• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,840 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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The Master Of Magnetism

"We could have saved our kind together, Charles!" Magneto shouted as he floated down towards the now charred backyard of the X-Mansion. Magneto continued as he landed, "But you still place faith where it doesn't belong! These Humans will NEVER learn to co-exist with Mutant kind! This is a path that leads nowhere!"

Charles slammed his fist down on the arm of his wheelchair in frustration, "What do you suggest I do, Erik?! Follow your path? A path that leads to ruin and damnation?" Charles exhaled before continuing, "We need to fight for peace between our two races, Erik. Not start a war."

Magneto shook his head, growing more agitated at Charles' naivety, "Don't you understand? The war is already here."

Magneto then tightened his grip on the Power Stone, its power engulfing him in a fiery, purple aura.

"We already have the upper hand and I intend on using it."

The group of heroes all readied themselves for a fight as Magneto floated himself into the air. If Magneto wasn't going to surrender peacefully, then the heroes were going to stop him by force.

Applejack glanced at Cyclops through the corner of her eye, "Guess there's no way we're settlin' this peacefully, huh?"

"Guess not." Cyclops replied as he readied his visor.

Magneto glared daggers at the group before him, "Very well. If you wish to stand against me..." He then closed his fist around the Power Stone and raised his arm into the air, the light of the Power Stone shining through his closed fist, "Then perish!"

A purple colored shockwave originating from the Stone burned away the remaining grass on the ground the heroes stood on.

The fight was on.

As Magneto used his newly enhanced abilities to tear out chunks of the ground and raising them beside him, Wolverine roared a battle cry and charged forward at a quick pace as the other heroes followed behind him. Logan jumped onto one of the floating chunks before jumping onto the next and the next.

As Wolverine continued on his path towards Magneto, Cyclops fired a blast from his visor as Cap hurled his mighty shield at the Master of Magnetism.

Magneto simply backhanded Cyclops' blast away and caught Cap's shield in mid air with his magnetic abilities. Logan took this chance to try and attack Magneto from behind. But the magnetic Mutant turned his body around sharply and hurled Cap's shield directly at Logan's chest.

Wolverine crashed onto the ground as Beast charged forward to try and leap at Magneto. But Erik threw his arm forward, which launched all of the chunks of debris at the Mutant. Beast snarled before he jumped into the air and bounced off of the falling chunks of debris.

Pinkie took this opportunity to pull out her Party Cannon out of thin air and place it on the ground. She then quickly lit the fuse and hopped in. The cannon launched the pink Mare into the air, right towards Magneto. As Beast attacked from the front while Pinkie attacked from behind, Magneto grit his teeth before releasing a shockwave that sent the two crashing back down onto the ground below.

Magneto then landed on the ground, cracking the ground beneath him as Applejack and Hawkeye darted towards him. As Hawkeye slid on his knees while drawing an arrow from his quiver, AJ bent her head down with an intent on headbutting Magneto.

Hawkeye shot the arrow, but it simply turned to ash as Magneto turned his head and glared at the projectile. Clint was then levitated into the air by Magneto as Applejack drew closer towards him. Erik slammed Hawkeye on the ground harshly before launching him across the yard with a flick of his wrist.

Magneto then turned his gaze towards Applejack before raising his fist and closing it.

An eruption of purple fire shot up right beneath Applejack, which launched her into the air before Magneto tossed her aside with a wave of his hand.

A barrage of bullets sounded off in the air before Magneto halted said bullets before they could hit the back of his head. He then turned around, only to be punched in the gut by Knuckles.

"Gotcha!!!" Knuckles exclaimed.

But to his surprise, Magneto didn't seem fazed by the attack at all.

He didn't even stagger.

"A feeble effort." Magneto replied nonchalantly as he dusted himself off.

Knuckles was then pushed back right into Black Widow by Magneto.

As Magneto turned around, he was met with the sight of Deadpool charging towards him with both of his swords in his hands.

"I'm the ghost of Christmas KICK YOUR ASS!!!"

Magneto simply raised his hand into the air, which levitated Wade's swords into the air.

Deadpool stopped dead in his tracks before slumping forward.


Erik then raised his index finger before bringing it down again. It was then that Wade's swords turned around and launched themselves right into Wade's chest.

Magneto folded his arms, "That ought to silence you, you loud mouthed fool."

The villain then floated back up into the air while glaring daggers at Charles the entire time.

Magneto looked to his friend with a saddened look on his face. He hated this. He hated being at odds with his best friend. If only he could see his side of the chess board. Magneto exhaled, feeling sad knowing that Charles would never side with him.

"I'm sorry that it's come to this, Charles."

(End song)

But before he could do something that he would later regret, a storm cloud suddenly formed above him. Just as Magneto gazed upward, a lightning bolt struck him in the chest. As Magneto crashed down on the ground, his feet were suddenly frozen in ice.

