• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 8,501 Views, 488 Comments

Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 5, Flashback, Search and the Old Castle

It was around 7:00 PM in ponyville, the stars and Luna’s beautifull moon were already filling the sky, everypony were closing their stores and preparing to go to their homes and prepare for a good night sleep and dreams (cortesy from Princess Luna), but there were one particular group of ponies that were not heading to their homes, who could they be? Oh yeah the elements of harmony and 3 little fillies who really had trouble learning the meaning of “keeping safe and out of trouble”, all of them were heading to a certain library located inside of an giant oak tree, the owner was no other than a certain magenta unicorn, the Element of magic and an egghead (according to certain colored mane not so feminine cyan pegasus), the walk was silent and long, all the Mane 6 were mad with the crussaders, it’s like they managed to get in trouble almost every day, if there were a cutie mark for that, they would quit being the cutie mark crussaders so long ago.

“I keep telling you he is real, Alex is Real!!!!!” Sweetie said.

“Sweetie bell! I already told you, we will talk about it as soon as we arrive at Twilight house and don’t scream it so high, you don’t want all ponyville to hear you, they will think you are as crazy as Lyra.”

“Yeah, its not like we all don’t have enough with only one crazy pony claiming that….houmans? exist right, now you will start to say it too. (dash said)

“Rainbow!! That’s really too cruel to say! Lyra is a litte obsesive with that issue, but she is not crazy” (applejack said)

(pinkie continued) “yeah, yeah, and besides, just because you never saw one, it doesn’t mean he doesn exist, “I really hope he is real, so I can throw a WELCOME TO PONYVILLE THE VERY FIRST HUMAN EVER party!!!”

Every pony just rolled their eyes and kept walking.



“I have to keep running, i don’t know if they are gona believe Sweetie or not, but I can’t take any chances, the castle is not very far, I believe I can make it there in less than 30 minutes if I keep this phase, hmmmm, but it’s really odd, I really don’t feel anything watching me, well not that I complain, but…. I wonder why?



All the main six and the crussaders were sitting on the floor of the living room, the atmosphere was so dense and one could almost touch the tensión, all eyes focused in Sweetie bell, Twilight was the one in breaking the ice, with a scroll and quill prepared she started.

“Ok Sweetie bell, tell us about this…. Monster you call houmein”

“He is a human, H.U.M.A.N. and he is not a monster, he saved me from the river and from a Manticore, he is my FRIEND so please don’t insult him!!!”

“ok, ok, i’m sorry, back to the topic, how was he, what he looks like?”

“hmmmm well….. it’s a little hard to explain, he is like an ape or a minotaur, but he has no fur covering his body except the top of his head, he called it “hair”, his legs are really large, instead of hooves, he has hands in the front hooves and something he calls feet in the back ones, just like spike but much larger and big.

“soooo maybe he is a dragon? (twilight asked a little dissapointed but also getting more and more excited, she still didn’t completely believe Sweetie bell, but this human sounded really interesting no matter what)

“Not really, he didn’t look like Spike at all, true, he didn’t have any fur but I'm sure he had skin, not scales like him.

(now was Applejack who asked) “How in tarnation you met a creature like him in the first place sugarcube?”

“Oh, Oh, just after he saved me form the river, I felt unconcious, then when I opened my eyes again, he was protecting me from a Manticore (all group gasped, Rarity almost faint), when I saw the fighting I screamed, there was when the manticore noticed me and started to run after me, then without even thinking twice he also started to run after me but he did it to stop him, then the manticore tried hit him with his tail but he Dodge it, but by doing it he lost balance and fell to the ground, then the manticore proceeded to pierce his chest with his scorpion’s tail to kill him with his poison (everypony gasped againg, twilight too while writting every Word), I thought he would die but then I saw the manticore in pain with his tail shatered, you see Alex had some kind of weird armor protecting his chest, while the manticore was distracted by the pain, Alex didn’t lose any time and drew from his both “hands” two really large big needles and strike the manticore’s throat with both of them, he then just stayed there, watching how the manticore died slowly.”

“All the girls were in shock, Twi stop writting, Applejack and Rainbow had their jaws at the floor level, Rarity and Pinkie just stared, Fluttershy began to cry and said

“So he….he…..he killed a manticore, a living creature without a hint of mercy, so cold blooded??”

“Oh my Sweetie, thank Celestia you managed to escape from that beast, who know what he could do to you”

“I…. Didn’t escape from him, after that I hugged him and thank him for saving me”

“WHAT????” All said in unison.

Then rainbow said “so let me get this straigh, you hugged and thanked a monster that killed another monster and probably only wanted to have you for dinner?.... are you NUTS?”

“I already told you, he saved me, Twice, why do you keep thinking of him of some kind of monster??” Sweetie said obviously getting angrier.

Fluttershy answered “Sweetie please, try to understand….. he killed another living creature, no nice creature would ever to that”

“He didn't have any other choice, he tried to talk to him to just go his way, but he didn’t listen”

“What???... he can talk? All said again in unison.

