• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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Fluttershy's new friend

Fluttershy's new friend

Fluttershy was sad to part ways with her beloved, and at the same time enjoyed being around the animals. She was conflicted about spending time at the shelter while her girlfriend was surrounded by all those girls. "I trust her... I really do Mr. Kitty, I just don't know what I would do if someone more interesting came along and won her over."

The cat she was holding was not familiar with what Fluttershy was talking about since human language was new to him. The rescued kitten was found by someone and since they couldn't take care of the critter it was brought to the shelter. It was just happy to be fed and receive attention so it meowed.

Fluttershy couldn't tell if the cat was being supportive or just being a helpless baby kitten. "I guess my problems are not really your concern after all... I am just being silly. I know that Rainbow Dash really cares about me... I just hope she knows how much I truly cherish her as well."

A new person had walked into the area that Fluttershy was in startling her in the process. "Sorry... didn't mean to frighten you, I am just reporting in for work is all."

Fluttershy looked at the young man with the odd clothing and facial hair unfitting a youth. "Oh it's ok, I just didn't realize you would be here already. I am Fluttershy, the manager said you would be starting today. It's Discord right?"

Discord smiled and kept his distance, "Yes, that's right and even though that is my name I assure you I won't be causing trouble." He laughed softly and watched Fluttershy carefully for a reaction.

She chuckled as she got the joke. "Well I sure hope not, these animals don't need anymore trouble."

Discord decided to begin his plan with the opportunity given. "Animals are my passion and I would never dream of causing them any harm or problems. I love animals and wish that each of them had great homes."

Fluttershy was amazed that there was another person with her passion and attitude over animals. "You... you mean it?"

Discord nodded. "Ever since I was young I always wanted to own a sanctuary for them. Unfortunately I don't have that kind of money so I forgot all about that dream... "

Fluttershy's interest was piqued by this man. "So you want to build one too? I always dreamed of owning my own sanctuary for all the animals. This is so cool that someone wants that as well."

Discord felt like he was shooting fish in a barrel, it was almost too easy. He decided to use the final bait to ensnare the beautiful girl. "To be honest, it's because around other people I am usually shy... I tend to think of humans as scary and can't really get a long with them. My best friends growing up were my pets. I bet that sounds weird doesn't it?"

Fluttershy's heart ached for the poor man. "No... it isn't weird at all... I too am usually around animals. I only had one friend growing up besides the animals and now she is the only reason I can be around other humans. If only you had someone like that growing up you wouldn't have been so lonely."

Discord was deterred by the mentioning of a friend. "So you had a friend besides the animals? Is she still a friend or did she leave you behind to hang out with other people?"

Fluttershy felt uneasy explaining her situation to a complete stranger, regardless of their connection she wasn't sure how to inform him of what came to be. "Actually... we did have a fight once due to some jealous girl wanting to steal my friend away. Though we reconnected and now..." Fluttershy's face began growing red with a blush, "We are girlfriends."

Discord was assessing how much Rainbow Dash meant to her, yet he couldn't force a conversation. He began helping one of the animals get cleaned while he tried to get more info. "So this girlfriend of yours, does she love animals too?"

Fluttershy was beginning to get uneasy with the questions since they were more personal than she liked. "Well she isn't that into animals but she still supports my cause. She came by once to help me when no one else would... she is amazingly good at sports and that's why she isn't here now."

Discord was getting bored with the results. It seemed Rainbow Dash was put on a pedestal in Fluttershy's mind. "Well she sounds great, and sorry for the questions it's just... I never had a friend before... and I was hoping to get to know you. I hope we can be friends."

Fluttershy liked the idea of having a friend that was as into animals as her. She was used to being friends with other types of people and would be looking forward to having someone she could talk about animals to. "Sure I would like that. I just want you to know that even though we are going to be friends I can't be reached at all times. So please be patient for my replies."

Discord was grinning deviously and the face he made spooked the dog he was bathing and it attacked him in defense. The dog came at him suddenly and his first instinct was to hit the animal but was luckily able to keep his cool because the dog was being scolded.

"Bad doggy! You should know better than to attack Discord... he was only cleaning you," Fluttershy stated in disappointment. She never had any problems with the animals, and never seen them attack a helper. "Now be a good dog and sit still while I finish cleaning you." She looked at Discord to see if he was alright.

Discord was in awe of the talent Fluttershy had, and thought to himself of how it could be useful. He didn't expect it to happen but he felt Fluttershy's soft hand touch his face and check for any marks. "It's alright... I guess the dog got spooked because of my appearance..."

Fluttershy was grateful there wasn't any visible injuries and felt a bit relieved. "Yeah... I guess you must resemble someone who hurt him before. Sorry, and please don't be mad at him." She smiled softly before leaving his side and returning her attention to the dog.

Discord was sad that Fluttershy quickly left his side and wanted more of her attention. He wasn't sure if it was because of his plan or if he suddenly became enamored with the girl but he wanted Fluttershy all to himself. "Thanks... and don't worry I won't be too upset, I should have paid more attention to the signs he was giving me. I guess I was so happy I have a friend that I lost focus."

Fluttershy chuckled, "I sometimes get like that too... when I am thinking of Rainbow Dash... it's great having someone to care for and that cares for you. Even my other friends are great to think about... though I mostly try to push those thoughts out of my head while taking care of the animals. I would hate to accidentally hurt one of them because I wasn't giving them my full attention."

