• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 8,512 Views, 488 Comments

Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 8, To be like you…. To be your partner

Author's Note:

ok, I bring you now my newest chapter, hope you like it.

It was around 5 AM in Equestria, Luna’s moon was about to start hidding and be replaced by Celestia’s beautiful sun, as usual, Alex woke up, put on his shorts, T-shirt and snikers and proceded to make his morning exercises to stay in line.

The wrecked parts of the castle worked really good with his parkur training, he was jumping from stone to stone, using some improvised targets made of hay and leafs to practice with his bow and throwing knives, and finally he practiced a little with his sword and hidden blades, making some swings to the air, (without a practice partner it wasn’t the same), his trainings sesions never last more than an hour, every morning was the same, he practiced all alone, but this particular morning, that. . . . wasn’t the case, too focused to notice, this time he had company or better said, audience, Spike saw everything, from the parkur practice to the hidden blades one, his jaw wide open and with eyes shining and with full of wonder.

“Holy Guacamole, that was. . . . . AWESOME. . . How can you do all that???, where did you learn??? Who trained you???”

Alex still a little shocked and embarassed said:

“well. . . . I kinda have a lot of teachers or senseis, they thought me the basics and the theory, I had to pulish my abilities with lot of training and practice.”

Spike nod, but the movements were not the only things that attracted his attention

“And what about your tools, those cool big brazalets in your hands? I’ve already seen bows, knives and swords but those. . . . large needles or blades. . . they come out and hide at your will, those are just so cool, who made them??”

“oh my hidden blades, I. . . . kinda made them actually, but I must tell you, I only copied the design, you see, some really cool guys I admire use them, so I really wanted to have and try some for myself”

“Wow, that’s so cool, I mean. . . . the mecanism seems to be a little tricky, you must be a genius to be able to made them”

“Not really, it’s kinda easy, well not so easy, but when you follow the steps properly, even if you take little or a long time, you can be able create this beautis at the end.”

Spike was really impressed, Alex was very cool (in his eyes), he knew his friends were cool or at the very least nice, Twilight, the crussaders, every pony in ponyville, but Alex was different, his tecniques, his fighting style, his agility, Spike knew that just by the fact they both have hands (almost similar), and could walk in two feet, maybe he could someway do the same things Alex did, the ponies fighting style didn’t seem to work for him, after all they were PONY styles right? but his, they were something he could relate better, so taking all his will he looked at Alex and said

Alex. . . . . is there a posibility that maybe you can teach me all that cool stuff you know, fighting, training and all, even make me weapons like yours or teach me how to make them, please!!!, what I really want to say is PLEASE PLEASE TRAIN ME TO BE LIKE YOU!!!!”

Alex was shoked, honored! But shocked.

“whoa whoa, that’s too sudden little guy, besides you are just a baby dragon for God Sake, you should be worrying about playing and having fun, not learning how to fight or creating and using weapons, sorry Spike but I think you are still too young, I don’t think I could live with the guilt if you get hurt trying to be like me.”

with that Alex finished, Spike became silent and only looked to the floor, Alex knew maybe he was upset so he just turned around and starting to go to his room

“I am not. . . . .” Spike started

“you said something Spike?”

“I am not a . . . . baby, I'M NOT!!!, I. . . . have twelve years for Celestia’s sake!!!, Why everypony and even you think I’m a baby, granted I may be a kid, but I can tell you I am not a BABY!!!”

“What?? Really?? But I thought. . . . .”

“You thought I was a BABY for my size right?, that I need to be protected all the time for being a BABY right? that I’m too young to do a lot of things or go to adventures?? That’s what everypony thinks, That’s what Twilight thinks and that’s her reason she never take me to her adventures along with her friends, I know she wants to protect me, but I do want to help sometimes you know, but how am I suppose to do that if she keeps refusing to let me learn self defense, when I wanted to learn how to use a little bow or a wooden sword, she said no, that it was too dangerous, when I asked if I could learn some karate or any other pony martial art, she refused again, granted, she may let me helped her to save the cristal empire by giving me the cristal heart, but she only did it because she didn’t have any other choice and technically I. . . . was just a delivery dragon.”

Alex didn’t know what to say, he started “Spike. . . listen I. . . . .”

“NO!, YOU listen, I want to go to adventures, I want to be able to defend myself in those adventures, I want to be usefull in defending Equestria, not only be a Librarian’s number one assistant, and in tough situations be helpfull, at least a little, not BEING always the one who needs to be saved. I want to be. . . . .BETTER, I want to be the DRAGON who defends Equestria alongside WITH the Elements of Harmony, not the little dragon who was just NEXT to the Elements of Harmony while they were saving the day.”

. . . . Alex never expected this, Spike the little dragon he saw in the show, he had to admit it, for him. . . . Spike always looked like a weakling, never be able to do anything in tough situations, only being useless, but now well. . . . he just saw something, he saw something he never saw since long time ago. . . . DETERMINATION and WILL to keep living at his fullest.

