• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 8,511 Views, 488 Comments

Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 23, I’m back. . . . A charm from my little sister

Author's Note:

Hope you like the chapter
please comment

p.s. yes I know, I still suck coloring.

A week had passed since the girls saved Alex, everything was normal in Ponyville, the mane 6, Spike, Lyra, the crussaders, Zecora (who after learning the news thanks to a letter sent by Spike, finished her bussines as soon as posible and returned) and some ponies including Ditzy and her daugther came to visit him, Rarity and the girls were never going forget the face of the crussaders when they told them the news (they thought they deserved to know), the horror in their faces, most of all in Sweetie bell, she inmediately trotted to the hospital to see her brother but she couldn’t pass far from the waiting room, she struggled with all her strength with no success, she was finally calmed down when her sister told her that Alex needed his rest and now was out of danger, Sweetie bell reluctant agreed and was determinated to come to visit him later much to Rarity relief.

Everypony life was as normal as any day, Applejack harving apples and baking some Apple pies for when her friend finally wakes up, Pinkie pie planning parties and baking pastries, Rarity making dresses and her special surprise to Alex, Twilight taking care of the Library, Rainbow dash controlling the weather and practicing some stunts to show to Alex, and Fluttershy taking care of her animals and her the pet adoption bussiness, yeah it was really a normal day, except for one thing. . . .


Twilight inmediately remembered, she was hyperventilating at this moment, how could she forget, maybe it was for everything that happened a week ago, her worries for her Pony and human friends, no matter the reason, the Princess were returning today and their first stop was Ponyville, she inmediately went to Mayor Mare office to tell her the news, for her Luck Mayor Mare was aware of that days ago and had already preparing the celebration for their ruler much to Twilight relief, in her rush, Twilight didn’t notice all the decorations around Ponyville, (idiot me, she thought), now with that problem solved there was still one last little problem, how explain about Alex, his current condition, the Diamond dogs and Manticores??

Twilight was stressing again when she felt her number one assistant claw in her shoulder

“Twilight, relax, everything is fine, the princess are coming today here, so what? we are prepared, I’d like Alex to see this, but according to the doctor, he will wake up around today or tomorrow, more probably tomorrow, and don’t worry, when they arrive, we will be there with you to explain what happened last week, for now let’s enjoy the celebrations so we can tell Alex tomorrow how good it was ok?”

“. . . . Ok Spike, you are right, this is not the time to worry, he is ok, as you say, it’s a waste he will miss the celebration but we can ask Pinkie to make a Party to compensate it, (Assuming she is not planing one already), ok now let’s go to check on everypony and let’s visit our friend before Princess Celestia and Luna arrive”

Spike noded and they proceded to go and gather the rest of the gang, Everypony inmediatily accepted to go for a visit, before exiting her house Rarity grabed a package and reunite with their friends, Applejack noticing this said

“Howdy Rarity, tell me, what yah have there?”

“Oh, this dear, it’s nothing just some clothes and. . . . shoes I just finished for Alex, I know he will wake up tomorrow, but we don’t know at what hour, so I will let it under his bed in case he starts to look for some clothes, I managed to make them based in his current ones, and those sneakers. . . well after washing them counsiously, I studied them and was able to create almost exact copies, of course I changed the colors, the design and put my logo instead of that. . . . boomerang one, well it looks like a boomerang to me, and what kind of brand name is. . . .NIKE, it’s just sounds so. . . .uncouth if I must say, anyway, I just hope he likes them.”

“Coming from a good friend like yah Rares, I know he will love them, trust me”

“I. . . .hope you are right dear, ok let’s go, I have to pick up Sweetie bell from the hospital too”

“How yah know Sweetie bell is in the hospital sugarcube”

“Oh please Applejack darling, you know as well as me that since she knew about his condition, she spends almost all her free time in there, talking to him, telling him stories, or just lean besides him, she even didn’t crussade very much this days (not that I mind), she hopes this would help him to wake up faster, even though I already told her he will probably tomorrow”

