• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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A Better Tomorrow

-10 Years Later-

It has been ten years since that fateful battle in Ponyville. Thanos was gone, the Stones were no more, and the three universes remained merged. Since then, Canterlot and Ponyville have been rebuilt, updated with modern technology to keep up with other prospering cities around the world.

The various deaths at 'The Battle for Tomorrow' were remembered, and were given proper send offs at the right times. Just outside Canterlot Palace was a wall memorial of all the people who gave their lives to stop Thanos. May their sacrifices be remembered.

Most of the villains, if not all of them, save for a few, were placed back into their cells.

The only ones to evade capture were Doctor Doom, Doc Ock, and Dr. Eggman. While Otto was eventually captured, Doom still resides in Latveria, ruling over his subjects. Eggman on the other hand was still creating robots for mass destruction with an intent on global domination.

Yeah, like Sonic would ever let THAT happen.

Miles Prower was now a head scientist at STARK Industries, he had taken an internship after Thanos was defeated and now he was essentially one of the bosses.

Knuckles returned to Angel Island to guard the Master Emerald, not allowing anything to take it. Although Rouge would try every now and again, much to Knuckles' annoyance.

Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff entered retirement.

Hawkeye wanted to spend all the time he could with his family while Natasha wanted to see the world without having to be a top secret agent.

Apparently it's a better experience that way.

Tony Stark still ran his tech empire, nothing new there.

Nick Fury, alongside Director Celestia and Director Luna, ran S.H.I.E.L.D. to make sure nothing like what happened with the Stones ever happened again. All three of them looked down from their command deck to see Steve Rogers, assembling a new age of heroes, ready to lead them to victory.

Thor returned to Asgard with Loki in tow. The God of Mischief may have helped save the world, but he still had to pay for his crimes.

Logan decided to hit the road and eventually joined up with Team Dark for multiple missions.

Amy Rose now ran a flower shop in downtown Manhattan, alongside Cream the Rabbit and Big the Cat. It was the simple life, and she was happy.

The Guardians of the Galaxy returned to space alongside Captain Marvel and Nova Prime. But they were not alone, as the Pillars of Equestria were tagging along for the ride.

Cadance and Shining Armor still ran the Crystal Empire. They began trading resources with Wakanda, starting and maintaining a stable relationship between the two countries.

But what of the heroes that were pinnacle to Thanos' defeat?

Where are they now?

The doors to the Throne Room opened up, revealing a certain Baby Dragon... Only he wasn't a baby anymore.

Spike, the Royal Advisor to Princess Twilight, walked into the Throne Room with a proud smile on his face, "I got here as soon as I could, but friendship ambassador is a full time job these days. Making peace between Abyssinians and the Diamond Dogs has not been easy."

Up on top of the throne, Twilight Sparkle giggled as she put a hoof to her mouth, "That's why I picked you for the job. But I'm glad you could come." She sat up from her seat and covered Spike in a sideways hug with her wing. Even though she missed the living daylights out of him, Spike had his own life now and she had to let him live it.

Spike then sat down on a comfy pillow beside Twilight's throne and looked up to his mother figure, "So, what's the emergency?"

Twilight sighed before replying, "Hold on, we're still missing someone."

Spike looked around, confused as to what she meant, until he realized that there was an empty seat on the other side of Twilight's throne, "Oh." He said in a deadpanned tone.

"Oh, where is that Hedgehog?" Twilight asked herself as she massaged her temple with her hooves.

Right on cue, a sonic boom could be heard from outside the palace.

"Here he is." Spike stated the obvious.

"WOOOHOOOO!!!" Sonic screamed in joy as he sped right into the Throne Room and took his seat beside Twilight.

"Sup, everyone?" Prince Sonic asked with a cocky smile on his face.

Twilight groaned before turning to the Hedgehog, "You're late." She said in a neutral tone.

The Prince shrugged, "Hey, you knew what you were signing up for when you married me." He refuted in a joking manner as he wiggled his ring finger right in Twilight's face, "Remember~" As Twilight rolled her eyes, Sonic finally took notice of Spike and sped over to give the Dragon a fist bump, "Sup, Spike?"

"Nothin' much, Sonic." The Royal Advisor replied as Sonic sped back to his throne.

"Still keepin' the peace?" The Hedgehog asked as he leaned back into his throne, getting comfy.

Spike chuckled at the Hedgehog's antics, "You know it."

Twilight, having to put up with her husbands antics on a day to day basis, had grown tired and began scolding the Hedgehog, "Just where were you anyway?"

Sonic perked up at the question and replied eagerly, "Oh, you know how there's been some seismic disturbances in the Everfree?" Both Twilight and Spike nodded slowly, "Well guess who was behind them?"

"Eggman." They both replied instantly, unsurprised by this since something like this happened nearly every week.

