• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,845 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Shade (Part 1)

Dr. Strange rushed through the portal as the other heroes followed closely behind him, not wanting to waste time in locating Sombra and the Soul Stone. Just as the portal closed, Strange had already begun using the spell he was working on to try and track the Soul Stone.

As the spell began to do its magic, literally, an orange, magical map appeared in front of Strange. This map showed various locations in the newly Converged universe, such as Equestria, New York, Station Square, every location from the three individual universes were now shown on this magical map.

As Strange began to focus his magical energies into locating the Stone, the map zoomed in on a location that caused Celestia, Luna, and Rarity to gasp.

Shadow turned his head to the mares, "What's wrong?"

The Equestrians turned to the Ultimate Lifeform with horror written on their faces.

Celestia sighed heavily, surely Sombra wasn't dumb enough to release him, right? She looked at the Hedgehog with a stern expression, "The location you see now is known as Hollow Shades, a dark pocket in Equestria."

"It was there that we defeated a creature known as The Pony Of Shadows." Rarity added.

"Pony Of Shadows?" Ghost Rider said, wanting further clarification.

The three mares nodded before Luna continued for Rarity, "The Pony Of Shadows is a being of pure darkness. It only knows pain, suffering, and sadness. The Pillars of Equestria and the six Element Bearers managed to free Stygian, the Pony that was host to the creature, and managed to seal The Pony Of Shadows away forever."

Celestia turned her head to the map, "There is only one reason that Sombra would go to Hollow Shades. He plans on going to the Well of Shade."

Shadow took a step forward, "He plans on releasing it."

Strange, who had been listening as he focused on the spell, finally asked, "What happens if The Pony Of Shadows is released?"

Luna looked at the wizard with a solemn expression before replying, "If The Pony Of Shadows is released into our world once more, then this entire world will be engulfed in pure darkness."

Celestia stared at the ground as she spoke, "The sun will be forever blocked, plants and crops will die, and soon, this entire world will die, as well as everyone on it."

"But how will he release it? The Elements Of Harmony ensured that he would be sealed away forever." Rarity stated to the others.

Ghost Rider folded his arms over his chest, "He intends on using the souls he has stolen to release this creature. After all, what is more powerful than millions of souls?"

Shadow turned to Luna, "Could he do that?"

Luna sighed as she nodded, "That is why he needed the Soul Stone, he needed something far more powerful than the Elements to break the demon free."

Strange ceased using the spell, causing the map to disappear, before he walked over towards the large window in the Sanctum and staring outwards.

He then turned around to the other heroes and spoke, "Well, then we'll just have to make sure that he doesn't get the chance to release this creature."

Strange then performed some hand motions, summoning a portal in front of the group which led to Hollow Shades, specifically the Well of Shade.

Everyone turned to the portal and eyed it with an intense glare before making their way towards it. Shadow led the group as he was the first to enter the portal.

Shadow stepped out of the portal, entering the Well of Shade before anyone else. As the others stepped through the portal, Shadow was already charging up a Chaos Spear as he glared daggers at the sight ahead of him.

As the portal closed, everyone saw Sombra ahead of them, already using the Soul Stone to try and release The Pony Of Shadows. Sombra laughed maniacally as the storm of souls was beginning to open a portal, which would allow The Pony Of Shadows to enter their reality.

Celestia stomped her hoof on the ground, her golden horse shoe clanging against the stone ground, getting Sombra's attention.

Celestia flared out her wings as the dark Unicorn turned around, "SOMBRA!!!" She called out using the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Sombra gave the group a wicked smile, "Ah, Celestia. I'm so glad that you are here, now you can witness as my righteous victory is achieved at last!"

Luna took a step forward, "Sombra, you wretched demon! You were already corrupted enough as it is, now the Stone of Souls has corrupted you even more!"

Sombra shook his head, "No, Luna. It has allowed me to cull the herd, Humans, Ponies, Mobians, what does it matter?! To me, they are nothing but cattle in which greater powers feed, I am a being of greater power, so why can't I enjoy what is essentially my right?"

Ghost Rider took a step forward as he pointed a finger at Sombra, "You will endure the suffering of every one!"

Sombra reeled his head back and laughed, "Endure it? No, I will SAVOUR it! These souls should feel honored that they are servicing their leader! Through my leadership, this new world will thrive!!!"

Shadow barked a laugh as he took a step closer towards Sombra, "Sorry, but I don't see any leadership here! All I see is a psycho who's latched onto an excuse to kill people, and who's so STUPID, he doesn't even realize he's being used by the Soul Stone!"

Sombra gritted his teeth in anger while he glared daggers at the Hedgehog, "Big talk coming from a dead man!"

As they all continued to argue, the portal began expanding thanks to the Soul Stone. As the dark portal grew wider, multiple dark tendrils slithered out of the portal and clung to the sides of the portal.

Sombra turned his head slightly and saw the six tendrils, causing him to smile like the insane Unicorn he is. He laughed insanely as he turned back to the group of heroes.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Look upon my victory, fools! I will not be denied my kingdom, not again!" He turned around to face the portal, "How does it feel, Celestia? To know that you have failed?"

It was then that the six tendrils shot forward towards Sombra and latched onto him.

Celestia's face turned to one of fear as the darkness began surrounding the Crystal King, "The Pony Of Shadows is trying to merge with Sombra! STOP HIM!!!"

Shadow shot forward at high speeds and leapt up into the air, curling into a ball and striking one of the tendrils with a Homing Attack. But as he struck the tendril of darkness, his mind was suddenly bombarded with visions. No, not visions. Memories.

His memories.

He saw visions of him breaking into a frozen base. He saw a vision of him and Rouge approaching what appeared to be a scepter. He then saw a Hedgehog that looked just like him, but this Hedgehog was grey and had no mouth, his eyes were also green slits.

As the flashes ended, he was launched away by an unseen force.

He landed in front of the group, panting heavily as he tried to process what he saw. Those were his memories, but he doesn't remember participating in any of those events. Who was that Hedgehog? What is going on?

His train of thought was cut as he heard Rarity approaching him, "Shadow, darling, are you alright?"

She didn't get a response, as insane laughter prevented the Hedgehog from replying. Everyone's attention was brought towards the swirling storm of darkness in front of them.

As the storm of darkness began to dissipate, Sombra began walking out of the darkness with an insane grin on his muzzle. His eyes glowed white as his newly acquired, bat like wings flared open.

Sombra laughed insanely as he held the Soul Stone in front of him with his magic. The Stone was then suddenly covered in black veins. Sombra was corrupting the Soul Stone, preventing any of the souls he captured from being freed.


Author's Note:

Long live the king

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