• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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Ever After

Ever After

Rainbow Dash, now at the age of 25, was inside a hospital room with her wife Fluttershy. She was excited for this moment as the months leading to this day were stressful. Being on a team and having to travel a lot to play sports was fun but the one thing she missed most was her wife. It wasn't too bad at first since she was excited to play the games and actually going pro.

Still it got hard when she was alone in the hotel rooms or worse when fanboys and fangirls tried throwing themselves at her. She didn't want any of that nonsense because she already had the perfect life partner and didn't need to get greedy. Sometimes when the phone conversations weren't enough Rainbow Dash would have Fluttershy travel with her for some games just so they could spend more time together.

Right now in the hospital room her wife was about to give birth to their child. It wasn't biologically Rainbow Dash's kid since, while Rainbow Dash was the only person Fluttershy slept with, she wasn't able to impregnate her. This world had to rely on science to help where life couldn't. They had to get a donor who was willing to sign away their consent since they didn't want any legal issues in the future.

It wasn't an easy decision to have a child as it lead to an argument the first time it was brought up.


1 year ago...

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were watching a romantic movie and usually that stirred the mood for some sensual fun. That night however it lead to something deeper stirring from Fluttershy's body.

She had the maternal clock finally hit the alarm stage. "Hey Dashie, I was wondering if maybe we could extend our family a bit?"

Rainbow Dash looked around and saw many animals in the house and as much as she loved having a happy wife she couldn't take any more pets. "I think we have enough animals Fluttershy."

Fluttershy blushed and fiddled her thumbs together. She was nervous as she spoke, "I meant... We should start a real family and have kids."

Rainbow Dash's eyes grew wide and she got a bit upset. "Fluttershy, I am a woman and so are you. I don't see how we can have kids."

Fluttershy knew Rainbow Dash wasn't into sharing. She also could understand why Rainbow Dash didn't want anyone impregnating her or having someone else's seed in her. It still was saddening to the shy woman. "I know you don't like the idea of invitro-" Fluttershy could get out before Rainbow Dash stopped her.

"Don't even say it , Shy, I am open to adopting but I won't allow someone's DNA to make a baby with you. I know I can't give you a baby but I thought you understood that," Rainbow Dash said with a hurt tone.

Fluttershy could tell she ruined the magic of the moment that they would have shared and also figured that if she didn't do something then it would be a night of sorrow. "Dashie, I'm sorry... I just..." She couldn't make a decent excuse.

Rainbow Dash looked at her wife and rubbed her face gently, "I hate saying no to you and if it was just for the means of getting pregnant I wouldn't mind too much. The only thing that bothers me is having a child with someone's DNA would possibly mean having to share our child with them. I can't be in a three way relationship. I love you and the child we will have will only be mine and yours. If you can find a way to make that happen then I will be on board."

Fluttershy smiled wide and tackled her wife to the ground in joy. "Oh I promise you won't regret this decision."



The waiting room of the hospital had been anything but empty. There were many people here to see the new addition to their family.

Rarity had a shirt that she designed that said "World's Best Aunt." She and Fluttershy were practically sister's and so by that logic Rarity declared herself an aunt. As a joke she made a shirt for her life partner as well.

Applejack was still embarrassed wearing it in public but she did just for the occasion. The shirt she wore said "World's Best Uncle." Since she and Rainbow Dash were like "bro's". She didn't mind though since she was excited about the arrival of the baby.

Applejack and Rarity had gotten married some time after Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy did. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had remained the best of friends even with the changes that happened in their lives. Rarity and Fluttershy grew real close when Rainbow Dash was first off being a big shot soccer player. Rarity didn't mind keeping Fluttershy company and it also gave them time to gossip and do their usual things.

Pinkie Pie was in the waiting room with a whole bunch of gifts and an excitement level that reached far beyond normal capacity. She was sitting alone and for good reason.

Pinkie Pie and Sunset tried making things work but in the end they had a falling out.


2 years ago...

