• Published 25th Jun 2014
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Keep living for Friendship - alejin

After losing everything he loved, Alex thought it was the end but a promise and determination helped him to keep him alive, now he will venture to a world he never expected to see, Equestria, what adventures are waiting for him there, let's find out.

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Chapter 24, Princess Celestia. . . I really didn’t expect that

Alex and the crussaders exited Caroussel boutique to find the mane 6 or the princesses, they proceded to go to the Central hall where they supposed to be, in their way there Lyra came to them rushing to tackle Alex, but this time when she jumped, Alex had to dodge her, after all he still had Scootaloo on his shoulders, although is not a nice thing to feel, Alex and the crussaders had to admit her landing was priceless, she fell in the bushes with a sight of disbelief, her eyes looking exactly as Derpy’s, when she finally composed herself and troted to them, she said

“Alexis, how minnie, that wasn`t very nice from you, why did you dodge Lyra’s human special hug?”

“hehe, sorry Lyra but probably you didn’t see Scootalo on my head, if I’d had recieved that, I’d had let her fall, (Alex then much to her anger put Scootaloo down), now I’m ready, care to try again?”

Lyra then hugged him gently while he returned it

“It’s so good to see you back Alexis, I was so worried”

“thanks Lyra really, It’s nice to see you too my little human lover pony friend”

Lyra then relucant broke the hug and said

“Now tell me. . . what are you doing here?, Everypony, the princesses and their guards are looking for you, Twilight told me you ran away. . . why?”

“Well Lyra. . . let’s say I’m not really good meeting Royalty, I got a litt . . . I got really scared, that’s all (It’s princess Celestia for God Sake. . . . sorry Luna, I don’t know much about you. . . in fact I know nothing about you)”

“Oh!, I see, well. . . not to worry Alexis, they are really nice (as everypony had already toldme that, he thought), cmon let’s go to the central hall and wait for them”

“Wait??, why, where are they right now?”

“well. . . when we didn’t find you anywhere here on town, all of them went to the Old castle, they thought maybe you returned there. . . by the way, where were you?”

“. . . . ummmm, traped in my wardrobe”

“hahaha, really, where were you?”

“I told you, trapped in my wardrobe, Sweetie bell had to help me get out”

At that moment Lyra looked at Sweetie bell who gave her a nood indicating it was the truth, Lyra only stared at Alex for a few seconds before letting her fall in her back and stared to roll in the ground laughting like a maniac, she even was letting some tears coming out

“you. . . hahaha, trap. . . .trapped. . . hahaha. . . in your own. . . hahahaha, wardrobe, omigosh, this is so delicious, I hope I could be there to take a picture, hahaha”

“hehe, well. . . . even I have to admit it’s hilarious, ok. . . back to the topic, in how much time you think they will be back here?”

“hmm well, I think maybe in about one hour, they will search in all the castle and maybe around it, throught the forest, they will also search at Zecora’s place, even with the manticores, after all what Fluttershy told us, you are welcome with them now”

“Really?, well. . . . that’s nice (even though I can understand what they say), well in that case let’s go to the central hall then”,

In their way Alex inmediatily felt a little hoof pulling his sock (how she did it without fingers was beyond his understanding), it was Applebloom looking at him with pleading and puppy eyes

“Hmmm Alex. . . ah was thinking. . . is there a chance that, well you can, like Sweetie bell and Scoot. . . wuahhh”

Alex didn’t need to be a genious to know what Applebloom was asking, after all, everychildren loves it. . . her sister angela included, he inmediately raised Applebloom and put her on his shoulders, Sweetie bell and Lyra could not help show a little jealous faces.

“Wow. . . Scootaloo, yah were right, this is awesome, now ah feel like a giant too, even on Big Mac barrel. . . . the sight is so diferent”

“Glad you like it Applebloom, you know I used to do this with my little sister Angela when she was little”

“Oh!, so you have a little real sister??” Lyra asked excited

“Well. . . yes I had”

“Yah. . . . had?” Applebloom asked

“Yeah, well now, as I told my sister Sweetie bell, let’s just say, she is in ELISIUM now”

“Oh, like mah momma and Daddy, great!”