Discord was starting to despise Rainbow Dash even without having met her. "So then I guess for now I should focus on taking care of them and maybe me and you can talk later when you're free?"

Fluttershy looked back sadly. "Oh... well after this I will be with Rainbow Dash for the night, so I won't be available to talk to."

Discord smiled at her look of sorrow, "Don't be too sad about it, you shouldn't feel bad about spending time with your girlfriend."

Fluttershy gave a confused look. "Oh, I am not sad about that, in fact I am excited about it... I just know that you're going to be alone again and that is what makes me sad. I know we just became friends and when I became friends with Rainbow Dash I spent the night talking to her. It was such a great moment having a first friend... and unfortunately I can't give you that moment so I just got sad for you."

Discord was getting angry. How couldn't understand why Fluttershy was being so kind and yet able to care without being attracted to someone. "Don't worry about that, just have fun, I mean there are other days and we could just text if anything."

Fluttershy smiled and nodded before returning to her duties and focusing on the animals. She wasn't sure how she was going to bring her new friend into the circle of friends, but she felt that Discord could use some friends. She knew that her friends would most likely be at odds with him because of his appearance and age, and yet she would hope they could understand her plight. She never had a friend that was into animals and as long as he was respectful she didn't want to give up a new friend.


Rainbow Dash was finally done with practice and was ready to get her girl. She had an exciting night planned and was anxious to get it going. She rushed to the shelter to pick Fluttershy up but as she arrived she saw her hugging a strange man at the entrance. She wasn't sure what the deal was but knew that flipping out, no matter how right it felt, was not the answer.

She approached them both and when she was noticed she got an excited tackling hug from her girlfriend. "Whoa Shy, glad to see you too." She tried to let her jealousy hide for a second and enjoy the loving embrace.

Fluttershy was way too excited. "Oh Rainbow Dash I am so glad you're here. I missed you so much. Oh and I got some good news."

Rainbow Dash was still aware of the presence of that strange man and looked over at his face, she didn't like it for some reason and she was itching to punch it. "What is it babe? Did an animal get adopted today?"

Fluttershy calmed a bit and kissed Rainbow Dash gently on the lips before sadly replying, "No not really..." She looked back at Discord and became cheery again. "Actually the good news is that I met a friend who is just like me. His name is Discord and I want you two to meet."

Discord got his cue to make himself known and put his hand out. "I am Discord, and unlike my name implies, I don't wish to cause trouble." he waited for a hand shake but it didn't happen.

Fluttershy could see how upset Rainbow Dash was, "Oh... I should have told you before you saw me hugging him... I was so busy with the animals I didn't have time to text you. Rainbow Dash you know I don't like boys in that way and plus... I love you."

Rainbow Dash wasn't sure why she was angry still but couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with that man. She looked at her girlfriend who was starting to get in tears and kissed her face gently. "I know you aren't cheating on me shy, and I know you love me... I will just be honest with you so there is no confusion. I don't like him... something about him is pissing me off and also he saw me coming before you hugged him..."

Discord was flabbergasted with her attention to detail. He was already caught and the situation was looking bad. "I am sorry, for causing you this much trouble Fluttershy, I didn't know a hug between friends would make your girlfriend mad. Look I think it would be best if we weren't friends... I rather not cause you trouble." He walked away forlornly while internally grinning at how upset Rainbow Dash got. He used that information to carefully think of another plan as he kept walking away.

Fluttershy felt sad and ashamed about how things went. She couldn't believe she had made a new friend and that Rainbow Dash got so jealous over it. "That was uncalled for... he may have requested the hug but I was being friendly and gave him one... I am glad you care about me and truly do love me but you got so jealous that you nearly attacked a person."

Rainbow Dash didn't like where the conversation was headed, "Shy... two things you need to know; one of those things is that you are incredibly beautiful and, even though I know you wouldn't betray me, guys and possibly other girls will show interest in you. That is something I have to deal with and can handle. The other thing that you must know is that there are people who will deceive you because of how nice you are. I know you must think I was being jealous and in honesty I was kind of jealous for a moment but... that guy just rubbed me the wrong way."

Fluttershy put her face into her girlfriend's neck and sighed softly. She didn't want to argue but at the same time she didn't want to lose the friend she made either. "Rainbow... he works with me here... what am I supposed to do? Ignore him and be mean to him because you dislike him? I made a friend and was happy and now I feel like I can't even breathe without your say so."

Rainbow Dash knew this was going to happen, and she could have prevented it if she wasn't so afraid of losing her girlfriend. "Shy... " Rainbow Dash softly began petting her hair. "I know I am protective and I am sorry if I overdid it. With what happened with Gilda today still bugging me I just snapped... please understand, I don't mind you making friends regardless of their gender... I just am a bit out of it."

Fluttershy felt like an idiot. How could she have forgot that their relationship was already threatened recently. "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about the Gilda thing... I was so wrapped up with the animals and getting to know Discord, and more importantly, our evening plans that I forgot about what happened. Please forgive me?"

Rainbow Dash sighed and held Fluttershy tight before kissing her lovingly. "I will always forgive you Fluttershy, now let's enjoy the rest of this day and our night together. We can deal with all this crap some other time."

Fluttershy beamed, "Deal!" as she enjoyed the tight embrace she was in.

After the emotional fiasco, that had caused some passerby's to stop and watch, the two girls went off to enjoy their night together.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always if you find anything very glaring as a mistake let me know :)