• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,845 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Convergence (Part 1)

Dust covered her already blurry vision, she blinked once, her vision didn't clear up. It took a few blinks before her eyes adjusted.


She heard a voice, well she was assuming it was a voice, but her ears were ringing. She was struggling to hear anything.


There it was again. The ringing was starting to die down as her vision became clear.


Her eyes snapped open as she sat upright, panting heavily. She looked around the room frantically, dust and tiny bits of rubble falling down from the ceiling. She turned her head and saw Spike, who had been calling out her name.

"S-Spike?! W-w-what's happening?" Twilight asked frantically.

Spike was sweating, his scales were covered in dust, he was panting heavily, "I-I don't know! One minute we were having lunch, and then the next a giant light swallowed us up!"


They both turned to see Sonic sit up, shaking his head to get the dust out of his quills.

Twilight got up, still shaking and limped over to Sonic, "Sonic? Are you okay?"

Sonic rubbed the back of his head and looked at the Alicorn, "Yeah....I'm good. What about you two?"

Spike dusted himself off, "We're alive. That's what counts."

Twilight exhaled, "I'm okay. Where is everyone?"

Spike's eyes then widened as he pointed behind them, "G-guys!"

They both turned and saw three blue lights, two side by side and one beneath them. Sonic got to his feet as Twilight crouched down, lighting up her horn. But they both felt relief when the lights stepped forward, revealing a familiar friend.

Sonic, Spike, and Twilight sighed in relief.

Iron Man stepped forward, "You guys okay?"

Twilight smiled, "We're okay, Tony." She then studied his new armor with her eyes, "Nice suit."

"It's Nanotech. This is only the first model." His helmet then retracted, revealing the face of Tony Stark, "Now, can anyone explain to me what the hell just happened?"

Sonic shrugged, "Wish we could tell ya, Tony."

Tony sighed as he placed his hands on his hips, "Okay, we should regroup with the others." Tony then raised his right arms and spoke into his gauntlet, "This is Tony, anyone read me?" He only received static as a response, "This is Tony Stark, anyone copy?" Again, only static. He sighed as he looked at the others, "No good."

"We should probably regroup at the entrance." Twilight suggested.

"Good idea. It's the best place to get our bearings." Sonic agreed.

Tony nodded as his helmet reformed around his head, "Let's move."

Tony turned and raised his left arm, his palm lighting up to give them a source of light. The others stayed behind Tony as they followed him. There was just one question on everyone's minds.

What the hell happened?

Shadow and Captain America tipped a fallen pillar out of their path as they moved. They were not alone however, as Natasha Romanoff, Amy Rose, and Rarity were following behind them. Shadow and Steve managed to find one another and ran into Natasha and the others, who found each other after they had woken up.

"Any idea as to what happened here?" Shadow asked Steve as they walked side by side.

Steve exhaled and shook his head, "No idea."

"Ugh, this is just DREADFUL! My mane is all ruined and my coat is covered in dust! Of all the things that could happen, this is the Worst. Possible. THING!!!" Rarity whined.

Natasha rolled her eyes as she turned to Amy, "How're you holding up?"

Amy turned to the spy as they walked, "I'm doing fine. I'd imagine that we've both been through worse, right?"

Natasha nodded as Shadow raised his arm to the sky. His hand was then engulfed by a green flame, giving them a source of light.

He turned his head to the group, "We need to keep moving."

"Shadow's right. We have to get to the entrance to see if we can find anyone else." Cap added.

They all nodded and continued forward, hoping that they would find the others.

Knuckles and Applejack destroyed a piece of rubble blocking their bath with their mighty strength. As they both walked forward, they failed to notice the falling rubble about to hit them. They both suddenly felt something sticky latch onto their backs and they were pulled back all of a sudden.

As they landed on their backs, the rubble fell to the ground. They both sat up, realizing that they would've been crushed. They turned their heads around to see Spider-Man, Fluttershy, and Tails approaching them.

Knuckles and AJ got back to their feet/hooves, "Phew, thanks for the save there." AJ thanked the Wall-Crawler.

Peter nodded, "You would've done the same for me."

"W-we're just g-glad you're both o-okay." Fluttershy said, clearly frightened by what's happened.

Tails placed a hand on Fluttershy's back and smiled, "It'll be okay, Fluttershy. We just need to find a way out of here."

Knuckles used his thumb to point behind him, "We were heading toward the entrance to see if anyone else was there."

Peter smiled under his mask, "Sounds like a plan to me."

