• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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Fluttershy was backed into a corner with a threatening presence looming over her. She wasn't sure if she could fight back, even with the self defense training her girlfriend tried giving her years ago. It wasn't in her capacity to do harm to others even if they are willing to harm her.

Gilda wasn't in the mood for any further delaying and finally was ready to unleash a brutal attack on her victim. She didn't like having to resort to picking off helpless foes but in this case she was willing to make the exception. She cocked her fist back and heard some rumbling at the door before she could swing.

Rainbow Dash entered the bathroom and looked at Gilda with a fist cocked back and Fluttershy as the intended target. "Gilda!" She yelled before springing into action.

Gilda turned around and held her hands up in defense expecting the ass whupping she deserved. She closed her eyes and waited for the painful stings of furious punches to inflame her body. When seconds turned into a minute, and no blows were given, she opened her eyes to see no one in front of her.

When she turned back to Fluttershy she saw Rainbow Dash checking her over and whispering to her delicately. It was the straw that broke the camel's back, in Gilda's mind.

"How dare you ignore me?"

Rainbow Dash kept whispering to Fluttershy and making sure she wasn't injured or disturbed too much mentally by whatever had occurred.

"Stop ignoring me... I am here... I almost beat your worthless girlfriend up... do something!"

Rainbow Dash held Fluttershy close and kissed her forehead while feeling relieved she was able to get there in time.

Gilda began crying in fury. "Stop ignoring me!"

Rainbow Dash escorted Fluttershy out the bathroom and told her to run off to class. Once Fluttershy wasn't in earshot she turned around and began paying attention to the psycho.

"What do you want? Because it seems obvious that you were about to beat up the love of my life."

"I want you... she doesn't deserve you!"

"And you do?"

"Yes I do... I love you Rainbow Dash more than she ever could."

"So that's why, instead of being happy for me, you attack my girlfriend and make her feel bad?"

"Because I love you and only I can treat you like you deserve to be treated!"

Rainbow Dash got close to Gilda with a menacing look in her eye. "No! You just think you love me. If you truly cared about me you would have accepted that I am with someone else. You would have been supportive and if things went bad you would then try to make a move."

Gilda chuckled. "Support you and her? Don't make me laugh. She is a whiny pathetic Slu-"

A solid punch to the jaw, courtesy of Rainbow Dash, had silenced her tirade before she could finish her insult.

"Don't you dare talk about Fluttershy that way... and don't you ever and I mean ever... threaten her again, if you do I won't hold back."

Gilda rubbed her jaw and felt even more upset. "Why? Why her? You could have anyone in the world but you chose her?"

Rainbow Dash felt the call of mother nature begin surpassing her mental wall to hold it. "I don't have time to explain it to you, I really have to go and deal with the call... so to summarize it, I chose her because she isn't like me... she is my other half."

Gilda roared furiously and then ran out of the bathroom with no path or destination intended.


Applejack was hesitantly holding hands with Rarity in public. She didn't feel quite comfortable yet with the whole relationship, but their earlier activities had made it more desirable. "So what ride you itchin’ to go on when we get there?"

Rarity was completely in bliss at the current situation. "Any ride where we can sit together is perfect enough for me, darling."
She didn't mind skipping one day of school and potentially being caught by someone she knew. She had the one thing that mattered right next to her.

As they walked towards the direction of the amusement park they were headed to, they got looks from townsfolk and tourists alike. Applejack's nervousness increased while being given looks from those she recognized as buyers. Without people to buy her fruits her farm's business could take a hit. Some people weren't open minded about alternative lifestyles.

Rarity looked over sensing the hesitation in her lover's mind. "Is something wrong, Applejack?"

Applejack hid her despair for her girlfriend's sake. "Not at all, sugarcube, I'm jus’ new to all this."

Rarity tilted her head and squeezed Applejack's hand gently. "Don't worry, we don't have to make out in public or anything."

Applejack tilted her head meeting Rarity's and smiled. "Well I ain't sayin’ we can't do any of that. I jus' rather be alone when we makin' out, so we don't get bothered."

Rarity smiled and let the recent elevation of tension dissolve naturally, as they hid from the world by being lost in each other's affection.


Pinkie Pie was having the time of her life being treated to fun and amusement while being given the affection she craved. "This feel's like a dream... Sunset, is this all a big dream and one day I will wake up from it?"

Sunset chuckled and rubbed Pinkie's back gently. "If it is then we are both dreaming it... I hope this isn't a dream."

Pinkie blushed and held her girlfriend close. "Let's pinkie promise to never break up okay?"

Sunset looked over to Pinkie who had a serious look on her face. "You mean... this is a permanent relationship?"

Pinkie Pie nodded and smiled.