(So, she is really doesn’t have parents, and wow, she didn’t even flich, what a strong fillie, Alex thought) “yeah, just like them Applebloom”

Alex then inmediatily felt Lyra hugging him again as she whispered

“I’m sorry Alexis, please forgive me, I didn’t know”

Alex patted her head and said

“Don’t be Lyra, after all, sooner or later I was planning to tell you and the girls about my family, and besides, trust me, Is an issue that no longer make me sad. . . maybe a little, but also makes me happy, for thanks to my little sister Sweetie bell, I finally moved on and I know they are in a better place now” (not to mention Angela even paid me a visit. . . maybe)

“Ok. . . thanks Alexis, and know this, if you ever want to talk about it or anything. . . don’t doubt to come to see me”

“Thanks Lyra, you are a good friend, ok, now, let’s keep going, I have some Princesses to meet”

The rest of the walk was normal, they talked about what happened when he was resting in the hospital, how Pinkie pie was planing a “congratulations for getting out of the hospital” party, Twilight discussing with Zecora her findings and the right amount of ingredients to make Manticore’s poison antidote for humans, which Zecora was really impresed, how Everypony visited him every single day, then the CMC shared some stories with him, like the sister and hoovesocial competition Sweetie bell and Rarity almost won, Applebloom having “cutie pox??”, when they worked for the school press and gained the dislike of all ponyville.

Alex was listening carefully and wishing this events would be in episodes to watch when. . . . he'd return home.

When they arrived at the Central Hall, they didn’t find the princesses or the mane 6, obviously they hadn’t came back yet, Alex, not wanting to wait outside (the sun was a little heater this day, thanks a lot Celestia), told the girls.

“Well CMC, I think it will take a little more time until they come, what about if we go to the nearby park, obviously when they arrived somepony or ponies will scream it out or something like that, everypony nooded, once in the park Alex found a confortable spot under a tree to rest while he and Lyra watched the CMC playing, they were so adorable, the could show some maturity sometimes but they indeed were still children, then Lyra sat next to him, they were enjoying this relaxing time, after some minutes Lyra spoke

“This is really nice”

“Yes it is, Like those days in the park with my sister Angela, I really forgot what a really relaxing time felt like”

“Alex. . . can I ask you a little serious question?”

“As always Lyra, go on”

“Alex. . . . . have you ever considered in. . . . staying here. . . in Equestria??”

“Uh?, what you mean?”

“I mean, you at the party said you wanted to ask the Princesses if they can send you back home, but you also believed the chances are 0, but tell me, what if there is a slight posibility that they actually can, would you return there today?” Lyra was shaking a little by now

“Hmmmm, to be honest, No, not yet at least, I’d like to spend here at least some more weeks, you know, knowing more about you, the rest of the gang, training with Spike a little more, know this place you call Canterlot, and many other things”

“I. . . see, but what I really meant was, would you like. . . . to live here forever??”

“Part of me says . . . I’d like that, but I wont”


“Well Lyra, as I said at the party, I’m out of place here, this is not my home, it’s yours, also I want to return, I don’t dislike my world, there are so many things I still want to do (not to mention, so many games to play, my comics, mangas. . . damn out of the topic), and besides, I must be with the humans, It’s what I am, remember?” (And . . . . in a sad way to see it. . . I don’t have a future here)

“But. . .”

“Lyraaa, please, don’t push this topic, let’s wait what the princesses say, depending of that I promise we will talk deeper about this ok?”

