• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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The Big Game

The Big Game

Time had passed since Rainbow Dash lost her spot as captain. She didn't care about titles as long as she got to play. With her responsibilities as captain removed it left her with more free time and that suited her just fine.

During the days that followed a recent addition to the team stirred things up. Gilda had infiltrated the group and became an official member of soccer team just in time to play the first match of the season.

The match itself was dubbed the "Big Game" since it was rumored that there were going to be scouts there from prestigious universities. It was a chance of a lifetime for budding athletes that wanted a career in sports.


Not everything was going right in the world, as things were getting bad for a former villain. Sunset Shimmer had been happily in a relationship with Pinkie Pie and working at the bakery. Things were seemingly well until she had realized she was out of funds and couldn't afford her rent. She knew that she could move in with Pinkie but it was too soon for her tastes.

She tried keeping quiet about it but Pinkie had a weird way of figuring things out. That led to an argument and a very big one. Trust was important to both parties involved and yet it was that same thing that almost tore their relationship apart.


Rarity's parents had found out about their daughter's relationship with Applejack and weren't too fond of it. They insisted that Rarity was straight and she should be dating boys in the hopes she finds herself a loving husband one day.

Rarity wasn't pleased with their disposition and their sudden need to play the role of parents. She despised their intrusion upon her life. She told them off which resulted in her being grounded and forbidden to see Applejack.

Rarity didn't allow them to restrict her from being with her lover and ran away to Applejack's home.


Granny Smith wasn't too happy with Applejack's predicament but she was more understanding. She welcomed Rarity to her home and told her if she wanted to stay she would be susceptible to doing chores to earn her keep.

Granny Smith thought that would scare the little girl off since she knew that by law she couldn't house a runaway unless she was legally emancipated. She was willing to talk to Rarity's parents to see if it was alright for Rarity to stay at the farm.

After convincing Rarity of her plan she got a number and dialed it while Applejack and Rarity were out enjoying the day together.

Granny smith tried telling them that she would do what she could to make Rarity's stay a nightmare, if only to assure them she was on their side. She didn't really want to see Rarity suffer for loving her granddaughter but at the same time she had to sound convincing if she wanted to allow them to be together.

After a lengthy conversation Rarity's parents decided to entrust the care of their daughter to the elderly farm gal if only to keep Sweetie Belle away from Rarity's influence. Granny Smith was hoping she made the right decision since she now had to deal with two young teenagers who would most likely be hormonal and frisky.


It was the day of the big game and Rainbow Dash was super excited. She knew that the college Fluttershy was aiming for had a sports department and a scout from that college was going to attend. Rainbow Dash had been keeping her finger on the pulse of the sports world ever since she and Fluttershy got engaged. At least it was a sort of engagement that didn't require a fancy ring.

She wanted to go to the same college as her future wife since she had no doubts that she and Fluttershy were meant to be together. It would sting if the scout didn't approach her after the game but she wouldn't allow herself to think negative thoughts. She woke up super early and did some light exercise before she woke up Shy to get ready for the day.

Fluttershy had promised to make a healthy breakfast for them since she knew that good nutrition was going to help Rainbow Dash wow everyone at the game. She was hoping that things went well today for both their sakes. She had finally found happiness that she had been searching for and it would be heartbreaking if anything got in the way of that.

After a quick shower Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy ate their breakfast and made their way to school with eagerness brimming from every fiber of their beings. They were full of hope and weren’t going to let anything ruin their mood.


Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer were getting along this morning for their own reasons. Sunset had finally given in and made the big move. At first she was nervous about living with someone that she got together with since it seemed so soon but it hadn't impacted their relationship in a negative way since Pinkie was always Pinkie and Sunset enjoyed that about her.

Pinkie Pie was thrilled having Sunset live with her and made sure not to overwhelm her girlfriend. She made sure to keep things as they were and not try to get too out of control. Pinkie Pie was going to make sure she didn't screw this up because Sunset had become the party that resides in her heart.


