• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

  • ...

Sleeping over

Sleeping over

The moon rose high in the sky during the darkness of the night. Applejack was at Rarity's house having a conversation that was lasting longer than expected.

Applejack was on the couch next to Rarity who was really close. Too close for comfort. "Rarity, it's getting late, I reckon I best be heading home."

Rarity held her down and looked into her eyes. "I don't want you to go, Applejack."

Applejack knew she had to leave before something in her did something she would regret. "Please, sugar cube, I know ya like me... and I like ya too. I jus' can't do this."

Rarity held on tighter. "Just stay the night. I won't be alright knowing you're out there alone in the darkness."

Applejack gave up on her plan of leaving. "Fine, but ya better not hog all the blankets."

Rarity hid her blush by burying her face into Applejack's shoulder. I didn't expect she would want to share a bed... or did she forget I have a guest room. If so should I remind her... my head says yes, my heart says no... Well heart looks like you win.

Applejack instinctively wrapped her arms around Rarity's body. "Ya alright, sugar cube?"

Rarity just squeaked a "yes" before praying her face turned back to her normal color. "I'm just excited you decided to stay. I know it doesn't mean we're a couple, but it's good knowing your safe."


Sunset Shimmer was conned, that's it conned. There was no way in the world she would spend a night at Pinkie's place of living. Then what the heck am I doing here? She tried placing the events in order of how it happened but something was missing.

She was eating pizza, having a good time. She remembers getting to know Pinkie more, and the time slowly passing. Then night came and Mrs. Cake offered to drive her home. She almost accepted on the spot until Pinkie Pie offered the alternative.

Pinkie Pie was so excited about having a sleepover she wasn't able to stay still for a second. "This is going to be so fun!"

Sunset Shimmer thought of running out in the night and finding the hobble she called home. She didn't have any family here and lived in an abandoned house. "Yeah about that, isn't the point of a sleep over, you know sleeping?"

"Nope!" Pinkie replied enthusiastically. "It's about having fun and snuggling!"

"Wait what? Snuggling? Thats the line and I am drawing it."

"Awwww... meanie pants."

"No fair, you can't just expect me to throw away my comfort bubble for your sake."

Pinkie frowned. "I'm sorry..."

Sunset tried not looking but the sad face got her. "Alright we can snuggle... but you tell anyone and you die, got it?"

Pinkie jumped in joy "Yipee!"


Rainbow Dash looked at her phone randomly and saw the time. "Oh crap it's late. I gotta go Shy." Rainbow Dash gently kissed Fluttershy on the lips before attempting to head out.

Fluttershy's mom expertly got in the way of that happening. "It's late, you aren't going to run around in the dark so don't even think about it."

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. "Then how am I supposed to have a good's night rest if I can't go home? I refuse to sleep on a couch."

Fluttershy's mom chuckled. "Well that's not my problem. I just know that I won't let you out there alone in the night."

Rainbow Dash became grumpy. "Then drive me home!"

Fluttershy tugged on Rainbow Dash's arm and, when she got her attention, she whispered something in her ear.

Rainbow Dash blushed. "Alright then I guess I'm staying."

Fluttershy's mother grinned. "Thought so. Now you two head up to bed, and no funny business."


Applejack was gently laying on Rarity's bed waiting for Rarity to join her. "Hurry up I want to sleep, and don't need ya waking me up with ya gettin' on the bed later."

Rarity was busy applying her night mask and curlers. "I'm almost done, darling. I just need to make sure I look beautiful in the morning."

Applejack rolled her eyes and began drifting to sleep. She was rapidly fluttering her eyes and yawned. When her eye movement slowed down she noticed something hideous and scary when she opened them. "Ahh!"

Rarity freaked out at the screaming and screamed herself "Ahh!"

Applejack nearly had a heart attack from the green faced monster, that turned out to be Rarity. "What's the big idea?"

Rarity chuckled. "Applejack, this face cream keeps my skin nice and tight, don't want pores on this perfect face do you?"

Applejack regretted her decision to stay. "Take it off, before I make ya take it off."

Rarity changed her tone in a hurry. "You shall not take it off. I need this on all night."

Applejack licked her finger and lunged for Rarity's face. "I said it's coming off, and that's final!"

Rarity whined, "No! don't take it off, you brutish farm girl."

Applejack chuckled as she was able to get the cream off Rarity's face but their position was compromising. "I took it off and it's staying off!"

Just then Rarity's dad, with a bat came, into the room. He overheard what, he thought which was a totally different series of events, taking place. "Get your hands off my daughter!"


Sunset Shimmer had never believed in hell. Even coming from a mystical place like Equestria she didn't believe in hell, till tonight that is. "Pinkie... for the love of all that is good and right in the world, will you please stop moving so much?"

Pinkie Pie giggled. "I'm sorry, I just am so excited!"

Sunset sighed. "Listen Pinkie, I'm glad you're happy but we really need some sleep. You forget I need to go home early tomorrow and change my clothing and wash myself."

