• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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Love or Sports?

Love or Sports?

Rainbow Dash stayed with Fluttershy at the shelter. She decided her team would be alright without her for this practice session, given the circumstances. She even helped out with the cleaning of the animals much to her chagrin. It wasn't easy being in a relationship but she wouldn't trade it for the world.


Applejack had finally made it to Rarity's house and she knocked on the door. She waited a bit until she knocked again and then the door opened with Rarity asking "Who is it?"

"It's me, Sugar Cube, I've come for you," Applejack replied with a rose in hand.

Rarity was surprised by the romantic gesture especially since it was from Applejack. She grabbed the rose and sniffed it before giving her girlfriend a kiss.

"This is so... Thoughtful, I can't believe you came by. What about your fa-"

Applejack kissed her again cutting her off from speaking, "No need to worry, Sugar Cube. Big Mac is covering for me. I'll owe him but it's the least I can do since I really wanted to see you."

Rarity pulled Applejack inside the house and closed the door behind them.

"Sweetie Belle is almost done with homework. Why don't you wait for me in my room until I am done helping her and I am all yours," She said with a hint of seductiveness.

Applejack gulped and broke a nervous sweat, "Sure, jus’ don't rush on my account."

Rarity giggled, "Oh, I won't. I'm worth the wait, after all."


The soccer team had decided to practice without Rainbow Dash, and Flitter had decided to talk to the group about possibly replacing their captain.

"It's not like I dislike Rainbow Dash, it's just this is our final season of soccer before we graduate. I rather we win and stay focused than allow romantic drama ruin the chance of victory."

Cloudchaser was keen on agreeing with her twin sister, "It's high time we showed the world that Rainbow Dash isn't the only reason why we win. I know she has been a great captain but ever since she started dating Fluttershy, it's like she's a whole different person."

The team was on the fence about mutiny. They had enjoyed the leadership of Rainbow Dash in the past and are trying to get past Fluttershy's part in the current situation.

Flitter knew she could lose the crowd so she opted for a voting system. "Alright girls here is the deal, we can have Rainbow Dash still be the captain but if she can put her romantic drama aside. If you think we should keep Rainbow Dash as captain sans the Flutterdrama then raise your hands. If you think we should replace her regardless than keep them down."

She watched for raised hands and counted them. With the number she had counted minus the remaining teammates she had the majority vote and would have to approach Rainbow Dash with the results.


Gilda had just finished kicking the crap out of Discord and went home to text RD the picture of Discord beaten up. She looked at the picture of Rainbow Dash on her phone and smiled. She wanted Rainbow Dash so badly and with Discord's failure it actually opened up the door for a chance.

She was inside her room eyeing the text she was about to send. She wanted it to be just right and to make sense that she met Discord by chance. She was getting frustrated and went to look outside her window to get some new sights in her eyes.

"Ugh, I need to get her off my mind before I go insane. Who's that scrumptious looking girl with those muffins?"

Gilda thought she had seen that girl before at the school but since she was so wrapped up in Rainbow Dash she didn't give a second glance.

"Well Rainbow Dash said she hoped I made a friend. I think it's time I do just that..."


Pinkie Pie was almost finished for the day with baking and felt something wrap around her stomach. It was a soft embrace and she backed into it and sighed.

"I am so happy Sunset, you have been what I was missing in my life."

Sunset stayed silent and held Pinkie close. She just wanted a moment to appreciate what she had and how far she came from who she was.

Pinkie Pie turned around and rubbed Sunset's face gently, "I'm glad you came to this world. Sure you used to be a Stinky McStinkerton when you were bad, but now you're the party that resides in my heart, and I hope it never ends."

Sunset was almost in tears and her tough girl persona would break at any moment if she allowed it to. She kissed Pinkie Pie lovingly and was going to make out with her until a customer was getting hungry for their baked goods.

"Darn, this moment was almost perfect, but then again perfect is overrated."


The day was turning into night and soon the moon would be out. Rainbow Dash was at Fluttershy's again and it almost felt normal to take turns sleeping over each other's houses.

Rainbow Dash was eating dinner with Fluttershy, and her mother, when the thought popped into her head.

"Is it weird?"