"Yup, turns out that ole Egghead wanted to drain the Everfree of its magic to use against me." Sonic recounted, "Of course I smashed his little machine to pieces, no big deal."

Twilight sighed, "He'll never learn, will he?"

"Again, you signed up for this~" Sonic replied in a sing song voice.

"Don't remind me." Twilight said in a joking tone before turning to Spike, "Anyways, the reason why I called you all here is one of absolute concern."

The two males were now paying full attention, "Well don't leave us in suspense, Twily Bear."

The Alicorn blushed at the nickname, he was the only one allowed to call her that. She regained her composure before continuing, "Ever since I took over Celestia's School, my focus has been on teaching magic. But now it seems my top student has missed the most important lesson of all."

Spike looked concerned, "What do you mean?"

The Princess gave them both a gentle smile, "Let's just say it'll be good to have my husband and my Royal Advisor and Friendship Ambassador by my side."

Just as she said that, Gallus, who was now wearing the armor of a Royal Guard, entered the Throne Room.

"Your Majesties," Gallus greeted the two rulers before continuing, "She's here."

"Send her in, Gallus." Twilight ordered in a kind tone.

Gallus nodded before leaving the Throne Room, passing by a Unicorn who was shyly walking inside.

Luster Dawn bowed down as she greeted both Sonic and Twilight, "Your Majesties."

Sonic waved, "Hey, Lusty." She was still a little weirded out at how casual Prince Sonic was.

Twilight rolled her eyes at her husband before greeting her student, "Luster, I may be one of the rulers of Equestria, but I'm still just your teacher."

Luster, taking the hint, ceased bowing and looked up to her teacher in awe. She was everything she wanted in a teacher, she was kind, wise, and insightful. Plus it was always funny seeing Sonic annoy her however way he could. She cleared her throat before starting, "And you've been wonderful. I've enjoyed every moment at the School of Magic. But I'm just not sure it's the right place for me. And it's not the work. I could spend weeks in the library doing research. It's just that there's a lot of focus on making friends."

"Well if that's your problem, you've come to the right place." Spike said confidently.

Luster, seeing how her point was not getting across, decided to be more clear, "But that's just it. I don't want to make friends."

"WHAT!!!" Spike shouted before clearing his throat and regaining his composure.

Sonic snickered, "Real smooth there, Spike."

The Dragon grumbled as the Hedgehog laughed at his expense.

Twilight looked down at her student with concern written all over her face, "So you'd rather leave the School of Magic than make friends?"

Luster nodded, "I was hoping to set up an independent course of study. I want to accomplish as much as you have someday."

"It'll be hard to do that without friends." Sonic stated, intending on being a smartass, to which Twilight responded by smacking the back of his head with her wing.

"I'm not so sure. Friendship looks like more of a distraction than anything else and ultimately a waste of time." Luster replied casually.

"WHAT!!!" Spike shouted again.

Sonic smirked at the Dragon, "Again, real smooth."

Luster took a step closer to Twilight as she began explaining herself, "I know you and your friends accomplished a lot together. I mean, you stopped Thanos from destroying all life in the universe, but that was so long ago, and as far as I can see, you rule by yourself now."

"Ahem." Sonic cleared his throat obnoxiously, getting Luster's attention.

The Unicorn laughed nervously, "S-Sorry." She stuttered before continuing, "And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. In fact, I think it's better. Plus, if friendships ultimately fade, why even make them in the first place?"

It was at this that made Twilight smile, "Luster, let me introduce you to a few friends of mine." She offered, gesturing to the door with her wing.

Luster looked to the door to see them open up. To her surprise, a certain Wall Crawler swung in and landed in front of the two rulers.

"Sorry I'm late, you guys." Peter apologized for his lateness.

Sonic waved his hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it, Pete."

It was then that everyone else walked into the Throne Room.

As all of Twilight's very best friends gathered around Luster, the Princess, the Prince, and their Royal Advisor all walked down the steps to join them all.

"Luster," Twilight started, getting the attention of her student, "Have you heard the story of the 'Battle for Tomorrow'?"

Luster Dawn responded, "O-Only bits and pieces."

Sonic chuckled as he folded his arms over his chest, "Well take a seat, kid. After you hear this story, you're going to have a whole new perspective on the meaning of Friendship."

Just as the Heroes of Tomorrow began telling the story of triumph, loss, and victory, the sun began to set on Equestria. The sunlight shining down on the stone statue of one prismatic mare. The one who gave up everything to save her friends. The one who actually saved the universe. Flowers and various tributes were laying at the base of the statue, showing the gratitude for her noble sacrifice.

As the sun set and the moon began to rise, the inscription of the base of the statue could still be seen.

-Rainbow 'Miriam' Dash-

Honorary Wonderbolt, Loyal Friend

True Avenger


Author's Note:


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