• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,840 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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The Cabal (Part 3)

A loud thud was heard as Tony Stark landed on the ground, finally reaching Team two' location to initiate Phase 2 of the plan.

Tony stood upright and made his way to the group, who were currently standing outside of the stone wall leading into Latveria.

"Alright, Team one's playing their part, now it's our turn. How we doin?"

Tails folded his arms and informed Tony of the situation, "Well, we've just been standing out here the entire time," Tails informed the genius before nodding in Doom's direction, "Our gracious host didn't want to go in without you."

Dr. Doom sent a glare Tails' way, "Silence your tongue, or you will lose it."

Reed then stretched his upper body In between the two to de-escalate the situation, "Enough, we're wasting time," Reed turned his head to Doom, "Victor, if you would be so kind?"

Doom didn't reply, he just simply approached the stone wall and placed his hand on it, the underside of his hand glowing as he made contact with the wall. All of a sudden, to the left of the group, the grass split apart which revealed a set of stairs that led downward.

Doom removed his hand and walked away from the wall, making his way to the set of stairs, "You all have approximately 10 seconds to enter the staircase, otherwise you will be locked out here and therefore useless to me."

Susan rolled her eyes, "Ever the tour guide, huh Victor?" She snarked as she and the other heroes made their way down the staircase.

Fluttershy let out a tiny whimper as she descended down the staircase, the door sliding shut as she followed down into the darkness.

Once they all made it down the stairs, several torches lit up as Doom led the group through his secret tunnel towards his castle.

Fluttershy walked closely alongside Tony's leg, not liking this one bit.

"...um....excuse me?" Fluttershy started, "A-Are you sure that nopony will find us down here?"

Doom didn't even turn to acknowledge her as he continued marching down the tunnel, "None but Doom know of this tunnel. Kahn and his foolish Cabal will not find us here."

"Why do you even need it, Victor?" Reed asked the dictator.

Doom scoffed, "Doom has many enemies, Richards. You heroes always seem to meddle in my affairs, you never know when you might be outgunned."

Tony smirked under his faceplate, "Sooo, you built this incase you needed to retreat? Never thought you'd be the type to run away, Doom."

It was then that Tony was blasted in the chest, which sent him flying back down the tunnel.

"Doom. Runs. From. No-one." Doom declared in a deadly whisper as he lowered his hand, which crackled with green energy.

Tony got back up, slowly dusting himself off as Doom continued down the tunnel, "Okay, you get one of those."

As Tony caught back up with the group, Tails decided to ask a question that has been circling in his head for a few minutes, "Tony, what if Team one gets outnumbered? What if they are forced to retreat?"

Tony waved him off dismissively, "They won't, trust me. Besides, even if they do, I maay have sent out a distress signal to a couple of old acquaintances of ours."

"Who?" Tails asked as he raised an eyebrow curiously.

"A group of assholes."

Rainbow Dash groaned in pain as she began to slowly open her eyes, her ears ringing as several explosions sounded off around her.

She sat upright and rubbed the back of her head with her hoof, the pain still apparent and annoying.

"Ugh...creep got a lucky shot on me." Rainbow muttered, not willing to admit that she underestimated Taskmaster.

She got up onto her hooves and looked around, her head still spinning from the boot to the face she received earlier. She was about to blast off into the sky, but a sudden thud behind her caused her to stop in her tracks.

She slowly turned her head around behind her and saw a Hydra Warsuit stomping its way towards her.

"Uh oh." RD muttered nervously.

She was not in a good position right now. This hunk of metal had her dead to rights and she knew it. Sure, she could fly away, she could easily lose it, but only if it wasn't for the fact that the Warsuit had already prepared its Ocular Blast. It would fry her instantly if she even made a move.

Rainbow gulped, what was she to do?

She was trapped.

"Uhhh, nice robot?" Rainbow spoke nervously, followed by a nervous grin on her face.

The Hydra Warsuit would've fried there and then, had it not been blasted back by a laser blast.

The Warsuit flew back into a demolished building as Rainbow looked to the sky. She expected Tony to be hovering there, but oddly enough, all she received was music to her ears.

Like ACTUAL music.

As Rainbow looked up in confusion, that confusion was suddenly washed away as a ship came into view. But that only added to her confusion.

