• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 8,512 Views, 488 Comments

Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 12, Meet the The Pink Menace, And please. . . no needles

Author's Note:

OK, we are finished the everfree forest arc, now is ponyville arc, before comenting any critic, i will say it first

Alex will compliment a lot of ponies, (remember he is a brony and he wants them to like him", there will be tears, and sentimental moments, don't worry, action will be still present, but for any HIE expert, you all know, Poniville arc is about introductions and chapters with random ponies, but don't worry, i will do it my way, but be warned, there will be a lot of clishes, sorry but it can't be helped. ok. enjoy the chapters.

For Ponyville's local hospital, this day was a day for history, a day to remember for many generations, after all, it was the day when they will treat the 1st ever human in Equestria, the diagnosis was simple and plain, HEAD CONTUSION and a little cut in the right cheek when he fall to the ground face down (bad luck they guessed), “Sweet Celestia, this is a heck of a bruise” the doctors thought.

This creature was amazing, his muscular bones, his physics, his inteligence he just showed no more than an hour ago, at his side with a worried face was his dragon friend, keeping asking if his human friend was alright, the doctors hadalready told him yes but he kept asking, he was just unconsious and needed some rest. When Spike finally relaxed, they let him in to his room, he was after all, a confirmed friend of the human.

Alex was sleeping very peacefully, but the sound of the opening door woke him up inmediatily, before opening his eyes completely, he wanted to make sure who it was, he slowly half opened one eye, he was relief when he saw his partner in crime.


“Alex!!” Spike said before jumping on to the bed to give his fríend a bear hug. “I’m. . . . sorry dude, no pony. . . or me thought. . . . well that Lyra would try something like that, at least not infront of EVERYpony”

Alex only chuckled, he somehow knew and understood why Lyra did that, when you have a once in a life oportunity, you do anything to have take it, (It’s still hurt like a bitch, thanks a lot Lyra, your chances to become my friend are not precisely good now)

“No problem Spike, but i really need to know, what happened after i fell unconsious???”

“Well. . . . she did try to take you to her home, no matter all the stares and dissaproval looks she was getting, then Applejack, Rainbow and Twilight tried to stop her, telling her if she was crazy and why she did that, by her part Lyra only answered it was for your own good, that ponies wouldn’t understand you as well as she could, anyway. . . i have to admit, she did indeed put a heck of a fight, but finally when she was distracting, Sweetie Bell manage to knock her out with the same shovel she used on you, right now she is resting in another well guarded room, so don’t worry for her. . . . at least for now”

“I. . . . . see, (damn i think i’m going to have to talk to her and make her understand once and for all i’m not a mindless creature she can turn into a PET, of course not now or in many days at least), it’s ok, it was my fault after all, i should had see it coming, right, that was my first question now for the second, why am i almost naked (thank God i still have my bóxer covering my pride) and please tell me you have my clothes and weapons.”

“hehehe. . . . i know it was a shock for you, but please, face it Alex, you are unique, almost as for Lyra, a once in a life oportunity for doctors and nurses to study you first, don’t worry they only took some blood samples and made some reflexes tests, they had to remove your clothes and gears but i managed to convince them to give them to me, i kept everything safe, they are under your bed, althought Twilight and Rarity practically begged me to give them to them, Rarity for the clothes to study the material and the style, and Twilight for your hidden blades, she found them facinating,. . . . now tell me Alex, does your head hurts??”

“Just a little, but don’t worry, it’s nothing i haven’t face before (you should see how my failed parkur attemps got me), now tell me, how did everypony react at my sight?”

“Well, when you were introducing yourself, i thought they were just curious about you, but well, then Lyra attacked you and you screamed a little by the impact and then. . . . I. . . in some way, saw it coming, almost everypony are scare of you, like with Zecora before, many of them right now are following their daily routine but also scared to see you leaving the hospital, so for now Alex, i don’t recomend you to expect any parade or thanks for what you did for them, at least not for now, i think it’s unfair, why do they always are like that for new creatures?”

“Thanks Spike but don’t forget, is what We did, not just me, don’t sell yourself short, ok now tell me what about your friends, are they afraid too??”

