• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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Temptation and Drama

Temptation and Drama

The day had been going by without any visible issues for the group of friends. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had been doing fine since the night before and their relationship seemed even more unbreakable. Applejack and Rarity have been easing into each other comfortably and things were getting hot. Pinkie Pie was really enthralled with Sunset Shimmer's new attitude. Gilda seemed to have been sticking to her word and hadn't been causing any problems.

When lunch came around the group of friends sat together as they usually would. With the recent changes the conversation hadn't been normal. Now all they talk about is relationships and frivolous things. Rainbow Dash still had a promising career ahead of her with her athletic prowess and knew with the season starting soon; she would have to keep her head in the game.

Rainbow Dash broke the conversational mold with her inquiry, "Hey guys can we get back to talking about other things besides mushy stuff?"

Applejack liked the idea, "I hear ya RD, a change in topic would do us some good."

Rarity raised an eyebrow at Applejack, "Is that so, Darling? I thought our conversations were pleasant with the new exchange of information."

Fluttershy chimed in, "I agree, It's nice not talking about the drama or other things that go on around here."

Sunset stayed silent because she smelled a trap.

Pinkie Pie stayed silent because she was staring at Sunset in a non stalking manner.


Gilda was sitting alone at lunch and just enjoying her meal. The food wasn't as tasty as the view of Rainbow Dash's backside was. She was in her own little world until some pricks had the nerve of interrupting her. She saw two younger boys who, if her memory served her, were named Snips and Snails.

Snips asked the question again since the lonely girl didn't seem to hear her. "Can we sit with you?"

Gilda looked at them with ire but remembered that she was supposed to be a good person now. "Sure, why don't you both join me for lunch."

Snips and Snails sat down and just as they did Flash Sentry approached the table and sat down without asking. He looked over at Gilda before checking out what she was staring at. He noticed his ex sitting with the group of girls who stopped her evil reign of terror. "You know she wasn't as nice as she is now. I wonder maybe if I didn't give up on her that we could have been a great couple."

Gilda didn't give a two shi- "Actually you might have a point there. It seems all she needed was some care and love. You still have feelings for her?"

Flash scratched his head and felt embarrassed. "I still do, I just thought that she really didn't care about me since she was spending all her time doing shady things."

Snails chimed into the conversation, "I miss her as a friend. We had a lot of fun and now she is with those girls."

Gilda had a big grin on her face that was hidden by their diverted attention. "Well you guys should let her know how you feel. Flash you definitely should let her know you're still interested in her and want a second chance to do right by her."

Flash perked up a bit, "Yeah! Well I mean..." he suddenly got quieter, "What if she isn't into me anymore?"

Gilda knew that Sunset had a thing for Pinkie but she wasn't sure how solid it was. It was still a perfect opportunity to get revenge on Sunset for getting beat up by her. "Alright well, I hear she is working at the bakery with Pinkie Pie, why don't you drop by after school and talk to her? Just ask to speak to her privately and see where things go, deal?"

Flash smiled and felt genuinely happy. "Thanks Gilda, you know you don’t seem as bad as they made you out to be."

Gilda was feeling giddier and was hoping that Discord was making moves as well.


Discord was in his alley with a disposable cellphone setting something up for this afternoon. "...So you guys understand exactly what I want right? You can't muck this up. I don't want Fluttershy hurt and I definitely don't need Rainbow Dash dead. I just want you guys to rough her up and when I arrive you guys turn your attention towards me and pretend to get defeated and flee. If there are any cops around abort quickly and if you guys get caught or beat up remember that you have no association with me."

Discord heard the voice on the line asking more questions and he answered them. "Yes, she is a jock, so don't go too easy. No, she isn't a wrestler just a soccer player so watch for the feet. Weapons? I don't think she carries anything to protect herself. Payment will be received when I see fit... Just remember who you're dealing with and don't forget how far my network can reach. Now I have to go so you guys just get ready and don't forget; I will punish anyone who harms Fluttershy."

Discord hung up the phone and smashed it before throwing the pieces into the nearest receptacle. "Today I shall win you over Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash will be a thing of the past."