"It's the best place to start." Tails agreed.

"Alrighty then. Let's move our tails, ya'll." Applejack said as she led the group through the castle.

Thor moved a fallen column off of his back with his mighty strength and stood up, looking around at his surroundings. He frowned at the destruction, who ever did this shall feel the might of Thor.


The God of Thunder turned to see Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Hawkeye running towards him.

Thor smiled as he said, "Friends! Tis good to see you all safe."

Rainbow smirked and flew over to him and bumped him on his shoulder with her hoof, "Just glad to see you safe, ya big lug."

"Yeah! Now we just have to find everypony else and then we can have a 'We Survived A Bright Light' Party!" Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced around.

Hawkeye chuckled at the mare's antics, "We should get to the entrance, that way we can--"


Both Thor and Clint's eyes widened. They knew that roar and it wasn't good. Suddenly both Celestia and Luna crashed through the wall to their left and landed in front of Clint and Thor.

"CELESTIA! LUNA!" Both Rainbow and Pinkie exclaimed in worry as they galloped over to the fallen sisters.

Thor tightened his grip on Mjolnir as his eyes sparked with lightning while Hawkeye pulled out his bow.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Clint said as he aimed his bow.

It was then that a pair of green eyes were seen through the dust, both of them squinting as a beastly growl was heard.

Iron Man blasted the final piece of rubble blocking their path with a Repulsor Blast. Tony led the group and made it to the entrance.

Spike sighed in relief, "We made it."

Tony chuckled, "Was there ever any doubt?"

Twilight rolled her eyes while Sonic chuckled.

"I'm glad you're safe."

Twilight's eyes widened. She turned her head to see Sonic, who was giving her a kind smile. Twilight blushed as she giggled in embarrassment.

"I-I'm glad you're safe too." Twilight replied.

Sonic chuckled and placed his arm over Twilight's neck. Spike smirked at the scene as Shadow and his group made it to the entrance. Tony and the others turned to the new arrivals and smiled as they approached one another. Twilight and Rarity galloped to one another and hugged, Amy and Sonic doing the same.

Shadow crossed his arms as Romanoff and Steve walked to Tony.

"What's the sitrep, Cap?"

"I was kinda hoping that you would know." Steve replied.


Tony's eyes widened as he heard the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S, but it was surrounded by static.


The A.I's voice became clearer as he spoke, "Sir, there may be a slight problem."

Tony was baffled, "Okay, let's just run it back for a sec. How are you talking to me exactly?"


Everyone turned to see Peter and the others run towards them.

"Pete! It's good to see you guys safe!" Sonic said to his friend.

Peter sighed, "Figures that I couldn't get a single vacation. It's the Ole Parker Luck, I swear."

"Anybody have a single clue as to what's going on?" Knuckles asked.

Tony raised his hand to the group, "Hang on a sec, guys. J.A.R.V.I.S, what are you talking about? What's going on?"

Peter arched an eyebrow under his mask, "J.A.R.V.I.S?"

Suddenly, Thor crashed through the walls of the castle and landed outside, startling everyone.

"THOR!!!" Cap exclaimed as they all ran outside to check on their friend.

They all gathered around Thor as he got back up.

"Thor, what happened?" Shadow asked.


They all turned to see Pinkie, Hawkeye, and Rainbow Dash all running/flying out of the castle.

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, what's happening?" Twilight asked.


Suddenly, the two sisters were launched out of the castle, battered and beaten. As they skidded across the ground, a green behemoth leaped right out of the roof of the castle and landed right in front of the group, launching up dust where he landed.

As the dust cleared, a green monster was revealed to the group, snarling angrily.

Hulk was not happy.

Everyone's eyes widened in either fear or shock. There was an evident silence as Hulk snarled in anger.

The silence was broken by none other than Tony Stark, "You've gotta be shitting me."

Eggman groaned in pain. His head hurt, his back hurt, basically everything hurt. He sat upright, rubbing the back of his head, "I feel like I got rammed by a moving truck."

He turned his head to see Orbot and Cubot hover towards him. Not only that, but he saw M.O.D.O.K disable a shield that he had placed around himself.

Eggman frowned, "And you didn't give me a shield because....."

M.O.D.O.K smirked, "You were too far away." As Eggman grumbled, M.O.D.O.K floated over to the egg shaped man, "I assume everything went according to plan?"

Eggman got to his feet and turned to Orbot, "Orbot, report!"

Orbot hovered over to the console and typed in a few keys before turning to Eggman, "Everything went smoothly, boss."

