• Published 25th Jun 2014
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Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 1, Tragedy, conviction and.... WHAT PONIES??? No way!!!

(Alex P.O.V)

In 2007, Me, a 16 years old teenager, my little cute 10 years old sister and my parents were eating in our favorite restaurant in the world, Pizza Hut, we loved this place since it had some story with every one of us, there was the place where my father proposed to my mother, (Not a guy I want to ask for Love advices, that's for sure) my sister found her first little boyfriend here (they broke off when we went back home that night, yep, it was a 1 hour love relationship, way to go little Sis). And me?… well let say the sexy manager will always give me a good discount for a little help I gave her one night (. . . . yeah, I’d like it would be like THAT but no, I just helped her to become the girlfriend of one of my best friends, well, at least I get free pizza sometimes)

We used to go there at least once every month, but this time was different, we were celebrating, It was funny, I always thought the lottery was fake and a big fat lie, that no one could ever win those incredible money prices but who would say it? we won, it was just like a movie with an happy ending, we really hit the jackpot, (we were not poor, my mom and dad were really hard workers, they always gave me and my sister a good life and stuff, even I was already starting working in my own part-time job) anyway, while we were eating, we agreed that in the next morning, all of us, as a family would go together to Exchange the lottery ticket and start planing the best family vacations around the world. . . who would think, only one of us would do it.

I don't really know. . . if fate really hates me or loves me, the one thing I surely know is. . . .fate really has it's own plans, when we finished our dinner, I received a call from my friend Steven, he asked me if I could crash in his house to have a gaming party, (4 people killing each other playing call of duty or Street fighter) I really was in the mood, but I didn't want to be rude to my family, my folks noticed that excited look in my face and immediately agreed to let me go with promise that I would arrive home next day at 9.00 AM to go to Exchange the lottery ticket with them as planed, I agreed and gave them a kiss and a hug, my sister came too and tackled me in a bear hug (damn, she is a strong cute brat), as I did with my parents, I gave her a crushing hug and told her how much I loved her and be carefully with her next one night boyfriend (she giggled and kicked my leg at the same time, yep a Little cute brat), I was leaving the restaurant when something odd happened, the three of them in unison screamed. . . GOOD BYE ALEJANDRO, it wasn’t supposed to be odd, it wasn’t the first time they did that, It felt. . .like a real Good bye, I felt a little sad and even considering to stay with them, but as I am, I shake the feeling off and kept walking to Steven's home.

The night was good, we played until midnight, but it worth it, the next morning, I arrived at home exactly at 9:00 AM, but it was strange, dad's car was not there, hmm, well maybe some last minute shopping, anyway, I went inside the house, prepared some breakfast and waited for them, but at the 10:00 AM, I was starting to get a little worried, they couldn’t have gone to change the ticket without me right? I looked in the place where we hide it, and it was there, it was a relief but it also increased my worries, and in that very same moment the house’s phone rang, when I answered and listen to the other person behind the other line (a policeman from the hospital) my world shattered around me, my folks… my cute little sister…. There was a car accident, a drunken driver wasn’t paying attention or something like that and. . . CRASH, I didn’t really listen how it happened, I couldn’t care less, the thing I cared was. . . they were…… GONE, really? no, of course not! this was a nightmare, yeah a nightmare, I was wondering what my friends put in the soda and snacks last night that could give me this bad taste nightmare, I pinched my cheek once, didn't wake up, twice, still dreaming, hit my head to the table, (it hurt like a bitch) but no, this nightmare was a stubborn one. I was about to do it again when I received a late text message from my Iphone I just had charged recently, (the battery died just after I left the restaurant), the message was sent last night and. . . .it was from my father, I can only assumed this was sent after the accident for what it said:

"Son, I don't have much time, the first thing I want to say is. . .we love you, please never forget about us and your Guatemalan heritage, I'm sorry this have to happen, and I'm glad you were not with us, it wasn't your time yet I think, your sister and mother went ahead first but I know they wanted you to know this too. we will be waiting in heaven for you and your sons and grandsons, keep living, keep working hard, a little diet would be nice too (dad even dying you keep your funny side) please. . .don’t get carried away with the money we won, use it for what you think is best, always remember, no drugs, smoke or beer and from all of us let me say it one last time."

"We love you son, never change, keep living, we are proud of you!!!, your sister most of us"

I was just staring the device, I didn’t know how serious the accident was, but to think that maybe. he texted this, bleeding on the Street, having just lost his wife and daughter there or in a hospital bed, suffering for his injuries, he did this for me, he knew it was his time and he knew I needed a proper farewell, to know they love me at the very end, to know their sorrow and worries about me, maybe that I would be too shattered to think straight, and the first thing I’d do after receiving the notice. . . would be grabbing a knife or a rope and well…. You know, or sink myself in beer or drugs to try to forget, (after all in case all people forgot, I was f...rich at that moment), no…. my dad saw it coming, he didn't want that fate for me, he knew I would not be that easily defeated, but he wanted to make sure of my safety, he…..beyond secured my safety, he SAVED MY LIFE.

Well, I wont get in details about the funeral and the condolences from the other members of the family, I was 16 years after all, I was not a child that lost his folks, I was grown up young man, I had… to keep living and I did, (to be honest I cried every night for at least one month and a half, having nightmares about many things, but the worst ones were of. . .how I couldn't fulfill my promise on time for Ang. . . An. . . my sister), after two months, I was able to at least try to continue with my life.

Well, this is how I lost my family but gained something wonderful too, I don’t know if dad knew what he achieved with his last message, I think he did, along with my promise to my sister, he inspired me to live at my fullest, I had the money after all, but I was not planing to waste it in stupid things (just to be clear, I do not consider buying video games, comics, mangas, cards, etc, stupid things), I wanted adventures or at least being as near as an adventurer could be, but for my disgrace, I lacked from the motivation, I needed a spark, I played many games and watch many shows and cartoons, I thought the Prince of Persia Sands of time saga would do the trick, but no, who would say the games of certain assassins would be the ones.

Let's jump to now to 2012, I was 21, by then, I could say my training gave me good results, I wasn't a badass, but I also wasn't exactly a weakling any bully could push over, not to mention, I quit school, (shame on me, I know) thanks to some advices from “family” and friend, I invested the half of my fortune in small companies. . . and who would say, the results were magnificent, I could say by now that money was not and will never be a problem anymore. (of course I had a great portion saved in my cushion and closet, I'm not that stupid) I spent my days playing video games, at least once a year, traveling to diferent places as my family wanted to do together, the trips were fun and awesome, I wont lie, it was still hard, after all, that was the family plan from the beginning. Everything was good, considering at that time, next to assassins' creed, I had another love…..My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Author's Note:

Children NEVER but NEVER quit school, no matter how much money you have, quitting school is never a good idea.
i hope u like my story, i know still not in Equestria, but i dont want to rush things
i apreciate any good critic please.

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