At that very moment, Spike realized what he just said and to who, he quickly regreted emptying all his frustration to his new friend and started to say

“oh… sorry dude, I know you don’t have the fau. . . . “

“I’ll do it “ Spike was cut by that sentence

“Do what?”

“I’ll train you, I have to say, I'm not a good teacher or master but I will do it if you want” “


“yeah Spike, you have proven yourself again, first by saving those filles from a certain death and now with your determination”

Alex got near face to face with Spike and asked

“Spike the bab. . . . .NO!, Spike the dragon, please let me to teach you everything I know, my resources, my techniques, my arts, what I’m trying to say is “would you become my aprentice and my partner?”

YES!!! Spike said Jumping almost one meter high, he lost his balance at midair and fell to the ground with the face (Alex just smiled at this)

But then Alex said

“but. . . . I have two conditions”

“ANYTHING!” the little dragon answered

“1st, you will keep this training a secret and only but only use it in case of an emergency or need, never to show off or to hurt anypony or creature ok?”

“. . . .OK”

“And 2nd, you cannot under any circunstance tell anypony where I’m staying, got it?”

Spiked was just surprised

“but why? All my friends want to meet you and thank you for saving Sweetie bell and I’m sure they also will want to thank you for saving me too”

Alex just looked at the sky, after some seconds of thinking, he finally said

“It’s a personal thing ok, look I’m really busy in these days, and to be honest, I’m not so social as you may think, I still need to check out somethings here, but I promise, when I’m ready to meet them or if I have to. . . . I’ll let you take me to them ok?”

The dragon reluctant and little dissapointed just nodded

In his heart Alex knew the real reason to not wanting to meet the ponies, he knew if he ever meet them, maybe just maybe he would never want to go home again, it’s not like he hated his home, he loved Earth, his friends, his videogames, the next assasins creed games yet to come, the next generations consoles, but he also was a brony, and this. . . . world was so beautiful, he didn’t want to have mixed feelings in the future, just by meeting Spike and Sweetie had already started trigger those feelings, he was sure he was out of place, so the less creatures he interact here, the better, he already had a plan, he would try to sleep every single night for one month under the oak tree to see if “the portal” would open again, and if that doesn’t work, he would try his chances by asking Twilight or even Princess Celestia’s help.

Spike just said “. . . . Ok Alex, I promise”

“You pinkie promise?”

Spike just gasped, “how do you know about pinkie promises”

Stupid me was all Alex could thought, he had to think fast

“What? You know what a pinkie promise is too? Well, where I come from we do it like this” then Alex just proceeded to show him with his pinkie fingers how the humans do pinkie promises.

“ohhhh, I see, well, we do it a little diferent here” Alex just smiled, he already knew but his brony side really wanted him to see Spike do it.

“Really!!”, well show me how you do it”

“cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake on my eye” Spike finished by covering his eye with his hand

After laughting in his mind, Alex narrowed his eyes a little and proceed to say

“Ok Spike, every morning I'll be waiting at the entrance of the forest at 10 AM, just call my name and I will come out, if you don’t show up at least the 10:15 AM, I will come back here and train alone, never come here if not with me got it? (he nooded), If I see you coming with company and you call my name, FORGET you even know me, at that very moment I will come back here, pack all my stuff and will leave this place forever ok, don’t betray my trust Spike (Spike noded again)”

“OK, let’s get you home now”



“Ok. . . . . is.. . . . everypony ready?” Twilight said, it was obvious she was stressed

Everypoy nodded, they were leaving ponyville to search for their friend Spike, their hearts and mind were set, full of determination to spend hours of dificult searching at the Everfree Forest, they were going to find him no matter what.

Twilight then open the front door and. . . . . . there he was, just in front of her, Spike, her little dragon who was about to knock the door before she opened it,. . . . . . . . SEARCH OVER?

Spike!!!! Twilight said, then she tackled him and proceded to nuzzle and kiss him like there wasn’t a tomorrow, a second later, Everypony soon joined her in a crushing hug (rainbow dash only patted his head)

“Ok, ok Twi, I get it, you are relieve I’m ok but please you are embarrasing me”

“Ok, Spike but. . . . . how?, Applebloom and the others told us. . . .”

“I managed to escape and hide in the trees and bushes Twi, don’t worry, I'm fine ok” Spike said interrupting her

“Oh. . . . ., i see, well no matter, I’m gla. . . “

“Wait a minute!! Applejack said, Spike. . . tell us the truth”

“What? I’m telling the truth I’m real. . . . . . Oh yeah. . . Element of honesty, I forgot for a minute, Ok. . . long story short, Alex the human saved me, and brought me near Ponyville and I walked here, ok”

Everypony gasped, “So you met him too? Sweetie bell asked, how. . . is he, is he alright?”