“Hehehe, easy partner, you know how much she loves and care for him, and besides remember. . . Scootalo and Applebloom had also been visiting him regulary, not as much as Sweetie bell, but ah can tell they really care grately for him too, If it were yah, me or Rainbowdash, they would do the same”

“Thanks darling, Ok let’s go”

When they finally arrived at Alex room, the scene they saw could warm any creature heart, there they were, Alex sleeping peacefully with his little sister besides him, hugging him with a warm smile in her muzzle, and in the other side, Scootaloo and Applebloom also sleeping beside him, there were a note in Applebloom hoof, Rarity made it float to her to read it, what it says only could be answered with a “awwwwwww”, there was a draw (not very well drawn by the way. . . children), of Alex and the 3 crussaders, all wearing CMC capes, even Alex, there was something written under the draw that said. . .


At that moment Twilight remembered that one of the many questions the CMC asked to him while they were going to Mayor Mare Office was if he had a cutie mark, their faces of Joy when he told them he didn’t have one were priceless, he was about to tell something else but they were interrupting him with some other questions and stories about their CMC group and Alex forgot what he was about to tell them (Maybe that humans don’t get cutie marks. . . maybe)

They could stay looking the beautifull scene all day without getting bored of it, but they needed to prepare for the Princesses visit, Rarity and Twilight were going to levitate them away (trying to not wake them up),

“No!. .. not yet please”

They inmediately stopped, the shock was too much, it was unbelieveble, they were looking at their friend, his head raised, his eyes fully opened, there he was. . . smiling at them.

“Please, just 5 more minutes and please pretty please, somepony take a picture of this, now!”


At that very moment Pinkie took out a camera from her mane (Alex was not even gonna ask anymore) and took 3 pictures, she even gave the camera to Twilight to take a picture with her included, After that Twilight and Rarity finally levitated the sleeping crussaders to the room’s coach, the second after the crussaders were moved, Pinkie pie and Fluttershy Jumped to the bed to make an Alex sándwich.

“Omigosh, omigosh, Alex you are finally awake, but the doctors said you probably would wake up tomorrow, not that it’s a bad thing anyway, I’M SO HAPPY!!!”

“Yay” was everything Fluttershy could manage to say, the words failed to her this time (. . . surprised. . . . guess not), besides everything that needed to be say, Pinkie already had already say it.

“Ummmm. . . girls, Although (uhg). . I really love your hugs. . . (uhg), but really. . . need air here”

Realizing they both were crushing Alex, they inmediatily let him go and only stayed there, sitting besides him in the bed, then Applejack also came to hug him and said

“Howdy sugarcube, yah really got us worried this time, anyway, Ah am glad yah are ok, and who would say. . . mah instints were right after all”

She got closed to Alex ear and whispered

“Ah brought one of my Apple pies hidden in my saddle bag, don’t ask why, as ah said, ah did it by pure instint”

Alex just huge her back “Thanks Applejack, I’m glad I will finally eat one your famous Apple pies” (she just blushed and kept hugging him)

Rarity and Twilight then joined the hug, then Rarity said

“Thanks Celestia you are alright darling, please never let us see you like this again, it would be too much for me or Sweetie bell to bear again”

“I’m sorry Rarity, and trust me, the last thing I want to do is see you and my little sister worried again” (she just smiled and noded)

Just in the middle of the apology Alex could hear Twilight. . . . sobing?

“Twily?. . . What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry”

“Uh?. . .What?”

“I’m sorry, the first antidote I gave you wasn’t powerfull enough and for that you were close to die. . . . I’m so sorry, now you will probably hate me or you will never going to trust me again. . . .and. . . I don’t blame you if you do”

Alex only stayed there, after processing every word Twilight just said he only could chuckle and say

“Wow, Twilight, you . . . thought I’d . . . . just Wow, you must be the one of the most smartest unicorns in Equestria and at the same time one of the most stupid ones. . . .(Twilight raised her head, confused), how could you think I’d ever hate you, Really. . .you saved my life for God sake, now I like you more than ever”

“But. . .but. . . if I’d not had made that weak antidote you. .”

