Rarity panting heavily as sweat dripped down her forehead.

Now was his chance.

Shadow removed his Inhibitor Rings, causing him to be engulfed in a fiery red aura. The Mindless Ones were about to attack, but they never got the chance.


All four Mindless Ones were completely obliterated in the resulting explosion.

(End song)

Shadow panted heavily as he fell to one knee, that Chaos Blast took a lot out of him.

Luna flew over and landed next to her friend, "Are you well, Sir Shadow?"

Shadow nodded as he got back to his feet. He put his Inhibitor Rings back on as they all faced the portal, the Mindless Ones kept coming.

Strange and the others made it over to Shadow and Luna, with Strange saying, "They're not going to stop. Whatever ones we destroy, they'll just be replaced with more until we are overwhelmed."

"Then what can we do?" Celestia asked the Master of the Mystic Arts.

Strange glared at the portal as he took a step forward, "We have to go into the Dark Dimension and confront Dormammu. It's the only way to stop this invasion."

"We'll be walking right into enemy territory." Shadow stated the obvious.

Rarity gave the Hedgehog a sly smirk, "Yes, but when has that stopped us before?"

Shadow shrugged his shoulders, "Fair point."

Strange floated over the group and made his way to the portal, "Come, my friends! Time is of the essence!"

They all nodded and followed the wizard into the portal, not noticing that the air around them began to feel....


Author's Note:

How can one live without a soul?

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