Sunset had just arrived home from a late shift at her job and wanted to sleep before she had to go back in the morning. She had quit the bakery years ago because she couldn't see herself working there too much longer. She used her college education to get her a clerical job at a fancy law firm. At first it wasn't too difficult to manage but the more she excelled in doing her job the more tasks she got.

Pinkie had been waiting for her fiancee to arrive so they could have a bit of fun before the night ended. As soon as sunset entered the apartment Pinkie Pie glomped her. Normally it wouldn't have been a problem but Sunset had some papers in her hand that flew in the air during said glomp.

Sunset grew infuriated and yelled loudly at Pinkie.

"You see me with papers and you decide to tackle me like some ignorant child. You better pray I can re-organize them before tonight's end or so help me!"

Pinkie Pie didn't like how Sunset had changed due to her new job. Since Sunset had started working at the law firm she came home upset and angry most of the time and their spark seemed to have died as of late.

"I'm sorry, Sunny I was just-"

Sunset flipped out even more at Pinkie's words, "Sorry? Sorry isn't going to fix the paperwork and honestly I am just sick of this. I go to work to support us and when I get home it's Pinkie time all the time."

Pinkie Pie was crying her heart out and had a pleading look in her eye. "Please, Sunny, don't be mad, I am sorry," she said with desperation.

Sunset Shimmer didn't say a word and went into the room and came out after packing some stuff. She looked at Pinkie who was crying on the floor and left her there without even saying good bye.



Pinkie Pie was still wearing a necklace that Sunset gave her and even though she appeared happy on the surface she had been depressed ever since Sunset left. She went through therapy and finally was given the help she needed.

Pinkie had seen Sunset over time and they chatted here and there but they never got back together. Though they did sometimes spend nights with each other. Even if those were the only moments they had Pinkie cherished them.

Just as Pinkie was thinking back on her life she saw the woman who she loved most in the world appear in the waiting room. "Hey, Sunset..." Pinkie said with sorrow.

Applejack wasn't too fond of Sunset because of what happened between her and Pinkie. She didn't know about their continued secret meetings and just knew that Sunset had destroyed Pinkie's heart.

Before Applejack could say anything Sunset grabbed Pinkie's hand and lead her out the room.

Rarity noticed the lack of resistance on Pinkie's end and stopped Applejack from giving chase.

"Darling, I think they need whatever it is they are going to do. I noticed Pinkie not resisting even a bit otherwise I would have let you pummel Sunset for hurting our friend."


Pinkie Pie was lead to Sunset's car and they entered it before the doors were closed.

Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie had been meeting every few days to either make out, have dinner or even do more. This moment however was different for Sunset.

"Pinkie I have been doing a lot of thinking and we can't keep doing this," Sunset said and locked the door before Pinkie could bolt out.

PInkie got upset and almost broke Sunset's door before Sunset kept talking.

"Pinkie I don't mean I want us to stop seeing each other! I just don't like doing it in secret."

Pinkie finally stopped and just cried not enjoying the mind games.

"Look ever since I left you I have regretted it. I knew then I made the biggest mistake of my life and I know I don't deserve you but I can't take just meeting once every few days to hook up. I want to settle down and get to that next stage of life."

Pinkie Pie wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Sunset with anger. "No you don't, If so not with me. You can't possibly want to be with me when you just left me all those nights ago. Sure we are having fun now but what if you can't handle living with me like before? I couldn't take it if you broke my heart twice."

Sunset decided to spill her heart out and throw all her cards on the table.

"I know you won't believe me but even though we aren't together I haven't been with anyone else. I haven't even dated or so much as kissed another person since we got together all those years ago. The only reason I never tried getting you back was because I didn't feel I deserved you and I only came back into your life because I was going out of my mind missing you. When we went out for coffee that day to just talk and then ended up in our old apartment I was hoping you would have just demanded to stay or do something Pinkie like."

She let out a small laugh before she continued.