“I would have died there. . . .Right?, Twilight you made a little mistake. . . so what?, thanks to you, I’m still here, And I can swear it was you who made the 2nd antidote that saved me this time. . . right?”

She still a little ashamed noded

Alex hugged her back again and said “Twilight, you are my heroine and for that. . . thank you so much”

Twilight in tears, not believing what she just heard, hugged him even tighter, he wasn’t mad with her, he even was really gratefull, she was so relieved, after releasing Twilight and Rarity, only Rainbow remained, she reluctant flew infront of Alex, she obviously wanted to say something, but she didn’t know how, to her surprise in the middle of her thinking, Alex extended his closed fist to her and said

“No needs for words Rainbow, I love you too”

Rainbow no longer able to help herself, finally let some tears and proceded to make the Fist/hoof bump.

“If. . . . If you. . . ever. . . tell som. . . .”

“I know Rainbow, your secret is still safe with me”

She smiled and noded, then she did something nopony, dragon or human would never but eveeeeeeer expect, in a blink of an eye, she huged and nuzzled her cheek in Alex chest, It only lasted exactly one second, but it was enough to make everypony, dragon and human drop their jaws.

“And that’s also a.. . .”

“No need to tell Rainbow. . . . Definetily not something to tell, besides, really?, who would believe me?”

“Exactly” then she flew with the rest of the gang.

Finally, it was his dragon friend turn, Alex stood up from his bed, (only in boxers. . . again) and got close to him, they stared for some seconds and finally Spike jumped and hugged his neck, trying to not cry.

“Thanks for not dying Alex, I mean it, Thanks”

“Thankyou Spike, I’m glad to be still here”

“I don’t know what would I do if you die, my friend”

“You keep living Spike, you move forward, I’m not saying I’m planing to die anytime soon, but in case me or anypony close to you dies, you have to keep living, for their memory, for the friendship you shared.”

“I think. . . Its. . . . not that simple Alex”

“I know. . . who said it was, but it is something anypony, dragon or human must bear in some time of their life, but as long you have your memories of them, they really never go away, even though, sometimes you need help from a good friends or . . . little sister to remind you that, (as you reminded me Sweetie bell)”

“sniff, Thanks dude, you are right, I’ll keep it in mind, ok. . . . now, how about if you get dressed and we get out of here”

Those words really got Alex attention and he finally realized he was almost in Adan Costume again, he was about to panic but then remembered (it’s not akward for them Alex, only for you), even though when he turned around to ask them to leave the room to get dressed, he could swear everypony was blushing at least a little, (What the?), deciding to ignore the scene in front of him, he finally said

“Ummmm, girls, could you please go out the room for 2 minutes, I need to put on my clothes. . . . (Alex looked around the room), hey!, has anypony seen my clothes?”

“Oh darling, they are at my place, I took them to wash them, they were dirty with mud and. . . ugh blood, but don’t worry I finally finished your new clothes, I even made some new . . . “Sneakers?”, and some socks for you”.

Rarity inmediatily floated to him his new clothes, Alex only stared at them, they were really. . . .cool, not any unecesary or girly accesories, the Tshirt was plain black, but as Rarity promised it had her cutie mark in the high part corner, the Shorts were deep blue, and like his old ones, had the big bags in both sides, (Alex really loved shorts like that) It also had her cutie mark, finally the sneakers, just like his old ones, except these were white, black and purple, (like Rarity), and she replaced the Nike logo for her cutie mark, (wow, many bronies and pegasiters would kill me to get this ORIGINAL clothes made by the one and only Rarity, Alex thought).

He inmediately forgot everything about privasy (he had his boxers already on. . so what the hell) and proceded to put them on as if there was no tomorrow, when he was done he asked Twilight if she could materialize a mirror, which she inmediately did, when Alex looked his reflection, he really liked what he was seeing, the size was perfect like his old one, not tight, giving him freedom to move, the sneakers, really confortable, just like the old ones, he only could think. . . .WOW”

“Rarity, these are. . . perfect, you said you were the best in Equestria??, heck you are the best in the planet, no doubt of that.”