Pinkie stopped moving and poked her nose softly. "So where do you live Sunset? Next time we have a sleep over it should be at your place."

Sunset froze, she didn't have a good deflection. "Well... " she knew the only way out of this was to be a jerk. "Maybe I don't want to invite you over."

Pinkie stopped touching Sunset and frowned. "Oh, I guess you don't like sleepovers."

Sunset pulled Pinkie Pie close. "I didn't stay stop snuggling me. I just don't like inviting people to my house is all."

Pinkie put on her smile and became excited again. "That's okay! For a minute though I thought you didn't like me."

Sunset thought it over on what to say. "Well actually, out of all the people in this world. You're probably one of the few I do like."

Pinkie had too much joy to contain but knew she could potentially wake the cakes. Instead of doing something loud to show favor, she just tightened her hold on Sunset Shimmer. "This is the best night of my life."

Sunset blushed at the intimacy and the new surging emotions. She never had the heart to care about anyone before and here, and now, she was caring about Pinkie Pie. Her first true friend. "Mine as well. Mine as well, Pinkie."


Rainbow Dash was in Fluttershy's room ready to sleep in for the night. She was about to take her top off when Fluttershy gasped. "What?"

Fluttershy had a blush on her face. "Well... you were about to take your clothes off."

"Yeah, so? I sleep in my bra and panties," Rainbow Dash replied nonchalantly. She was going to strip again but felt hands on hers.

"You can't... that's not appropriate."

"Oh Shy please don't tell me I have to stay in this all night."

"Well... you can borrow one of my Pajamas."

"You can't be serious..."

"I... am..."

"Fine! so what kind of PJ's do you have anyways?"

Fluttershy smiled bright and pulled out two distinct Pajamas. One was a blue kitty pajama and the other was a green bunny pajama. "So which one do you like?"

Rainbow Dash wanted to cry at the sheer torture she was enduring. "Umm' how about you pick first, and I will get the one you don't want." She threw in a semi nervous laugh.

"Alright I think I will wear the bunny one. I love bunnies. Now turn around while I change, please."



"Fine, fine I won't look." Rainbow Dash turned around and waited.

Fluttershy quickly changed and then alerted Rainbow Dash of her completion. "Now it's your turn," she said while turning away.

Rainbow Dash thought it was cute how shy her girlfriend truly was. "You know, Fluttershy, you can look if you want. I don't mind."

Fluttershy kept her back to Rainbow Dash as she blushed intensely. "No... that's alright... please hurry up."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Alright, alright. Sheesh, anyways I'm done. So ready for bed?"

Fluttershy got on the bed and patted a spot for Rainbow Dash to lay next to her. When Rainbow Dash got close enough she cuddled lovingly with her. "Now I am ready. Good night Dashie."

Rainbow Dash felt peaceful. It was at that moment she realized that this wasn't a fleeting feeling in her heart. "Goodnight, Shy."


Gilda was alone in a hotel room looking at her phone and noticing no return texts or calls from Rainbow Dash. She knew their falling out was a pain, but she came back to fix things and wanted at least some modicum of respect or dignity. "Alright Rainbow Dash, I guess I will have to find out what's so important that you couldn't even reply to me."

Gilda decided to call someone who could give her some information. The phone rang a couple times before the call was picked up.


"Hey, it's me Gilda."

"Oh Gilda, when you coming back to town?"

"I am in town. Now listen! Rainbow Dash what's the scoop with her?"

"Gilda, I thought you were getting over her?"

"Well I'm not! I still want my old buddy back and she won't give me the time of day. So what gives?"

"Well some freaky pony chick came to town and magical things happened."

"Do you want me to come down there and kick your ass?"

"I'm being dead serious. Anyways the pony stuff aside, I think the only other major thing going on in her life is... Oh..."

"Oh what?!"

"Well, I don't think you will like this, Gilda."

"What won't I like?"

"Rainbow Dash she's... kinda dating someone."

"Name the miserable piece of crap, and I will deal with them."

"Well that's the thing... it's Fluttershy."

"Fluttershy! that crybaby weakling?"


"Please tell me you're joking. My Rainbow Dash is dating puny little crybaby-shy?"

"Look Gilda, just let it go."

"No! If Rainbow Dash doesn't want to talk to me, because she is too busy being soft with Fluttershy, then I have to eliminate the obstacles in my way."

"Well you have fun doing that... I'm not going to be held responsible when you get ran out of town again."

"That's the thing... I'm not leaving town, not without my girl!"

"She was never your gi-"

Gilda hung up the phone and tossed it on her bed. "I hope you enjoyed your time playing with what belongs to me, Fluttershy, because I'm taking her back."

Author's Note:

So yeah Gilda wants RD and she isn't going to take no for an answer.

Night time awkwardness for some and for others peace. For one soul it was a night of fury and anger.

What will the future hold for these girls? Will things all work out or will the stress of too much weigh down on them?

Who knows? I sure don't and I'm writing this XD