• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,415 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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Life goes on

Life goes on

It was an early Tuesday morning when Rainbow Dash had woken up feeling a bit different than usual. She had been thinking about Twilight and how she managed to turn things around in just a couple of days. "That girl was amazing, for a pony I mean." She looked at the clock while the renewed energy had coursed through her body.

"If she can change things around so can I. She made me realize that friendship is awesome and I want my friendship back with Shy," Rainbow Dash admitted. She was looking at the mirror and checking herself out. "Well less time enjoying ice cream for me... need to get back in tip top shape for soccer season."

With hours before school started, she had enough time to do an early morning exercise routine that was intensely strenuous. Being the captain of all sport teams wasn't an easy thing for anyone especially a girl. Sometimes the guys in the school had challenged her for captain and would face defeat in any sport. She was talented and shined at the cost of being extremely busy dealing with more than just practice.

While doing her 100th push up, and feeling the burn, her muscles worked to keep up with the physical demand the body had of continuously moving her frame against gravity. She was sweating a storm and would soon shower and get some grub in her. It was hard constantly excelling at sports while maintaining a decent grade average to be allowed to play.

She hated reading books and considered them lame unless they were comic books. She had a collection of superhero comics that she hid from public view. Her image was necessary to be kept if she wanted to remain the sports star she was. Still something was playing in her mind about her friendship.

She went to the bathroom and turned the hot water on for the showers. She was grabbing the soap and shampoo and began cleaning herself as her mind drifted. She began thinking about Fluttershy and how they met.


a young girl with cyan skin and rainbow hair was at a summer camp hating every minute of it and wishing it was over. She had been forced there by her dad since he wanted his daughter to socialize and not be such a loner. She was already dealing with fail bullies and jerk wads and saw nothing good of the camp experience.

She was walking along the grounds of the camp unattended, because the camp counselors weren't very attentive of the campers. She heard some whimpering noises and the taunting of two kids who had nothing better than to tease other people. She rushed towards the noises and saw a canary skinned girl being bullied by the two jerks.

"Your such a klutz, yeah we should call you Klutzershy," Said one of the bullies Rainbow Dash recognized as Hoops. The other bully Dumb Bell was also teasing the poor girl.

Fluttershy appeared to be injured, from their abusive manners, and she began crying. She hadn't the slighted clue what she did to deserve such torture but just as the bullies began their verbal assault she was rescued.

"Leave her alone!" Rainbow Dash called out when she made herself known. She rushed in between the crying girl and the two boys with fury in her eyes.

"Well well, if it isn't Rainbow Crash," Hoops said rudely. He wasn't afraid of the intruder but knew better than to blindly challenge the furious girl.

"Yeah Rainbow Crash," Dumb Bell said emulating Hoops's tone. Dumb Bell wasn't a thinker nor was he bright in the slightest. He was more of the follower of the two and needed Hoops to help him with everything.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "Oh look it's the two idiots who only bully the weak. Well not anymore, you are going to leave her alone."

Hoops got angry and yelled, "What are you going to do about it?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled lightly before answering with, "Why don't you keep picking on her and find out?"

Fluttershy was in awe of this angelic being who came seemingly from nowhere and rescued her from the mean bullies. She was afraid that the kind hero was going to get hurt because she was too shy and weak to protect herself.

Rainbow Dash didn't understand why she just jumped her way into a potential fight with two boys, but she felt bad ass doing so. She didn't even know the girl she was risking her own safety and worse of all with no camp counselors around things could get ugly.

Hoops was sizing Rainbow Dash up and since she wasn't flinching he felt it wouldn't be worth the risk of being beaten up by a crazy tomboy just to humiliate some klutz. "Alright you are getting off this time with just a warning, don't mess with me again."

Rainbow Dash smirked. "Sure, well here is my warning to you... never pick on this girl again. From now on she is under my protection," she announced like a true bad ass.

Fluttershy blushed at the intense declaration. She didn't even know who her savior was, and already she had a protector it seemed.

Hoops just scoffed and left while yelling at Dumb Bell to follow. They both left with their body's intact but their manhood was challenged and it was slowly eating away at them.

Rainbow Dash turned around and faced the girl whose life she just saved. "Hey... sorry that happened," she said before extending her hand to help the girl up. "My name is Rainbow Dash, what's yours?"

Fluttershy looked up at the heroic girl and grabbed her hand gently while muttering, "Fluttershy."

Rainbow Dash couldn't hear the mousy voiced girl and tried asking again. "So what is it?"

Fluttershy hid behind her bangs and mumbled, "Fluttershy."

Rainbow Dash chuckled softly. "Alright Fluttershy, I like the name it suits you... anyways I meant what I said back there. I may not know you but since I am going to be protecting you... we might as well be friends right?"

Fluttershy shyly smiled and spoke a bit louder. "I would like that," she said softly.


