• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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Amusement Parks

Amusement Parks

Sunset had successfully managed to get away from a stressful situation before she escalated her actions further. She also managed to bring with her the most hyperactive student in all of Canterlot High. "So Pinkie, are you sure you can be calm when I tell you where we are going?"

Pinkie Pie was brimming with joy at the recent events. The excitement she felt was overflowing her system and causing her to spaz out. "Yes!"

Sunset had to lean to the side in order to avoid her eardrums from being destroyed. "Alright... so I have decided that school is lame, and instead of going to that crap shoot, we should go to an amusement park."

Pinkie's eyes widened and she bounced around in excitement, ignoring the laws of gravity while doing so. "Yippee!"

Sunset couldn't help but smile at the antics of her.... Just what is Pinkie Pie to me? I mean I like her well enough but... am I even that way? She ignored the thought and slid her hand along Pinkie's own and grabbed it gently. "Save some excitement for the rides and please don't do anything that will get us kicked out."


Fluttershy was walking along the hallway at snail's pace. She was leading her enemy to their potential battleground. "Gi...Gilda?" she asked softly.

Gilda looked at her with fierceness. "What is it Fluttershy?" Her voice was dripping with hate.

Fluttershy flinched nervously. "Are... are you going to hit me?"

Gilda chuckled. "Fluttershy if I wanted to hit you, I would have done it so."

Fluttershy sighed in relief. "Oh I was worried you were going to beat me up."

Gilda laughed grimly. "I never said I wasn't going to beat you to the ground... I just said I wasn't going to hit you."

Fluttershy gulped and walked slower. She was hoping some form of rescue would occur. She didn't want to get hurt over being with someone she truly loved. "Why?"

Gilda stopped and lifted her fist in annoyance. "Because you took what belongs to me... now shut up and don't make a scene... let's just go to the bathroom and I can give ya the beating you deserve. If you make a scene I might have to take out my anger on something small and defenseless. Maybe a bunny or two might do it."

Fluttershy gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "N.. no!"

Gilda chuckled. "Then I suggest we start picking up the pace. I don't know how much longer the urge to punch a baby bunny might be held back. I like hurting cute things... and you are kind of cute Fluttershy."

Fluttershy began sobbing as she picked the pace up and lead Gilda to the bathroom.


Rarity was cuddling with Applejack after their steamy make out session. "So Apples... can I call you apples?" She was using a flirty tone and had her hand casually rubbing Applejack's cheek.

Applejack blushed and stammered. "Ye-yes you can, Rares, but not in public."

Rarity giggled. "You should see the look on your face, Applejack, it's priceless."

Applejack rolled over and hid her face. "Jus' get out!"

Rarity whined. "Why?!"

Applejack didn't respond and kept her face averted.

Rarity hid her grin as she silently scooted closer to Applejack and then embraced her gently from the rear. "Oh come on, Apples, you know I was just playing around... don't be mad."

Applejack stayed silent for a bit until she felt a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I'm sorry, Sugarcube, I'm jus' new to all this and the teasin' ain't helping none."

Rarity held Applejack tighter. "I'm sorry, darling, please don't be mad. I was just having some fun."

Applejack softened and relaxed a bit. "Rarity, Let's get outta here and go do somethin' fun."

Rarity smiled softly. "Like what, darling?"

Applejack knew one place her family wouldn't be at. "How about we go to that amusement park that's on the other side of town?"

Rarity giggled. "That would be marvelous, darling, let's get ready and go!"


Sunset was halfway to the amusement park with Pinkie Pie humming along next to her. "So Pinkie Pie, do you like me?" She asked inconspicuously.

Pinkie Pie obliviously replied. "Yes! I like you a lot Sunset, you were so nice to me and are being so nice to me now!"

Sunset chuckled nervously. "Pinkie Pie... I mean do you... never mind it's not important."

Pinkie Pie looked at her confused. "Do you mean ... like like?"

Sunset looked away and nodded. "Exactly like that Pinkie."

Pinkie Pie put her free hand to her chin as if in deep thought. "Well... I honestly don't know ... but I know one way we can find out."

Sunset looked over half excited. "How exactly is that, Pinkie?"

Pinkie Pie blushed fiercely. "With... a kiss..."

Sunset looked around and, with no one watching them, relaxed a little. "Alright then... let's kiss."


Fluttershy was dreading the destination of her short journey she was on. "So... there it is the bathroom... I guess I should be going now-"

"Get inside, now," Gilda commanded grimly.

Fluttershy knew she had no choice and did as told. She went inside and sealed her fate by doing so.

Gilda closed the door behind them after making sure no one saw them enter. "Now we are going to play a little game called, truth or punch in the face."