“ok, but just know this, I don’t want you to go, so do many other ponies and a dragon, think about that”

“. . . . I promise I will”

After saying that, Alex just stayed there, thinking about what Lyra just told him, he kept thinking until slumber finally took over him and his friend


At the Entrance of Ponyville (30 mins later)

After searching every posible place where Alex could be at the Forest and sharing some stories about what happened the past week, (Princess Celestia and Luna seemed pretty shocked by this time) The Mane 6, the princesses and the royal guards were walking to the Central hall, hoping if somepony had seen Alex and reported to Mayor Mare, in their way there, they noticed something. . . unusual, someponies were looking a tree in the park, there weren’t many but it was enough to block what it was, when they finally reached there, everypony bowed to the princesses and they could finally see, there. . . was the human, resting with a sleepy Sweetie bell in his lap and the other two crussaders and Lyra next to him, it was really a tender moment, all the mane six just dawwwwww, but unfortunatelly that wasn’t the case with the princesses, they both narrowed their eyes and Celestia said to her unicorn guards,

“Guard, quickly! Move the fillies and Miss Lyra far away from that creature!!

Twilight noticing this, inmediately wanted to say something but was interrupted by princess Celestia shooting again


The guards, not wanting to fail following her orders proceded to levitate the fillies and Lyra as quickly as posible, this caused the fillies and Lyra to wake up very surprised, then Lyra said

“What the. . . . what are you doing, I was having a nice nap, hey. . . let me go”

“Sorry Miss, but we have orders, also we need to save you from that. . . monster over there”

Lyra narrowing her eyes just thought (Oh no!! you didn’t just say that!)

Sweetie bell and the crussaders were also struggling, they didn’t like what was happening, Sweetie bell said

“Let us go!! Why are you doing this, I was having a nice nap with my brother, his lap was so confortable”

She tried to use her own magic, but nothing came, noticing it, she started to struggle harder

“Easy Little brats, I’m trying to help you” The guard said and then tighted the grip on them, it caused to Sweetie bell to squeak a little

“Hey. . . . you. . . are hurting me. . . .ahhh. . . Alex help!!!”

“Just shut up or I will have to forcé the grip a little mo. . . . . .”

At that very moment the guard was interrupted by the most unexpected thing that could happen to a guard, it was a. . . . sole, a shoe sole directly in his face, it was too quick, the hit sent him flying at least one meter, he lost his focus to keep the fillies in air, Scootaloo and Applebloom wer caught by Rarity and Twilight magic while Sweetie bell landed in Alex’s arms, he putted her down and told her to go to their friends and sister side, when the remaining guards saw their partner on the ground, they inmediatily turned to see the culprit, there they saw him, the strange creature that was sleeping under the tree no more than a minute ago , with an angry expression, to their surprise and the princess he said

“Rarity, Twilight?, are Applebloom and Scootaloo ok??”

“Yes darling, they are fine, thank you”

“Good, ok, YOU THERE!, (he pointed the one who was restricting Lyra), Let her go, or you will feel what your partner over there is already feeling”

The guard only stared back with an stoic and anger expression and shooked his head

“Ok. . . have it your way then” Alex said and inmediatily charged to the guard, jumping to also give him an aerial kick, but he was stopped inmediatily by a deep blue aura”


After that she threw him to the tree, he flew and slamed the tree with his back and and landed with his stomach and face, he still managed to cover it with his hands at the last minute, as he was trying to stand up, the princesses started to aproach him

“Princess Celestia wait!! Twilight said

“Not now Twilight!” Celestia said and then casted a Magic bubble aroung her, Luna and Alex who was still trying to compose himself under the tree, When Alex finally managed to stand up, he inmediately was surronded by an Aura, but this time it was a golden one, Alex felt himself being levitated, he was dragged until he was finally face to face with princess Celestia, she only examinated him with her eyes narrowed, then she finally said

“I see Starswirl the bearded was right, you really are barbaric and filthy creatures. . . too dangerous to be near my little ponies”

“What. . . did you say?” Alex said while trying to get free

“Star. . . well, of course you don’t know him, he was a really gifted unicorn that lived centuries ago, he managed somehow to visit your world, and he wrote a journal about your. . . . violent kind, he studied you for days. . . ”

“I see, and he said we are barbaric, well. . . that’s really one way to see us”

“SILENCE!!, (Celestia said, using her own royal canterlot voice), YOU WILL NOT SPEAK UNLESS I COMAND YOU TO, Ok now tell me, how you came here, what are your plans, are you here to infect us with your violent nature??”