Fluttershy and her mother both looked at her inquisitively

"Well, it's just we haven't spent a night apart ever since we started dating. I know we knew each other since kids but why isn't it weird for a couple to spend all their nights together?"

Fluttershy's mother giggled, "Usually only married people are willing or able to spend each night with their partner. I think it's a good sign that you two wish to spend each night together. It shows that you two are committed to each other. It's not normal but I think it isn't a bad weird."

Fluttershy was red in the face, "Ma-married? Oh my, are we really like a married couple?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled, "Look at her face, it's priceless."

Fluttershy looked down and twiddled her fingers together, "It's just I... I've always wanted to be married one day."

Rainbow Dash's laughter died down and the mood got serious.

"One day we will get married Fluttershy, I don't intend on leaving you even if I have to switch colleges to be with you."

Fluttershy's mother was a bit worried by that statement, "Rainbow Dash, don't you have a promising career in sports? I understand you wanting to be with my daughter but your relationship with her could wait until after you have secured yourself a spot in a national soccer team."

Rainbow Dash went silent and the atmosphere got tense.

"Rainbow Dash, my mom is right... I will always be here but that opportunity won't. I'm sure you would be upset if you gave up on soccer to be with me..." Fluttershy sadly added.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, "I understand you want what's best for me, I really do; I just think that if I am going to be a successful athlete I will need someone in my life to be there with me. I don't want to be one of those lonely athletes that have random hook ups with fans. I want to be an athlete who's also already with the girl I love more than anything in this world."

Fluttershy's mom didn't know how to respond to that, at first. She slowly mulled it over and then gave out a response, "Well I can see you're determined to have both Fluttershy and a sports career in your life. I don't know how hard it will be but if you truly want to have both you have my support. With this conversation getting this deep I think it's time I get going and let you two kiddies get to talking."

She got up and cleared her plate before leaving to meet up with some friends for the evening. She didn't like being alone with an amorous couple, since she didn't have a snuggle bunny of her own.


Flitter was combing her hair for the night when her sister barged into her room. "Oh come on in I wasn't changing or anything, this time..."

Cloudchaser blushed, "Sorry, like I said it was an accident, anyways we need to talk."

Flitter was certain that her sister was just trying to sneak a peek but gave her the benefit of the doubt.

"About what? If it's about me having the bigger piece of steak I already told you I burn more calories than you."

Cloudchaser chuckled, "No it's not about food this time. I actually wanted to talk to you about Rainbow Dash."

Flitter paused her brushing and raised an eyebrow to her sister, "What about her?"

Cloudchaser stepped closer to her sister as she spoke, "Are you sure you want to go through with this? It will be the first time in history that a member of the team tells the captain of the said team that she would have to break up with their girlfriend or be removed as captain."

Flitter noticed how close her sister got and gave her the brush, "If you're going to be creepy then you can at least brush my hair. As for Rainbow Dash it is her own fault. She has been either missing, or skipping out on practice. She isn't focused on soccer and instea- ouch!"

Cloudchaser apologized when she accidentally brushed a knot. "Sorry... go on."

Flitter puffed her cheeks in anger, "I forgot what I was going to say. Whatever, I just think we need to make some changes is all."

Cloudchaser nodded and kept brushing her sister's hair. She had missed being close with her sister like they used to be when they shared a room. Her actions have made her seem like she was into her sister in a different way but she was just too ashamed to admit she missed sharing a room and having their twin bond being strong.


Rainbow Dash was alone with Fluttershy and the silence only thickened as the seconds ticked by. It almost seemed as if they both had been too stunned by how far their emotions have gotten in such a short time.

Rainbow Dash had always felt something special about Fluttershy. It was hard to explain especially with her lack of romanticism. She knew that something about Fluttershy just made her feel right.

"Hey, Shy, you know I have done a lot of stupid things in my life, but being with you doesn't feel like those times. I honestly think being with you has been the first right decision I have made in my whole life."

Fluttershy was bright red by that confession, "Wow... I think that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Rainbow Dash, since the first day you saved me from those bullies I have always felt something for you. I just was too afraid of being rejected to say anything and plus we were kids."