Rainbow Dash sighed, "Look guys it didn't have to become such a big issue, I just wanted the conversations to change once in a while. I don't mind the mushy stuff as much as before but I would like some cool topics thrown in the mix."

Rarity chuckled, "Silly girl, you think sports is universally cool? Some people are more into fashion than sports, you know."

Fluttershy giggled, "Rarity does have a good point. Maybe we should talk about fashion as well as sports and farming."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash sighed in unison and then looked at each other. They laughed softly before continuing the silly debate with their significant others.

Meanwhile Pinkie Pie and Sunset were communicating secretly with each other using their eyes and their hands. Pinkie Pie clasped her free hand with Sunset's while they ate and gazed at each other lovingly. They were in their own little world and didn't need to leave it for any silly reason.

Then the lunch bell rang signifying that class was going to resume...That shut everyone up.


Principal Celestia had been craving some delicious cake and knew she would need to get her fix today. "Hey Luna, want to get some cake with me after school?"

Luna raised an eyebrow and looked at her sister with confusion. "You mean me? Your lovely and caring sister who you have been distant with? Sounds fun..."

Celestia blushed and felt very apologetic, "Look I am sorry but it's not easy running a school that has mixed grades and having to deal with things."

Luna got close to her sister and looked her dead in the eyes, "Seeing as I’m the vice principal; you're right, I could never possibly know how hard running this school is..."

Celestia wanted to somehow say something without it backfiring on her. "I love you my dearest sister," she said sweetly. She felt that it was the only thing that couldn't be thrown back at her.

Luna softened her gaze and kissed her sister's cheek. "Alright we shall get some cake, and Celestia..."

Celestia smiled until her sister paused and she looked at her with worry.

Luna grinned and said "I love you too," before walking away slowly.

Celestia was going to have her cake and eat it too, with Luna.


The rest of the day rolled by and soon school had ended. The group of friends had all met at the entrance of the school before parting for the day. It seemed they each had somewhere to be and most of them would be apart from their significant others.

Rarity was sad that she had to baby sit the monster known as Sweetie Bell. While seemingly cute and innocent the monster was a nightmare to take care of when she was hyper. Sweetie Bell was usually very hyper and always wanting to talk. Rarity wanted badly to be with Applejack who was going to be busy with chores and helping Apple Bloom study for a test.

Sunset Shimmer was going to try helping out with the bakery and with Pinkie around she felt secure about not messing up too badly. She wanted to earn some money because she wasn't going to return to the other dimension where ponies and magic existed. She slowly fell in love with her new life and was falling for Pinkie harder each day.

Rainbow Dash was doing her usual routine of letting her team know she was going to be a bit late and escorting Fluttershy off to the animal shelter. Things would have been normal but something awful was in the works.


Rainbow Dash had been walking the normal route to the animal shelter with Fluttershy and was enjoying the quiet walk together. She was still a bit upset knowing that Discord was still working at the shelter and wished he would just disappear. "Shy, if anything happens just text me okay? I can always make up practice with my team but I can't forgive myself if anything happened to you."

Fluttershy blushed and leaned her head on Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "I am flattered you worry so much but I promise I can handle myself. I know that Discord won't try to hurt me and if he tries anything funny I can always tell our boss. I am sure he wouldn't like it if his favorite volunteer was being harassed."

Rainbow Dash felt much better until she noticed some people closing in on her and Fluttershy. "Shy remember what I said to do if we were ever going to be attacked?"

Fluttershy nervously whispered, "Yes."

Rainbow Dash quietly replied with "Do that now, and no matter what happens don't stop running."

Fluttershy rushed off while Rainbow Dash made sure she was too far for the attackers to give chase. She gauged the numbers and it seemed it was only three of them. She was judging by their build that they weren't too threatening physically but she wasn't sure if they were carrying weapons. "Alright you jerks, now that she isn't around let's have some fun!"


Discord was watching in the distance as his plan had already went to ruin because of Fluttershy fleeing. It wasn't a total bust as he could still pretend to rescue Rainbow Dash. "Alright guys rough that nuisance up," he whispered as his eyes began to widen with anticipation.