Rarity and Applejack had found that living together was quite different than expected. Applejack loved Rarity and everything about her... but some parts of her were meant to be taken in small doses. She didn't enjoy being beautified by Rarity or the constant complaints she was being given when they worked the farm together. Still even with those minor annoyances it was still great being able to have full access to your special someone.

Rarity knew she annoyed her lover but also knew that she kept things fresh. She whined about things but never refused to work or stop complaining if it got too much. She was getting used to having to do work but what she enjoyed most about her new living situation was she could still sew in peace and on occasion be bothered by her lover while working on a dress.

For some reason that made everything seem more precious. She wanted nothing more than to have Applejack be with her whenever they wished to be together. It was magical and yet scary. She didn't know how long they would last for but she was hoping they lasted for a very long time. She kinda was a tad bit jealous of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's situation.

She knew one day Applejack's entire family would find out about their relationship and hoped they were as accepting as Granny Smith was.


Gilda had woken up alone in her apartment with one goal in mind. She wanted to impress the scouts that Rainbow Dash did in hopes they could end up in the same college. She was hoping that they got into a college that Fluttershy couldn't attend. It wasn't so much that she hated Fluttershy, it was just she wanted Rainbow Dash to herself. Fluttershy was an obstacle nothing more; nothing less.

Gilda had Rainbow Dash set on her heart for the longest but even with that conviction her emotions were conflicted. She couldn't deny that she was developing feelings for Derpy especially since the space cadet was so endearing. Gilda's obsession with Rainbow Dash made it hard for her to fully commit to Derpy and it killed her knowing that she was stringing the beautiful girl along.

Just as that thought went through her mind the same space cadet she was thinking of entered Gilda's room barely clothed and holding a tray with breakfast she made.

"I made you some food, It's not only muffins though," Derpy explained while getting closer.

Gilda was speechless for a second since it was damning to her to see someone care this much about her.

"Thanks... Babe I was wondering, after high school do you know what college you plan on going to?" Gilda asked with guilt being kept at bay.

Derpy frowned at the thought of higher learning, "I can't enter college with my grades... I barely pass my classes as it is."

Gilda got furious for some reason. It now sunk in all those comments she heard about Derpy from others. She thought space cadet was just a nickname they gave her because Derpy was odd, instead those assholes were making fun of her learning disability. She got up from the bed and put the tray on top of her dresser before pulling Derpy into a powerful hug.

No words were exchanged in that hug just two bodies pressed into each other with one single thought emanating from both. "This feels nice."


School was going by quick and without any hindrances. It seemed that the day was going to go by without any incidents until Fluttershy found herself in the bathroom face to face with Gilda.

It wasn't planned by anyone for anything but it was happening. Gilda was in the bathroom and with Fluttershy. There were no other living entities in there at this moment and that made Fluttershy extremely nervous.

She thought about holding it till later and leaving until Gilda spoke up.

"I am not going to hurt you... In fact I don't think you have to worry about me anymore," Gilda said calmly.

Fluttershy was nervous as it was but wanted to know more, "Why?" she asked cautiously.

"Because I no longer need to obsess over Dash... She is cool and all but I found someone who makes me less miserable and that is good enough for me," Gilda explained.

Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief before a warning came.

"I will say this though, if you dare break her heart, I will break your face and that is a promise!" Gilda proclaimed before drying off her hands and walking out of the bathroom.

She had no clue what possessed her to give up on Rainbow Dash like that. She wasn't even sure if she thought that out clearly but one thing was certain. She didn't need Rainbow Dash to smile anymore and that was comforting.


The group of friends had eaten lunch together and caught up on the news they each had brought forward for discussion. The topics ranging from Rarity running away and being forced to do labor to Pinkie Pie's roommate. Things were seemingly great and still one thing was eating away at the group.