"I know your friends must hate me and I know you probably are still upset with me, but I am willing to do anything for a second chance with you. I know I had my one second chance in high school and I don't deserve another. I just-"

Was all she could let out before Pinkie started talking.

"Shut up! Just shut up! You have put me through hell and I don't care if you haven't been with anyone else. I haven't been around anyone since you left. I barely left the guest room that the cakes set up and I was depressed for a long time. The only reason we did the things we did for the past two and a half years was because I needed it."

Pinkie sighed softly and felt a bit better about blowing off steam. "If you truly want me back then call your boss right now and tell him you will be out all week. It's going to take more than just one car seat apology to make me even begin to forgive what you did."

Sunset dialed her boss and battled with her for five minutes but eventually got the one week off she wanted.

"I am your's for one whole week now," Sunset said softly.

Pinkie Pie leaned over and kissed her passionately and whispered, "Wrong, you are mine forever."

Sunset liked the sound of that and they continued making out in the parking lot of a hospital as their friend was in labor.


Applejack was still nervous about letting Pinkie go with Sunset but smiled as she saw Gilda entering the waiting room.

"I'm not too late am I?" Gilda asked while looking at Applejack and Rarity.

Rarity chuckled, "Darling if the baby was born I wouldn't be here I would be holding it and making sure it knows who is his/her favorite aunt."

Gilda laughed, "So she didn't tell you the gender either eh? Well that's good that I didn't get late and I would have been here sooner if a certain someone didn't want to stop for muffins."

Derpy just stuffed her face with another muffin ignoring her girlfriend and sat down on the empty seat where Pinkie sat. Gilda noticed the abundance of gift wrapped boxes and just remembered that Pinkie would be Pinkie. That's when she noticed the lack of Pinkie.

"So where's Pinkie Pie?" Gilda asked out of curiosity.

Pinkie Pie as if summoned appeared with a flushed face and disheveled clothing. "I'm right here, and not alone anymore." She pulled Sunset into the room and had the biggest grin ever.


Fluttershy's mom was in the room coaching Fluttershy while being excited about her grandchild's arrival.

Fluttershy had Rainbow Dash's hand in a vice grip and was in severe pain. Her mother was trying to help but it wasn't doing any good. Even with all the pain she was in, Fluttershy was feeling elated with the fact she was about to bring in a child into the world.

She couldn't believe that she was married to the person she loved most in the world and was in the process of giving birth to their child. She looked back on the wedding day and just how hard Rainbow Dash tried to make it as perfect as she wanted.


3 years ago...

Rainbow Dash had on a tuxedo since she wanted Fluttershy's dream of a traditional marriage to be exact. Even if Rainbow Dash wasn't a man she was willing to be a female groom.

Rainbow Dash worked extra hard helping out where she could to get the wedding going. Even with Fluttershy and Rarity doing most of the frou frou portions of setting up a wedding, Rainbow Dash was doing a lot of work.

She made sure the money was available and hired the right musicians. She had to taste test foods and get the perfect tuxedo. She was exhausted from all the activities. Still she wanted everything just right because it was going to the day that she and Fluttershy were officially united.

The day had arrived and it was time. Rainbow Dash looked around and noticed everything was perfect. She made it to the aisle and waited for the music to cue to see Fluttershy in a wedding dress.

Fluttershy walked down the aisle and Rainbow Dash's heart started rushing. It was nerves and excitement making her mind go insane.

Fluttershy's mind was clear and only happy thoughts filled her head. She had been waiting for this moment since she and Rainbow Dash first got together. The fact is was happening just made her want to scream a "Woo Hoo" but she managed to contain herself.

When they both stood at the altar Rainbow Dash removed the veil and whispered, "You look beautiful."

The officiator of the event had called upon the ring bearer and Scootaloo had walked down the aisle with the rings on a pillow she held. She was honored they chose her but she also didn't like being in public wearing a dress.

After the rings were placed they said their vows and finally they were announced officially as wife and wife. Rainbow Dash wasn't going to give Fluttershy just a soft peck on their wedding day and planted a powerful kiss.

