• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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The Cabal (Part 1)

"Remind me again why the hell we agreed to do this." Tony asked rhetorically.

"Doom has knowledge that can aid us in the upcoming battle against Thanos. We must help him in taking back Latveria if we wish to have him share the information with us." J.A.R.V.I.S responded out of the blue.

"Rhetorical question, J.A.R.V.I.S. But...thank you."

"We are just a few minutes from entering Latveria's borders." Reed informed the group from the front of the Quinjet.

Just outside the Quinjet, Johnny Storm and Rainbow Dash were flying side by side. They didn't want to be in the Quinjet so they decided to fly right beside it instead.

Johnny tapped his earpiece and asked, "Soo, what exactly is the plan?"

"Do the only thing you are good for, Johnathan Storm. Be an annoyance." Doom responded.

RD glanced at Human Torch, "Jeez, what a jerk."

Meanwhile, Tony was going over the plan one more time, "Okay, so Team one will make as much noise as possible to draw out The Cabal's attention. Once we've made enough noise, I'll meet up with Team two and take on The Mandarin directly."

Reed nodded as he approached Stark from the front of the Quinjet, "Team one will consist of the heavy hitters. Hulk, Thor, Ben, Johnny, Amy, and Rainbow Dash. While Team two will consist of myself, Tony, Susan, Tails, Fluttershy, and Victor. Tony will rendezvous with Team two once he has provided enough of a distraction so Team one can keep The Cabal occupied."

Amy quirked an eyebrow and looked to Stark with a sly grin, "I assume you have a plan, right?"

Though no one could see it, but Tony Stark had a mischievous smile on his face.

All was quiet. Not a sound was heard, they wouldn't let a sound be heard. That was their orders, their purpose. A squadron of Hydra Soldiers guarded the perimeter around the walls of Latveria. They were ordered to kill anything trying to enter or leave the kingdom.

Taskmaster, who was only here to get paid, stood atop the stone wall with his arms folded over his chest. He was there to make sure nothing got in or out.

Taskmaster glanced down to one of the soldiers below, "Report!"

The soldier looked up to him and responded, "Nothing to report yet, sir!"

Taskmaster nodded and turned his gaze forward. Normally he wouldn't have bothered with this little Cabal, but he was being paid seven figures. He wasn't going to let that kind of money slip by him. Once he gets this job done, then he is going to sell the information Mandarin has given him to the highest bidder.

Either way, he gets paid.

Breaking his train of thought, Taskmaster noticed something in the distance.

It was approaching Latveria.

"GET READY! SOMETHING IS HEADED THIS WAY!" Taskmaster informed the soldiers below.

The hangar bay door opened as the Quinjet flew towards Latveria. Tony walked towards the door as it opened up, letting in the rain outside.

Tony turned his head slightly, looking behind him at his team, "When I give the signal, you know what to do."

Just as Tony was about to fly out of the Quinjet, he was stopped as Amy shouted, "WAIT, WHAT'S THE SIGNAL?!"

Tony didn't even look back. He just said, "You'll know." And with that, he flew out of the Quinjet.

Tony quickly turned around and flew straight for Latveria's borders.

"Hey, J.A.R.V.I.S? Turn on the speakers in my suit and play my song."


Taskmaster used the Zoom In feature in his mask and got a good look at the thing flying towards them.

"That's not a thing. It's a man. TURN ON THE AIR DEFENSES NOW!!!"

As Tony drew closer, he smirked under his helmet, "Oh, this is gonna be fun."

As small missile launchers protruded from Tony's shoulders, J.A.R.V.I.S turned on the speakers and turned the volume up to full blast.

Tony bobbed his head to the music as he launched 12 missiles from his shoulders. The missiles flew through the night sky and impacted the ground where the Hydra Soldiers were already opening fire upon him. As the ground exploded beneath the soldiers, six more missiles impacted the wall leading into Latveria.

As the wall started to crumble, Taskmaster ran up to the edge of the wall and leapt off of it. As Taskmaster flipped through the air, Tony aimed his hands at the wall and shot multiple Repulsor Blasts at it, damaging it even more.

The alarms started to blare loudly as more Hydra Soldiers ran towards the destruction, their guns ready in their hands. Tony flew over the wall, firing a Unibeam downward towards the Tanks below him, destroying them. The missile launchers on the top of the buildings aimed at the Armored Avenger and opened fire.

The small missile launchers protruded from Tony's back again, but instead of firing regular missiles, this time he fired missiles with a heat signature to draw Hydra's missiles away from him.

His plan worked as the missiles followed Tony's missiles and exploded.

Tony continued to bop his head to the music as he aimed his left hand at one of the missile launchers and blew it to hell with a Repulsor Blast. He then aimed his right hand and blew up another missile launcher. The tanks on the ground rolled on the scene and aimed their guns at the Iron Avenger.

The tanks fired, but Tony performed various air maneuvers to dodge the projectiles. Tony then fired several missiles from his back and destroyed the armada of tanks in the streets of Latveria.

Inside Doom's Citadel, Mandarin was watching the scene unfold through one of the various cameras placed throughout Latveria.

Gene clenched his fist at the sight of his most hated enemy, his rings glowing brightly.

"Stark." Mandarin snarled through grit teeth.

Tony shot downwards and landed on the ground, cracking the cobblestone beneath him.

Several Hydra Soldiers rushed onto the scene, firing bullets that just bounced off of Tony's armor. As Tony continued bobbing to the music, he raised his left arm and fired a red laser from his wrist. The laser cut through their guns, disarming them.