“Not really, more than afraid, all of them, expect a little for Fluttershy, are eager to meet you, they are waiting outside the hospital right now.”

“Sooooo, there is no escape from this right??”

“Noope, you have to meet them this time” Spike said happily.

Alex sighted “I’m glad, at least everypony are not terryfying and forming mobs to banish me or putting me in a dungeon”

“Oh cmon Alex, give Ponyville more credit than that, maybe just maybe that would be the case in Canterlot or other cities, but trust me, they may be scared now but just give them time, i know by fact how friendly they are, they would never hurt you, and even if they try, you think Twilight will let them hurt a new especies creature to study???” (Alex could smell the sarcasm in every corner of the room)

“hehehe, Spike, you really know how to help someo. . . somepony to feel better” (they both smiled)

At that very moment, an earth pony with pink mane entered the room, it was obvious she was a nurse, she just stared the new creature talking to the dragon, thinking to herself (well it isn’t something you see everyday and maybe you wont again)

Alex just smiled at her and said “cmon, don’t be shy, humans don’t eat ponies. . . they taste awfull”

With horror in her face she asked “You. . . already tasted pony before????”

Alex and Spike only laughted at her inocense

“Of course not, and don’t worry, i’m not planing to do it, not in a life time”

Nurse redheart only sighted in relief “Well Mr. . . . “

“Alejandro, and don’t worry about the Mr part, only Alejandro is fine”

“Ok. . . Alejandro (she smiled), i’m only here to tell you that according to all the tests we made, besides that bruise in your head and the cut in your cheek, you seem to be alright, but just to be sure, we wanted to ask you if you could please stay her for the night, and if posible let us take some more samples?”

“Do those samples have something to do with needles???” she noded “damn. . . . ok, why not, if you say is for my own good i will stay for ONE night. (damn i really hate needles, he thought)”

She kept smiling and said “Ok thanks Alejandro, i’m glad you agreed because well. . . im also here to take the samples right now” at that very same moment she took one big needle from her saddlebag and looked at Alex with extecting eyes”

“Oh. . . . FU. . . .”

After that. . . . interesting yet little painfull experience, Nurse redheart left the room leaving Alex and Spike alone again

“Soooo Alex, tell me, why did you tell nurse Redheart your real name instead of Alex???”

“Don’t judge me Spike, she seems friendly and a good pony but. . . . she is not my friend, at least not for now, maybe in the future when i know her better, she will move to my friend circle”

“I see (So he really see me and Sweetie bell as friends, Spike thought with a smile in his face)

They were about to keep talking about random stuff when both of them noticed something. . . . out of place.


“Yes Alex”

“It’s my imagination or there is a cool breeze in the room right now”

“Nope, i do feel the breeze too”

Then Alex saw the window “Spike? was the window open a minute ago??”

“Nope, it wasn’t” they both stared at the open window. . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .

“Hey Spike, i never noticed you smelled so good, like cotton Candy”

“Uh? Ok. . . well i have to say too Alex, i do also never noticed you indeed have so much fur in your arms and it feels like you take good care of it, is so silky”

“. . . . . . . . . . . . uh??”

“OH, thankyou you silles, i’ve always have very confidence in my own personal hygiene” a very cute pink earth pony said in response.

At that very moment, they both looked at their sides, right there, just between both of them, there she was, the little crazy party pony everypony loves

Alex didn’t have any time to scream in surprise cause Pinkie inmediatily tackled him in a crushing hug and started to talk


After that, she let go Alex from the hug and just stared at him, waiting for an answer, (a little scared that he’d say no or maybe he didn’t understood what she said), to her and Spike surprise, he indeed answered back, like if he got every word Pinke said.

“Ok. . . . Pinkie, yes i like parties and i gladly will go to the party you are going to do for me, and tough i rather Alex, yes, you can call me ALI if you want, an very very yes, i would like to be your friend” then he proceeded to hug her.

Pinkie was in shock, never but never a Pony. . . or human listened or got every word she said when talked that fast, everypony would only stared confused trying to understand what she just had said, or proceded to put their hoof on her mouth to shut her up in the middle of the talk, what she didn’t know is that Alex had a really noisy and hardcore talktaive little sister, and he was really well trained to be a good listener.