Rainbow Dash leaned in and pulled Fluttershy close, "We aren't kids anymore, and were going to be adults soon. I know sports was my choice in career but my heart beats for you. There you go again making me all mushy. I love how you make me want to be a better me."

Fluttershy felt her heart beat faster and her face burn in delight. She leaned in and kissed Rainbow Dash being the aggressor in this situation.

Rainbow Dash kissed her lovingly and melted into the kiss. She had finally found something that made her life worth living that didn't revolve around running around kicking a ball. She enjoyed her night but when morning came trouble had occurred.


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had just been dropped off at school by Fluttershy's mother. They had woken up a little later than usual and had to get a ride to be on time.

When she was at the parking lot she was approached by the entire soccer team and was confused by the ambush.

"What's going on, girls, something happen while I was gone yesterday?"

They all stood silent except for Flitter who decided to talk, "No, that is exactly the problem. We can't continue to function as a team if our leader isn't giving us her all. We all spoke and decided it was time for a change."

Rainbow Dash didn't like where the conversation was leading, "So what's the deal? What did you guys decide?"

Flitter suddenly felt alone as the squad of girls behind her went mute, "We have decided that you're no longer fit to be our captain and should resign the position. You can stay on the team but if you can't do your duties as captain then someone else should be given that role."

Rainbow Dash felt betrayed, it was almost as if an actual knife had been put to her back, "So you ambush me with Fluttershy around to let me know that I'm not fit to be captain because I'm spending too much time with her?"

Flitter became intimidated by Rainbow Dash's tone, "Ye-yes... It's no offense to Fluttershy, it's just we can't rely on a captain who puts her girlfriend before her team."

Rainbow Dash was furious and grabbed Fluttershy and walked away without saying another word.


When lunch came around the group of friends were being relayed the details of Rainbow Dash's betrayal.

"Can they do that, darling, I thought the captain made all the decisions?"

"Shoot, RD, don't that jus' beat all. I can't believe they would do that."

"WHAT?! If you aren't captain, they don't get the special cupcakes I make for team victories!"

Sunset Shimmer really didn't know what to say since she didn't know Rainbow Dash that long, "Sorry to hear..."

Fluttershy had felt it was all her fault so she didn't join in on the conversation. She just felt awful for making Rainbow Dash have to go through this for her sake.

While Fluttershy had her head turned she noticed Gilda was hanging out with Sunset Shimmer's old crew and her ex. It appeared that Gilda had made friends which was good news. She also noticed an amorous Derpy was clinging to the ex-villain.

Fluttershy tapped Rainbow Dash and pointed at Gilda's direction. "It seems she has been making friends and being good. Maybe she really is turning a new leaf after all."

Rainbow Dash smiled, "I sure hope so, I could use a bit of good news right now. I mean besides our bit of good news that we haven't shared."

Fluttershy held Rainbow Dash's hand under the table and squeezed it slightly, "We can tell them whenever you're ready, I think it's wonderful news."

The group of friends had stopped chattering long enough to hear the whispering girls.

Rarity was too curious and loved information, "What news are you two lovebirds keeping from us?"

Rainbow Dash stammered, "Well... I... You see... It's just..."

"Rainbow Dash and I are going to get married after college," Fluttershy blurted out a bit too loudly.


Gilda was enjoying a nice lunch with her new friends and her first girlfriend when she heard the worst thing ever.

"What did Fluttershy just say?"

Flash Sentry was stupid enough to actually answer, "She said that Rainbow Dash and her are going to get married after college. Is it even legal?"

Gilda gritted her teeth and almost puked internally from disgust, "Well, I'm happy for them. I just hope nothing happens to ruin their relationship before they tie the knot..."

She had begun thinking of ways to end their relationship before they officially got engaged. She knew that time was of the essence and with soccer season starting soon she needed to get on the team and get close to Rainbow Dash. She was almost ready to succeed and then Fluttershy had to spring that bit of info.

Gilda was now going to have to step her plans into overdrive. She needed to secure herself a slot on the team and make sure that Fluttershy doesn't have the happy ending that belonged to Gilda herself.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay but my blog explained what happened.

Anyways I will try to remain on schedule but I can't make any promises since a lot of things are happening.