• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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Applejack was still recovering from the episode last night. She never expected that the situation would have ended the way it did...


Applejack was on top of Rarity with their bodies pressed as the door had opened. The screams of Rarity's dad and the position they were in had alerted Applejack the immediate danger she was in. "It's not what it looks like I swear."

Rarity who was enjoying the intimacy and closeness was singing a different tune. "Dad! Get out!"

Magnum wasn't sure what to do. On one hand he probably misunderstood the situation and was overreacting. On the other hand, it could be a situation that he did walk in on and had to deal justice. Though with Rarity yelling at him to get out it only confused him further.

Applejack was impressed by Rarity's ability to command the situation. She saw the defeated father walk away with one verbal command from the girl laying intimately beneath her. "Hey... thanks, Rarity."

Rarity chuckled as she pulled Applejack's face close to hers. "I only did it for a hero's reward, Darling." She gently placed her lips to Applejack's and the rest was history.


Applejack had never been that intimate with anyone before, especially not a girl. It was confusing and downright scary. Was she into girls? She couldn't help but wonder if it was the situation or the adrenaline but she enjoyed the kiss nonetheless. "Consarn it!"

Rarity on the other hand was playing the kiss in her mind over and over. "It's nothing to be that upset about, darling."

Applejack sighed. "I jus' don't know what to do, Rarity."

Rarity chuckled. "It's not that hard, Applejack. You either enjoyed the kiss and it's possible for us to start something or you hated it and that's that."

Applejack groaned and mumbled to herself. She wasn't feeling too great about her possibility of being a lesbian. She never had any problems with gays or lesbians but in her family it wasn't as accepted. At least, that is what she thought. "Look sugar cube, I'm goin' to be honest. I enjoyed the heck outta that kiss."

Rarity smiled wide as the pair continued making their way to school. "See, that wasn't so hard now was it?"

Applejack frowned. "Don't go tellin' anyone this but,... I'm scared Rarity. I've never had any feelin's for a girl before."

Rarity got close to Appelack, she gently laid her head on Applejack's shoulder. "It's alright because together we can face the world just like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. If they can get together in the face of somewhat adversity then we can too."

Applejack chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you're right, Rarity. If they can do this then so can we."

Rarity smiled and held Applejack's hand gently. "Speaking of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy there they are now."


Gilda felt it was go time. She rushed in to attack Fluttershy just as the other girls approached them giving her the distraction she needed. She used her powerful legs to rush in and just before she could attack Fluttershy, three unexpected things happened.

The first thing to happen was Rainbow Dash quickly covered Fluttershy with her own self as a shield. With momentum not being able to stop at the speed she was running it was impending that she would accidentally hurt the object of her desires.

The second thing to happen was something blind sided her and knocked her to the ground and landed on her with anger. Now if almost attacking your one true love, because she was protecting your enemy, wasn't bad enough, this surely was.

The third thing to happen was she saw just who had the courage to attack someone like her. She noticed the hair coloration and the skin pigment and quickly identified the attacker as Sunset Shimmer. She didn't know why Sunset decided to do what she did. She just knew she wanted Sunset dead.


Sunset had been waiting all morning for this possible moment. It was long overdue that someone whupped Gilda's ass for what she did to pinkie. "You bitch! How could you hurt Pinkie like that... you dare grab a girl's neck and threaten her?"

Everyone around them was shocked by the vile tone and the harsh words. Sunset may have been the head bitch in charge, before Twilight's arrival, but never had she been this verbally abusive or physically violent.

Gilda chuckled. "So Pinkie decided to blab about what happened at the party. Well then I guess I will have to also teach her a lesson." That statement earned a her a shiny black eye as Sunset unleashed her fury.

"You will stay away from my friend... and if you dare try and hurt Pinkie... I will-"

Gilda sucker punched Sunset and got her off. She was about to retaliate and kick her impetuous ass. Instead though she saw Rainbow Dash getting closer.

Rainbow Dash wasn't going to tolerate anymore of Gilda's crap. "What are you doing here? I thought you were never coming back. I don't know what you want, or who you're here to visit. I just know you better leave town again since obviously you're nothing but trouble."

Gilda felt knives pierce her heart but had a grin on her face. "Oh I can't go... you see I decided I need my education. I found this nice school that accepts expelled students, if they really want to have a second chance,... can you guess what school that is my old friend?"

Rainbow Dash went wide eyed at the revelation. "Why?"

Gilda smiled. "Because we have unfinished business. It seems I have other business here as well. I would settle all my scores now but class is going to start soon."

Rainbow Dash gave Gilda a look of death. "I don't care what you do, but all I know is if you hurt Fluttershy, I will be forced to protect her."

Gilda chuckled darkly. "You may know your fancy karate, but you know damn well threatening me isn't the smartest choice. I'm not like you. I won't fight fair and I will use everything I can to my advantage."

The sound of the ringing alerted all the students and they scattered to their classes.


Fluttershy was startled by the entire encounter. She didn't know someone was going to be out to get her. She noticed how sad Pinkie looked with Gilda being in the same school. "Psst Pinkie..."

Pinkie Pie was not a happy pie. "Yeah?"

