• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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The Friendship United Festival (Part 2)

"Tell me, Doctor. How exactly does this reactor operate?" M.O.D.O.K asked the egg shaped man.

Eggman chuckled as they made their way to a lift, "It's very simple. The Convergence Reactor needs a source of unlimited power to function. What better power source is there other than the Infinity Stones? Once they are placed within the reactor, the reactor will lock onto the unique frequency of Mobius and Equis. When that happens, the show will begin and our plan will have been a complete success."

M.O.D.O.K smiled, "And once the plan has been enacted, this world will be under the rule of A.I.M!"

"And the Eggman Empire!" Eggman added as they got on the lift.

As the lift raised them up, the multiple scientists and robots stopped working and moved away from the reactor. Once the lift reached the top, the two villains walked/floated towards a computer console where two robots were waiting for them.

"Orbot, Cubot! Report!" Eggman ordered.

Orbot hovered over to his master, "Everything seems to be in order, boss. Everything is operational."

Eggman smiled as he walked over to a nearby power cell. He then placed the six Infinity Stones inside the cell and closed the glass to contain the Infinity Stones. Eggman then walked over to the computer console and typed in some commands. Eggman then slammed his fist on a red button, bringing the reactor to life. The power cell began to light up as the Stones powered it with their immense power.

The reactor began to light up with Multiversal Particles. While M.O.D.O.K looked intrigued, Eggman smiled evilly.

"From this moment on, everything will change."

(End song)

The doors to Canterlot Castle opened up as The Avengers, the Mobians, and the Mane 6 all walked in. As they walked through the castle, Tony couldn't help but whistle in amazement.

"Wow. I have GOT to get me one of these."

Natasha rolled her eyes, "Just what we need. A castle with your name on it." She quipped with a smirk.

Tony turned his head to Natasha, "I'll have you know that a castle with my name on it would attract attention, thank you very much."

"Good attention, or bad attention, Tony?" Sonic asked with a smile on his face.

The billionaire shrugged, "Eh, could go either way."

Thor chuckled and looked at Twilight as they walked, "I must say, Princess Twilight. This is a very fine castle indeed."

Twilight giggled, "Thank you, Thor. And please, call me Twilight."

Thor nodded, "As you wish."

"I could get used to this." Knuckles commented.

Applejack smirked, "Don't get too comfortable now. Ya still owe me a hoof wrestle."

"Heh, you're on."

As they all walked, Shadow looked to Steve and said, "Captain."

Steve nodded to the Hedgehog, "Shadow. How's things on Mobius?"

"Been relatively quiet. Ever since the Doctor was arrested on Earth, we've found some sort of peace."

Steve smiled, "I'm happy to hear that."

Before Shadow could respond however, they were both interrupted by Pinkie, who suddenly appeared in between them, "OHMYGOSH!!! I GOTTA PLAN YOUR 'WELCOME TO EQUIS' PARTY!!!"

She then zoomed off, leaving both the Captain and the Ultimate Lifeform confused.

Shadow face palmed, "I'll never get used to that."

As everyone else got to talking, Sonic walked up to Twilight. They both smiled at one another, "So, how've you been?" Sonic asked.

Twilight shrugged, "Busy. What with all the negotiations and planning this festival, I've had my plate full with royal duties. What about you?"

"I've been good. But it's been a bit boring without Egghead, but it's nice to just run around the world without anything bothering me."

Twilight smirked, "Still energetic, I see?"

"Still an Egghead, I noticed."

Twilight smiled as she looked away, a blush tinting her cheeks. What was going on with her? This hasn't happened before. Well, except every time she was around Flash Sentry. But she only felt like that when.....

NO! She quickly shoved those thoughts out of her head.

As they walked up the stairs, Rarity was practically gushing over Amy's new look.

"Darling, you look stunning!"

Amy giggled, "Thanks. I just got it done as well."

"Oh, you have to let me make you some dresses. We cannot let this opportunity go to waste!"

As they talked, Rainbow flew over to Sonic and Twilight.

"So, blue boy. You up for another race?"

Sonic chuckled, "Sure, but only if you wanna get your tail kicked."

"We'll see. I've gotten faster!"

Sonic shrugged, "That ain't gonna help ya."

"Don't matter. I'm still awesome!"

Suddenly, her mouth was webbed shut, causing Sonic to burst out in laughter. Peter walked passed Rainbow, who was struggling to get the webbing off.

Peter and Sonic both high fived.

"Nice shot, Pete."

"You know it!" Peter replied.

Twilight giggled. She enjoyed it when Peter and Sonic were hanging out. It was always a barrel of laughs. The group then walked through a set of doors where Celestia and Luna were waiting for them with smiles on their faces.

"Welcome to Equis, Everyone!" Celestia greeted.

Steve smiled, "Happy to be here."

"Yeah! I wouldn't miss coming here for the world." Sonic added.

Luna turned to Shadow, "I'm surprised you even turned up, Shadow."

Shadow scoffed, "I'm only here representing G.U.N."

Sonic and Peter rolled their eyes, "Sure you are." They both said in unison.

