• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,419 Views, 174 Comments

Rainbow Dash the Sports Star - Diablomuerte2

After the events of Equestria Girls, life moves on for the people of the other world. With soccer season coming up can Rainbow Dash juggle sports with other things important to her?

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Dark Dealer

Dark Dealer

Discord, the king of chaos and anarchy, was an insidious man. He dubbed himself that name after many of shenanigans that occurred thanks to his dark dealings. He loved making deals with people in order to 'help' them.

Discord was not imposing by his appearance nor was he an adonis by any standards. He had in cunning and wit, what he lacked in appearance and civility. He was a former student of Canterlot High and was expelled when both the principal and vice principal had discovered his dark dealings.

Spreading anarchy and chaos was his forte and making the world a bit more insane with each passing day gave him the utmost joy. He didn't do it because he felt the world needed to sink into darkness, it was just too appealing not to do it. In his mind, everyone was willing to pay a price to gain something they desire.

Whether it be love, lust, or money, everyone had a price. He found that out early on when he was just a freshman. It wasn't long before everybody wanting something for seemingly nothing would find a way to contact him inconspicuously and attempt a deal.

After being expelled from school he had to find himself a new source of individuals to manipulate and control. With the town having a decent prosperity rate and not many individuals feeling the need to be greedy, it was hard doing business. He realized that if he wanted to continue doing his 'job' he would need to find different clientele.

That was when he decided to make the alley ways his hunting ground in search for people who need things in life they can't obtain themselves. He helped homeless people succeed in gaining jobs and fed the weak and hungry. It wasn't out of the kindness of his heart as all his good deeds came with a price tag.

With what little clientele he had his days of causing trouble and gaining allies were seemingly coming to an end. He almost gave up hope until he had the pleasure of running into Gilda. A new project of sorts that would be timely and most likely net him more opportunities to spread his corruption and madness to a populace once more.


Gilda wasn't sure what Discord meant by price. "What kind of price? I don't have much money."

Discord chuckled and rubbed his bearded chin. "Money is of little use to me, besides the need to eat I rarely rely on it."

Gilda had a confused look on her face but continued her line of questioning. "Then what do you want?"

Discord walked close and smiled darkly. "I just want your word that when I need your help with something you will come through."

Gilda was wary of his demeanor and his meaning. "I won't be a pawn of yours ... but if a butt needs kicking you can always count on me."

Discord grew amused. "Alright then we have a deal. I will create a wedge between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy allowing you to seduce Rainbow Dash, and in return I will call on you when I see fit."

Gilda smiled. "Alright, so what's the plan?"

Discord chuckled "Plan? It's simple. You just have to make nice and pretend you have turned over a new leaf while I work on becoming "friends" with Fluttershy. Once I make the wedge between the two, you can easily comfort Rainbow Dash."

Gilda closed her eyes and envisioned the scene playing in her head...


Rainbow Dash was looking down with a lone tear falling from her face. Another day without Fluttershy being around. Discord having successfully seduced her away and making it impossible for them to spend time together.

Gilda notices how sad her one true love is and begins to comfort her. "You don't need her Rainbow Dash, just know I would never leave your side."

Rainbow Dash sighs quietly. "I know... it's just I felt she was my one."

Gilda leans in and nearly presses her lips to Rainbow Dash's own. "I can be your one now."

Just before they kiss a cough is heard....


"Ahem!" Discord loudly interjects before Gilda was lost in her own fantasy.

Gilda, red faced, growled. "What?!"

Discord chuckled. "You were drooling and weren't responding."

Gilda looked away and wiped her mouth. "Shut up!"

Discord stood silent.

Gilda turned around hesitantly. "I just really want her, and if you actually give me that opportunity then my life will be complete."

Discord grinned menacingly. "Well then let's begin, shall we?"


It was lunch time when Gilda returned to school. She found Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sitting together with a younger student whose name wasn't of importance. She approached them gently and noticed how guarded Rainbow Dash was. "Easy there... I am not here to fight anymore. I wanted to apologize for being a bitch and start over new."

Rainbow Dash was skeptical and didn't acknowledge her apology until she was nudged by Fluttershy gingerly. "Fine... I don't forgive you just yet though. If you really are turning over a new leaf and trying to get on my good side then prepare to do a lot of making up for all the crap you pulled."

Gilda forced a smile and managed to hide her contempt for the situation while responding. "Sure, anything to become friends again. I missed hanging out with you and stuff."

Fluttershy smiled a bit but kept her walls up. "Are you really trying to start over? I mean... Sunset said the same thing and is actually attempting being nice... I hope you really mean it to."

Gilda wanted to claw Fluttershy's stupid eyes out for her rightful suspicions. "Yes I really do. I am sorry about almost hurting you earlier... I guess I was just jealous of your relationship with Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash saw a glimmer of hope in her old friend and decided to take her seriously about her new take on life. "Alright well since you're serious then you should apologize to Pinkie and if she can look the other way about this then maybe you can join the soccer team. I could use a powerful kicker like you on the team."

Gilda almost jumped on Rainbow Dash in joy but contained her initial happiness. "Sounds great... but what if I apologize and she doesn't believe me?"

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Well I don't know what to tell ya then. I need for all my friends to be alright with you, if it was only me you hurt then I wouldn't care but you hurt them too."

Gilda sighed and gave into the demands. "Alright then I shall go and apologize and hopefully be forgiven."


Discord had decided to swing by the animal shelter to begin signing up to volunteer. He wasn't sure how thorough the place was about checking backgrounds and hoped they weren't too thorough. "I do love animals and I am willing to stick by the poor 'unfortunate' ones until they gain a home."