"Who the hay is that?"


All of the Hydra Soldiers turned to the source of the voice, which belonged to none other than Peter Quill, the leader of The Guardians of the Galaxy.


The Milano then flew downward, firing several laser blasts from its guns, which not only broke the ground apart, but also destroyed the tanks and damaged the Hydra Warsuits. The Milano flew by Thor, who raised Mjolnir into the air and gave out a hearty laugh.

"AH HA!!! GUARDIANS! TIS GOOD TO SEE YOU ALL JOIN THE FRAY!!!" Thor looked down at the Hydra Soldiers below, "HAVE AT THEE!!!"

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! COME ON, GET SOME! GET SOME, GET SOME, GET SOME!!!" Rocket screamed joyously as he used the manual firing console to fire the projectiles down at the forces of Hydra.

"I am Groot." Groot commented with a smile.

Peter clapped his hands together before getting off of his seat and making his way out of the bridge, "Alright, Drax, Gamora, Groot, you guys are with me. Rocket, keep giving them hell."

Rocket was grinning like a lunatic, "Oh ho, with pleasure."

The cargo bay door slowly opened as The Milano flew across the skies of Latveria.

Star Lord, Gamora, Drax, and Groot stood before the cargo bay door, waiting for it to open completely so they could jump out and join the battle.

Quill turned to his teammates, "Alright, we jump--"

"RRARGH!!!" Drax roared a mighty battle cry as he unsheathed his daggers and jumped right out of The Milano...without a parachute.

Quill let out an irritated sigh as he flung his arms up into the air to show his frustration.


Gamora arched an eyebrow, "Did..." she stuttered as she tried comprehending what just happened, "Did he...? Was he wearing a parachute?!"

Quill gave Gamora a deadpanned look, "What do you think?"

Groot shrugged, "I am Groot." He then followed Drax's lead and jumped right out of The Milano.

Quill dragged his hand down his face at the sight before shrugging, "Screw it." He then tapped the side of his head, activating his mask and drawing out his guns, "Let's kick some ass."

Star Lord then activated his rocket shoes and flew right out of The Milano, much to Gamora's displeasure.

"So much for on three." Gamora grumbled in annoyance before getting a running start and jumping right out of The Milano.

(End song)

As the Guardians fell downwards to join the battle, Hulk and Abomination were beating the absolute hell out of each other, with neither of them showing signs of letting up anytime soon. The two Gamma monsters interlocked hands and glared daggers at one another.

Abomination smirked, "Y'know, after I'm done with you, I think I might pay your little girlfriend a visit. Keep her company."

Hulk snarled, much to Blonsky's pleasure.

"Betty and I are gonna have a HELL of a time!"

That did it.

Hulk roared a mighty roar as he delivered a mighty headbutt to Abomination's forehead, causing the villain to stumble back. Hulk then charged forward and body slammed Blonsky to the ground. Not wanting Blonsky to get the chance to recover, Hulk began laying into him with punch after punch, taking out a few of Abomination's teeth in the process.




Another punch.


And another punch.


Hulk then raised both of his hands into the air before bringing them down onto Abomination's face, causing the ground beneath them to break.

Hulk then roared into the night sky as Abomination panted heavily, blood sprayed all over his reptilian face. Hulk glared at the monster as said monster slipped into unconsciousness.

Hulk grit his teeth before he spat in Abomination's face.

"Blonsky think he stronger than Hulk? HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS!!!"

As the battle in the streets below raged on, Red Skull walked out onto one of the balcony's in Doom's Castle with an evil smile on his face. He folded his arms as the lights in his new attire shined through the night.

"Those foolish Avengers believe that they have the upper hand? Fools! They do not know what I have in store for this world. First, I shall rid myself of The Avengers once and for all! And then, Kahn shall finally realize who the pawn is, and who the MASTER is! Although it won't matter to him, since his decapitated head shall be within my grasp!

"Soon the whole world shall be within my grasp! Once I tear the ten Makluan Rings from Kahn's corpse, the world shall be mine to rule!"

Red Skull then boosted upwards and flew off into the sky to destroy both The Avengers AND The Cabal, cementing his rule over the entire world.


Author's Note:

Hail Hydra! Hail the Red Skull!

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