• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

  • ...

In the zone.

In the zone.

Rainbow Dash brought Fluttershy to the bleachers to have their private lunch. When they sat down they got comfortable sitting close by as they ate in peaceful silence. Rainbow Dash knew she had to clear things up with Fluttershy, but the serene atmosphere altered her decision.

Fluttershy finished eating her light meal early and laid her head on Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "This is nice, Rainbow Dash."
She eyed the sky and watched the sun dance slowly across the sky while her head was gently nestled on the shoulder of her longest friend.

Rainbow Dash sighed softly before addressing the issue at hand. "Fluttershy, about earlier today... I didn't mean to scare you off like that."

Fluttershy giggled softly. "It's okay, Rainbow Dash, I just didn't expect it."

Rainbow Dash blushed while looking around. "So yeah, about our plans this afternoon. I just want to make sure we are on the same page here."

Fluttershy looked towards Rainbow Dash's face, which was staring at hers. "Right, so what page are we on?"

Rainbow Dash was lost in the eyes of her friend, she couldn't help but stumble on her words. "Well... the ... page... where we have fun together." She mentally slapped herself for not being able to set things straight.

Fluttershy smiled with an intensity that would make even Pinkie jealous. "I am so excited. I will admit I was hesitant at first because I didn't think you would be interested in me like that. I mean, I am just so weak and slow moving and not that exciting."

Rainbow Dash could see they weren't on the same page but didn't interrupt Fluttershy as she went on with her babbling.

"You're exactly the opposite of me, and so I was worried you were just trying to play a mean prank on me by asking me out," she said with a small frown.

Rainbow Dash didn't have the heart to be honest and correct her, though with soccer season coming up, she knew she would have no time for dating. "Fluttershy..." she managed to get out before staring into the sea of hope that was Fluttershy's eyes. Damn it I can't go through with this, I can't let her believe we are together. Still how could I deny her when she is this happy? Be strong Rainbow Dash you can totally do this! "can I hold your hand?"


Scootaloo was searching the cafeteria for Rainbow Dash. She spotted the other three friends and a former evil student sitting together and decided she would approach them. Just be cool, Scootaloo, and they will give you the answers you seek.

Rarity was busy arguing with Applejack about the possibility of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash already making out as they spoke. "Seriously I mean how long would it take Rainbow Dash to really set things straight if she wasn't aiming to win Fluttershy over?"

Applejack wasn't paying attention to anything else either. "Well RD said she was goin' to set things straight, knowin' her, it could be takin' longer than expected."

Pinkie Pie was feeling hug happy from the possible good news and had her arms wrapped around a struggling Sunset Shimmer. "This makes me soooo happy!"

Sunset Shimmer was trying to pry Pinkie off, to no avail. "Yeah... so be happy with your arms not wrapped around me, people might get the wrong idea."

Scootaloo was being ignored unintentionally and decided to cough. "Ahem, so... have you guys seen Rainbow Dash anywhere?"


Rainbow Dash gently clasped hands with Fluttershy. The intense emotional turmoil was being suppressed by the smoothness of her friend's hand. "Wow Fluttershy, your hand is really soft," she said in amazement. I can't believe she is this soft... and so beautiful. Wait! what am I doing? I have soccer and Scootaloo to deal with. I need to fix this before it gets any worse.

Fluttershy, who was wearing crimson cheeks, had giggled. "That's because I don't play rough sports like you do, Dashie." She gazed into her friend's eyes and could see her joy reflecting off them. She had a tingly feeling and the urge to kiss Rainbow Dash. What am I thinking... I can't kiss her now, it's too soon. Fluttershy, keep yourself calm and don't ruin this.

Rainbow Dash stared at Fluttershy and began leaning her head forward. What am I doing? I can't kiss Fluttershy, stop, you idiot, stop now! She mentally begged for her body to obey, but with instinct taking over, it wasn't going to listen.

Their faces merely inches apart, both girls had their eyes closed and lips pursed. Just before their lips could connect, the sound of a little girl, with a Dash obsession, had broken the spell of the moment.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, I thought we were going to have lunch together?" Scootaloo asked while running closer to the two girls.

Fluttershy squeaked a "sorry" and ran off with crimson cheeks. Oh, oh my, that was close... I have to tell Rarity, I don't know what to do. I have never dated, and especially not a girl like Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash watched Fluttershy rush off and noticed how cold her hand felt without the warmth of her dearest friend. "Well Scoots... you got me now. I'm sorry for bailing but I had an emergency."

Scootaloo sat next to Rainbow Dash and opened her paper bag. "So what kind of emergency?" She asked, while pulling out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Rarity looked at her phone and saw a text from Fluttershy and grinned. "Oh Apples, I think you might want to see this, darling."

Applejack grabbed the phone with a tiny ounce of anger from the nickname. "Alright let's see here. The hey! Oh great now what?"

Rarity giggled. "Now you owe me dinner, as agreed upon," she said cheerfully.

Sunset looked at both of them and laughed. "Don't tell me you two?"

Rarity blushed and looked away, while Applejack got even angrier. "Are ya kiddin' me? Jus' because I owe her dinner doesn't mean I'm goin' to invite her home after."

Pinkie Pie laughed. "She didn't say anything about taking Rarity home, silly."

Applejack blushed and sat down with rage. "Anyways I'm not dating Rarity and she isn't dating me, end of story."