Tony then flew forward and knocked down a Hydra Soldier with a flying headbutt.

He then turned to the left and hit the next Hydra Soldier with two Repulsor Blasts. Tony then flew to the right and knocked down the next Hydra Soldier with a flying elbow. Iron Man then took to the air, spinning around as he fired multiple rockets, missiles, and Repulsor Blasts, destroying the approaching tanks and knocking down any approaching Hydra Soldiers.

The Avengers and Fantastic 4 saw the explosions from the Quinjet, it was hard to miss.

Amy turned to Hulk, "I guess that's the signal."

Hulk grinned, this was gonna be really fun.

As Tony continued battling the endless forces of Hydra, the Quinjet flew over Latveria. As the Quinjet flew overhead, the hangar door opened, allowing Amy to lead the charge downward towards the battle. Team one jumped out of the Quinjet, Hulk roaring as he plummeted to the ground below.

Rainbow and Johnny flew down, with Human Torch already hurling fireballs at the Hydra forces.

Hulk crashed down onto a tank, blowing it up.

As Thing landed on the ground and grabbed the head of a Hydra Soldier, Hulk walked menacingly out of the fire. As Ben hurled the soldier away, multiple Hydra Soldiers were already heading towards the Incredible Hulk.

Hulk roared as he charged forward, mowing down the Hydra Soldiers in his path.


Hulk then smashed the ground with his fists, creating a shockwave that broke the ground apart. The soldiers lost their balance and fell to the ground.

Ben charged forward with a grin on his face, "IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!!!"

Ben backhanded a soldier away into a nearby building before he jumped into the air and hit the ground with a mighty punch, creating a shockwave that knocked all the soldiers down.

Thor raised Mjolnir into the air before bringing it down, causing a bolt of lightning to strike the ground.


Rainbow zoomed through the burning streets, knocking down any soldiers she could while Johnny continued to hurl fireballs at the enemy forces.

Amy jumped into the air and brought down her Piko Piko Hammer, creating a pink shockwave that sent all the soldiers back. She then dashed forward and jumped into the air, smacking a soldier on the side of the head with her hammer.

Tony turned his sights forward and fired a massive Unibeam that destroyed a line of tanks heading their way.

The battle raged in the streets of Latveria, which certainly gained Mandarin's attention.

Gene roared in rage as he slammed his fist down on the arm of the throne.


(End song)

As the announcement blared throughout Latveria, Tony smirked underneath his helmet, "Well, we got his attention. Team two, are you in position?"

At this very moment, the Quinjet had already landed and Doom was leading Team two towards the secret passage into Latveria.

Tails tapped his earpiece, "Yeah, we're in position. Sounds like you're having fun, Tony."

"You could say that."

Doom rolled his eyes, "Enough with the back and forth. Doom has a throne to reclaim."

"Yeah, have fun with HIM, kid."

Tails sighed, "Don't rub it in."

Doom's body snapped around to glare at the Fox, "Are you quite done?!"

Tails smirked at Doom, "Now I am, yeah."

Doom turned back around and continued leading the group, "Do not dawdle. If you get left behind or lost, I am not coming back to get you."

Susan rolled her eyes, "Hurray for teamwork." She said sarcastically.

"...Yay." Fluttershy added weakly.

As the battle raged outside the castle walls, Red Skull was heading in the opposite direction.

Suddenly, a Hydra Soldier approached him at a quick pace, "Sir, what are your orders?"

Skull glanced at the soldier for a brief moment before he resumed walking, "Khan thinks he can order me around like a damned Dog, I will not allow this to continue. I shall deal with The Avengers and the Fantastic 4, MY way." He then glanced at the soldier once more before ordering.

"Prepare my suit."

Hulk roared as he threw the tank in his grasp through the air. The tank crashed down and blew up in a blaze of glory.

Hulk then looked up to see Tony hovering above him, "Alright, I think my job is done. I'm gonna regroup with the others, you just continue to smash, got it?"

Hulk grinned before nodding, "Got it."

Tony then shot up into the air before zooming forward, heading towards the rendezvous point.

Rainbow zoomed right past Hulk and chucked a soldier right into a burning building. She had a smug look on her face before she landed back down onto the ground.

"These guys just keep coming, not that I'm complaining."

"AH HA!"

RD and Hulk both looked up and saw Thor crash down onto the ground, creating a shockwave of lightning that sent both tanks and soldiers flying through the air.

Thor stood upright before bellowing, "TIS' A BATTLE WORTHY OF THE MIGHTY!"


(End song)

Hulk and the other heroes turned their heads towards the source of the roar.

Hulk snarled when he saw none other than The Abomination, standing atop a rooftop.

Abomination leapt off the rooftop and crashed down onto the ground with a viscous smile on his face.

Hulk roared as Abomination cracked his neck. The two Gamma monsters then charged toward one another until they met up in the middle. Their hands collided with one another as they both pushed against each other, with Abomination smiling and Hulk grinding his teeth.

Abomination eventually delivered a headbutt to Hulk's head, dazing him long enough to get a good grip on his arms and throw him across the street. Hulk crashed, creating as he dug into the ground. Abomination laughed before he charged forward with an intent to kill.

Hulk got back up and stomped on the ground with his foot before charging towards Abomination.

Once the two met, both of their punches collided, creating a massive shockwave that not only broke the ground apart, but also knocked down all of the building surrounding them.

This battle was only just beginning, and it didn't show signs of stopping anytime soon.

(End song)

Author's Note:


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