Sunset removed her hand away from Pinkie's back and touched her chin. "I don't know if I can promise you that... I don't even know if I can even be a decent girlfriend... I mean the last relationship I had I was dumped."

Pinkie frowned. "You were a big meanie back then... you're different now."

"Am I really different? I almost beat the crap out of Gilda and sorta kidnapped you just now."


"Don't forget originally I planned on using you to get blackmail material so I can regain my former glory at the school."

"That was..."

"Also I am broke and can't treat you to fancy things. This is the last of my money and I am wasting it on one last hurrah before reality comes crashing down."

"But I..."

"Still you want to be with me? That is what amazes me... and if you can learn to accept the bad that I am, I will try to be the good you think I am. So yes Pinkie Pie... I pinkie promise you that we won't break up... at least on my end."

Pinkie tackled her to the ground and held her close, mindlessly displaying tons of affection in a public setting. The scene was heartwarming to some and lewd and disrespectful to others. Still, in the midst of the judging and confusion, Pinkie Pie was never happier then she was at that moment.


Fluttershy regretted staying behind and hearing what happened in the bathroom. She pretended to walk off to class and in doing so heard the argument between her lover and her enemy. She didn't expect Rainbow Dash to attack Gilda nor was she expecting Gilda to charge out of the bathroom and run past her.

Mixed emotions surged through her body as she felt both proud and scared. She was glad that Rainbow Dash was willing to defend her at all costs, however, she didn't enjoy the fact that Rainbow Dash could get violent. While she waited for Rainbow Dash to return from the bathroom, her eyes locked on to Gilda's retreating form.

"I feel bad for her... she just wanted to be loved... do I really deserve Rainbow Dash?"


Rainbow Dash had finished her business and washed her hands while looking into the mirror. She saw someone else looking back.

"So you brought me out again it seems."

"Just shut up, I am not going back to being who I was... I just had to let Gilda know I wasn't playing around."

"So hitting her was the only way?"

"No... "

"Admit it, hitting her felt good. You miss being the badass you once were. All those karate lessons and that black belt for what? To be soft with your girlfriend?"

"Shut up!"

The opening of the door silenced her thoughts as she saw Fluttershy looking worried and scared.

"Who... who are you arguing with?" Fluttershy asked confused.

Rainbow Dash stayed silent as she dried her hands off.


"Look Shy... I didn't mean to hit Gilda, I just... I can't let you get harmed and she wasn't backing down."

"I know Dashie... I know."

"I won't go back to how I was... I won't lose myself."

"I know Dashie... come here and let me hold you."

Rainbow Dash shed a tear before entering her lover's embrace. "I'm scared ... what if I hadn't stopped after the first punch?"

Fluttershy held her tight and looked away. "Then you would have after the second... I know you... you're not a bad person... that was just a phase."

Rainbow Dash gripped Fluttershy's body tight. "I hope so... I can't lose my soccer career and most importantly... I can't lose you Fluttershy."

Fluttershy looked towards Rainbow Dash and was surprised with a passionate kiss. The kiss was returned with tenderness and resumed for a while.


Gilda ran out of the school and blindly ran into an alley way without meaning to. It was empty and she was able to vent while alone. She began ranting and raving in solidarity and didn't even notice her loudness attracted the attention of one individual who would give her hope of good life.

"Hello there, I can't help but notice you are down," said the smooth voiced man.

Gilda felt uncomfortable around the sketchy person and had her guard up. "What do you want?"

"I just want what you want, and that is to make your life less miserable."


"Ah, let me introduce myself. My name is Discord and I am a wish granter of sorts."

"Like a genie?"

"Yes, except real."

"Look whatever sick joke you think you're going to play on me isn't going to work."

"I assure you, this isn't a joke. I like to make deals... not really excited on giving away happiness for free."

"What makes you think that you can bring me happiness?"

"Because that is my gift... I spread chaos and madness to those who enjoy it. You want something you can't have, a Rainbow Dash if I am not mistaken."

"How do you know that?"

"Oh let's just say a little birdy told me... or more like you screamed her name loud enough."

"So what about it? It's not like you can just make her love me."

"No I can't force her to love you... but I can make whatever is stopping her from loving you go away."

"What? Like, kill someone?"

"No, it won't be necessary... but if she has some boyfriend I can have a lady who owes me favor seduce him."

"She's not into men... she has a girlfriend... a perfect one."

"So what is the name of this perfect girl?"


"The girl who takes care of animals? That Fluttershy?"

"Yeah, you know her?"

"No I don’t but if she is the target then consider the task complete."

"Alright, then you will get rid of Fluttershy for me?"

"Yes... for a price."

Author's Note:

Dun Dun Dun!

Sorry for the delay and I appreciate the support. I will try to write more with less delays but I can't promise anything with my current situation.

If there are any major typoes or grammar issues please inform me of it so I can edit it.