After lunch they had gym, which wasn't the best combination in the world. Most of the students knew which people to avoid when being on opposite teams of them. Rainbow Dash was the super star at the school and barely anyone had the courage to face her in any sport.

Applejack was a close second with her freakish strength and moderate flexibility. The eternal rivals for physical dominance loved being on opposite teams for any sport on any given day. Which usually meant a roster would be made and people would be placed either on Team Dash or Team Apple.

Once someone suggested the name Team Rainbow as a dig at Rainbow Dash's name, earning him a one way ticket to the hospital courtesy of the rainbow haired athlete. The other team name for Applejack was Team Jack but that didn't sit well with the farmer and preferred Team Apple.

Fluttershy didn't like violence and hated being in competitions. With special permission from Celestia herself, Fluttershy was given freedom of participation. "Go Dashie," she cheered with her soft voice. She had the heart for cheering, just not the decibels needed.

Today the students were going to play soccer and that meant Rainbow Dash was going to be in the zone and destroy the competition. Applejack knew the pressure of keeping on such a fast opponent and even tried strategies to counter Rainbow's amazing speed and kicks.

While the match was starting up Rarity began fanning herself. "It's rather hot for playing... sports... can I sit out too?" she asked with a whiny tone.

Since no one would miss the lack of effort she put into playing they allowed her to sit down. Applejack was down a team member which meant they had to pick someone else from the bleachers. "Alright Sunset you're in."

Sunset made no efforts to move from her spot and moved her sunglasses down a bit to give Applejack a sassy look.

Applejack had no time for games, despite playing a game, and gave her a menacing look. "Get your hind end out on the field or I'll teach ya some manners."

Sunset sighed and got up "I really hate this... I don't even like sports."


Fluttershy was watching the equivalent of a predator in the wild mercilessly destroying it's prey. The intense movement of her potential girlfriend was exhilarating to watch. "Go Dashie, woohoo," she cheered her heart out. It wasn't loud or by any means impressive, but it did make Rainbow Dash smile.

Focus on the game, not the girl. Wait I earned myself a personal cheerleader... who might wear the uniform... focus on the game!Rainbow Dash had been in the zone and making the game practically one sided. It wasn't without effort, but it was definitely not challenging enough.

She thought about cancelling the impromptu almost date, with Fluttershy, to stay after and work on her form more. She had planned a nice little rain check speech, but one look at Fluttershy had destroyed any thought of doing so. She cursed herself as she knew that her life was going to get more difficult with the addition of her favorite person in the world being around more.

She was so distracted she didn't notice the whirling ball of doom heading towards her. Oh crap! The ball pelted her face and bloodied her nose. "Darn it..." she held her hand over her nose and tried shrugging off the urge to cry from the pain.

"Someone get the med-kit... we got a bleeder," Applejack yelled out. She walked towards Rainbow Dash and guilty asked, "What happened RD? You never get blindsided liked that."

Rainbow Dash tried playing it off. "It's nothing I'm fine, just got bored is all."

Fluttershy ran towards the field and rushed to Rainbow Dash's side. "Does it hurt? Are you okay? Oh my, it looks bad... don't worry I will fix it all up." She flagged over the person who ran to get the med-kit and gently tended to Rainbow Dash's injury. "Now just hold still while I make it all better," she said in her gentle tone.

Rainbow Dash blushed at how motherly Fluttershy was being. It felt nice, being taken care of for once. "Hey Shy, is it broken?" she asked embarrassed.

Fluttershy had no medical degree but was skilled in caring for others. "No, it's bruised, not broken... you will be just fine." she leaned in and kissed Rainbow Dash's nose and giggled. "There all better," she said cheerfully before remembering she was surrounded by students. Oh... shoot!


Word spread like wildfire and all over school the news was in. Rainbow Dash was going out with Fluttershy. Whether it was accurate or not, it was what they believed and everybody had their opinions of it.

Some people were happy for the new couple, even if they that Rainbow Dash could have done better. Some were enraged about it since they either liked Rainbow Dash, or wanted Fluttershy. Very few though were upset because of the same sex pairing.

Pinkie Pie was ready to throw a party, which only one person questioned the use of school funding for personal parties. "Well it's okay because Principal Celestia approves any party I want to throw."

Sunset Shimmer gave an odd look. "Why is that?"

Pinkie Pie chuckled. "It's because I bake the best cakes, and she loves to eat them!" She was always looking for an excuse to throw a party and this one would be special.

Sunset grinned at the news, and decided, she could use Pinkie’s link to Celestia to her advantage.


Rainbow Dash was hiding out with Fluttershy. All the attention that was going their way was scaring the meeker of the two. "Hey Shy... sorry this all happened, I guess it was to be expected."

Fluttershy was shaking. "I'm scared Rainbow Dash... what if someone tries to hurt us?"

Rainbow Dash smiled and held her close. With confidence brimming from her voice she whispered, "No one is going to hurt you, Shy, I promise."

Author's Note:

So yeah now a misunderstanding leads to an unexpected romance. Rainbow Dash can't focus on all three things and will have to make due with trying.

Things are just starting folks. The story is merely at the beginning. Which means I have to write a lot... darn it!

Anyways I hope you have enjoyed this chapter.

If there are any major mistakes please notify me as soon as possible :P