Alex was speechless, why was princess Celestia acting like this, granted she was maybe protecting her subjects, but to be hostile at the begining? she was judging him only for some old geezer journal??

“I. . . I don’t know how I got here, I was teleported here somehow and ended in the Everfree forest, that’s all, I don’t have a plan, and even if I do, it would never consist in harming you or your ponies”

“LIES!!!, Luna shouted, we already heard of what you have done, you have already killed 2 living creatures, instead of trying to look for a peacefull solution, it’s obvious you are dangerous”

Twilight, after hearing that, screamed outside the bubble

“Princesses, we already told you, he had no other choice!!!, he did it because he had to, we told you that because we wanted you to know he cares for us, please listen to me!”

“I’m sorry my faithfull student, but even though it’d be true, acording to Starswirl and the behaviour he showed to my guard, it’s obvious he is hostile, we have to banish him out of Equestria”

After hearing this, Lyra who was still holded by the guard inside the bubble (without the princesses noticing it yet), gaining forcé from nowhere, managed to get free from the guard grip and shot him with a light beam, letting him unconcious, after that, she used her magic to set Alex free too, much to Celestia surprise, and she stood between Alex and the princesses

“What are you doing my little pony, stay away from that human!!”

“No!, he is my friend”

“What??, but haven’t you heard what we said, Stars. . . “

“Yes! I know what you said, but. . . . that’s not the whole story!!”

“What you mean, my little pony?”

“Remember Starswirl the bearded used to have some aprentices helping him gathering information about his researches?”

The princesses nooded

“Well my great, great. . . Elder grandpa Lightscroll Heartstrings was one of them, and he. . . also visited the human world alongside with Starswirl, he even made his own journal without him knowing about it”

“What??!!!, and why you never told us any of this”

“Well. . . . because. . . that journal. . . was the only real proof I had about the existence of humans, I didn’t want it to be taken away from me”

“I see, but. . . if you have a journal about humans written by a pony who meet them, I believe this. . . journal also mentions about their hostile nature”

“well.. . . . yes, It said things like that”

“See, then why. . .” Celestia was saying when she was interrupted

“But it also tells about the humans good qualities”

“. . . . . Care to Explain?” Luna said

“Well, while is true he tells in his journey about humans constant wars and conflicts, but he also said. . . . he and even the great Starswirl the bearded were able to see their culture, their festivities, their education, the music, happy families, how the good parents protected their children, even thought there were tyrant kings, there also were good kings trying to make their kingdoms happy, just. . . just like here, It’s true they solve many conflicts with violence, but almost every human chooses that as a last resource, besides it’s been centuries since those journals were written, I believe if the humans were hostile and nothing more, they wouldn’t even be existing by now, don’t you think?”

“You indeed have a point my little pony, maybe the humans are much more than just violence, but even though, for the safety of our little ponies. . . we cannot take any chances, I’m really sorry, but he needs to leave Equestria and go back where he came from”

Lyra only gasped after hearing that, she was shocked, her human friend was going to be banished, Everypony in Ponyville who were watching everything by now, were also shocked, were their princesses really gona banish the human that helped them, Sweetie bell was crying by this moment, she didn’t want to believe it, in fact many ponies looked sad, even the Mayor, Alex noticed this, he was sad as well, but most of all he was pissed, how it was possible, Celestia was judging him for his anscestors, he really wanted to talk back to her, to tell her she was wrong, that he would never do anything to anypony, but he didn’t, maybe it was his brony side, because he. . . deep down still respected Celestia so much, why did this have to end like this? He thought, so he decided to do nothing, he felt. . . ashamed but there was another problem now, Alex knew if he was going to be banish, he would not stand a chance at that moment outside Equestria, (no hidden blades, bow, provitions, etc), after some thinking he had an idea, it was a really stupid one, but hey, almost all his ideas were stupid. (At least it would give him more time if it worked) He moved next to Lyra and cleared his throat

“ehem, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, may I speak??”