Even in shock Pinkie managed to return the hug, in that very moment, she knew. . . . she knew she had found a really really interesting good friend.

By his part Alex in the inside, was dying of joy (Yes!!!! I’m hugging Pinkie pie, oh God thank you, i mean it thank you, Alex said to himself)

They broke the hug and Pinkie then took her time to take a better look of his new friend, then she said with disbelief eyes “Wow, you are tall, not as a minotaur or a Manticore, maybe as tall as princess Celestia, and. . . . . it’s true you don’t have fur covering your body” (really pinkie?, you just noticed all that right now?, Alex thought)

At that moment Alex just noticed something, (Of fu…., i’m almost naked, damn, wait Alex don’t worry or panic, for them this is normal, awkward for you, but normal to them), trying to keep calm he said

“Hmmmm, Pinkie, could you please just go out the room for a minute, I. . . . need to get dressed please”

“Ohhhh, but it’s not even cold in here silly, why would you need to get dress anyway?, not like you are going to a fancy event or anything”

“Well. . . . Pinkie (OMG this is so. . . ) as you said before, i don’t have any fur to cover my body, and my skin is a little sensible (he lied), and most of all, for human is a custom to be dressed all the time, well there are some people or weirdos that like to be naked all the time, but they are. . . . . , damn out of the topic sorry, anyway please Pinkie, just give a minute ok?”

“okidokilokie” Pinkie said before she bounced out of the room singing lalalalala, (boy. . . . she indeed is a little random)

Alex then gathering his clothes that were under the bed proceded to get dress, his shorts, t-shirt with hood, socks and sneakers, just for instinct he also put on his elbows, knees protectors and his hidden blades (After all Lyra was in the hospital too), of course he would never even dream to hurt her or anypony, the blades were there only to intimidate her, just in case.

“Ok Pinkie you can come in”

At that moment when the door opened to reveal the pink earth pony, a really fast white fur ball entered beside her and tackled Alex with another hug making him loss his balance and fell into the floor,

“Alex, Thank Celestia you are ok, i was so worried” said Sweetie Bell said, obvioulsy beaming in joy.

“OMG, she is adorable, just like Ang. . . Ang.. . .. . uh?, just like my sister. . . . damn, not again??”

“It’s ok Sweetie, i’m fine, but. . . how you got in here?

“i sneaked carefully without my Sister notice, i was looking for you in the halls when i saw Pinkie outside next to this room, and when i heard you saying she could come in, i run as fast as i could to meet you”

“Ah ok, i see. . . .Wait? sneak?, why would you need to do that?, didn’t they let you pass like they did with Spike? you are also my friend”

Sweetie blushed at this comment “Well they were about to let me pass along with Spike, but then my sister stopped me, she still a little afraid that you could do something to harm me, no offense”

“nontaken”. . . . (damn, again the Mule feeling), ok thank you very much for your concern Sweetie, it means a lot to me, ok, changing the topic, Spike you said your friends also wanted to meet me, (Spike noded) tell me, is it safe?? (Spike noded again)

“. . . . ok Spike, i think it’s time, lets meet your incredible friends but. . .”

Sweetie bell interrupted “Oh, Can Applebloom and Scootaloo meet you too Alex?” Sweetie bell asked bouncing happily

“Of course Sweetie, but just not today. . . . let me meet your sister and her friends first and in another time i’ll meet your friends ok?”

Sweetie happily noded and said

“Ok, then i will go to meet them and give them the good news, oh they will be so happy, they want to meet you so badly, ok bye”, then she sprinted out of the room almost matching Pinkie’s speed.”

“Ok Spike and Pinkie, as i was saying i’ll meet them but not right now, go tell your friends to come back in about 2 hours and we’ll talk, i want to rest a little ok?”

“Ok Alex, rest fine, we’ll come back in a couple of hours with everypony, cya later”

Pinkie again hug Alex, “cya in a while Ali, have good dreams”

“thank you, ok cya later”

Spike and Pinkie exited the room, Alex only laid in the bed, thinking what he would say to the rest of the mane 6, he was so excited and before sucumb to slumber he only could say

“This will be one of the best days of my life”

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