As Magneto prepared to melt the ice, multiple flaming playing cards struck his back, exploding on impact. Magneto quickly recovered from the attack, but it was then that a man made out of steel charged forward and delivered an uppercut to Erik's chin.

Magneto was launched into the air before he came crashing down on the ground.

As Magneto got back onto his feet, the steel Mutant stomped over towards him.

Colossus smacked his fist into his open hand.

A Mutant then slid down a ramp made out of ice and landed next to Colossus.

Ice Man had a mischievous smirk on his face.

A sudden whistle caught the attention of the Master of Magnetism. When he turned to his left, he saw a Mutant leaning against the remains of a charred tree, holding a stack of playing cards in his hands.

Gambit was ready to play his hand.

As Gambit began walking over, another Mutant descended from the sky and landed in front of the group of Mutants.

Storm's eyes lit up, the power within her waiting to be unleashed.

The other members of the X-Men had finally arrived to stop Magneto, and retrieve the Power Stone from his possession.

Magneto folded his arms as he hovered into the air, "It appears that the rest of the X-Men have joined this little get together."

"Surrender, Magneto!" Colossus shouted at the villainous Mutant.

Gambit took out his Bo staff and pointed it at the Mutant, "You're outnumbered, Mon ami. "

"Release the Power Stone. Now!" Storm demanded.

Magneto's eyes glowed a threatening purple as he pointed at the X-Men, "I've just about HAD it with you annoyances! This battle is over!"

Magneto summoned five purple orbs of fire and hurled them at the X-Men. Ice Man, thinking quickly, created a wall of ice to block the attacks. The wall didn't last long as it broke apart, but Gambit quickly leapt over Ice Man, using his Bo staff to propel himself into the air.

Gambit then sent five playing cards Magneto's way.

Magneto dispelled the cards with a wave of power. But this left him open to attack by none other than Cyclops, who fired another blast from his visor and struck Magneto in the back. As Erik staggered, Storm flew up into the air and generated a tornado around Magneto.

Inside the tornado, multiple lightning bolts struck the villain, preventing him from attacking any further.

Meanwhile, outside the tornado, Wolverine tucked in his knees as Colossus grabbed his body and hurled him into the tornado. Logan untucked and unsheathed his claws as he entered the tornado. It was then that Logan tackled Magneto right out of the tornado.

As the two Mutants crash landed on the ground, Beast dashed forward and shoulder charged Magneto as he tried to get back up.

Magneto tumbled across the yard, heading right towards Captain America.

Once close enough, Cap delivered a nasty uppercut with his shield to Magneto's chin.

As Magneto soared into the air, Deadpool, who had removed his swords from his chest, took out a Bazooka and fired a rocket right at Magneto.

The rocket hit its target.

Magneto was sent flying through the air before crashing down on the ground and tumbling to a stop. As Magneto rolled across the ground, he lost his grip on the Power Stone.

The Stone flew through the air before being caught by Black Widow with one hand.

Erik panted heavily as he rose to one knee. His head rose up, only to see the group of heroes surrounding him. Magneto turned his sights to the ground.

He lost.

(End song)

Charles rolled over towards his friend in his wheelchair, the heroes moving aside to let him through. He came to a stop in front of Erik.

Magneto looked up to his friend, "All I want is for Mutants to live in peace."

Xavier shook his head, "This isn't the way, Erik."

Magneto rose to his feet, not letting up his sights on Charles, "Unfortunately, Charles, this is the way that works. I only wish you could see things my way."

Charles sighed in disappointment, "Me too."

And with that, Magneto levitated himself into the air and left.

As Charles closed his eyes in thought, Applejack trotted up next to him, "Why'd ya let 'im go, Professor?"

Charles turned his towards her and gave her a kind smile, "He no longer has the Stone, and as long as nobody threatens him or his people, he will leave well enough alone."

Charles then turned his head to Storm as she walked to her mentor, "We came as soon as we could, Professor."

Charles smiled, "Better late then never, as they say."

As they talked, Black Widow walked over and handed the Stone to Cap, "All things considered," she started, "things went better than we expected them to."

Cap nodded in response before looking down at the Stone in his hand, "Although I wonder how the others are faring with finding the other Stones."

It was then that a voice sounded over the comms system in Cap's helmet, "This is Shadow to all available members of The Avengers, Freedom Fighters, and Elements of Harmony. The Stones are at risk of being taken, head to Stark Tower now! I repeat, get to Stark Tower and defend those two Stones!"

The group all looked around at one another, confirming that they all heard the distress call from Shadow.

"That answer your question?" Deadpool piped up, breaking the silence.

End Of Arc 5

Author's Note:

The Stone of Power has been retrieved. The imminent battle is looming upon us all

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