He watched as one of the guys he hired had been kicked so hard that he heard something break. He couldn't believe his eyes and what he saw worried him. It was like a whole different person from what Gilda described. Instead of some jock being beaten up by three thugs he saw a demon destroying three would be attackers.

After the first guy had doubled over in pain the other two pulled out knives. The one who was the most calm went in to attack first only to have his arm broken and his weapon fall to the ground and soon his body. He had been countered with a basic disabling technique and then tossed to the ground with seemingly no effort on the defender's part.

The last guy was nervous and his hand was shaking. "Please...Stop! you win, I give up," He whimpered cowardly as the intended victim approached him.

The supposedly easy to take out jock with a crazed look on her face laughed. "You want mercy? You have that knife in your hand that you would have used on me and then did who knows what to my girlfriend and you expect mercy? No...I won't grant you mercy, in fact your chance for mercy had ran off long ago."

Discord closed his eyes and felt sick as he heard the scream of his hired thug echo in his ears. Discord's hand wouldn't stop shaking. The primordial feeling of fear had not been this strong since ever. He couldn't fathom such a frail looking girl being that strong and yet he saw the carnage with his own eyes. He had hired three thugs and within minutes they were dispatched with ease. He realized that not all was lost, he still had this new information to work with.

With Rainbow Dash being prone to violent outbursts when it comes to protecting Fluttershy it seems he could formulate another plan this time one that didn't risk having to worry about medical fees.


When Rainbow Dash finished beating up the goons she took a look at her handiwork. She wasn't proud of defeating them especially with how brutal her retaliation had been. She used a pay phone and reported the situation anonymously so they could at least get their injuries checked out.

She wasn't going to stick around to press charges since they didn't get to land a blow on her. She also knew they wouldn't be stupid enough to press charges with weapons in their possession. It was not her priority in the least since she had to make sure her girlfriend is okay...


Gilda was at the apartment her parents were letting her stay in until they returned from their business trip. She was thinking of ways to mess with Rarity and Applejack since they seem to be doing just fine and that bothered her. "I wonder if Rarity has any exes I can call or if Apple-" She stopped herself mid sentence to laugh. The idea of Applejack dating anyone was too funny to her.

Before she could continue her evil deeds she got a text message. She opened her phone and saw it was from Discord. She opened the message and saw it was a picture of three men on the floor in various states of pain and under the picture it said "What else are you not telling me about Rainbow Dash?"

Gilda was both turned on with Rainbow Dash's carnage and nervous about how angry her ally was. She knew that Rainbow Dash had a bad temper before but only seen it when Fluttershy hadn't been around. Gilda gritted her teeth in the realization that Fluttershy's presence calms Rainbow Dash's rage. "Damn it, why can't anything go right? I just want the love of my life in my arms...Maybe Discord isn't as great as he claimed to be. I might have to fire him if he can't provide me with the results I need."

She began typing a message to Discord and was ready to send it but she eyed it over first. "I think this should get my point across very good," she said with an evil grin before sending the message to her soon to be ex ally.


Discord was about to arrive at the shelter when his main phone alerted him of a message. He saw it was from Gilda wondering how apologetic she was going to be for her part in the disaster. Instead of a message intended to apologize he got a threat that made him even more nervous than he was when he saw the destruction of three thugs not too long ago.

He gulped and shook his hand while reading the message in his head, "Discord, what you just saw was nothing compared to what me and Rainbow Dash did during our youth. Now if you want the same fate then please fail at keeping your part of the bargain for 48 more hours and I will be oh so happy to teach you a lesson about breaking promises."

He couldn't tell if she was bluffing and didn't want to risk it. Not only does failure look bad for his reputation but having a face only a mother could love would not sell his anarchist vibe. He knew he had to pull all the stops into his next plan or he would have to deal with an angry, demented, and insane high school girl.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter guys :)

Don't worry the story isn't going to drag too long nor geet cut short. But it will be heading to the ending soon.