Eggman grinned, "Excellent. Now that the convergence has been completed, we can use the Stones to--"

"They're gone."

Eggman and M.O.D.O.K's eyes widened as they turned to Cubot.


"Those Stone thingies. They're gone." Cubot reported.

Eggman's jaw practically fell to the floor, "Wha-WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE GONE?!"

Cubot shrugged, "They're just gone."

Eggman growled and stomped over to the Power Cell, shoving Cubot out of the way as he stomped passed him. Eggman opened the glass containment and dug around in there before backing away from the Power Cell.

Eggman sighed, "He's right. The Stones are gone." He then turned to M.O.D.O.K with a smile on his face, "But not all of them."

The Reality Stone floated in the palm of Eggman's hand.

M.O.D.O.K smiled, "A minor setback. We'll just send out multiple search parties to find the other Stones."

"And with the Reality Stone our army will be limitless." Eggman said with an evil smile.

Iron Man bounced across the concrete before crashing into a nearby food stand. Tony shook his head before he activated his thrusters and flew towards Hulk, firing blast after blast from his hands. Hulk blocked the blasts with his forearm before backhanding Tony away again.

Rainbow flew towards Hulk, but the green goliath grabbed her tail as she was flying by and slammed her onto the floor. Shadow boosted forward and punched Hulk in the gut, but it didn't do much as Hulk roared in anger and slammed his hands together.

His Thunder Clap sent everyone back and landing harshly on the floor.

Hulk roared once more but was suddenly held in place by Twilight's magic, preventing him from moving. As Hulk struggled to break free, Thor took this opportunity to throw his hammer directly at Hulk. Mjolnir hit Hulk right in the cheek and sent him flying across the air before landing on the ground.

Sonic sped towards Hulk as Spidey webbed him up, preventing him from getting up. Sonic jumped into the air and curled into a ball. He then hit Hulk in the chest with a Homing Attack multiple times. Hulk roared angrily and broke free of the webbing. As Sonic went for another Homing Attack, Hulk grabbed the blue blur and threw him into Twilight, knocking them both down.

Tony rubbed the back of his head as he stood up.

He turned his head as Cap ran up to him, "Got any ideas?"


"Sir, I have deployed V.E.R.O.N.I.C.A. She is en route." J.A.R.V.I.S informed.

"Wait a second, how is--"



As Hulk ran forward, a giant figure fell from the sky and landed right in Hulk's path. Tony took this chance to fly forward and climb into the back as it opened up. Hulk roared as the suit came to life.

"Alright everybody, stand down." Tony said to the group, telling them to back off. He then raised his right hand to Hulk, "You listening to me? You're not a monster. You're a genius. You're Bruce Banner."


Tony's eyes widened, "Right, right, don't mention puny Banner."

Hulk charged and shoulder charged the Hulkbuster into a wall. Hulk roared as he went for another hit but Tony fired a Unibeam blast from his chest, sending Hulk flying across the sky until he landed on the ground, forming a crater where he landed.

As Hulk got back up, Tony flew over and grabbed his face and slammed him into the ground, dragging him through the concrete as he flew. He then threw Hulk and fired two missiles from his shoulders, both of them hitting Hulk before he hit the ground.

As Hulk got back up, Tony flew over him and grabbed hold of him from behind him, restricting his movement. Twilight and Rarity both lit up their horns and held Hulk in place with their magic. As Hulk struggled to break free, Cap walked up to him with a serious look on his face.

"Stand down, soldier. That's an order." Cap ordered.

Hulk roared in his face in response, but Cap was having none of that.


Somehow that managed to get through to Hulk as he panted heavily, his eyes no longer glowing green.

"Cap?" Hulk asked as he calmed down.

Cap nodded as he smiled, "Welcome back, big guy."

Tony, Twilight, and Rarity released Hulk as he exhaled, finally calm. Everyone sighed in relief, now they could all focus on what was going on.

"Say, J.A.R.V.I.S? How're you here? You're meant to be back on Earth." Tony said to his A.I. assistant.

"But, sir. You are on Earth."

Tony's eyes widened in surprise, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Let me show you."

A map of Earth then appeared on Tony's HUD. As he looked at it, his eyes widened in shock and amazement.

"Holy shit."

Twilight looked confused, "What is it, Tony?"

"Okay, don't freak out. But I think that somehow...…our worlds merged together."

Everyone's eyes widened in shock at this revelation.

Rainbow however looked confused, "Huh?"

Author's Note:

The world shall never be the same

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