“Oh, thank you dear, I’m glad you like them, just. . . I’m sorry but neither of us could do something. . . about. . .these”

Alex turned around and saw Rarity had his. . . Hidden blades, they were smashed, they saved his arms to be broken at the moment, but payed the Price, they were beyond repair, even the blade was shatered, he shrudered just by thinking how things would have ended if he’d hadn’t wearing them during the fight, (he would probably be armless right now)

“I see, no problem Rarity, it pains me a little to see them like this, after all I had them since long ago, but. . . they protected me at the end, I guess I will have to make new ones, but please don’t throw them away, maybe I still can use some parts, (she noded) ok. . . by any chance do you know any blacksmith around here???”

“Uh?, why would you need a blacksmith Alex? Spike said, you didn’t need one to make mines?”

“This time is diferent Spike, the ones I made you with random materials are not the same quality, I need more sofisticated tools and a metal cutter to make more resistant ones”

“Ohhh I see”

Alex then got close to his “ear” and whispered

“And who knows? Maybe It’s time for you to have descent ones too after all”

Decent Ones???. .? was the only thing Spike was manage to say, before Alex backed off, Applejack after hearing his need, said to Alex

“Oh, in that case Sugarcube, Big Mac knows a good Blacksmith that lives here in Ponyville, he make Armors and Spears for the Royal guards in Canterlot, ah bet he wouldn’t mind to borrow some of his tools if he ask him”

“Thanks Applejack, that would help me a lot, I really want to make new ones right away (not to mention it will also help me to work with my other secret proy. . . damn Alex, shuuuu)”


After signing some papers and final tests, Alex was finally able to leave the hospital, in their way to caroussel boutique to leave the crussader rest for a little while, he noticed all the decorations around Ponyville

“Wow, what are we celebrating today girls?. . Spike?”

“Oh!! (Twilight started), Sorry Alex, we were so happy at the moment that we forgot to tell you, Princess Celestia and Luna are coming today!!, Isn’t it great?!”

At that moment Alex stopped and stayed there, frozen and shocked, the princesses were coming?. . .today?, he had mixed feelings, for his brony side, meeting them was another dream come true, from his logical side, they were like godesses who could banish him if they didn’t like him, what would he say to them?, how should he act?, he was starting to feel very stressed, granted, maybe he was planing to meet them in the future, but not too soon.

“Ali?, Are you alright? Pinkie asked

“Umm. . . well yeah Pinkie, It’s just, maybe I should go back to the hospital”

“Oh no, are you feeling sick?”

“No, but I think I will be very soon”

“Oh Cmon sugarcube, don’t tell me yah are scared to meet the Princesses?”

“Well. . . duh, what did you expect?, they are royalty and I’m an alien here, what if they think I’m some kind of threat, monster or a freak?”

“Oh, don’t say that darling, even if they are royalty, they are really nice, trust me, they will not missjudge like everypony else at the begining, besides, you have done so much for us, for my sister, we will be with you all the time, so relax.”

Alex then sigh and said “Thanks Rarity, I needed that, besides it’s not like they are gonna arrive right. . .”

“THERE COMES THE PRINCESSES!!!!” one Pony screamed

“now?. . . . . Carajo!!!”

At that moment everypony, dragon and human raised their head to see a carriot pulled by royal guard pegasi, on it there they were, Princess Celestia and Luna, although they were still far away. . . Alex could feel it, so regal, so powerfulls, so. . . beautifuls (brony side), they really transpired Royalty, he knew. . . these really were ponies you don’t want to piss off

Everypony continued staring until the carriot finally landed just infront of the mane 6 and Spike, Everypony and dragon bowed to their rulers who only smiled and waved their hooves in response, when the princesses got out of the carriot, Princess Celestia said

“Hello my little ponies, we are pleased to see you again, and thank you for this warm welcome, (she said after she saw all the decorations)”

Twilight was the first to talk

“Hello Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I’m glad for your safe return, we all are, how your trip to Saddle Sarabia?”

Twilight was being polite to her mentor, but she still was wondering when Princess Celestia was going to ask about his new friend who was obviously almost infront of the Princesses, was she ignoring him?