Shadow folded his arms as Tony cleared his throat, "Well, I don't know about any of you, but I'm starving."

Celestia smiled, "Luckily for you, Mr. Stark, lunch has been made and is waiting in the dining room. Shall we?"


Peter piloted the Milano with extreme difficulty. The Milano swayed left and right to avoid the various laser blasts being shot from the Sanctuary ll.

Drax frowned and removed his daggers from his belt, "Cease this retreat, Peter Quill! The Titan shall be slain by my hand!"

Gamora unsheathed her sword, "Get in line."

Rocket gawked at the two, "ARE YOU BOTH OUT OF YOUR FLARKING MINDS?!"

"I am Groot."


Quill grunted as he moved the ship away from another laser blast, "WILL YOU GUYS SHUT UP?! WE'RE NOT TAKING ON THANOS AND HIS ENTIRE FLEET!!!"

"I am Groot."

Rocket nodded, "What he said."

On board the Sanctuary ll, one of Thanos' top lieutenants walked through the Throne Room doors and approached the Titan sitting on his throne.

Ebony Maw kneeled before his master.

"Sire, we have identified the vessel as the Milano. Those retched Guardians of the Galaxy are within our grasp. As is your daughter, Gamora."

Thanos smiled as he rose from his throne.

"Kill them, but bring me Gamora." Thanos commanded.

Maw nodded as he stood up, "As you wish, sire."

As Maw walked out of the Throne Room, Thanos sat back down atop his throne and smiled evilly.

(End song)

Loki appeared in a whirl of green fire in Central Park. All of the civilians looked at the God in confusion and fear. Loki smiled as he addressed his would be subjects.


Loki then looked down at the Casket of Ancient Winters and smirked.

"As you mortals say. Let it snow."

Loki then opened the Casket of Ancient Winters. An explosion made out of ice and snow burst out of the casket and spread all around New York. Buildings were frozen solid, cars were tipped onto their sides, an endless snow storm covered all of New York.

As all of this was going on, Loki couldn't help himself.

He laughed.


Eggman laughed in victory as the Convergence Reactor was powering up.

As M.O.D.O.K and the lackey bots looked on in amazement, Eggman typed in the coordinates and locked onto Equis' and Mobius' frequency. Eggman smiled as both frequencies were locked on and appeared on the monitor in front of him. The room lit up from the power that the reactor was displaying.

Eggman's hand then hovered over the button to change everything.

The Mane 6, The Avengers, and the Mobians were laughing as they ate their meal. Pinkie continued to annoy Shadow, Sonic, Peter, and Twilight were catching up, Tails, Bruce Banner and Tony were chatting, Knuckles and AJ were hand/hoof wrestling, Hawkeye and Natasha were laughing at Rainbow, who was still struggling to remove the webbing from her mouth, Amy, Rarity, and Fluttershy were talking as they ate their meal.

Thor and Steve were chatting with Celestia and Luna, sharing old storied with one another.

"As God said...."

New York civilians were running from the snow storm that was engulfing the entire city.

J. Jonah Jameson hid under his desk as the window behind him shattered due to the snow storm passing by.

Loki laughed as his plan was unfolding.

"When he created the universe...."

The Milano swerved left and right, avoiding the multiple lasers being fired from the Sanctuary ll. Multiple Chitauri attack ships flew from the Sanctuary ll, making their way to the Milano.

Peter gave it his all while Rocket was running out of the room, screaming.

Gamora and Groot yelled as they tried to hold Drax back from jumping out the window to face the army chasing them.

Sweat dripped down Peter's forehead as he gritted his teeth.

"When he created everything...."

Eggman turned to M.O.D.O.K and smiled.

"Let there be light."

Eggman then slammed his hand on the button. The reactor hummed as the Multiversal particles spun at an impossible speed. Before anyone could say anything, the entire base was engulfed in a white light.

As Quill flew away from the Sanctuary ll, he arched an eyebrow when he saw a bright light approaching him.

"What the hell is...."

He never finished that sentence as the entire Milano and the Sanctuary ll were engulfed in the white light.

As Loki turned around, he smiled when he saw a white light approaching New York.

"And so it begins."

The entirety of New York was engulfed in the light.

As Nick Fury and Maria Hill ran through the hallways of the Triskelion, the S.H.I.E.L.D Agents behind them were being engulfed in a white light.

Before either of them knew it, they too were engulfed in the white light.

As everyone laughed, Peter's Spider-Sense went crazy all of a sudden. He turned around, confusing everyone present.

"Pete?" Sonic asked.

"What's wrong?" Twilight added.

Before any of them knew it, Peter Parker was engulfed in a white light. They all shot up form the table, but they too were engulfed by the light.

Everyone in Station Square ran for their lives as the entire city was being engulfed in a white light.

But no one could out run it.

They were only delaying the inevitable.

In between the barriers of the Multiverse, The Watcher felt a disturbance. He knew this was coming, but he had hoped that he had a little while longer to prepare. He sighed as his head fell.

"It has begun. The fight for everything. I can only hope that they are strong enough to save everything they know. From this moment forward, nothing will be the same."

Author's Note:

Convergence is upon us

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