Fluttershy looked away. "I don't want to play-"

"Shut up!" Gilda roared in anger. "I don't want to hear your opinions on what we are going to do... we will do it and you might keep your pretty face if I get the answers I want."

Fluttershy sniffled a bit as tears began falling.

Gilda chuckled. "What if you are as innocent as people lead others to believe, than your answers won't piss me off."

Fluttershy looked at her sadly. "Okay."

Gilda smiled. "There's a good girl... now question one. How many dates have you gone on?"

Fluttershy tearfully answered. "One..."

Gilda chuckled. "So I am not too late to fix this... now question two... have you two kissed yet?"

Fluttershy said nothing but nodded slowly.

Gilda growled a bit and began tensing up in anger. "Alright... that's fine... now for the most important question."

Fluttershy could feel the anxiety build up. "Don't ask it... you don't want to hear the answer..."

Gilda got riled up. "What do you mean? You don't even know what I am going to ask!"

"Yes I do... you're going to ask if me and Rainbow Dash had sex..."

"Yes... that is what I am going to ask about... and so ... why won't I like the answer, Fluttershy?!"

"Because ... we did... last night."

"You did what?!"

"We aren't kids ... we're practically adults.... we have known-"

"I didn't ask for rationalization I asked for you to repeat what you just said."

"I don't want to..."

"You will say it... because I want to record you saying it... and then I can send this to everyone in the school."

Gilda held her phone out with unsteady hands. She shook with anger and betrayal, it should have been her with Dash not Shy. "Say it so the whole school can know what a dirty tramp you are."

Fluttershy shook her head in defiance and that made Gilda even more angry. "I won't do it... you're just going to beat me up anyways so I have nothing to gain."

"Oh you will say it... to think if I only altered the letter instead of ripping it up this could have all been avoided."

“The letter? What letter?”
“Oh you know that one letter you sent in camp that was supposed to tell Rainbow Dash that you missed her and thought of her.”

“You… read that?”

"Yeah... I saw you're stupid letter and I ripped it up. I should have just changed it... made it say something hurtful then she would have been all mine."

"You're sick!"

"I know ... but you're not the medicine... Dash is... now say it to the phone... tell everyone what you and my Dash did last night."

"We watched a movie and had a nice fun night."

"No! Say it or I swear I will kill you!"

The tone in which Gilda said it had no humanity in it. The voice that left her mouth was of a monster. Fluttershy could tell she was in serious danger and hoped that something would avert the imminent crisis from taking place.


As if by some miracle Rainbow Dash had found need to rush off to the restroom. "Damn it, Shy... your healthy drinks go straight through me," she cursed out lowly. "Hey, teach, I have to go, nature's calling."

The teacher just waved her off and continued teaching the students who actually wanted to learn something.

Rainbow Dash rushed off to the bathroom with her amazing speed. She had no idea what was taking place in there and just wanted to take care of some business. When nature calls there is no hold feature on the phone.


Pinkie Pie and Sunset's lips were inches from touching. They were both hesitant and scared to make the final move. Pinkie Pie's worry was that she would, potentially, lose a friend if the sparks didn't light up. Sunset was nervous about kissing a girl. She knew she liked men since she dated Flash Sentry.

Suddenly their lips finally met as Pinkie Pie took the initiative and went with her gut. Sure that usually lead her to yummy snacks but this time her gut said "kiss the girl." With their lips meeting there was no going back. They held their lips together as thoughts coursed through their minds.

Pinkie Pie was thinking of how nice it felt to possibly have someone in her life that could make her feel the way she felt. It was a nice and peaceful feeling of being cared for and protected. She wanted it badly, and knew that Sunset was willing to give it. It was what sparked the idea to lunge in and claim those lips that were teasing her so.

Sunset was surprised that Pinkie took the leap. It had made her mind do a whirl as the sensations rolled in one after the other. Fear, sorrow, joy, desire... it was all going through her brain as she continued the kiss afraid of losing connection even for a second.

Then the kiss finally broke as the both girls backed off a bit and assessed the situation. No words were said but instead they took each other's hand and walked off to the amusement park where they would have their first date.


Rarity and Applejack managed to sneak out of sweet apple acres without being detected. It was no easy feat considering they had to sneak through a potential minefield of noises. The creaky stairs, the doors, the potential feet being planted on the ground a bit harder than necessary. It was nerve racking.

Rarity was just glad Applejack was less nervous about them being together and was only nervous about her being caught skipping school. It wasn't a total transition, from being closeted to out and about, but it was as good as it would get for now. Rarity was just glad that they managed to make small steps in the right direction.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait again been busy doing stuff and also enjoying my game. I know this story is getting a bit sappy but don't worry some action scenes are coming your way XD

No ... not that kind of action!