• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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Gilda wasn't from town, everyone knew that. The only thing they didn't know was her obsession was rampantly growing. She was becoming mentally unstable with each passing day. She had a small crush on Rainbow Dash when they were younger. It wasn't odd for anyone to be crushing on the wonder girl.

Rainbow Dash had been super athletic, and a braggart, since she was little. With the means to back up her smack talk, it easily lead her to being popular. Boys and girls of any sexual preference would swoon over her. It was harmless crushes that was easily shed upon actually meeting her.

While her reputation and presence was astonishing, the actual personality attached was sort of deterring. For most, they found her immature and belligerent. Though for some it was charming to see such a young spirited power house.

Gilda's obsession had started when Rainbow Dash met her the year Fluttershy couldn't make it to camp.


Rainbow Dash was kicking rocks, out of boredom. She was gloomy and off put since Fluttershy wasn't able to make it to camp. Fluttershy was her everything at that point. They hung out together, played together, and even cuddled together. It was mind numbing without her.

Gilda noticed how down Rainbow Dash was and already being a fan of her, by reputation alone, she decided to approach her. "Hey aren't you Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash turned to see the intruder and smiled big. "Who wants to know?"

Gilda felt her heart flutter. "Gi.. Gilda."

Rainbow Dash could tell it was another fan wanting to meet her. "Oh so what can I do you for?"

Gilda decided to try and be cool. "Nothing, just wanted to meet you and hang. Unless you're busy."

"Nah I'm not busy at all. So you want to hang huh?"

"Yeah if it's not a problem."

"It's not G."


"Yeah, that's your nickname, G."

"So can I call you D?"

"Only if you say you want it." Rainbow Dash chuckled to herself.

"I want the D?" Gilda blushed when she figured out the joke.

"See! I like ya already."

Gilda never felt such joy in her life. Being told she was liked by the cool girl. She was going to enjoy their friendship... perhaps too much.


Gilda smiled at the memory that played in her head. She remember having Rainbow Dash all to herself in the summer and hanging out with her every waking second she could. That's when she discovered she wasn't the only person that Rainbow Dash had a soft spot for.


Gilda was going to find Rainbow Dash in her room but found the room empty. "Rainbow Dash?" She looked around and used the opportunity to check through Rainbow Dash's personal effects. She knew it was wrong but it was her desire to know more about the girl she admired.

"What's this?" She held a picture up of Rainbow Dash and a feminine looking girl that was holding the rainbow haired athlete. "Why the hell is this bitch holding my Rainbow Dash like this?" She wanted to tear the picture to shreds but decided it wouldn't be in her best interest to.

She kept digging through things and found a letter that wasn't opened. "To Rainbow Dash from Fluttershy?" She had to read what was inside. She opened it up carelessly and looked through each word felt like a knife in her heart. "... So in short I'm really, really sorry I couldn't make it this year. Please know I miss you so much. Please take good care of yourself and I will see you when you get back. Love Fluttershy."

"Love!" Gilda shouted angrily. "Well Rainbow Dash hasn't read this here so chance is she doesn't even know it's here. Well it's a shame it got lost ..." she tore the letter and envelope to shreds and found the nearest trashcan to bury the evidence of her misdeed.

The rest of the summer was spent attaching herself to Rainbow Dash and omitting anything she knew about a letter.


That memory stung her heart and made her angry. "Stupid letter, it almost ruined my summer. Well luckily it didn't." Gilda was currently standing at a bus stop that was going to take her to the school, she wasn't a student so a public bus would have to make do.

While waiting for the bus to come by she remembered the last day of summer camp. It was the most heart wrenching day and the last time she saw Rainbow Dash for a while.


Gilda was at Rainbow Dash's side waiting for her own parents to come get her when she noticed a rainbow haired dude pulling up in a motorcycle. "Is that your dad?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "What gave it away?"

Gilda blushed. "Sorry... "

Rainbow Dash placed an arm over her. "It's all cool, G."

Gilda smiled. "Yeah, so hey will I see you again?"

"Sure, if you ever stop by my hometown, it would be awesome."

"Yeah, I guess that could be cool."

"Alright well I gotta go, my dad hates waiting for anybody. Especially a fast girl like me."

"Goodbye m... Rainbow Dash."

"Peace, G."

With that last phrase Gilda saw Rainbow Dash get on the motorcycle and watched her leave. She broke down and cried after having to watch the one she secretly loved go away. "Why couldn't I tell her? I had her the entire summer and I couldn't work the courage up... "


The bus arrived at the stop and Gilda got on. She sat next to an elderly woman that sparked another memory of her past. This memory was supposed to be the greatest memory and instead it was the worst of all.


Gilda had finally been free of her parents grasp, and was allowed to visit Rainbow Dash at the town specified. She rushed towards Rainbow Dash's house and even got to stay the night. The next morning however... Pinkie Pie showed up.

Gilda had been woken up by a loud noise that could only come from someone who had the hyperactivity of a child with ADHD and a sugar rush. She walked to the door and opened it trying to figure out what kind of person would make such loud noise.

Pinkie Pie looked at the not Rainbow Dash that confronted her. "Who are you?"