Rarity was dying to know what Rainbow Dash's plan was if the plan didn't work. She knew it would be awful to bring up such a thing but she needed to know in case she had to comfort poor Fluttershy.

"I know I'm going to make a fool of myself for asking, Darlings, but ... What if you get scouted by a college that isn't in Fluttershy's list of possible colleges to attend?"

Rainbow Dash could feel how tense Fluttershy got and squeezed her hand gently. "Rarity... I have been giving it a lot of thought and I can only say this. If Fluttershy can't go to a college that wants me then I will have to adjust and go to one she can. I am not only good at soccer you know. I am sure I can try out in college sports and if worse comes to worse I will just have to wing it from there."

Fluttershy felt a pang of guilt knowing that she could possibly be holding Rainbow Dash back but another side of her was also happy that Rainbow Dash would give up so much for her. She stopped being shy for one second and kissed Rainbow Dash in public.

Needless to say that shocked everyone at the table. Fluttershy initiating a kiss and in public was something they thought would never happen and yet it did. So if things like that could occur what's stopping another miracle from happening?


Time had finally come. The field was lined with players and the benches were full of parents and sports enthusiasts. The scouts were holding their clipboards and were eyeing the field carefully. The two teams that were facing off tonight were the two best in the division and since it was the first game of the season it was when things were the freshest so this is where everyone gave it their all.

Rainbow Dash had a lot of great plays to make but not being captain meant allowing someone else to lead. She didn't mind since the new captain Cloudchaser was doing a good job of it.

Cloudchaser had become captain and with her sister's support she had been able to stay sane. She now knew how hard a job it was and respected Rainbow Dash more for it. She offered the spot back to Rainbow Dash previously but Rainbow Dash put her ego aside and allowed Cloudchaser to keep the position. Since then things between them were going great and the team was working well under Cloudchaser's lead.

Rainbow Dash didn't mind being lead by Cloudchaser since it meant more free time to be with Shy and also she had to admit Cloudchaser was trying her hardest to be captain even if she was inexperienced. It didn't matter now since the game was already on the way and things were getting intense.

At the very beginning of the game the Rainbow Dash had scored a goal within seconds of the game starting. Needless to say that got the enemy team upset and the coach a bit seethed. The upside of her scoring a goal to early was the scouts and supporters seemed impressed and it even caused a certain shy girl to cheer loudly. That was a reward in it's own right.

The game continued to become tense with goals being scored on both sides.

Gilda herself was giving it her all and not for Rainbow Dash's sake but for her own. She decided to focus on her own life and one that included Derpy in it. She was done chasing after a girl who didn't want her when she had someone special who loved her. No matter what the outcome of this game was she was going to play her heart out.

Rainbow Dash's father was just watching with pride as his daughter was playing with tenacity and moxie. He didn't mind understand why his daughter would give this up for Fluttershy if they couldn't go to the same college but he did know one thing. He was proud of his daughter and nothing would change that.


The final seconds was ticking down and the game was set to end shortly. Rainbow Dash knew she could score one final goal and wow the scouts in doing so. The only problem was she would have to give everything she got into it and over exert herself. She knew the risks of doing so but without risks there aren't rewards.

She decided to go for it. She got the ball in her control and used every last ounce of energy to move through the defense. It was only a couple seconds left before the game ended when she unleashed a hellish kick that sent the ball flying forward with intense force. The ball was moving too fast for the person in the goal post to do anything but watch as it landed inside and pushed the netting back.

The sound of the horn had signified the end of the game and Rainbow Dash smiled as she looked at the sky. Sweat pouring down her body and the loud cheers of her team mates and friends were deafening. She was tired, sweat, and bruised but all in all she had the most exciting time of her life and nothing was going to break her mood.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long delay but I have good news. The next chapter is the final chapter and the fates of all the characters will be revealed. Also the epilogue will be in the final chapter which reveals the future of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy

I hope you have enjoyed this story thus far and hope you tune in for the exciting conclusion of this story.