• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,845 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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A Sinister Batch Of Rogues (Part 3)

Darth Vader's Lightsaber hummed loudly, it being the only source of sound due to the very noticeable silence throughout the room ahead of him. His breathing creating a terrifying atmosphere for everyone present.

Sonic Wachowski took a step back, he was clearly terrified.

He uttered one word to his new friends, "Run."

Vader then began walking towards them, his footsteps being heard by everyone present. Twilight lit up her horn to defend her friends, but Sonic Wachowski placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Trust me, this is one guy you DON'T want to fight! We gotta go!"

Sonic turned to his counterpart with a confused look on his face, "What are you--"

"Sonic, other you is right! This is a fight we can't win! We gotta go, now!" Peter shouted in a panic.

Vulture didn't know who this person was, but he wasn't intimidated in the slightest. He showed is fearlessness by throwing a metallic feather at Vader.

A grave mistake on his part.

Vader merely raised his left hand and caught the metallic feather using The Force. He then closed his hand, crushing the metallic feather with ease. Vulture was stunned, how did he do that? Rhino roared and charged directly at the Sith Lord. The heroes quickly moved out of the villain's way to let him pass them.

But as Vader raised his hand again, Rhino stopped dead in his tracks as he found that he couldn't draw a breath anymore. He was struggling to breathe. Vader then used The Force to raise Rhino into the air and hurled him into the wall to his left with ease.

As Vader made his way into the room, the heroes quickly realized that this was their chance to get a move on to the Shield Barrier room. But first they had to find Miles. Shocker then fired a Shockwave Blast directly at Vader, but the Sith Lord wasn't worried in the slightest as he pushed out his hand and knocked everyone down with a mighty Force Push.

The sheer might of the Force Push damaged the holographic illusion hiding Miles Morales, who was lying still on the edge of the room.

Twilight pointed her hoof at the unconscious hero, "There he is!"

Sonic quickly dashed over to check on the young hero. He turned back to his friends, "He's okay! Just unconscious."

As the heroes got back up to check on their friend, Scorpion dashed over to the Sith Lord and tried to sting Vader with his tail, but Vader simply moved to the side at impossible speeds and used his Lightsaber to cut Scorpion's tail off. Vader then grabbed Scorpion with a Force Choke and raised him into the air.

"You would be wise to surrender." Vader spoke to the villain.

Scorpion struggled to breathe, "S-Screw you!"

Vulture flew over and tried to help his ally, but Vader threw his Lightsaber at the flying villain and cut off his left wing, causing the villain to spin around and crash down to the ground. Vader then slammed Scorpion to the ceiling before slamming him to the ground.

Webb-Verse Peter grabbed Miles and followed the others out of the room while Mysterio sent two giant Snake illusions towards the Sith Lord. Vader saw through the trick and walked through the illusions with ease, making his way towards Mysterio.

Vader then stopped as he heard some noise behind him. He turned around to see the other villains re-enter the room with anger written all over their faces. The villains then started to surround the Sith Lord from all sides. Even though they were injured, it was five to one, he couldn't possibly lose.

How wrong they were.

"This mistake shall be the last mistake any of you will ever make." Vader threatened just before all of the villains charged towards him.

This was going to be too easy.

(End song)

Webb-Verse Spider-Man set Miles down as everyone else gathered their bearings.

Peter looked to Sonic Wachowski, "Did that just happen?"

Wachowski was stunned beyond belief, "I-I think that just happened."

Twilight was confused, "I'm sorry, who was that?"

Both Peter's, and the Wachowski's were shocked.

"That was Darth Vader, The Dark Lord of the Sith, have you NOT seen Star Wars?!" Peter screamed at his friend in shock, his inner geek was coming out.

Sonic, Twilight and the other Equestrians were still confused, "'Star Wars'?" They all asked in unison.

Peter then proceeded to walk to the wall and bash his head against it.

"Th-This is a tragedy! How have you never seen Star Wars?! Once this is done, we are going to remedy this!"

Webb-Verse Peter folded his arms, "I guess this confirms that in one reality, Star Wars actually happened in real life."

Sonic Wachowski sighed in happiness, "Oh, that would be so cool."

Tempest groaned in annoyance.

It was then that Miles' unconscious form began to stir awake, getting everyone's attention.

"Miles, are you okay?" Peter asked in a worried tone.

Miles opened his eyes and glanced at his mentor, "Peter?" He then took notice of Webb-Verse Peter, "Why am I seeing double?" He then also took notice of Sonic Wachowski, "On two accounts?"

Twilight gave Miles a kind smile, "Well, it all started when..."

(Play from 1:31 to end)

Dr. Robotnik strut down the hallway as he snapped his fingers to the beat in his earpiece. When he approached the door before him, his Drones used their many weapons to blast down the door in front of him. Once the steel door slammed against the floor, Robotnik continued to strut down the hallway. As he passed his Drones, he motioned to the Drones with finger guns as he bounced to the beat.

Infinite and Storm King trailed behind him with confused looks on their faces, even though Infinite had a mask on his face, you could tell that he was visibly confused by the sight before him. The two confused villains looked to one another as they trailed behind the insane villain.