Rainbow Dash rushed to the door before Gilda could answer, and with her hair all messy said, "Hey Pinks, This is my friend Gilda, she's from out of town."

Gilda had a smirk on her face as if she won something.

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Well that's great we can have someone join us on our pranking spree today."

Rainbow Dash smiled bright. "Sounds great, hey, G, you game?"

Gilda didn't like this Pinkie Pie, and hated how much Rainbow Dash seemed pleased by her presence. "Nah, we have plans already remember? I know pranking sounds fun but we gotta stick to our awesome plans."

Pinkie Pie frowned. "That sucks, I was planning some major stuff, like this one prank with Rarity-"

Gilda was getting tired of Pinkie and interrupted her. "Look Pinks is it? I know you're really wanting to prank people but like I said, Rainbow Dash and I have plans."

Rainbow Dash didn't like the scenario being played out. "Whoa, G, chill out. She was just offering a suggestion for us all."

Gilda backed off quickly. "Didn't mean to sound harsh."

Pinkie Pie backed up slowly. "It's okay Rainbow Dash, I will just go." Pinkie Pie ran off with tears streaming down her face.


Gilda growled lowly. She hated how that situation ruined the entire trip. What she hated more was finally meeting Fluttershy. That meeting had made her really upset.


Rainbow Dash and Gilda were at the mall. They were looking for 'cool' things to buy and 'awesome' gear to wear. Rainbow Dash didn't like the words beautiful or pretty. She valued things as awesome or cool. Gilda followed that logic since she wasn't going to deny her one true love any wording of anything.

They were having a conversation about something until Rainbow Dash spotted something that took hold of her interest. "Oh hey Gilda... does that girl look like she is being harassed?"

Gilda looked and saw a boy talking to a scared girl. "Yeah I guess. What about it?"

Rainbow Dash gave Gilda her bags. "Hold this, I'm going to kick some ass."

Gilda wanted to stop Rainbow Dash but once that girl had her mind on something it was impossible to change it. "Wait..." she pointlessly cried out.

Rainbow Dash rushed towards the scene and Gilda watched as it got brutal.

"Hey buddy, I think you need to back off."

The guy turned to see a rainbow haired freak tell him what to do. "Why don't you mind your business. This pretty girl was just going to give me her number."

the girl turned towards her would be hero, and rushed to her side when she recognized her. "Rainbow!"

Rainbow Dash grabbed Fluttershy close and held her tight. "Don't worry Shy, I'm here."

Gilda watched from afar and the anger started to rise. "Who is that girl," she whispered to herself.

She wasn't able to hear much of the argument but could see the actions and what they indicated.

The guy wasn't too fond of being interrupted from having digits given to him. He was not a fan of being blocked by anyone. "Hey now, this isn't right. I thought you were going to give me your number, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy feeling safer in Rainbow Dash's grip was able to speak her mind. "I would never give you my number. I don't even know you. My mom was right I shouldn't have came here alone."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Dude, you're pathetic. Hitting on girls you have no chance with and then trying to bully them into going out with you. Lowest of the low."

The guy made an approach and was ready to beat on the insolent twit, who was insulting him. Having no idea that Rainbow Dash knew karate and was a black belt at a young age. The fight was going to be one sided.

Gilda had enough of the scene and was already on her way. She wanted to punch something and that guy was giving her ample reason to let loose her rage. "Incoming!" she yelled as she rushed in and decked the guy hard in the face.


"A lot of good that did. I just got myself kicked out of a mall," Gilda said to herself as the bus finally made it's stop.

She was ready to get closer to her target. She was waiting across the school grounds for students to arrive. She was going to locate through the sea of students her target and make her suffer. "Just going to wait till you show up, and when you do, Fluttershy. It's going to be lights out."


Gilda was arguing with Rainbow Dash at the bakery. "Look I'm not being a jerk to your friends... they are just so sensitive. What happened to you anyways? You used to be so cool. Now you’re so lame."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Lame? I'm lame? Well if I'm so lame then why are you still here?"

Gilda clenched her fist. "I don't know... maybe because I thought my cool friend was here. It seems she turned into a softy. Anyways, when you decide to get cool, you know my number." She walked out the bakery and from the party that had been thrown in her honor. It was an attempt to get to know the locals but she had no need for wanting to know them. She had only wanted Rainbow Dash and couldn't get her.

She walked out into the distance, before vowing, "I will return one day, Rainbow Dash, and when I do you will be mine."


Just as she vowed, she did return. Now, she was in a great position to make good on her word. All she had to do was wait for Fluttershy to appear in the sea of students and take her out. She had no intention to murder the girl, just make it clear that Rainbow Dash wasn't up for grabs.

Instead of Fluttershy showing up alone, she was hand in hand with a well groomed Rainbow Dash. The image of them two together made Gilda even more furious. "It's go time."

Author's Note:

Well hope you guys enjoyed this build up chapter.

If there are any glaring mistakes please inform me.

Also as stated on my blog I will be busier now so updating will be a bit longer.

Just remember the events that play out in the memories are loosely based on how it happened in the show plus my own taste to it. Also it's humanized so wings and shit ain't happening.