“It was a nice trip Twilight, the Sultan as always, is a good host, the negotiations for our market relationships ended well for both countries”

At that moment, before Twiligh could answer, Applejack interrupted

“Ok!!, sorry to interrupt Twili, I’m really sorry, but yah can talk about that later, now ah have to say, (she turned to Princess Celestia), Princess, yah are doing such a good job ignoring our friend Alex, Ah know he is not like us, but ah think ignoring him being in front of yah this long is just rude!!”

After some thinking and staring to everypony present, and sharing a confused look with her sister, princess Celestia said

“we fail to see what you mean Applejack”

“What ah mean?, ah mean our human friend standing right there next to Rarity!”

Applejack said while pointing an empty space with her hoof, at that moment when Applejack and everypony turned to see Rarity, they noticed Alex was no longer there, in fact, there was no sign of Alex, like if he just dissapeared.

“wait what?, Rarity!!, Where is Alex?!!! Applejack scolded

“I’m as surprise as you Applejack, he was here a minute ago I swear”

“What?? (Twilight said), but, but where could he go, we were about to introduce him to princess Celestia and Luna!!”

At that moment, Princess Celestia and Luna aproached to Twilight and princess Luna said

“Twilight Sparkle, what is this all about, what you mean about introduce us somepony”

“Well, it’s really a long story, but . . . . . well, long story short, in your absence we managed to make contact with the human I mentioned in my letters, we discovered his name is Alejandro, but as his friends we call him Alex, he is nice and doesn’t want to hurt us, in fact he have helped us a lot, and now is a good friend with us, most of all with Spike, (Spike nooded in aproval), and now we wanted to introduce him to you, he was a little nervous about it, but I never thought he would run away, but don’t worry, we will find him”

“Ok my dear Twilight, but I’d like to hear more of this. . . Alex, let’s focus finding him right away, (Twilight nooded and gave a little explanation about Alex image), ok, then let me help you, GUARDS!!!, disperse and find the human, don’t harm him if not neccesary, you hear me (they noded. . . . not necesary?? everypony thought)”

After that, the mane 6, Spike, the Guards and even the princesses started to look for the lost human, after a brief explanation to Lyra who was beaming in joy that Alex was awake but horrified he was lost, proceded to help with the search, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity first of all brought the crussaders to Carousell Boutique, After letting them in Sweetie’s bed, Rarity inmediatily looked in Alex Room, for her relief, all his stuff were still there, he only was hidding instead of escaping, then after reunited with Applejack and Rainbow dash, they proceded to continue the search.


Some minutes later, Sweetie bell woke up, she wasn’t really surprised to find out she was in her own room, she clearly rememberd she was with her brother in the hospital, along with her friends, they made a draw for him, to show him how much they wanted him to be a new member of the CMC, she wanted to be the first one to be there when he wake up, it was obvious they were a little exhausted for so many visits, so she rested next to him followed by the other 2 crussaders, who would say all they three would fall sleep.

After managed to got out of the bed without waking up her friends, she went to the kitchen for a glass of wáter, she had deciced to sleep a little more and then go back to the hospital, but at the moment she was staring to climb the ladder to her room, she heard something. . . in the basement, where Alex room was, moved by her curiosity, she as quiet as she could, aproached to the room to see who it was, when she finally reached the room, she found no pony there, it was odd, but still she didn’t say anything, she waited to see if the noise came back, after some seconds she heard it again, it came from the wardrobe, something was knocking from the inside, she got closer to it and for her surprise she could hear a voice, but not any voice, it was the voice of her brother.

“Damn, just damn, why I did that, I. . . . really wanted to meet them, damn. . . stupid me, and now I’m stuck in this wardrobe, what do I do now?”

Sweetie bell was really confused, wasn’t Alex suppossed to be in the hospital, what was he doing here. . . trapped in his own wardrobe, putting all her confuse aside she said

“Alex.. . . . is it really you??”

“Sweetie Bell???. . . it is you little sister??”