“Yeah and not only that. as I said he tried to solve that all without fighting, he killed him in order to save me, its TRUE!!!”

“Ok, I see….well, I still…..don’t like the idea of killing but…. He did save you…..so I think I can let it pass… this time”

“Ok Sweetie (Twilight Said), then what happened?”

“Well then he grabed his luggage and escorted me to the entrance of the forest, we talked and I found out his Nick name Alex, he didn’t tell me his real name, told me all his friends call him Alex, he also told me where he were from, I don’t remember very well the name of his country but I’ve never hear that name before, it was Gua…Guota, well whatever, I’ll ask him later if I find him again. Ok back to the topic, then when we finally went out the forest, we spotted you, he then challenged me to a race, and I started running to meet with you. Then when I noticed you didn't see him, I realized he probably went back to the forest.

All the girls were silent and just stared all except Rainbow and Pinkie Pie.

“Thats so awesome, so you are telling me there is a creature we have never seen and is strong and skilled enough to take down a manticore by himself???

“Hmmmm, yes?”, Rainbow only kept flying excited.

“……well (rarity started) while I don’t aprove his….methods, I have to say, I should at least thank him for keeping you safe.”

“Yeah, and now I have to throw him two parties, one of Welcome and another for saving you” Pinkie said bouncing around.

“Well… ah have to admit, now ah am curious now too, I want to meet him too,” Applejack said.

Flutters then said too “Well I’d like to meet him too…. I mean… he is a new creature….maybe a new animal….I’d like to hear him talk and maybe have a converstion with him about…. Maybe not to kill again…. If that fine with him of course.

“ok then it’s settled, starting tomorrow we will go to search for him, but first I have to do a couple of things first”

“And what would that be Darling?”

“First send a letter to Princess Celestia” then go to give the news to Lyra”

“And why would you do that Twilight?”

“BECAUSE she is the one who always believed and talk to us about…. Humans and I believe she deserves to know that maybe there is one here in Equestria, we can’t hide that from her, it would be too cruel”.

“I see Darling, ok I think you are right, I cant imagine her face when you go to tell her that, just also tell her not go and put herself in danger in the everfree forest, but I believe by hearing you, Its the first thing she will do”

“I know Rarity, ok every pony, we’ll start the searching tomorrow morning”

“yeah” said everypony including the crussaders.

“you three will stay here, you are still grounded” rarity said

“Awwwwwwww” it’s all they could say in their defense.


I finally reached the old castle, it wasn’t that hard, in fact i have to ay, it was super easy, i guess the monster need to sleep too and if you are quiet enough and don’t start to screaming or start running like a little girl, you can cross the fores without waking them up, anyway, i did meet certain giant sea serpent, a cool guy, very polite, but…. well a little affeminate if i have to say, but anyway a really great creature, we became Pals very fast, he even let me pass the wild river in his back, anyway as i was saying, the castle was beyond in bad conditions, granted, many parts of if were wrecked, it was obvious a great fight happened here, but there were many descent but rusty rooms, i manage to find one, it even had a bed and a wardrobe, i really thank God for my good luck, and started to clean it up a little, then i proceeded to investigate the castle, i will say, the castle in deed was spooky and terryfying (just like many places a night), i never believed in ghost or stuff like that, but now i was in Equestria and well i gues many things can happen, i proceeded to check every not so wrecked room, i found a dinning room with table, chairs and all, a library with a descent collection of old books (and…. In english…. Ok thats really convenient i must say, i was never really a big fan of books but even me have some reading history, terror ones, from my favorite autor Stephen King, i even have at least 20 or 25 in my laptop, now that i remember i need to finish a couple of them), ok back to the topic i have to say, if it weren’t by the fact this castle is placed in the most dangerous place in Equestria, it could be the home for many homeless ponies or creatures.


Alex took his precautions of course, the room he choose to stay was one in the deepest part of the castle, in case somepony came by curiosity or looking for him, he would have enough time to hide his stuff and himself, or in case he had to escape, a very descent big window there will do the trick.

After a few hours of playing and reading with his laptop and Vita, he finally decided to have a good night rest, he after all had many things to do the next day, he even made a check list.

Find a Source of wáter to drink and wash himself (check)
Find spots to get food like berries or other fruits and a place to go fishing, maybe the river or a lake.
Check the oak tree to find clues of his arrival here
Find the place where Rarity dig for gems and make some digging.

With his mind set, he finally proceeded to sleep but just when he was to finally go to the realm of dreams a noise caught his attention, it was a scream in the distance, (how tha hell…) its all he could thought, the scream came from a certain Green mint colored unicorn with white mane and a lyre as a cutie mark.


Of course Alex could not understand anything the screamer pony was saying, but he could swear he did hear some thunders along with the screams, even though there were not any storm clouds in the sky.

Author's Note:

ok i'm back, sorry for the delay, i miss my cousin, but i know she'd like me to continue this instead sobing all day.
i hope u like this chapter don't worry another 2 are coming today, promise.

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