They both shared a surprise look, after all what happened, he was showing some manners?? they thought it was a trick so they decided to play along

“Yes, you may, what is it human?”

“You insist, I must be banished, if that’s is your decisión, as the Rulers you are . . . I can only accept it. . . (damn, why I’m feel so sad), but tell me something, are you planning to teleport me to where?? The moon? I can’t breath there, I will die inmediately and my head will POP, to outside Equestria?, without supplies or my tools, I wont stand a chance for more than a day, to another kingdom like the griffons and minotaurs?, they will judge me and will try to kill me and again I don’t have tools to fight back, you are talking about we are barbaric and cruel, but tell me, aren’t you doing the same thing right now??”

“Well. . . . we. . . we”

“I see you didn’t think this through. . . . ok, let me propose you something”

“proceed” Luna said

“Give me one more week here, I need to make new weapons since the ones I had were destroyed in my fight the Manticore, also I need to get supplies for a long journey, Applejack told me she will help me to find a blacksmith so I can recreate my broken tools, but I’ll need one week to have what I’m going to need, please, grant me that week and you will not have to worry about sending me to my death, since you will at least will let me go prepared. . . what you say??”

The princesses only stared at Alex, somehow they knew he wasn’t lying, been the previous wielders of the Element of harmony including honesty help it a lot, after some thinking Celestia (with a dissapointed expresión?) finally said

“very well human, we really have our doubts about this, but. . . . considering you haven’t harm any pony in our absence, we will grant you this one and only wish, but be warned, if we know you hurt one single pony, we will come back here and banish you inmediatily and not in a kind way, are we clear?? (Alex nooded) we will be back in one week, be ready and determinated.

After that the princesses made the forcé bubble disapear, Sweetie bell inmediatelly rushed to Alex and hug him tightly, everypony (the mane 6, spike and Lyra) joined the hug. After some seconds Celestia said

“Ok, human, know this, we will be back in exactly 7 days, as I said, be prepared, and. . . . (she was now refering to everypony) I’m sorry my little ponies for not staying to celebrate with you, I promise after this week, we will come back to see you and we will celebrate once this human is gone”

Nopony dared to say anything, they already liked Alex but the Loved Princess Celestia a lot more, the fillies only stayed silent because their parents told them to, not even the Elements dared to say anything.

After that Celestia and Luna got in their carriot and proceded to go back to Canterlot, once they both gone, Twilight only stared at Alex and ashamed said

“I’m sorry Alex, I’m so sorry, I never thought they would react like that? But don’t worry, I. . . I know we can think of something, yeah, we will, you’ll see”

“It’s ok Twilight, she is thinking about you, she wants to protect all of you”

“Protect us from what?? from you darling??, please, you have already proven you will not harm us, why she didn’t listen” Rarity said

“Relax girls, everypony and Spike, who knows, many things can happen in one week. . . and if that is her decisión. . . I can only guess is for the best, right?. . . (silence) Ok, Applejack?

“Yeh Sugarcube?”

“Can we please go look for Big Mac, I really need to start working in my weapons right away”

“sure thing, c’mon follow me”

Alex then alongside with Applejack proceded to go for BigMac so he could introduce him the blacksmith, Everypony tried to follow them but with the exception of Spike were stopped by Alex who told them it was something he and Spike needed to do by themselves, everypony understood (he was his Partner after all), so they left them be, so then Alex, Applejack and Spike proceded to go to Sweet Apple Acress.

Author's Note:

Ok. . . .Another chapter, hope you like it
please comment
P.S. what did you expect?, Celestia at first impression saying something like. . . "Welcome to Equestria my dear human"

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