Fluttershy looked to see if the teacher was paying attention. "Are you ok?"

Pinkie shook her head to the side sadly.

Fluttershy ended up frowning as well.

The teacher saw the door open and noticed Gilda entering. "Alright students, put your stuff away and let's get ready to meet our newest student."

Pinkie and Fluttershy were scared. They both knew Gilda was out for them and without Rainbow Dash or Sunset around it was possibly going to be a rough day.


Rainbow Dash hated having a different schedule than her girlfriend. It wasn't bad before but with Gilda on the prowl it isn't the best time to be separated. She looked over seeing Sunset absolutely seething in complete anger. It was odd seeing Sunset being righteous for a change.

Sunset was pounding her fist against her open hand. "How can they let trash like that into our school?" She asked a bit too loudly.

The teacher got really upset. "Hey... the janitor does his best keeping this place clean. If you think you can do better than why not help instead of complain?"

Sunset growled. "I don't need this crap, I’m going home." she started walking out the class. Just as she was heading out the door she yelled out. "And I'm taking Pinkie with me!"

Sunset then slammed the door shut leaving a classroom of confused students and a very curious Rainbow Dash.


Rarity and Applejack had decided to skip school together. They wanted to avoid the recent drama since they had stuff to figure out. They snuck into Applejack's room since no one goes in there after breakfast. There alone they sat on Applejack's bed a comfortable distance from each other.

Rarity began making the first move by leaning in. "Applejack... come closer I won't bite... hard."

Applejack blushed fiercely. "Rarity, let's take this slow, I'm still shaky about all this."

Rarity giggled as their lips almost touched. "Shhh, let me lead and you can follow."

Applejack closed her eyes and waited for the soft meeting of the two lips. She didn't have to wait long as Rarity gently planted a small kiss. She was going to open her eyes in disappointment, but felt another kiss on her lips. She then felt another, then another, before the kissing became longer and more intense.

Applejack kissed back and soon felt the joyful passion surge through her. She finally realized that the kissing was pleasurable and something that shouldn't be scary or intimidating. She never kissed another person besides family. It was on the cheek too.

Rarity was glad she had bought her romance novels. She had the more tame version being younger but still they were her guide in the world of love and romance. She was easily seducing Applejack with the handy notes she had written during her reading sessions with Fluttershy. Then the thought hit her and she broke the kiss. "Oh my goodness... I think Fluttershy knocked boots with Rainbow Dash."

Applejack coughed at the thought and the sheer randomness. "What?!"

Rarity blushed. "I mean... it's quite possible that Fluttershy... may have seduced Rainbow Dash last night."

Applejack raised an eyebrow curiously. "How did we get from kissing to Fluttershy's sex life?"

Rarity chuckled nervously. "Sorry just...enjoying our kiss and my mind drifted from lack of focus."

Applejack grinned. "So I'm that good huh?"

Rarity gently nodded before leaning in for another kiss. "Really good..." she dreamily stated before they resumed their passionate kissing experience.


Gilda was sitting close to where Fluttershy was and could smell the fear coursing through her victim's body. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, Fluttershy. I will be taking you out of the picture and have my D all to myself."

The person sitting next to her was creeped out by Gilda's obsessive ramblings. That student decided he wasn't going to associate with the creepy girl.

The class was getting ready to read a chapter of a book when the sudden opening of the door got their attention. "Pinkie Pie we are out of here!" Sunset exclaimed.

Pinkie Pie smiled a bit. "Coming!" she grabbed her stuff and ran off with Sunset.

Fluttershy watched Pinkie leave and smiled. It was a good feeling knowing Pinkie would be happy away from Gilda. It was also concerning that she was now alone with the one who wanted to hurt her badly. She looked over to Gilda who was displaying the upset feeling she had with Pinkie and Sunset running off together happily.

Gilda wasn't one for seeing other couples happy when she couldn't be with the girl she desired most. That rainbow haired muscular girl that drove her wild. "Hey teach... I have to go bathroom but I don't know where it is..." Gilda called out pseudo embarrassed.

The teacher was sick of disruptions but couldn't deny the student's right to use the bathroom. "Well I can assign someone to show you where it is."

Gilda started squirming, her performance was convincing. "Alright, please hurry!"

The teacher started looking around for a girl who was reliable and wouldn't dwindle time on lollygagging. "Alright, Fluttershy, you go with Gilda and return as soon as possible."

Fluttershy nervously yelled out. "No!"

The teacher wore a stern expression when he decided he had enough. "I said, Fluttershy, that means you. I don't know what's going on but I can't run a class with all these distractions. Now show her where the bathroom is or face detention."

Fluttershy began shaking nervously. "F... fine... let's go Gilda."

Gilda never released the grin she had even when they both had exited the class and headed towards the bathroom. She was going to use this opportunity to show Fluttershy how her relationship with Rainbow Dash could be hazardous to her health.

Author's Note:

So this is where our chapter ends. Yet another Cliffhanger but this time no RD, AJ, Rarity, Pinkie or even Sun Shine to save the day.

So will Fluttershy be given a lesson in not dating girls that are being obsessed over or will she find some way to save herself?