Whistles and gasps could be heard and even the sounds of flash photography. All in all the wedding was just how Fluttershy dreamed it was and she had not a single complaint.



Fluttershy was pushing her hardest but was worried about possibly hurting the baby. She was so nervous when she started going into labor and luckily for her Rainbow Dash had been there. She planned her pregnancy to allow some grace period between seasons so Rainbow Dash could be there for when the baby first arrived.

The doctors were giving Fluttershy instructions and after what seemed like days Fluttershy had finally pushed her baby out.

The doctor, who had the baby in hand, happily announced "Congratulations it's a girl," to the three women in the room.


When Rainbow Dash appeared in the waiting room with a giant grin the rest of the group got up and was craving to find out the news.

"Well girls, I am a proud mother of a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Hope and she is waiting to meet you all," Rainbow Dash said hinting it was okay for them to see the baby.

Rarity and the others followed and when they went into the room they saw the baby laying on Fluttershy.

Fluttershy, who was mostly covered by the blankets, was overjoyed to see her little bundle of joy. The baby was placed on her and the doctors instructed her to allow the baby to try and it's way to get sustenance. Fluttershy wanted so desperately to guide her child but decided not to go against the doctor's orders.

She saw her friends and felt a bit embarrassed in her state of undress but decided to not shoo them off.

Each of the girls there had a chance to see the baby up close and Rarity touched the baby before giggling like a school girl. She now wanted to have her own and was hoping that Applejack was ready.

Pinkie Pie looked at the little baby and said in a semi calm tone, "Welcome to the world and our weird family."

Rainbow Dash smiled at that notion. She had finally had all she needed in her life. She had a fantastic career, a wonderful wife and a loving family. There was nothing more in life she needed and felt as if she had finally made it to the end of a long journey.



Rainbow Dash was out in the field and with time barely left on the clock she rushed out to make one last stand against the opposing team. She was ducking and dodging all sorts of defense just to get to the spot in which she knew was a good distance for her to make one last goal.

She felt as if time stopped and nothing else in the world existed besides that net and the soccer ball. She winded back her feet and kicked the ball right into the net just as the final second ticked and the crowd went wild.
She smiled not because she made the final goal but because she knew she had two amazing people waiting for her to come home. She enjoyed playing soccer but she had two people at home that made her life even better than soccer ever could make it.

Author's Note:

Well it has been a long journey and hopefully this story has ended on a good note for you all.

Thanks to all who have made it to the end and the awesome feedback both positive and negative throughout this story.
I appreciate all the support and constructive criticism and wish you all a happy Thanksgiving in the near future.

Comments ( 9 )

That was a nice ending. I wonder what Discord is doing now planning revenge or did he let the whole incident with Gilda and Rainbow go? huh, no big villains nice change of pace there.

Wish Derpy was there though. Still nice finish to a well thought out story, in my opinion.

Greatest story I have ever read!!!!!!

OK, Final Review

Normally I'm a heavy TwiDash shipper, and don't really bother with other ships including either of them, however I was intrigued by the description and decided to give it ago. And I wasn's disappointed! Great characterisation, good pacing, and a good mix of romance and other genres, I'd probably rate this :derpytongue2:u:derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2: out of :derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2:

Felt great to re-read this right before my birthday.



I'm like crying and squealing and so many emotions.

Ok, so as good as this was, and it was a good journey, don't get me wrong they always are from you, but... there's a lot of gaping plot holes here. Like when and how exactly did Gilda, Dash, Fluttershy reconcile to the point of being tight knit friends and family? You can't expect one simple glossed over apology and a warning to settle all of that. I mean, did it never come to light of Gilda's involvement with Discord or plotting their relationships downfall or what?

Gilda and Derpy? That's a new one.

really loved the story. Gotta admit i was nervous a few times through out the story which i love happening cause it means i'm into the story so you get 5 stars from me buddy. Very enjoyable

Not the best writing, but it's fast paced and quick to read, which suits this, I guess. You get a like.

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