The owner of the place had never seen Discord around nor was easy to allow volunteers since Fluttershy was very nervous and skittish around strangers. "Well what experience do you have with animals in general?" He asked warily as he eyed the psychotic mess.

"Personally I have never had the opportunity to obtain pets or play with neighborhood dogs. I do though posses the compassion and care necessary for tending to the beautiful creatures." Discord's tone wasn't matching his intent.

"Well I will let you know what we have available for time slots but if you truly care this much about animals then I can't see why you shouldn't be here."

"Great, just let me know when I am needed and don't worry about inconveniencing me. Anything for the poor animals."

"That's good to hear, we shall be in contact with you soon."

Discord left the building with a smug smile. He had managed to hopefully get an in to gain access to Fluttershy. Now all he had to do was play the waiting game.


Sunset and Pinkie were eating some food at the amusement park and were silent through it all. Pinkie was enjoying some quiet time with her girlfriend. She was shocked how things were going but glad at the same time. It was almost going to well and it worried her.

"Sunset... is this real? I mean are you really into me?"

"Yeah, Pinkie I wouldn't be here if I wasn't this passionate about being with you. I don't do favors or enjoy my time with people I just like."

Pinkie smiled brightly. "Okay!"

Sunset reached out and held her hand gently. "No matter what happens from here on out, you and I will be together."


Somewhere in the amusement park stood Applejack with Rarity tightly holding her in front of the masses. Applejack was trying to avoid the accusatory glances from other people and smiling at the supportive faces peering their way. She was trying to get comfortable with who she was and her relationship with Rarity.

"So Rare's want somethin' to eat?"

"I would like a slice of Apple-"

"Rarity! Be serious please," Applejack said with reddened cheeks.

"Oh calm down, darling, I doubt anyone really cares."

"I know it's just... I kinda want to keep the flirtin' down to a minimum, for now at least."

"Alright you big baby, your lover will be a good girl... because I will be naughty later." Rarity winked at the blushing farm girl.

Applejack tried maintaining her cool and decided that if she was going to be in this relationship then she had to accept it for what it is. "I shall hold ya to that Sugar Cube, now let's get somethin' to eat that isn't me."

Rarity giggled, "See isn't it fun? You're really trying and that is what I appreciate the most. Alright let's find something to fill our stomachs but nothing too fattening."

Applejack smiled and poked Rarity's stomach softly. "I don't think there is anythin' to worry about, your body is perfect the way it is and even if you ended up becomin' a big ole gal I would still think your sexy."

Rarity just melted into Applejack at that point. "Careful you may make me want to skip lunch and head right into dessert if you keep flattering me like that." She spoke softly as she said it but loud enough for Applejack to understand every single word of it.


Rainbow Dash was glad that things between her and Fluttershy were going great despite the little hiccup caused by Gilda. She doesn't want anything to get in the way of their happiness and will fight whatever fate throws their way to keep her. She had no idea what love could do to a person before and now she knows that it's taxing and rewarding to be in love.

When school ended she knew that Fluttershy would most likely be going to the shelter and since soccer practice was still happening she would have to part ways. She hated not having shy watch her practice but felt good that she would at least show up to the games. Still she would walk Fluttershy to the shelter, even if it made her late to practice.

Fluttershy worried about Rainbow Dash's tardiness counting against her and decided to speak up, "Rainbow... I know you feel better about making sure I get to the shelter safely but... what if your team gets angry about you being late?"

Rainbow Dash sighed and responded, "To be honest they don't mind, Shy, they know how important you are to me."

Fluttershy blushed and fidgeted her fingers together, "As long as you aren't getting in trouble then I don't mind. I just would be sad if I caused you trouble. You can become a great sports star and I don't want to be in the way of that."

Rainbow Dash held Fluttershy close and looked into her eyes. "You are not in the way of anything, in fact, you inspire me to get better and play harder. I want to be someone you are proud of babe."

Fluttershy leaned in and kissed Rainbow Dash softly before replying with, "I already am proud of you, and I am happy we are together. Never forget that, even if we ever get into a fight... I want you to know that I enjoy every moment that we are together."

Rainbow Dash beamed and her eyes almost watered. "Now you went and got me all teary eyed, luckily I don't mind being mushy in private with you. Now let's get you to that shelter. Those animals need their number one gal, and after that we can go over to my house and watch some movies."

Fluttershy chuckled, "Alright and you hurry back on to your field, those girls need their star player. I agree we should go to your place after and watch some movies... just nothing too scary please I don't like scary movies."

Rainbow Dash rubbed Fluttershy's head gently, "Alright no scary movies, but if we ever do watch a scary move, just know I would never let anything in those movies lay one stinking claw, talon, hand, hook or any other thing on you."

Fluttershy leaned her head on Rainbow Dash as they walked closer to the shelter. "I know, and that's one of the greatest things about being with you. I don't have to worry about anything when around you... I feel safe around you."

Rainbow Dash felt her ego grow as it was being fed, "That's because I would do anything to keep you safe, and I mean anything Shy."

When they arrived at the shelter they gave each other a lengthy goodbye kiss. Rainbow Dash felt a surge of energy from the kiss and knew that she could use that rush into getting back to the soccer field quickly. Fluttershy felt a surge from the kiss as well and was ready to take care of the animals. For that moment the two lovers were happy, and yet were unaware of the plot that would threaten their entire relationship that was just around the corner.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait and hope you haven't given up with the story. I will be updating this weekly since I am finally free of the issues that held me back from writing. I hope you enjoyed and know there is more to come.