“Yes Sweetie bell, don’t worry, he managed to burn to ashes tha timberwolf with a torch to save me” Sweetie sighed in relief

“I see, But tell me Spike, by any chance do you maybe know where he is hidding or where is he staying right now?” Twilight said

Spike had to be carefull, Applejack could tell if he tried to lie, he had to think a well honest thought answer.

“I’m sorry Twilight he never TOLD ME where he was hidding”

“Is he telling the truth Applejack?”

“Sorry sugar cube, but he is”

“Dang it”

Spike was relieved, Applejack being the Element of Honesty was the ultimate lie detector anypony could ask, BUT, if somepony technically tells a “truth”, you could sometimes fool her, he wasn’t LYING, Alex never TOLD HIM where he was hidding, he SHOWED HIM, (well played spike, well played spike) it was all he could thought at the moment.

Twilight was about to ask some more questions when a ears piercing scream came from somewhere, Everypony and Spike hurried as fast as they could to the source, it came from the 2nd floor of BomBom Candy shop, BonBom was coming out from her shop, when Twi and the others spot her and run to her.

“Oh, Twilight! Thank Celestia you all are here, please I really need help here, I think Lyra finally snap, she doesn’t stop crying sobbing and whining, and repeating the word “WHY”

Twilight alongside with the other elements and Spike hurried to Lyra’s room, they inmediately found her lying on a “Hay bed?” in a corner of the room, she was hugging a bowl while watching an illegible ink covered map floated in the air by her magic

“Whyyyyyy?, why why why, Why did you do this to me???, I bought all this for you, I wanted you to feel welcome, I wanted you to feel loved or at least that you will be loved here, why? Am I not good enough for you? I just want to love you, to protect you!!!, Why wont you love meeeeee??”

“Lyra calm down!!! Twi said, What happened to you, Did somepony broke your heart?”

“Nooooo, My human!, my Alexis Wikie, he. . . . . rejected me, he came here at night and wrote this in his bowl I bought for him and he also ruined my map, he doesn’t want me to find hiiiiiiim!!!!”

“Lyra listen. . . .”

“Whyyyyy??? I am the one who always believed in humans, he was suppose to love me!!!!”

“Lyra Snap of it!” Rainbow said, Why do you care so much anyway?, besides, you can’t be sure if it was Alex”

“It had to be him!!, I knew it as soon as BomBom told me what he did after this”

“What did he do Lyra???” Rarity asked

“he. . . . . took some of BomBom candies. . . . from the shop”

Everypony and even Spike gasped

“Sooooo, he finally showed his true colors uh? Rainbow said, no so good creature after all, he is a thief, a criminal”

“well. . . . not exactly” BomBom said

“What ya mean Sugarcube?”

“He did take some candies and chocolates from my store but, well he left lots of gems as payment”

They all gasped again, Spike just sighed in relief and felt ashamed, he doubted his friend for a second

“Ok. . . . Twi started, But that doesn’t proves it was the human who did this”

then Lyra still sobbing said “Who else could do that Twi, if you have the gems to pay, why take the candies in secretly, besides he really overpayed for what he took, its obvious the one who did this doesn’t have any idea of Equestria’s money currency”

Everypony thought about it, it had sense, the human had been here in ponyville, but. . . why do this to Lyra, wasn’t she the one who could understand him better?, then. . . after considering the hay bed, the chain with the collar, the bowl with that kind of nickname she gave to him, well. . . . Alex did what anypony or creature would do in that situation, he even was easy on her.

When everypony left, leaving Lyra in her well deserved misery, they couldn’t help to hear everypony in ponyville talking about the “kind thief”, apparently Alex didn’t just stop at Lyra and BomBom’s place, he also went to Filtyrich, Colgate’s places, he even went to Sweet Apple acres, they found out when Big mac came with the “payment” he left, he found the gems when Winona leaded him to them, Big mac showed the gems to Applejack who only grinned.

“he. . . .really is a. . . .kind human, Fluttershy said

“Yeah and he is awesome, I know it’s very quiet here at night, but taking all that stuff without been spoted, he indeed has some skills”

“yeh, Applejack started, and ah can tell ya something sugarcube, if he is gonna pay like this everytime he comes, he can return to my orchad anytime he wants”

“Oh Oh, maybe he went to sugarcube corner too!!!”, I need to check, one minute girls please!, Pinkie then disapeared leaving confeti in her place, after a couple of minutes she came back bouncing happily.

“He did, he did, he took some of my special cupcakes and muffins, now I really have to find him and ask him if he liked them, I’m so happy, now I’m sure we are going to be super best friends”

After knowing Pinkie pie for so long, nopony wonder how in tartarus she does what she does, they already knows the answer, it was just Pinkie being Pinkie.

"So this is what you meant when you said "I'm going to patrol this night" eh Alex" Spike thought grinning.

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