“. . . . well, yeah Sweetie, it’s. . . . me”

“But. . . what are you doing there, you have to be in the hospital”

“Well Sweetie, I woke up a little earlier and well. . . . ok. . . I promise to tell you everything but please don’t tell anypony I am here and please help me get out of this wardrobe”

Sweetie bell noded and after some effort from Alex and Sweetie bell from both sides, they finally managed to opend the door, Alex came and started to breath heavily, it was obvious he needed some fresh and cool air, after thinking a lot, Sweetie bell inmediatily hugged Alex.

“Omigosh brother, it’s really you, but how? not that I mind but how?”

“It was you Sweetie, I don’t know how to explain it, but your love helped me to recover faster, (it wasn’t a lie, for some reason, it seems, feelings have great power here, Alex thought), and for that thankyou.”

Alex then returned the hug and she tighted hers, they stayed there for at least 2 minutes without saying one single word, then Sweetie bell raised her head, she was starting to cry

“Why. . . . why didn’t you tell me you was going to fight againts a manticore??, while I was having fun, you were fighting for your life, I had to be there, cheering for you, you know how worried I and my friends were for you??, I was so happy when I came back, then I recieved the news. . . (hic), please, please, don’t do something like that again, this is the 2nd time I thought I lost you (hic), please, please, please.

Alex only looked at her, ashamed and feeling like a dick, she made her sister cry again, he started to stroke her mane and said

“Sweetie . . little sister, please forgive me, but please try to understand, they wanted to hurt everypony in case I lost, that’s why we sent all of you foals very far away, we did it to protect you, for me, seeing you hurt would be even worst than death, . . . . I love you so much for let that to happen, please, forgive me, but we did what we have to do, I already lost one sister, there is no way I was letting that happen again”

Sweetie bell only stayed there, agape, he loved her thar much?, now she was sure, Alex was not some random adoptive brother she just picked, like applejack case, he. . . like Rarity, her mommy and daddy and her friends. . . was true family, a sibling she really could count in, not like she didn’t believe it before, but if she ever needed a proof, now she had it

“Thank you so much, I love love love you too brother Alex”

Alex then just helped her clean her tears and she continued to talk

“Now. . . . . care to explain why were you hidding?

“Well you see. . . . “

Alex told her everything that happened, how he was afraid to meet the princesses, afraid to give a bad impresión to them, he really wasn’t good meeting royalty.

“But brother, although It’s true, well they are the most important and powerfull ponies in all Equestria, but I can tell you they also are very nice, you don’t have to be afraid, besides. . . you are not alone, you have me, Applebloom and Scootaloo, my sister, her friends, Spike, Lyra, even everypony in Ponyville have nice opinión of you, and don’t worry, in any case, I. . . I’ll protect you, as you protected me, so what you say, want to go meet the princesses?”

“I. . . I don’t know Sweetie bell, It’s just. . . “

At that moment, faster than a lighning, Sweetie bell kissed Alex forehead, much to his plesure but also for his surprise

“What?. . . for what was that for?”

“I casted an spell on you, as long as you have it, you will be safe, my mommy do it all the time, and see, no matter how much crussading I do with my friends, I never got seriously hurt, so I know it works”

Alex, after hearing her say that, knew there was no turning back now, he stood there with Sweetie bell in arms, before walking out of the room, Sweetie bell asked Alex to wake up her friends in her room, she wanted them to come along, Alex nooded, After another warm reunión with the rest of the crussaders and a fast explanation of past events, they finally proceded to go and find the princesses, this time, faster than Sweetie bell . . . Scootaloo took her spot in Alex shoulders.

“Hey!!, that’s my special spot Scootaloo”

“Cmon Sweetie bell, I really wanted to try this and I like it, I feel like a giant”

“but. . but”

“Cmon Sweetie bell (Applebloom said), sharing is caring.” (not to mention I want to try it too)

“uhg, fiiiiine” (at least Applebloom doesn’t seem to want to try it too)

Alex only chuckled “hahaha, that’s my sister, like Rarity you are generous too, ok let’s go”

“Ok Alex, and I’m glad to see you are not scared anymore”

Alex only thought

“to be honest. . . . . Me estoy cagando del miedo hermanita”

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