As they approached another door, Robotnik slid across the floor and gave the other two villains a thumbs up with a smug smirk on his face before he spun around in a circle and strut towards the door as his Drones fired lasers at the door to try and break it down.

Robotnik reached the door and spun around towards Infinite and Storm King. He then tugged on the collar of his jacket and then proceeded to clap his hands before he rolled his arms in front of him while he thrusted his pelvis to the beat. As he continued to thrust his pelvis, Robotnik raised his arms over his head and continued to dance to the beat.

The Drones turned off their lasers and the steel door behind the mad doctor fell to the ground. Robotnik then spun around and stopped dancing.

(End song)

Storm King was beyond confused, "What the heck did I just watch?"

Infinite shook his head, "I don't know. All I know is that I just want to forget about it."

Robotnik turned his head to the other two villains, "Come, my compatriots! It is time to find that jade jester and put some dirt in his eye!"

"This guy is a lunatic." Storm King whispered to Infinite.

"What was your first clue?" Infinite deadpanned.

"So that's pretty much our entire situation." Twilight finished as they approached the door leading into the Shield Barrier room.

Miles was stunned, "Woah, that's crazy."

Sonic shrugged, "Eh, we've handled crazier before."

"Yeah, I don't think we have." Miles responded as the doors leading into the room opened up.

It was then that they all quickly took a battle ready stance as they saw a familiar villain typing on the computers, trying to deactivate the shield.

"That jade jester may think he is the mastermind behind this breakout, but once I disable this barrier, everyone will know the genius that is Otto Octavius!" Otto stopped typing as he got a feeling that he wasn't alone. He was correct in that assumption as he turned around to face the heroes, "But I guess I'll have to show you first, won't I?"

Otto shot two of his arms forward and slammed Starlight and Tempest against the wall. As Twilight and Miles charged forward, Otto brought his arms back and used them to slam Starlight and Tempest into the approaching heroes, knocking them all down.

"Insignificant wretches!" Otto exclaimed to the fallen heroes.

The two Sonic's dashed forward towards Doc Ock at high speeds, the mad man sending all four of his arms forward to try and stop them. While Sonic ducked under two of the tentacles, Sonic Wachowski jumped over them and continued to ran towards the villain.

Once they were close enough to the villain, they jumped into the air and hit Otto in the chest with two Spin Dashes which made the villain stumble. As the two Sonic's readied for another double Spin Dash, Otto shot his top left arm forward and grabbed Sonic Wachowski by the chest.

He then slammed the young hero into the much older Hedgehog, sending them both to the floor. He then grabbed them both with two of his tentacles and threw them at the incoming Spider-Men. They used their quick reflexes and dodged the two Hedgehogs, continuing their attack against Dock Ock.

Otto quickly used his four tentacles and leapt away as the two Spider-Men tried Web Zipping over to the villain. Otto wasted no time in using two of his tentacles to grab the two heroes by their backs and slamming them to the floor. Otto laughed as he tossed Webb-Verse Spider-Man away while he brought Spider-Man closer to him.

Otto frowned as he brought Peter close to his face, "Goodbye, Peter. For what it's worth, I'm sorry that it ended this way."

(End song)

But then all of a sudden, a line of web attached to Otto's back, much to his confusion. He then saw Peter's eyes, or rather his lenses, widen in shock. Otto then felt someone kick him in the back, causing him to drop Peter. Otto turned around, only to be socked in the jaw.

Otto stumbled and rubbed his jaw with his hand before getting a good look at his assailant.

Twilight and Sonic's eyes widened in awe, "No way." They both said in unison.

Webb-Verse Peter's eyes widened as well as he took in the sight before him, in fact, everyone's eyes widened as they saw the battle going on before them.

A third Spider-Man was currently fighting Doc Ock.

Peter observed this new Spider-Man and his moves. The way he moved, the way he fought, he has been clearly doing this for a long time.

Raimi-Verse Spider-Man grabbed the top set of tentacles with two of his webs and slammed them to the ground, in doing so, he launched himself into the air and kneed Otto in the face. As he flipped over the villain, Raimi-Verse Spidey grabbed the collar on Otto's jumpsuit and threw him against the wall with his mighty strength.

Otto roared in anger as he got back to his feet. He then attempted to hit the newcomer with his arms, but he was suddenly kicked in his side by Webb-Verse Spidey, causing the villain to stumble right into Spider-Man, who delivered a mighty uppercut to the villain's chin.

Otto soared through the air before landing harshly on the ground.

(End song)

Once Otto was defeated, the three Spider-Men looked to one another for a moment as everyone else got back up.

"There are three of them now?" Sonic asked Twilight as they walked over to the three heroes.

"There are three of them now." Twilight responded.

The three Spider-Men looked at one another before they each removed their masks.

Raimi-Verse Peter waved at his counterparts awkwardly, "Hello."

The other two Spider-Men waved back while Sonic Wachowski turned to Tom and Maddie, "Awkward."

Author's Note:

With great power, comes great responsibility

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