Rainbow Dash turned the water off and sighed at the memory that played before her. "What happened to us Shy? We used to be so close and then high school changed everything." She grabbed a towel and dried herself off before getting dressed in her school clothing.

She made sure her hair was wild and yet styled to look awesome. Her clothing had to be just right as she needed to display awesome even in boring school clothing. "Yeah I got it down pact. If there was anyone more awesome it would probably be future me."

She went to the kitchen and didn't bother waking up her dad since she could make toast with jelly and that was breakfast enough until she got to the school cafeteria. "Good for nothing dead beat... well he made me so that's awesome I guess." she watched the toast fly off the toaster and smiled at the silliness of it. "Man it's the little things in life that get ya."

She spread some jelly on the toasted bread and chomped down eager to get to school. She knew that today would be the best day to rekindle her friendship with Fluttershy since it was the day the shy girl would hand out the flyers to the animal shelter.

All she had to do was offer her services and go help out and boom mission accomplished. "How hard could it be to take care of animals? I mean Fluttershy can do it, so I can too... right?"


Fluttershy was standing by the statue that once was a portal to some mysterious pony world. She was holding a stack of flyers that had details about volunteering at an animal shelter she goes to a lot. She enjoys animals and tries saving as many as she can. It was a thankless task but to her, it was the grandest thing she could do.

Animals have been her friends for the longest since mostly she was awkward at social situations growing up. She had only one friend that wasn't four legged or furry. With animals it wasn't about appearance or personality just caring mattered. She felt a special connection with them and spent most of her time taking care of strays.

Her parents weren't fond of the animals and that meant she had to learn to hide them. Which is why the shelter was so important to her because they could house the animals but needed people to help them.

"The animal shelter needs your help... please will you come to the animal shelter after school and help?" she asked while attempting to hand out flyers. Not many people gave a rats ass about animals besides Fluttershy and it made her feel hopeless as each week passed by.

"Hey I want to take one of them flyers and I don't mind helping out after school today," said a voice familiar to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy looked up from the papers with the small tears in her eyes and saw her friend Rainbow Dash there with a soft smile. "Really? You aren't just kidding are you?" she asked tearfully.

Rainbow Dash looked around and saw no one paying attention so she moved in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around her friend and gently asked, "What's the matter Shy?"

Fluttershy sobbed on Rainbow Dash's shoulder while gently speaking. "It's hard Rainbow Dash... I come every week wanting someone to care but people are either too busy or don't care enough to help. The shelter needs volunteers or animals won't get helped."

Rainbow Dash remembered how good it felt holding her friend and being held as well. When high school hit their bond slowly broke as time passed. Rainbow Dash was an all star athlete and Fluttershy was the animal lover that no one gave second notice to.

"Look Fluttershy... I meant it, I have some free days before soccer season starts and I could spend them helping you out. Plus I will talk to some teammates and I will see if I can get some peeps to help out as well." She gently let go of her friend and made sure no one saw her being sentimental.

Fluttershy smiled at her offer and felt that connection that was lost during the start of high school. "Thanks Dashie... I mean Rainbow Dash. I am really glad you offered your help. Please don't be late and meet me here after school I can bring you to the shelter since I know you don't like reading."

Rainbow Dash chuckled softly. "Yeah I hate reading unless it's a comic. This flyer is nice and all but it ain't a comic. So then I will meet you here after school?"

Fluttershy beamed and nodded. "Oh yes, right here will be fine... and if you can't get anyone else to come it's fine... I am just glad you are coming with me."

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but melt at the smile, Fluttershy's diabetes inducing smiles had worked like Kryptonite to Rainbow Dash's emotional armor. "Heh, I am glad too Fluttershy, you know we used to be very close, and don't tell anyone I said this but... I want that back... I want us to be friends like before. That weird girl pony princess chick, Twilight, showed us how important friendship is. I guess, and if you tell anyone I swear I will deny it, I just want my cuddle buddy back."

Fluttershy blushed and stammered, "I ... got ... to get to class." She ran off dropping the flyers and leaving a confused and dejected Rainbow Dash behind.

"Well that blows..." Rainbow Dash sighed before continuing, "What was I thinking... here I go, after such a long time of disconnect, declaring I want to be intimate again and expect the shyest girl in all of the world not to freak out." She then realized how it sounded. "Oh darn, I hope she didn't think I was trying to make a move on her... wait was I making a move on her? Nah... I don't have time for that."

The sound of the bell ringing had broken her stupor and she rushed off to class, she hoped her teacher wasn't in a bad mood or she could suffer detention and it would ruin her plans for the day.

Author's Note:

So how do you like the first chapter?

some key notes I didn't follow the Cutie Mark Chronicles version of their meet up word by word or action by action. Things in pony world aren't the same in human world.

Also I am trying to keep them in character as much as I can while also telling a story of love and triumph and other shenanigans that come with it like trials and tribulations.

Anyways Enjoy.